Building a Weapon of Legacy, for dummiesAt first glance, WoL sucks. This is because R&D created extremely lame items, and pasted in their sticky notes on how to build them. Which can pretty confusing. Lucky for you, someone who has no clue proceeded to drink a few cans of mountain dew before trying to make sense of the drunken ramblings found within that book to make your life easier.
Step 1Nonlegacy game statistics.
Take your favorite item, and empower it to deity-like levels.You can pick almost any item to can find or craft that is not already a legacy item, or some type of artifact, or false-living (like golems), or trying to kill you. The latter being more of an advice instead of rules. The limits on picking are simple. If it is a weapon, shield, or armor, its current effective enchantment bonus cannot be higher than +1. For anything else, it cannot exceed the sale price of 4,000gp. +1 clean durable restful soulforged acid/fire/cold/electricity resistance shadow silent moves glamered adamantine feelerplate is perfectly legal if you are immune to a-book-to-the-head.
Also, never pick an item you can sunder, who wants to invest any thing that can be broken? Create a legacy armor, or better yet. A legacy graft. I highly recommend them if you can find one you like that is cheap enough.
Step 2Requirements.
When you get to it, this is stuff to ignore.You're making the item for your character as soon as you hit level 5. So you should pick requirements like BAB 5 & Fort +5 for fighters, or caster level 5th & concentration 8 ranks for mages etc. that you would have already met.
Step 3
R&D's attempt to balance these things. They failed...For pure worthless-outside-of-battle combat based classes, like barbarians, hexblades, fighters and paladins.
4-1: -2 att, -3 saves, -16 HP, 40,500gp.
4-2: -3 att, -4 save, -10 HP, 40,000gp.
For skill monkeys and combat classes that you can't get away playing with -16 int or simply don't offer full BAB.
Like bards, monks, rogues, rangers, swordsages, and yes, even warblades.
4-3: -3 skills, -20 HP, 38,000gp.
4-4: -2 att, -3 skills, 8 HP, -16 sp, 40,000gp.
4-5: -3 skills, -2 saves, -4 HP, -18 sp, 40,500gp.
For pure spellcasting classes, aka CoDzilla, God/Batman, and sorcerers.
4-6: -2 skills, -1 saves, -2CL, -1 spell slot (1~8), 43,000gp.
For CodZilla and favored souls.
4-7: -1 att, -12 HP, -1 spell slot (1~8), 39,000gp.
For Bards and spelltheives, that is pretty much it.
4-8: -3 skills, -3 cl, -14 sp, -1 spell slot (1~5), 41,000gp.
4-9 is simply the best table in the book. Full-manifester only.
4-9: -2 ml, -16 pp, 40,000gp.
For those other psionic classes.
4-10: -1 att, -2 ml, -14 HP, -12 pp, 39,000gp.
Step 4
Legacy Rituals.
Because no one wants to run off on a side quest all about you. You should make 'beside quests' that you can do along the way.To Do, list some ideas or bribe an epic rogue to steal them.
Step 5
Legacy Item Abilities.
Stuff that makes you awesome.Instead of trying to get you to understand (D+E)=F and F=C and G=(F or E).
I think I'm going to try a what seems much simpler way. Abilities come in three levels, least, lesser, and greater. A legacy item has one ability slot per level from the 5th to 20th level (16 in all). Starting out, you can only choose least abilities, at the 11th & 17th levels you upgrade the ability level you can choose from. In short, each legacy item has 6 least slots, 6 lesser slots, and 4 greater slots, and you have to start from the lower side working your way up.
Some abilities take up more than one slot. For those that do, when sorting out what level grants the chosen abilities. All slots used to pay for it must be next to it and you cannot use slots from a different ability level. Example, If you choose a least ability that take up 3 slots, it can take up the first three slots, or the last three slots. It cannot use up the first, second, and fifth slots. Nor can it one of the slots used be a slot that can grant lesser abilities.
There is an exception to slot costs. If you want, you can use one slot from a higher level ability to pick up a lower level ability no matter its slot cost. There is some fine print to this, but it don't matter in a guide book for dummies. Example, You can use a single greater slot to pick up a lesser ability that would normally cost three slots.
Before we can go into the lists you should know a few things. The tag 'Upgrade' means it can be taken multiple times to upgrade a bonus up to the mentioned cap. I also ripped apart other legacy items presented in books and stole their abilities with a best guess cost. Ripped abilities note where they came from.
Costs 1 Slot
Accurate Strike (kamate): 3/day, swift action to use, ignore concealment & +4 to comfirm a critical hit.
Adjustable Draw: Adds STR to bow damage, page 159.
Armor or Shield Enhancement: Upgrade, up to +2.
Attack/Damage Increase: +1/+1d6 when fighting alone and adjacent to two or more opponents. Solitary Warrior, page 44. Note: Untyped.
Attack/Damage Increase: +1/+1 untyped for every three character levels, uncapped, only functions against opposed alignment. Faithful Strike, Bo9S page 135.
Bane: At will. Fell Blast, page 55.
Bane: Continuous, page 119.
Battle Fever, Least (tiger fang): 3/day, swift action to use, heal 1d8.
Bless: At will. Strengthen Morale, page 55.
Bless: Continuous, page 119.
Called: As the armor ability in the MiC but for any item. Call to Hand, page 145.
Cause Fear: 5/day.
Cause Fear: Any damaged opponent. Futile Struggle, page 122.
Charm Animal: At will, only 1 animal at a time, page 142.
Claw of the Tiger (tiger fang): Cannot be disarmed from you.
Climb Speed: 20 ft. spider climb 10 min/day. Higher Vantage, page 110. Note: The wording suggests that the climb speed is continuous.
Comprehend Languages: 24/7.
Constrict: Whip Wrap, page 90.
Control Shape: +8 untyped bonus to resist involuntary change. Form Mastery, page 97.
Creature Compass: Ignore DR of one creature type.
Crux of Balance (eventide's edge): +4 bull rush, overrun, and trip.
Cure Light Wounds: 3/day.
Cure Light Wounds, Self: 1/day, swift action to use.
Darkness, Self: 1/day.
Darkvision: 1/day.
Deflection: Item grants a +1 deflection bonus to AC.
Detect Good/Evil (faithful avenger): At will.
Detect Thoughts: 1/day.
Doom: At will, touch attack. Bleak Future, page 121.
Endure Elements: continuous, page 63.
Enlarge Person: 1/day, self only.
Faerie Fire: At will. Fire of the Heart, page 41. Note: Faerie fire eliminates miss chance from blur, displacement, and invisibility.
False Life: 1/day.
Feather Falling: 24/7.
Forgery: Copy one page per glove as standard action, gloves write or draw stored info, +10 untyped bonus to forge copy. Automatic Writing, page 100.
Frenzied Charge (tiger fang): 1/day, extra attack while charging.
Glove of Storing: 10 lbs./1 cu. ft. per glove, retrieve as a move action. Palms of Holding, page 100.
Green Empathy: as Wild Empathy but for plants, page 170.
Intelligent Legacy, Minor: It becomes an intelligent item.
Invisibility: 1/day.
Knock: 1/day.
Lightbringer: At will; dancing lights, light, flare.
Lock: 1/day.
Low-light Vision: page 110.
Magic Missile: 3/day.
Magical Cipher: At will; detect magic, read magic, arcane mark.
Maneuver, Least (kamate): Gain access to any maneuver up to the 1st level you meet the prerequisites to, this ability can be taken multiple times.
Maneuver B, Least (unfettered, blade of the last citadel): 5/day, use selected maneuver, up to 1st level.
Metamagic, Lesser: 3/day, apply any pre-picked +1 costing metamagic to any 3rd level or lower spell for free.
Metapsionic, Lesser: As lesser metamagic, but limited to Delay, Enlarge, Extend, or Split.
Mindblade: Weapon can be used as a mindblade. Knife Made Mind, page 115.
Mindlink: At will. Unspoken Contact, page 115.
Mirror Image: 1/day.
Mount: Gains the ability to change from a useful item into a 3sp mount, it loses its abilities in mount form.
Nondetection: Continuous, page 111.
Protection from Arrows: 1/day.
Protection from Evil: Continuous, page 62.
Psychic Poise (supernal clarity): 3/day, concentration check instead of a balance check.
Quick Draw (desert wind): For drawing the legacy weapon only.
Read magic: At will, scrolls only. Decipher Scrolls, page 113.
Resist Energy: 1/day.
Resistance: Upgrade, up to +2.
Ride: Spur mount without dealing damage. Painless Spur, page 130.
Saving Throw Bonus: +2 sacred to one save. Will of Two, page 81.
See Invisibility: 1/day.
Scroll Use: Automatic success, no arcane spell failure, spell up to lvl 3, 1/day. Axe Casting, page 113. Note: No arcane casting or UMD required.
Shifter's Sorrow: Will save with each hit or shapeshifter reverts to natural form. Wolfsbane, page 97.
Shocking Grasp (kamate): 1/day.
Skill Enhancement +5: +5 competence bonus on one skill check, can be taken multiple times.
Sneak Attack (umbral awn): +1d6 Sneak Attack.
Speak with Animals: Continuous, aquatic only. Parliament of Fishes, page 125.
Speed Enhancement +5: +5 enhancement to speed.
Stance Agilty (kamate): +2 insight on reflex as long as you are in a iron heart stance.
Sting Like a Bee, Lesser (eventide's edge): +1d6 dmg on larger than you foes.
Summon Monster II: 1/day.
Sustenance: No food or drink, still need sleep. Beyond Sustenance, page 148.
Swim Speed: Speed of Fin, page 156.
Take 10: One skill, some situations. Vicious Mastery, page 69.
Telekinetic: At will; mage hand, mending, open/close.
Unceasing Servant: 24/7 unseen servant.
Vision: See clearly in rain, snow, and sleet. Storm Vision, page 94.
Weapon Enhancement: Weapon gets a +1 enchantment bonus.
Costs 2 Slots
Ability Enhancement +2: Gain a +2 enchantment to any one ability score, can be taken multiple times.
AC Bonus (eventide's edge): Wis to AC if unarmored & unencumbered.
Adamantine: Only for overcoming damage reduction. Destructive Power, page 152.
Armor or Shield Enhancement: Upgrade, up to +3.
Attack Bonus: +1 insight to strikes from 1 discipline. Diamond Strike, Bo9S page 137.
Blindsense: 20 ft. Snake Sense, page 91.
Charm Person: 5/day.
Cure Moderate Wounds: 3/day.
Cure Moderate Wounds, Self: 1/day, swift action to use.
Daylight: 1/day.
Deflection: Upgrade, up to +2.
Enhancement Bonus: Increases by +1 when within 30 feet of a paired item. Completed Twin, page 69.
Energy Resistance, Least: Gain Resistance to one type of energy 5, can be taken multiple times.
Fireball: 1/day.
Flaming Sphere: 3/day.
Hide in Plain Sight: When adjacent to a tree. Woodland Stealth, page 170.
Hold Person: 1/day.
Improved Critical: vs. smaller creatures, stacks with other abilities that increase threat range. Crush the Weak, page 164.
Intelligent Legacy: It becomes an intelligent item.
Lightning Bolt: 1/day.
Locate Object: 3/day.
Marital Aim (supernal clarity): +1 insight to using maneuvers from any one path.
Obscuring Mist: Gain concealment when you don't move.
Prayer (blade of the last citadel): 1/day.
Psionic Focus: Treat as always focused for one psionic feat. Stable Focus, page 115.
Resistance: Upgrade, up to +3.
Restoration, Lesser: 3/day.
Shadowhand (umbral awn): immediate action, unarmed strike against a foe provoking an AoO.
Speed Enhancement +10: +10 enchantment to speed.
Summon Monster III: 1/day.
Weapon Enhancement: Upgrade, up to +2.
Web: 3/day.
Whispering Wind: 3/day.
Costs 3 Slots
Acid Arrow: At will.
Armor or Shield Enhancement: Upgrade, table; Current Bonus - Increase By
...............+2 or less - 2
...............+3, +4, or +5 - 1
Clairaudience/Clairvoyance: 2/day.
Constant Companion, Least: Gain a pseudo animal companion from the summon monster I list.
Cure Serious Wounds, Self: 1/day, swift action to use.
Deep Slumber: 2/day.
Deflection: Upgrade, up to +3.
Dispel Magic: 1/day.
Empower Power, Lesser: As lesser metamagic spell, but for powers.
Empower Spell, Lesser: 3/day, apply empower on any 3rd level or lower spell for free.
Fly: 1/day, self only.
Halt Undead: 2/day.
Levitate: At will.
Resistance: Upgrade, up to +5.
Scorching Ray: At will.
Spider Climb: 24/7.
Suggestion: 2/day.
Water Breathing: 24/7.
Costs 1 Slot
Burning Hands: At will.
Consecrate: Continuous, page 119.
Continual Wind: At will Gust of Wind, plus you are always in a breeze.
Cunning: You are never flat-footed.
Cure Serious Wounds: 3/day.
Darkness, Other: At will.
Darkvision: Gain darkvision 60ft.
Daylight: At will.
Desecrate: Continuous, page 119.
Detect Secret Doors: 24/7.
Dimensional Anchor: 1/day.
Dismissal: 1/day.
Energy Resistance: 30 vs. one element, immediate action, at will, lasts for 1 min. Survive Any Extreme, page 140.
Fan the Flames: At will, Bo9S page 134.
Glitterdust: At will.
Glyph of Warding: 1/day.
Haste: 5/day, swift action to use, lasts one round per activation.
Immortal Fortitude: Gain stance, if you already have it gain +1 HP/crusader level/round. Boundless Determination, Bo9S page 135.
Initiative: +5 untyped. Wolf's Cunning, page 174.
Intelligent Legacy, Major: It becomes an intelligent item.
Invisibility: At will. Bo9S page 142.
Knock: At will.
Light Fortification: On any item. Bo9S page 143.
Magic Missile: 3/day.
Maneuver (desert wind, supernal clarity): Gain access to any maneuver up to the 3rd level you meet the prerequisites to, this ability can be taken multiple times.
Meld Into Stone (unfettered): 1/day.
Metamagic: 3/day, apply any pre-selected +1 metamagic effect on a 6th level spell or lower for free.
Metapsionic: As metamagic, but limited to Delay, Enlarge, Extend, or Split.
Mirror Image: 3/day.
Obscurity: 24/7 obscure object spell on the legacy item.
Protection from Arrows: 24/7.
Remove Fear (blade of the last citadel): 3/day.
Shadowstrike (umbral awn): +4 to att while flanking if in a shadow hand stance.
Sharp Claw (tiger fang): +1 dmg if you are in a tiger claw stance.
Shield: Continuous as long as you have at least 1 arcane spell remaining. Scarab Shell, page 140.
Shield Other: Mount only, continuous while ridden. Shielded Mount, page 130.
Shocking Legacy: 5/day, standard action to use, next attack with the item deals +5d6 ele damage.
Slippery Barrier: At will, swift action to use, as Grease, but area is 5x5.
Sneak Attack (umbral awn): Upgrade, +1d6 Sneak Attack, up to +2d6.
Speak with Dead: 1/day.
Suggestion: At will. Penetrating Proposal, page 115.
Summon Monster IV: 1/day.
Summon Monster I: At will, celestial porpoise only. Celestial Porpoise Companion, page 156.
Summon Swarm: 5/day.
Tongue of the Sun and Moon: Local Tongue, page 111.
Uncanny Dodge (supernal clarity): 24/7, Ex based.
Weapon Enhancement: Upgrade, up to +3.
Web: 5/day.
Costs 2 Slots
Ability Enhancement +4: Gain a +4 enchantment to any one ability score, can be taken multiple times.
Animate Dead: 1/day, up to 10HD.
Armor or Shield Enhancement: Upgrade, Current Bonus - Increase By
...............+2 or less - 3
...............+3 or +4 - 2
...............+5 to +9 - 1
Attack Bonus: +1 cumulative morale bonus each time you damage the same enemy, lost if you miss or go 1 rd. without damaging, max +5. Bloodlust, page 104.
Break Enchantment: 1/day.
Cloudkill: 1/day.
Cone of Cold: 1/day.
Continual Flame: At will. Green Flame, page 79.
Critical Boost, Lesser (tiger fang): Upgrade, +1 to critical range, up to x3.
Cure Critical Wounds, Self: 1/day, swift action to use.
Deflection: Upgrade, up to +5.
Energy Resistance, Lesser: Gain Resistance to one type of energy 10, can be taken multiple times.
Fireball: 3/day.
Invisibility: At will.
Lightning Bolt: 3/day.
Magic Invulnerability: 1/day, lesser globe of invulnerability.
Maximize Power, Lesser: As lesser maximize spell, but for powers.
Maximize Spell, Lesser: 3/day, apply maximize on any 3rd level or lower spell for free.
Monk's Belt: As the item. Student of the Master, page 34.
See Invisibility: 24/7.
Scroll Use: Automatic success, no arcane spell failure, spell up to lvl 6, 1/day. Axe Casting, page 113. Note: no arcane casting or UMD required.
Skill Enhancement +10: Skill Enhancement +5: +10 competence bonus on one skill check, can be taken multiple times.
Spell Storing, Minor: as ring of minor spell storing.
Summon Monster V: 1/day.
Turn Undead: Turn as four levels higher. Pelor's Baleful Eye, page 76.
Weapon Enhancement: Upgrade, Current Bonus - Increase By
...............+1 or less 2
...............+2, +3, or +4 1
Costs 3 Slots
Armor or Shield Enhancement: Upgrade, Current Bonus - Increase By
...............+1 or less - 4
...............+2 or +3 - 3
...............+4, +5, or +6 - 2
...............+7, +8, or +9 - 1
Blur: 24/7.
Circle of Death: 1/day.
Constant Companion, Lesser: Gain a pseudo animal companion from the summon monster III list.
Contingency: 1/day.
Create Undead: 1/day.
Cure Critical Wounds: 3/day.
Enervation: 2/day.
Evasion: 24/7.
Fireball, Maximized: 1/day.
Forceful Hand: 1/day.
Lightning Bolt, Maximized: 1/day.
Metamagic, Greater: 3/day, apply any pre-selected +1 metamagic effect on a 9th level spell or lower for free.
Metapsionic, Greater: As greater metamagic, but limited to Delay, Enlarge, Extend, or Split.
Plane Shift: After hitting extraplanar creature. Induce Shift, page 127.
Poison Immunity: 24/7.
Scroll Use: Automatic success, no arcane spell failure, spell up to lvl 6, 2/day. Axe Casting, page 113. Note: no arcane casting or UMD required.
Sneak Attack: +4 attack/damage, untyped. Between the Ribs, page 98.
True Seeing: 1/day.
Wall of Fire: 2/day.
Weapon Enhancement: Upgrade, Current Bonus - Increase By
...............+3 or less - 2
...............+4, +5, or +6 - 1
Wish: Restricted, grants one wish.
Wizardry I: As ring of wizardry I.
X-Ray Vision: As ring of X-ray vision.
Costs 1 Slot
Ability Enhancement +6: Restricted, gain a +6 enchantment to any one ability score.
Antilife Shell: 1/day, page 168.
Armor or Shield Enhancement: Upgrade, Current Bonus - Increase By
...............+2 or less - 5
...............+3 - 4
...............+4 or +5 - 3
...............+6 or higher - 2 (max +10)
Banishment: 1/day.
Battle Fever, Greater (tiger fang): 3/day, swift action to use, heal 2d8.
Blade Barrier (blade of the last citadel): 3/day, as the spell, but better.
Blindsense: 30 ft., page 111.
Bull Rush: any opponent hit can be bull rushed, but only 5 feet. Forceful Strike, page 152.
Chain Lightning: 1/day.
Charm Monster: 3/day.
Death Ward: Continuous, immune to death effects, energy drain, positive and negative dominant planar traits. Unity of Balance, page 138.
Dimension Door: 3/day.
Disembodied blade (unfettered): 1/day, weapon animates it's self, as Mordenkainen's sword.
Dispel Magic, Greater: 1/day.
Dominate Person: 2/day.
Empower Power: As empower spell, but for powers.
Empower Spell: 3/day, apply empower on any 6th level or lower spell for free.
Fast Movement: As barbarian, page 38.
Fortification, Light (unfettered): 24/7.
Freedom of Movement (supernal clarity): 1/day.
Freedom of Movement: Continuous. Ignore Earth's Clutch, page 31.
Frightful Presence: page 45. Note: Scales with character level.
Heal Self: 1/day.
Ice Storm: 3/day.
Invisibility, Greater: 2/day.
Invulnerability: Immune to poison, death effects, fear, can't go into negative HP, can't heal, 1/day for 10 rounds. Savage Transformation, page 175.
Maneuver, Greater (desert wind, faithful avenger): Gain access to any maneuver or stance up to the 8th level you meet the prerequisites to, this ability can be taken multiple times.
Invulnerability: Ignore damage from one source 1/day. Resiliency, Bo9S page 135.
Mindarmor: +3 insight on will saves vs mind-affecting and compulsion effects.
Passwall: 2/day.
Phantasmal Killer: 3/day.
Phase Door: At will. Phantom Touch, page 101.
Planar Ally: 1/day, you still have to pay gold costs though.
Plane Shift: 1/day, limited to willing targets only.
Pounce: Lion's Charge, page 142.
Power Critical (tiger fang): 24/7.
Power Word Blind: 1/day.
Quicken Power, Lesser: As lesser quicken spell, but for powers.
Quicken Spell, Lesser: 3/day, apply quicken on any 3rd level or lower spell for free.
Resiliency (faithful avenger): 1/day, ignore damage from any source once.
Restoration (faithful avenger): 1/day.
Shadowstep (umbral awn): 3/day, swift action to use, become incorporal for one round.
Skill Enhancement +15: +15 competence bonus on one skill check, can be taken multiple times.
Sneak Attack (umbral awn): Upgrade, +1d6 Sneak Attack, up to +3d6.
Spell Resistance: 5+character level. Mantle of Sacred Protection, page 82.
Spell Turning: 1/day.
Sting Like a Bee (eventide's edge): Upgrade, +1d6 dmg on larger than you foes, up to +2d6.
Stoneskin: 1/day.
Summon Monster VI: 1/day.
Telekinesis: 2/day.
Teleport: 2/day.
Total Concealment: 15 rounds/day. Pelor's Dazzling Beneficence, page 76.
Wall of Force: 2/day.
Wall of Iron: 1/day.
Wall of Stone: 2/day.
Weapon Enhancement: Upgrade, Current Bonus - Increase By
...............+2 or less - 3
...............+3, +4, or +5 - 2
...............+6 to +9 - 1
Wizardry II: As ring of wizardry II.
Costs 2 Slots
Armor or Shield Enhancement: Upgrade, Current Bonus - Increase By
...............+4 or less - 5
...............+5 or more - 4 (max +10)
Clenched Fist: 1/day.
Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass: 3/day.
Disintegrate: 1/day.
Displacement: 10/day, swift action to use, lasts one round per.
Empty Body: 20 rounds/day. Ethereal Hunter, page 159.
Energy Resistance, Greater: Gain Resistance to one type of energy 30, can be taken multiple times.
Ethereal Jaunt: 1/day.
Finger of Death: 1/day.
Heal Self, Swift: 1/day, swift action to use.
Horrid Wilting: 1/day.
Iron Body: 1/day.
Maximize Power: As maximize spell, but for powers.
Maximize Spell: 3/day, apply maximize on any 6th level or lower spell for free.
Mind Blank: 24/7
Moment of Prescience: 1/day, +20 insight to any roll.
Prismatic Spray: 2/day.
Spell Storing: As ring of spell storing.
Summon Monster VII: 2/day.
Summon monster IX: 1/two days. Summon Greater Ally, page 55.
Weapon Enhancement: Upgrade, Current Bonus - Increase By
...............+1 or less - 5
...............+2 - 4
...............+3, +4, or +5 - 3
...............+6, +7, or +8 - 2
...............+9 - 1
Wishes, Two: Restricted, grants one wish.
Wizardry III: As ring of wizardry III.
Costs 3 Slots
Constant Companion, Greater: Gain a pseudo animal companion from the summon monster V list.
Critical Boost, Greater (tiger fang): Upgrade, +1 to critical range, up to x4.
Crushing Hand: 1/day.
Dominate Monster: 1/day.
Empower Power, Greater: As greater empower spell, but for powers.
Empower Spell, Greater: 3/day, apply empower on any 9th level or lower spell for free.
Energy Drain: 1/day.
Heal, Mass: 3/day.
Imprisonment: 1/day.
Meteor Swarm: 1/day.
Polar Ray: 2/day.
Power Word Stun: 2/day.
Quicken Power: As quicken spell, but for powers.
Quicken Spell: 3/day, apply quicken on any 6th level or lower spell for free.
Regeneration: As ring of regeneration.
Summon Monster IX: 1/day.
Summon Nature's Ally IX: Aquatic only, 3/day. Command the Sea, page 125.
Weapon Enhancement: Upgrade, Current Bonus - Increase By
...............+1 or less - 6
...............+2 or +3 - 5
...............+4 or +5 - 4
...............+6 or +7 - 3
...............+8 - 2
...............+9 - 1
Weird: 1/day.
Wishes, Three: Restricted, grants one wish.
Wizardry IV: As ring of wizardry IV.