Also nice
If used, would the +2 circumstance bonus from Expert Tactician (EA) overlap or stack with the +1 from Distracting Attack (DA)?
I think they would stack, because although the bonus are the result of the same action (in this case a melee AoO), they aren't caused by the same thing (i.e.: DA needs an attack and EA needs a hit). Correct?
Still a good thing to have, if you can afford feats.
My current character can't, although i'm pretty much trying to follow a Combat Refexes path with it. I'm playing for the flanking character: Vexing Flanker + Adaptable Flanker (+ Amulet of Teamwork, MIC p.70 + Ring of Piercing Spells, MIC p.126)*.
IMHO, flanking might occur more frequently than AoOs, unless i find a way to provoke them regularly like with "Robilar's Gambit"... but that particular feat comes at a way too steep price for the character.
EDIT: *cheap items for good effects when playing a Duskblade aimed on hoping and flanking around the battlefield, using his reach weapon and armor spikes