So looking at my Leader I'm thinking of going
Archivist of Galaedros
Circle Magic feat (ghostwalk)
Spontaneous Summoner feat
Dynamic Priest feat (casting off CHA)
@6 Leadership (use high CHA, and have location)
@6.1 Extra Followers
Get Create Rune Circle, for things like Rune Circle of Endless Water, use this as a mechanism for powering waterwheels, and for traps/ water flows out of main entrance, and is turned off when people come in or out
@6 with an 18 Charisma I should have 25 x 1st level, 2 x 2nd level and 1 x 3rd level followers and a 4th level Cohort
@6.1 with an 18 Charisma I should have 50 x 1st level, 4 x 2nd level and 2 x 3rd level followers and a 4th level Cohort (not including my normal 50 villages)
The break up of these will include at least 20 x 1st level divine casters of Galaedros, probably Archivists (so we can get every 1 st level cleric spell)
Find a way to cast Opalescent Glare, and work out who to cast it on... (affects 5HD, if Evil = die/fear 2d10 rounds other alignment = fear 2d10, if over 5hd fear 2d10)
Divine bard, with Improvisation spell
Druids, some with Elemental Companions (Air and Earth) Air can be used for scouts, earth can be used as a means to ease mining of resources
Druid, shapechangers
Mystic Rangers
What would be good classes to have and what would be good empire spells...