So I recently joined a game. It's going to be City of the Spider Queen (no spoilers, I've never played through this). I have decided to play a cleric, cause it's been a LONG time since I played a cleric.
Except it's also been a long time since I've been restricted to "Core books (PHB, DMG, MM) +
most Forgotten Realms books", and most of the tricks I know of are SHOT! Not a lot of my favorite prestige classes (No Ordained Champ, no RKV, no..... well, no friggin anything!), no DMM, no most things I knew about previously. UNLESS I'm missing something.
I've been reading through the Cleric Handbook to salvage things, and since the DM appreciates simplicity over dipping, I am cutting out the class issue and just going Gold Dwarf Cleric 10. I'm going to tank/melee. I so far think I'm pretty much going to funnel everything into a turn undead build. Extra turning, divine might, all that usual goodness.
But first I wanted to ask you good folk, what would you do with 10 levels of cleric and this book list? Just go core and pray (no puns intended)? I'm basically reading through to see what kinds of things I have left.