Author Topic: Hi there  (Read 1050 times)

Offline RogerWilco

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Hi there
« on: February 28, 2013, 09:15:03 PM »

I've been lurking in this forum for a while, and the old forums before that. I've played DnD for about 15 years now, starting with ADnD 2E, mostly 3.5E, a little of other things like Pathfinder, 4E, Gamma World, Mutants and Masterminds, DnD Next, 1E.

Our group plays in Groningen in the Netherlands. It's been running continuously since before I joined with players rotating the DM task between them.

My favourite computer games are Minecraft and City of Heroes. I'm an active member of the International Gaming Community The Conclave This community is now in its eleventh year and supporting multiple games with over 300 active members.

I decided to make an account because I wanted to post in a few threads.