Looks like the boards require a mandatory introduction, so here we are:
Name: Biohazardia is fine.
Or just 'Bio' for short.
Favorite Games: Tabletop - D&D 3.5
Video game - Tales of Symphonia, Guild Wars 2
Others I've played:Tabletop - D&D 4e, Vampire: The Masquerade (WhiteWolf)
Video games - Pokemon (all gens), Tales of the Abyss, Assassin's Creed, Persona 4, Catherine, Portal 1&2, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy XIII, Ib, etc
Non-Gaming Hobbies: Cosplay, anime/manga (all the nerdiness!) drawing, reading, piano...lol. The standard. XD
Where you live: ...the USA.
I'll also put my deviantart here: nocturnax.deviantart.com. Lots of old art on it though, haven't updated it in a while.