11/11/11 -
Spellsage: Spellsages now have access to seven circles, chosen at 1st level.
11/14/11 -
Savant: Savants now have a poor Fortitude save and no longer have the Lore Mastery class feature.
11/18/11 -
Anchorite: The Devouring Shadow aura now specifies that temporary hit points gained from its effect last until the end of the encounter. No more slaughtering puppies to prepare for the big bad!
12/12/11 -
Elemental Adept: Elemental companions now scale with shaper level and receive an extra attack at 7th level. However, elemental aura no longer causes your spellshape attacks and arcane formulae to deal extra damage. Elemental Empowerment has lost a useless paragraph that was no longer applicable. Elemental Magic has been redone. ----
Impulse Mage: Rules text regarding the number of formulae that occur to you when you recover your formulae has been clarified slightly.
12/15/11 -
Dragonheart Adept: Spellshape Focus and Greater Spellshape Focus now increase the save DC of your breath weapon by 1 and 2, respectively. In addition, if you choose the Desert Wind or Shadow Hand martial discipline, you use your Charisma modifier in place of your Wisdom modifier for the purpose of calculating save DCs.
12/16/11 -
General: All spellshapers, except for spellsages, are now proficient with--and capable of shaping formulae in--light armor. All spellshapers other than spellsages may now also change their prepared formulae once per encounter, as a swift action. ----
Impulse Mage: The number of formulae that occur to you when you recover your formulae has been adjusted.
12/28/11 -
Dragonheart Adept: Formulae and Maneuvers known increased, making it easier to gish well. A new class feature added at 4th level to give you a scaling enhancement bonus on attacks with your natural weapons. In addition, you can now channel your spellshape attack through your attacks while your breath weapon is unavailable.
12/30/11 -
Spellshape Champion: A single move action is now sufficient to recover all of your expended formulae, regardless of when you shaped them. In addition, the class lost Armored Shaper, Spellshaping Prowess, and Moment of Timelessness. In exchange, it received Armor Mastery, Champion's Resolve, Shaper's Focus, and the
baseline ability to shape in all types of armor.
1/10/12 -
Dragonheart Adept: Scales moved to 2nd level, bonus feats added, allowed to use Charisma in place of Constitution for metabreath feats.
1/11/12 -
Spellshape Champion: Number of formulae known and prepared significantly increased. Recovery mechanic tweaked again.
1/11/12 -
Sublime Shaper: Renamed. The "Strikes" line of abilities can now also augment martial strikes. Forceful Blows replaces your Strength bonus with Charisma, rather than letting them stack. Arcane Assault no longer counts as a use if it misses.
1/12/12 -
Dragonheart Adept and Sublime Shaper: Changed the recovery mechanics slightly. You can now recover only one ability per round from shaping formulae or initiating maneuvers, but a full attack lets you recover two abilities of your choice.
1/12/12 -
Spellshape Champion: Recovery mechanic tweaked again.
1/13/12 -
Sublime Shaper: Arcane sight and improved uncanny dodge moved around. Sublime Focus added.
1/30/12 -
Elemental Adept: Elemental companions now gain an enhancement bonus on attack rolls and to AC equal to 1/4 their master's shaper level. ----
Spellshape Champion: Armor Mastery ability divided between 9th and 18th levels. ----
Sublime Shaper: Rebuke Spell made into an immediate action.
2/22/12 -
Dragonheart Adept: Popped scales back to 2nd level, removed Charisma bonus to AC, restricted options for secondary disciplines, slightly reduced formulae/maneuvers known, removed stances.
2/29/12 -
Spellshape Champion: Hit Die increased to d12, Champion's Threat removed, Armor Mastery reconsolidated and moved to level 7, Enduring Champion moved to level 18. ----
Anchorite: Anchorite now has a formal "Spellshape Attacks" ability, clarifying the point that they do, in fact, receive spellshape attacks.
3/27/12 -
Elemental Adept: Overhauled much of the class, giving you a more compelling reason to not immediately start taking prestige class levels.
3/29/12 -
Elemental Adept: Spellshape Attunement has been replaced with Attuned Adept.
3/31/12 -
Elemental Adept: General quality of life changes.
7/2/12 -
Sublime Shaper: The Sublime Shaper's Formulae and Maneuvers known and readied have been reduced at all levels.
7/8/12 -
Sublime Shaper: The Sublime Shaper no longer gets Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat, and its Forceful Blows class feature has been removed.
7/31/12 -
Elemental Adept: Replaced the Summon Monolith ability with Elemental Rebirth.
7/1/12 -
General: The ability for most spellshapers to change their prepared formulae 1/encounter as a swift action has been changed. It now leaves all of your formulae expended, rather than leaving all your formulae prepared.
8/13/12 -
Dragonheart Adept: The dragonblood subtype is now granted at 1st level.
8/19/12 -
Elemental Adept: Revised. Incantations granted at 2nd level, Blessing of the Elements moved to 18th level, new Master's Adaptation ability added at 19th level. Choice of the Devoted folded into the base class.
8/20/12 -
Anchorite: Revised. Now uses meditative aspects, rather than numena. Gained AC bonus and Spellshape Strikes, lost the ability to shape in light armor. Added Numinous Anchorite and Wild Ascetic alternative class features. ----
Spellshape Champion: Removed Mage-Warrior's Steed alternative class feature. The Spellshape Paragon alternative class feature now grants the ability to shape your chosen circle's incantations at 2nd level.
8/21/12 -
Impulse Mage: Revised. New Impulsive Surge ability. Other abilities shuffled around. Removed Temporal Adept and Prescient Mage alternative class features. Added Trance Mage alternative class feature. ----
Spellsage: Revised. Completely changed how Arcane Knack works. Added
detect magic, spellgrace,
arcane sight, and arcane mastery. Removed Arcane Mastery alternative class feature.
9/1/12 -
Savant: Revised. Bonus feat progression slowed. Added Lore Mastery. Moved Still Mind to 4th level. Added Gnosis. Added Chronarch alternative class feature.
3/1/13 -
Dragonheart Adept: The Draconic Empowerment progression has been corrected, now capping at +5 at 20th level. In addition, the Charisma bonus to AC has been removed.