Fire Mountain Games is currently needing help with funding their dwarven adventure path, Throne of Night. are 4-5 ways to play this. You can be an adventuring party of dwarves trying to get back their ancestral home, drow heading to the surface to kidnap and enslave the top worlders, kobolds looking to revolt against their drow masters, mushroom people just looking for a good adventure, surface worlders looking to adventure through the underdark, or a combination of drow and dwarf where you play as two separate groups who will eventually run into each other. Of course you'll be able to mix and match other races in there as well. These are just the standard groupings. It will take you from levels 1 to 20. You can get the pdfs, or you can get the print books.
As an add-on, you can also get their Way of the Wicked campaign, Pathfinder's first and only evil campaign that also takes you from levels 1 to 20. Make characters who have commit horrendous and absolutely atrocious crimes, arrested for them by the Talingarde Alerion Knights, and are either awaiting for their death sentence to be carried out, or to be sent to the salt mines for all eternity. You have three days to escape. Can you do it? Once you're free, will you be able to make a pact with your party to not murder one another in your sleep and vow to burn those you tried to burn you?
Here's hoping we can get to the stretch goals. The idea of getting Way of the Wicked Book 7 would be great.