Monk 2
The decisive strike alternative class feature for monk.
The martial monk variant, with the interpretation that you need to meet the prerequisites for the fighter feats you select.
Abilities (elite array)
STR 15
DEX 14
CON 12
INT 13
WIS 10
H. Combat Expertise
1. Combat Reflexes
M1. Improved Trip
M2. Exotic Weapon Proficiency (emmide)
Balance 9 (5 ranks)
Climb 7 (5 ranks)
Jump 9 (5 ranks)
Swim 7 (5 ranks)
Tumble 9 (5 ranks)
Emmide (1 gp)
Iron Ward Diamond (500 gp)
Masterwork studded leather (175 gp)
This is, of course, a tripping build. The goal is to combine decisive strike and exotic weapon proficiency at the earliest possible level.
This build is rough on ability scores. You need strength for trip checks, attack bonus, and damage. Dexterity is necessary for more attacks of opportunity. Everyone wants constitution, of course. You need at least 13 intelligence as a prerequisite. Fortunately, all of the monk abilities you have (except AC bonus) work in light armor, so you can skip wisdom.
The emmide is kind of like a spiked chain, in that it has reach but can be used against adjacent foes, and it can be used to trip. It's also a special monk weapon. The iron ward diamond gives you DR 1/-, except it can only prevent 10 hit points of damage per day. I threw that in because the build doesn't have much for AC or hit points.
For future levels I recommend one of the martial adept classes (from Tome of Battle). Those will allow you to pick up thicket of blades at 6th level. Crusader would only require one feat for this, while swordsage or warblade would require two. On the other hand, those diamond mind counters that replace saving throws with concentration checks are nice. (Switch the skills around if you plan to go that rout. The skills were never important.)
If you can wait until third level for things to come online, you don't need to use martial monk (and thus Dragon Magazine). Switch to passive way monk (from Unearthed Arcana), move that 13 from intelligence to something else, and shuffle the feats around a bit. Remember, exotic weapon proficiency requires base attack bonus +1, so you can't take it a 1st level.
If your campaign allows you to be from the appropriate region of Faerun, you should exchange combat expertise for hyena tribe hunter. It's a feat from Shining South which removes the prerequisites from improved trip. That lets you switch that 13 from intelligence to something else.
Strictly speaking, this build could work without the emmide, but then you'd need to alternate between an unarmed strike (for decisive strike) and a spiked chain (for attacks of opportunity). That just seems kludgy to me.
What Do You Need for This Build?
Player's Handbook
Player's Handbook II: Decisive strike, ACF, p.51
Dragon Magazine #310: Martial monk, class variant, p.45
Holy Order of Stars: Emmide, weapon, p.31
Magic Item Compendium: Iron ward diamond, magic item, p.26