The Feline Way
Fevered Strike
The Feline Way (Strike)
Level: Swordsage 3, Warblade 3
Prerequisite: 1 Feline Way Maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 Standard Action
Range: Melee Attack
Target: One creature
Duration: See Description
Saving Throw: Fortitude Negates
As part of this maneuver you make a melee attack against a single opponent, in doing so the target has a chance to become diseased. The DC to negate Fevered Strike is 10 + one-half your character level + Strength or Dexterity modifier, and the DC is increased by +2 if you make this attack using a natural weapon, specifically a bite or claw attack. If the Save is successful the opponent still takes the damage caused by the attack. Creatures immune to disease still take the damage caused by the attack, however, they do not suffer the affliction.
The fever you inflict on the victim of your Fevered Strike causes them to become Sickened for 1d4 rounds. 1d3 days later, the creature must make a DC 15 Fortitude save, or become Nauseated until it succeeds in two successful saving throws in a row indicate that it has fought off the disease and recovers normally.
The Feline Way (Strike)
Level: Swordsage 3, Warblade 3
Prerequisite: 1 Feline Way Maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 Standard Action
Range: Melee Attack
Target: One creature
Saving Throw: Fortitude Negates
This strike may only be used in conjunction with a bite attack by you, in which you make a melee attack against a single opponent using your bite attack and have a chance to regain hit points. The target bit by you must make a DC 15 + Strength or Dexterity modifier Fortitude save, or heal you for an amount equal to 1d6 + 3. When you reach 6th level, this healing is improved to 2d6 + 3, and is improved again to 3d6 + 3 at 11th level. If the Save is successful the opponent still takes damage. This attack does not effect creatures which cannot bleed.
You may use this power while grappling with a creature, and in doing so, gain a +2 bonus to the DC the creature must make, in addition to healing for an additional +2 hit points per improvement.
That's all I have conceptually thus far.