Psychofeedback Exploit:
Dunno what to call this - "Sleep It Off"? "Feel The Burn (But Not Really)"?
Take the feats Mind Over Body and Persistent Power, as well as the power psychofeedback. Wait until you're able to manifest psychofeedback as a persistent power - this will require things like a torc of psionic might and other cost-lowering items/abilities to accomplish before epic levels.
Manifest a persistent psychofeedback immediately before you go to sleep for the night; make sure to distribute the ability burn such that you can heal it all up in one night. (Ex: if you've got a +4 constitution bonus, you can put 5 points of ability burn into your int, wis, and cha for a +15 bonus.) Upon waking, the ability burn from this power will be gone completely and you'll have a massive all-day bonus to one physical ability score. (Thus demonstrating yet another reason why giving psychofeedback ability burn vice a temp ability penalty was a VERY bad idea.)
For maximum cheese, if you can rely on not getting dispelled for several days, I'd put everything into constitution to begin with, and then start doing multiple persistent psychofeedbacks each night, taking full advantage of your newfound ability to sleep off massive amounts of ability burn. This trick doesn't work nearly so well if you've dumped multiple mental stats, if you habitually eat ability burn from some other source, or if you're prone to getting dispels thrown at you. Or if your DM is fond of midnight ambushes. (Hope whatever you're getting ambushed by can be clubbed to death, because you'll probably be too hungover to manifest anything in response.)