This is CLOSE to finalization. I'm currently torn between picking other feats and/or spells (battle angel in lieu of precise shot mainly) and possibly using the money from either the periapt or the cloak to found a legacy on my Bow instead.
I'm torn between lotus and brotherhood, since she's here to shift the status quo but also wants to make everyone good in doing so.
I could join both and eat the -20 in brotherhood's score...
Sheet reposted below in case Dndsheets goes down. I only use it over MW because it has a box for spell resist. Later on I'll probably be able to offtank because sweet jesus are angels tough to punch through.
Note about Physical stats: Saniel's true form up there is about as tall as a Deva, which is to say 'freaking tall', she's 7'5". Forms she assume tend to be
Ridiculously Photogenic .
Their origins and backgrounds were varied. Their philosophies and methodology encompassed everything under the sun of good. Surviving clergy of Moradin, Pelor, St. Olidammara, Corellan and a few celestial paragons besides comprised their members. Their desperation was palpable at every step. Just two years ago the harried and persecuted group-by-nescessity of clergy that the Praesidio had come to call 'the Desperados' had against all odds succeeded in acquisition of a divine focus (a a bona fide Solar Angel's feather, if you're curious) needed to allow a ritual to Gate in the creature associated. Fleeing far to the eastern edge of the Imperium's territory ahead of assassins and worse they gathered what they could and completed the ritual in a neglected old bastion.
There was their righteous retribution, their wrath of the heavens manifest. The gate would call forth the strongest member of the strongest order of good outsiders and her heavenly army would strike the Dark God down with righteous anger and furious vengeance, the radient light was fading and out of it strode-
What a bunch of Acolytes and a junior clergy GOT on the center of a platform was Saniel, who stood out from a typical Aasimar in being kind of awkwardly towering over them. Their angel of vengeance didn't even have wings! Despite her assurances to the contrary, they assumed they had failed and had simply gated over some random petitioner, even after she showed off her angelic alternate form capacity by mimicking all their forms in turn. Shaniel was young as the Aasimon tribe reckons things, barely into her second century. Having had the most fun tooling around in Ysgard and expecting a long and unremarkable career as a planar army officer she was rather taken aback to have found she's to be sent to the mortal world to fight evil there. The Desperados brought her up to speed in customs and history as best they were able in a few days out of common decency.
The Desperados disbanded to hopefully shake off the assassins, expecting their wayward magical mistake to vanish into the night and local legends of this backwater province, or seek banishment back to the heavens.
Naturally, they were wrong. Resolved to her purpose in life, Shaniel in one form or another took up arms and made her way to the capital. The angel of today is less naive and more powerful, and a simple show of her true nature in secret to the brotherhood earned her acceptance there. Now on the advice of the Brotherhood, she enters the grand magic games to gain the power, both mystical and social, to begin the revolution to good.
This dude.Name: Shaniel
Text in true form:
BeholdText in alternate forms:
BeholdStr : 11 : +0 (10 base) (+1 racial at level 4)
Dex : 16 : +3 (16 base)
Con : 12 : +1 (12 base)
Int : 14 : +2 (14 base)
Wis : 17 : +4 (16 base) (+1 racial at level 3) (+2 Periapt)
Cha : 22 : +6 (18 base) (+1 racial at level 6) (+2 Cloak) (+1 level 4 bonus)
HP : 84 (8d6+30)
Fort : +3 [+9] {+9 vs. poison, petrify} (2 Class, 1 con) [+6 cha against evil]
Reflex : +5 [+11] (2 Class, 3 dex) [+6 cha against evil]
Will : +9 [+15] (5 Class, 4 wis) [+6 cha against evil]
Damage Reduction: 3/Evil and Magic (Celestial Skin)
AC : 20 [26] (10 base, 3 dex, +2 armor bracers, +6 Natural, [+6 Deflection against evil], -1 flaw)
Touch AC : 12 [18] (10 base, 3 dex [+6 Deflection against evil], -1 flaw)
Flat Foot: 17 [23] (10 base, +2 armor, +6 Natural [+6 Deflection against evil], -1 flaw)
Energy Resistance:
Acid 6
Cold 6
Fire 3
Electricity 3
Spell Reisistance: 17 (11 level 6)
Speed : 30 base, fly 60 (2x base)
Initiative : +3 [12] (3 dex) [optional +4 Sign, +5 Nerveskitter]
BAB : +6/+1 (+6 Angel)
Trip : +6 (+0 strength, +0 size, +6 BAB)
Grapple : +6 (+6 bab, +0 strength, +0 size)
Weapons :
Slam (1d10, x2)
+6 (+6 BAB, +0 Str)
Special: Natural
Special: Usable only when no other weapons are in hand.
Masterwork Composite (+0) Longbow (1d8, x3) (110 range)
+14/+14/+9 [+15/+15/+11] (+6/+1 BAB, +3 Dex, [+1 Point blank], + 6 Charisma, +1 Masterwork)
Special: Least Crystal of Return slotted
Special: Adds dex and +1 to attacks and damage when in 30' of target
Masterwork Greatsword (1d10, 19-20/x2)
+13/+8 (+6/+1 BAB, +0 Str, +6 Charisma, +1 Masterwork)
Special: Least Crystal of Return Slotted
Trait: Honest (+1 Diplo, -1 sense motive & bluff)
Flaw: Inattentive (-2 to spot, listen)
Flaw: Vulnerable (-1 to AC)
Feat: Point Blank Shot (level 1)
Feat: Body of Belief (level 1 flaw bonus)
Feat: Rapid Shot (Level 1 flaw bonus)
Feat: Quicken Spell Like Ability (Summon Servant) (Level 3)
Feat: Precise Shot (Level 6)
Class Abilities
Simple Weapon Proficiency, Two Martial weapons of choice.
Celestial Body - Gives outsider traits, slam natural attack, Nat armor bonus equal to Charisma Modifier
Celestial Blood - Angel spellcasting, detailed below. (Level 1)
Heavenly Miracle - Angel Spell-like abilities, detailed below. (Level 1)
Change Shape - as SRD ability, any small or medium humanoid. (Level 1)
Summon Servant - Use Summon Monster III as an SLA 1 per day per HD, fiendish creatures are re-templated to celestial. (Level 2)
Righteous Warrior - add CHA to attack rolls with martial weapons you are proficient with from first level. (Level 3)
Ability Score Increase STR (Level 4)
Ability Score Increase WIS (level 3)
Ability Score Increase CHA (level 6)
Celestial Skin - Gain DR/Evil and magic equal to HD, SR 11+HD, alterable at will as a free action at ANY time, even when not your turn. (Level 4)
Lesser Protective Aura - As magic circle against evil, but 20' range, and the bonus to AC and saves is the Angel's Charisma Mod. (Level 5)
Wings - Grow beautiful white feathered wings allowing you to fly as an EX equal to twice your land speed. (Level 6)
Lvl 1 : 2 class + 2 int : 4 * 4 : 16 (total)
Lvl 2 : 2 class + 2 int : 4 : 20 (total)
Lvl 3 : 2 class + 2 int : 4 : 24 (Total)
Lvl 4 : 2 class + 2 int : 4 : 28 (Total)
Lvl 5 : 2 class + 2 int : 4 : 32 (Total)
Lvl 6 : 2 class + 2 int : 4 : 36 (Total)
Appraise : +2 (+2 Int bonus)
Balance : +3 (+3 dex bonus)
Bluff : +6 (+6 Cha bonus, -1 trait)
Climb : 0 (+0 str bonus)
*Concentration : +15 (+6 Cha bonus, +9 ranks)
DecipherScript : +2 (+2 Int bonus)
*Diplomacy : +6 (+6 Cha bonus))
Disable Device : +2 (+2 Int bonus)
Disguise : +6 (+6 Cha bonus)
Escape artist : +3 (+3 dex bonus)
Forgery : +2 (+2 Int bonus)
Gather info : +6 (+6 Cha bonus)
Handle Animal : +6 (+6 Cha bonus)
*Heal : +4 (+4 Wis bonus)
Hide : +3 (+3 dex bonus)
Intimidate : +6 (+6 Cha bonus)
Jump : 0 (+0 str bonus)
*Know arcana : +5 (+2 Int bonus, +3 ranks)
*Know nature : +3 (+2 Int bonus, +1 ranks)
*Know dungeon: +3 (+2 Int Bonus, +1 ranks)
*Know Architecture: +3 (+2 int bonus, +1 ranks)
*Know Nobility: +3 (+2 int bonus, +1 ranks)
*Know religion : +5 (+2 Int bonus, +3 ranks)
*Know History: +3 (+2 Int bonus, +1 ranks)
*Know Geography: +3 (+2 Int Bonus, +1 ranks)
*Know planes : +5 (+2 Int bonus, +3 ranks)
*Know local : +5 (+2 Int Bonus, +3 ranks)
*Listen : +3 (+3 Wis bonus,)
Move silently : +3 (+3 dex bonus)
Open Lock : +3 (+3 dex bonus)
*Perform : +6 (+6 Cha bonus)
Ride : +3 (+3 dex bonus)
Search : +2 (+2 Int bonus)
*Sense motive : +3 (+3 Wis bonus)
Sleight/hand : +3 (+3 dex bonus)
Speak Language :
*Spellcraft : +11 (+2 Int bonus, +9 ranks)
*Spot : +1 (+3 Wis bonus, -2 flaw)
*Survival : +3 (+3 Wis bonus)
Swim : +0 (+0 str bonus)
Tumble : +3 (+3 dex bonus)
UseMagicDevice : +6 (+6 Cha bonus)
Use rope : +3 (+3 dex bonus)
* in class
Spells - cast as a cleric with no domains and two spells per angel level known +3 cantrips. Caster level 4, per houserules.
Lvl 0 : 5/day (DC 14, level 0 spell + 4 Wis)
Detect Magic x2
Detect Poison x2
Create Water x1
Lvl 1 : 4/day (3 Cleric slots + 1 high wis) (DC 15, level 1 spell +4 wis)
Sanctuary x1
Blessed Aim x1
Resurgance x1
Divine Favor x1
Lvl 2 : 4/day (3 cleric slots +1 high wis) (DC 16, level 2 spell +4 wis)
Divine Insight x1
Eagle's Splendor x1
Close Wounds x1
Lore of the Gods x1
Lvl 3 : 3/day (2 cleric slots +1 high wis), (DC 17, level 2 spell +4 wis)
Girallon's Blessing x1
Ghost Touch Weapon
Mass Conviction x1
Vision of the Omniscient Eye
(One slot left open)
Spell Like Abilities gained from the heavenly miracle ability. Per SRD, require no focus and are thus CL 6
ALL DCs are 17 (10 +1/2 HD + wis bonus). Caster level 6.
Level 1 Equivalent
Remove Fear 12/day (2 per day per HD)
Detect Evil 12/day (2 per day per HD)
Detect Snares and Pits 12/day (2 per day per HD)
Level 2 Equivalent
*Continual Flame 6/day (1 per day per HD)
Aid 12/day (2 per day per HD)
**Invisibility 6/day (1 per day per HD)
Lesser Restoration 6/day (1 per day per HD)
Resist Energy 6/day (1 per day per HD)
***See Invisibility continously
* without paying the GP cost, this lasts 10 minutes per level
** self only
Level 3 Equivalent
Speak with Dead 6/day (1 per day per HD)
Dispel Magic 3/day (1 per day per 2 HD)
Remove Curse 3/day (1 per day per 2 HD)
Remove Disease 3/day (1 per day per 2 HD)
Level 4 Equivalent
***Tongues continously
*** always active. Can be dispelled, but angels can immediately resume it next round as a free action.
Starting gold 13000
- 4000 Cloak of Charisma +2
- 1000 Dispelling Cord
- 800 Color coded Illustrated card pamphlet set of information about Gratis' Arcana, Religions, Planes and Local interests (4 masterwork tools of Knoweldge Arcan, Religion, Planes, Local)
- 900 three potions of Heroics
- 1800 Quiver of Ehlonna
- 700 Masterwork weapons
- 600 Two Crystals of Least return
- 750 Healing Belt
- 1400 Anklet of Translocation
- 100 2 oils of magic weapon
- 100 2 Mage Armor potions
- 150 wand of Sign (10/50 charges)
- 150 wand of Lesser Vigor (10/50 charges)
- 450 wand of Guidance of the Avatar (5/50 charges)
- 25 Silver Holy Symbol
225 gp remain
Magic item slots
Armor :
Arms :
Cloak : Charisma +2
Eyes :
Feet : Anklet of Translocation
Hands :
Head : Periapt of Wisdom +2
Neck :
Ring 1:
Ring 2:
Vest : Dispelling Cord
Waist : Healing Belt
Misc: Potions
Misc: Quiver
1st Affiliation: Brotherhood of Redemption.
Rank: Brother... well, Sister.
Total: 5
Benefits: +2 to diplomacy checks against evil creatures
Character Level: +3 (1/2 of max 6)
Able to Cast Divine Spells: +1
Levels in Celestial: +1