Okay, so for the big, massive battle that my 11th level gestalt PC's engaged in, I allowed them to be outfitted with 12th level wealth by level (in part because there were only three PC's plus a DMPC, and just because they needed it). They succeeded in the massive battle, which took about seven game sessions to complete, and in so doing, reached 12th level.
They also gained over 100,000 gp in treasure. As his 12th level feat, one of the players chose Craft Wondrous Item, and to give him a bit more coin to work with after the battle (ie - during two months of winter), I was generous with the rate they got on selling items they didn't want (75%, rather than 50%).
However, all told between individual treasure and "party loot" (used for healing and whatnot), they now have ~130k per party member, whereas 12th level wealth is 88k. The WBL guidelines have 13th level wealth at 110k, and 14th level wealth at 150k. So, my target is to have treasure-light encounters between now and when they reach 14th level, where I should have them just about right on target.
In the interim, should I adjust the CR of individual creatures they are fighting? Or adjust the total EL of an encounter down by one (which in turn means they face more enemies per encounter)? What suggestions would you give for accounting for this extra wealth via the CR system, at least until they are once again close to the WBL guidelines?