Manifest an Unknown Power from Another’s Powers Known: Full round action with contact and Psicraft check to discover powers, additional Psicraft check to comprehend power (autofail if power isn't on your list), 1 round window to manifest chosen power with third Psicraft check.
2. A connection through a worldthought network (such as
society mind or
worldthought medic) removes the need for physical contact. I know I've read this somewhere, but I can't seem to find the source.
3. The
harmonic resonance feat (the non-PF printing is the same) allows you to pick a few powers not on your power list.
Ok, so in the morning while picking powers for the day, I also pick a few powers that I may count as being on my list for the purposes of the second Psicraft check. Now, in order to do this I have to first "scan" my network for available powers, then comprehend them. So if I wish to manifest such a power during combat, do I really need to start the process over?
If I have to spend a full round action to "rescan" a single member of the network, make several Psicraft checks, then manifest the power the following round, then the feat is worthless to me.
On the other hand, if I can choose 4 or 5 powers to manifest from network members beyond the 5 powers I get to prepare in the morning, and manifest them in a practical (single round) manner, then this is a worthwhile investment. Although it doesn't add any variety to the groups repertoire, it gives me more options in any given round.
What are everyones thoughts on this?