Author Topic: sanity check [animated objects]  (Read 1192 times)

Offline altpersona

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sanity check [animated objects]
« on: December 29, 2012, 09:59:13 PM »
this is several questions disguised as one topic  :eh

a caster and an animated object or a an animated object that is a caster 20

the animated object (has int >3 and ~37 cha (27 base + lvls + tomes, no age or items) )

base object has 0 hardness 40hp from object (huge animated object gets 40 extra hp, i think these are from the objectness/materialness)

the animated object is / is not still a valid target for Augment Object and Hardening spells?

hardening would add 10 hardness
augment would after would add another 10 and 40hp ?

for a combined effect of 20 hardness buffer before hp damage starts?

also, assuming this object was animated /  awakened on the plan of shadow. the Shadow Creature template would be feasible? bestowing the Magical Beast type as well as the [augmented] Construct type?

it would gain a Con score(?) due to being a MB? gain MB traits, keep Construct features? (sucks loosing construct traits) if thats right, how is the Con score generated? 3d6? (does it say this somewhere?)

when the type changes to MB [augmented] construct is it still a valid target (if it ever was) for Augment Object or Hardening?

the project im on ends in Outsider after MB. the outsider bit says (native), but if its not from the prime material (its shadow) then its not (native) right? or is/should that be considered an absolute?
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Anim-manga still sux.