Author Topic: Help with spell selection for BBEG Spirit Shaman//Favored Soul  (Read 4072 times)

Offline ksbsnowowl

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Help with spell selection for BBEG Spirit Shaman//Favored Soul
« on: December 13, 2011, 08:23:58 AM »
I'm statting up a BBEG that will serve a role not unlike the Ghostlord from Red Hand of Doom.  My PC's are currently 7th level, and this guy is supposed to be way too hard for them to fight.

A few notes: This is a homebrew gestalt setting with a Norse theme.  Though I am using the Tolontar Blightlord prestige class from Unapproachable East, I'm altering it to be a cult of Hel, thus the alterations to function for Longswords rather than Glaives.  I know this precludes me from using Spikes and Greater Mighty Whallop - that's okay, he'll still be a challenge if my players decide they want a showdown with him.

More than anything, I need help with his spell selection, especially that on his Favored Soul side.  I generally want to stick with spells that he can't get via his Spirit Shaman side (with the exception of a few spells that are level-advantaged for the cleric spell list).

Although I have actually played a druid before (as opposed to playing something with the Cleric spell list, which I've never done), any recommendations people have for a good list of spells retrieved for different situations would be appreciated (general adventuring or general "going about my day" vs knowing there are people planning to attack your encampment).

I've made a preliminary list of Favored Soul spells, but only went through core and the spell compendium.  And I don't claim to be an expert on what a "good" cleric spell looks like.

Also, any suggestions for magic items that would especially benefit a character such as this, as well as feats, would be appreciated.  I'll probably give him scribe scroll, so he can load himself out with lots of extra druid spell options, regardless of what he might have retrieved that day.

The Rotting Man
Spirit Shaman 15//Favored Soul 7/Talontar Blightlord 8
Elite Medium Humanoid [Human]
Hit Dice: 15d8+30 (150 hp) [Cold Resistance 10][Protection from Fire (120)]
Initiative: +6
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 23 (+2 Dex, +6 Chain Shirt, +3 Hvy Shield, +2 Natural), touch 12, flat-footed 21
Barkskin: 26 (+2 Dex, +6 Chain Shirt, +3 Hvy Shield, +5 Natural), touch 12, flat-footed 24
Bark & Shield of Faith: 30 (+2 Dex, +6 Chain Shirt, +3 Hvy Shield, +5 Natural, +4 Deflection), touch 16, flat-footed 28
Magic Vestment & Shield o Fa & BS: 32 (+2 Dex, +6 Chain Shirt, +5 Hvy Shield, +5 Natural, +4 Deflection), touch 16, flat-footed 30
Incorporeal: 16 (+2 Dex, +4 Deflection), touch 16, flat-footed 14 – 50% miss chance from magic only
Base Attack/Grapple: +11/+11
Attack: Icy Burst Ghost Touch Wounding* +2 Vampiric Longsword +14 (1d8+2 +1d6 cold +1d6 vampiric [19-20/x2 (+2d10 cold)])    plus bleeding 1 point per round or  MW Shortbow +14 (1d6 [x3]) or  Melee Touch Spell +11 or Ranged Touch Spell +13
Full Attack: Icy Burst Ghost Touch Wounding* +2 Vampiric Longsword +14/+9/+4 (1d8 +2 +1d6 cold +1d6 vampiric [19-20/x2
   (+2d10 cold)]) plus bleeding 1 point per round or MW Shortbow +14/+9/+3 (1d6 [x3])
Incorporeal Attack: Icy Burst Ghost Touch Wounding* +2 Vampiric Longsword +16/+11/+6 (1d8 +2 +1d6 cold +1d6 vampiric
   [19-20/x2 (+2d10 cold)]) plus bleeding 1 point per round
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Chastise Spirits, Blessing of the Spirits, Ghost Warrior, Warding of the Spirits, Exorcism; Blight Touch 3/day, Blightmind, Black Glaive (Longsword), Corrupting Blows
Special Qualities: Spirit Guide, Wild Empathy, Detect Spirits, Follow the Guide (reattempt save vs enchantment), Spirit Form 2/day, Guide Magic, Recall Spirit; Deity’s Weap Focus, Cold Resistance 10; Blightbringer prestige domain (Fav Sol), Blightblood, Illmaster
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +9, Will +15 (Follow the Guide: save again vs enchantment effect)
Night Shield: Fort +16, Ref +12, Will +18 (immune to magic missile)
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 16 (18)
Skills: Concentration +20 [18 ranks], Diplomacy +14 [8 ranks], Hide +0 [0 ranks, -2 ACP], Know (Arcana) +5 [5 ranks], Know (History) +5 [5 ranks], Know (Local) +5 [5 ranks], Know (Nature) +7 [5 ranks], Listen +13 [9 ranks], Move Silently +0 [0 ranks, -2 ACP], Sense Motive +14 [10 ranks], Spellcraft +10 [8 ranks], Spot +13 [9 ranks], Survival +12 [8 ranks], Survival (above ground) +14; Wild Empathy +19
Feats: Great Fortitude, Extend Spell, Scribe Scroll, Craft Wondrous Item, Improved Initiative, Craft Magic Arms & Armor, 15
Environment: Western Geat Dale
Organization: Solitary or warband (3-12 Blightlords)
Challenge Rating: 16 [GCR 15] (150% XP)
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +0

The Rotting Man speaks Common (Geat)

Possessions: +2 Vampiric Longsword (32,315), Cloak of Charisma +2 (4,000), Amulet of Natural Armor +2 (8,000), +2 Chain Shirt (4,250), +1 Hvy Wooden Shield (1,157), Scroll of Unholy Beast (CL 10) (1000), Scroll of Necrotic Skull Bomb (CL 9) (1,125), Scroll of Restoration (800)      59k in NPC wealth (6,353 to spend)

Favored Soul spells per day: [CL 14th] [DC 14+level] (6/7/7/7/7/6/5/3)
Favored Soul spells known: (9/6/6/6/6/5/4/3)
Spirit Shaman spells per day: [CL 15th] [DC 14+level] (6/7/7/7/7/6/6/4/2)
Spirit Shaman spells retrieved: (3/3/3/3/3/3/2/1/1)

Favored Soul Spells Known: (9/6/6/6/6/5/4/3)
0 (6) - Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance, Inflict Minor Wounds, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic, Resistance, Virtue
1 (7) - Bless, Ebon Eyes, Divine Favor, Shield of Faith, Faith Healing, Nightshield
2 (7) - Align Weapon, Silence, Hold Person, Infernal Wound, Inflict Moderate Wounds, Status
3 (7) - Bestow Curse, Blindness/Deafness, Cure Serious Wounds, Dispel Magic, Magic Vestment, True Darkness
4 (7) - Divine Power, Greater Magic Weapon, Restoration, Freedom of Movement, Air Walk, Neutralize Poison
5 (6) - Righteous Might, Slay Living, Righteous Wrath of the Faithful, Mass Contagion, Cone of Cold
6 (5) - Forbiddance, Harm, Word of Recall, Finger of Death
7 (3) - Blasphemy, Destruction, Greater Consumptive Field

Typical Spirit Shaman Spells Retrieved: (3/3/3/3/3/3/2/1/1)
0 (6) - Create Water, Light, Mending
1 (7) - Lesser Vigor, Entangle, Faerie Fire
2 (7) - Barkskin, Delay Poison, Resist Energy
3 (7) - Contagion, Poison, Protection from Energy
4 (7) - Contagious Touch, Flame Strike, Spike Stones
5 (6) - Tree Stride, Wall of Thorns, Call Lightning Storm
6 (6) - Summon Nature's Ally 6, Summon Greater Elemental (Guide Magic = free concentration)
7 (4) - Fire Storm, (Heal) - in Spellstaff
8 (2) - Repel Metal or Stone

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« Last Edit: May 01, 2012, 02:00:05 PM by ksbsnowowl »

Offline sirpercival

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Re: Help with spell selection for BBEG Spirit Shaman//Favored Soul
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2011, 08:26:55 AM »
What do you want his tactics to be?  Did you have anything in mind? That'll govern the spell and feat choices.
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Offline ksbsnowowl

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Re: Help with spell selection for BBEG Spirit Shaman//Favored Soul
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2011, 11:58:24 AM »
Good point.

His role in the campaign is that he is a big bad boogey man that has his own goals and machinations out west, but is being coerced into aiding a demon/troll army in breaking open a seal to Niflheim (thus allowing demons to flood through).  He's being coerced due to the army having kidnapped his wife and subjected her to a Trap the Soul spell.

The "goal" for the PC's is to end up returning this guy's wife to him, and thus removing his support for the army's attack. (Of course, sometimes the PC's don't do what they're "supposed" to do.)

My PC's will be around 10th level when they face this guy, so i could just mop the floor with them, but that's not the point.

I imagine he will work to hamper their movement via entangle, spike growth, etc (though several of my PC's fly, so the spirit shaman options in that regard aren't that great), buff himself, and then toy with them?
(Though he won't be anywhere near as good as a wizard at locking people down.)

I'll have to look over RHoD later and see what spells and feats the Ghost Lord had in that adventure, as this guy is filling a similar role in the campaign.

His goal in life is to spread disease and death (cult of Hel, after all), and will have commanded a few Blightspawned animals (like a cleric commanding undead).  He will also have Dolghasts (Magic of Eberron) that are part of his "support" he'll be providing to the army.  There will also be a few lesser Blightlords (8th-10th level).

Basically, the party will have to fight their way to this guy, and there's a decent chance they'll have to end up surrendering before him, at which point he might enlist them to get his wife back (away from the eyes of his fiendish troll army "handlers").

Still I'll have to put some more thought into this guy's tactics.

Offline ksbsnowowl

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Re: Help with spell selection for BBEG Spirit Shaman//Favored Soul
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2011, 03:20:43 AM »
Been very busy of late, but I finally got a chance to look at the Ghost Lord from RHoD.

Due to his phylactery being stolen by the Red Hand horde, the Ghost Lord is described as being "exceedingly wary."  This makes him less likely to fight, and more likely to act in a way to just get the PC's to leave.

It also makes note that the Ghost Lord realizes the PC's are a new, unknown factor, and he gives them a chance to explain their intrusion (presumably in a desire to use them against the Red Hand).

The PC's are supposed to get one minute to explain themselves, followed by a Diplomacy check to improve his attitude from hostile to unfriendly (in which case he tells them to leave) or better (giving the PC's more time to state their case).

If the PC's discuss the phylactery (or mention they have it) the Ghost Lord obsesses over it, and demands its return.  In exchange for it, he'll stop supporting the Red Hand, and even help kill any remaining Red Hand troops in his realm.

Combat-wise, the Ghost Lord's abilities include the standard lich paralysis touch (Fort DC 18), as well as a Contagious Touch ability for 11 rounds (can be duplicated by a 4th level druid spell).  Blighter also gives him a Blightfire ability, which deals 5d6 fire damage (Ref DC 20 half) to those within 10 feet, once per round, at will.

His best spells include flame strike, rusting grasp, dispel magic, and poison.

My Rotting Man is extremely distraught and angry over the kidnapping of his wife, as well as his inability to locate her, but he's not completely withdrawn.  He would be apt to detain and gain info from any intruders as a matter of course.  Now he would be likely to lash out at first, then regain his composure and work to detain.  He would also recognize normal humans who got this close to him as being a potentially powerful unknown factor, possibly useful against his unwanted fiendish troll "handlers."  Thus, he would give the PC's a similar opportunity to explain themselves, as the Ghost Lord does.

Upon being alerted of the PC's presence, the Rotting man would buff himself with a few spells (Night Shield, Divine Power), go incorporeal, and lay into one of the PC's with Harm or Finger of Death.  All my gestalt PC's have a good Will save, and two of my PC's have over 80 hp's at 7th level.  A successful save would mean the PC takes 75 points of damage from Harm.

If the Rotting Man kills one of the PC's in the first round or two, he will use Recall Spirit to bring the character back to life (claiming the soul belongs to Hel, not Valhalla), and give the PC's an opportunity to explain themselves.

Offline ksbsnowowl

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Re: Help with spell selection for BBEG Spirit Shaman//Favored Soul
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2012, 10:01:28 AM »
So my players jumped in a direction I wasn't expecting them to head toward just yet, and I need to run their encounter with the Rotting Man in the next week or two.  I still haven't fully filled out his spell list; any suggestions in that regard would be appreciated.

Here is a high-level cultist of Hel, and someone the PC's are likely to meet shortly before they encounter the Rotting Man himself.  (Hell, the PC's may mistake this person for the Rotting Man).  I plan to stat out a few lower-level cultist minions (4th level Clerics, things of that sort) in the next few days.  I still need to give this cultist one more feat, and the Rotting Man I'm clueless as to what feats I should give him.  Any ideas?

Rotting Cultist of Hel
Druid 7/Talontar Blightlord 2
Medium Humanoid [Human]
Hit Dice: 9d8+18 (63 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 16 (+2 Dex, +2 Leather, +2 Hvy Shield), touch 12, flat-footed 14
Buffed AC: 20 (+2 Dex, +2 Leather, +2 Hvy Shield, +4 Barkskin), touch 12, flat-footed 18
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+7
Attack: MW Longsword +8 (1d8+1 [19-20/x2]) or Sling +8 (1d4+1) or
Melee Touch Spell +7 or Ranged Touch Spell +8
Full Attack: MW Longsword +8/+3 (1d8+1 [19-20/x2]) or Sling +8 (1d4+1)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Spells
Special Qualities: Animal Companion, Nature Sense, Wild Empathy, Woodland Stride, Trackless Step, Resist Nature’s Lure, Wildshape (3/day), Blightbringer Prestige Domain, Blightblood, Illmaster
Saves: Fort +12, Ref +4, Will +13 (+4 vs SLA’s of fey)
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 18 (20), Cha 10
Skills: Concentration* +12 [10 ranks], Diplomacy +0 [0 ranks], Hide +6 [6 ranks, -2 ACP], Know (Nature) +9 [5 ranks], Listen* +15 [10 ranks], Move Silently +0 [0 ranks, -2 ACP], Sense Motive +5 [0 ranks], Spellcraft +5 [5 ranks], Spot* +15 [10 ranks], Survival* +17 [10 ranks], Survival (above ground) +19; Wild Empathy +7
Feats: Great Fortitude, Weap Prof (Longsword), Companion Spellbond, Natural Spell, Feral Animal Companion
Environment: Western Geat Dale
Organization: Solitary or warband (3-12 Blightlords)
Challenge Rating: 9 [GCR 8]
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +0

This Cultist speaks Common (Geat)

Typical Druid Spells Prepared [CL 9th]: (6/5/5/4/3/2)
Save DC's = 15+spell level
0 - Create Water, Cure Minor Wounds, Light, Mending, Detect Poison, Resistance
1 - Lesser Vigor, Entangle, Longstrider, Obscuring Mist, Produce Flame, Updraft
2 - Barkskin, Briar Web, Resist Energy, Spider Climb, Tree Shape
3 - Contagion, Poison, Protection from Energy, Call Lightning
4 - Air Walk, Flame Strike, Spike Stones
5 - Tree Stride, Wall of Thorns

Blightblood: The Talontar Blightlord is completely immune to all disease, magical or otherwise.  Blightspawned creatures do not attack him unless he attacks them, although they may attack other creatures in her company.
Illmaster: The Blightlord’s animal companion gains the blightspawned template.

Possessions of Note:
Pearl of Power (2nd)
Pearl of Power (1st)
Wilding Clasp
Periapt of Wisdom +2
Scroll of Cure Serious Wounds (CL 5)

Blightspawned Brown Bear Animal Companion (Advanced)
Large Animal
Hit Dice: 8d8+48 (84 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 40 ft. (6 squares); Run 200 ft.
Armor Class: 18 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +7 Natural), touch 11, flat-footed 16
Buffed AC: 22 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +7 Natural, +4 Barkskin), touch 11, flat-footed 20
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+22
Attack: Claw +17 (1d8+12 +Blight Touch)
Full Attack: 2 Claws +17 (1d8+12 +Blight Touch) and Bite +12 (2d6+6 +Blight T & Red Ache)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved Grab, Blight Touch, Create Spawn, Red Ache
Special Qualities: Low-Light Vision, Plant Traits, Undead Transformation, Scent, Evasion, Feral Animal Companion
Saves: Fort +12, Ref +8*, Will +3  *Evasion
Abilities: Str 34, Dex 14, Con 23, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 4
Skills: Listen +3 [3 ranks], Spot +8 [8 ranks], Swim +16 [0 ranks]
Feats: Endurance, Run, Track
Environment: Cold Forests
Organization: Solitary or pair
Challenge Rating: 5 [GCR 4]
Treasure: None
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Advancement: 7-10 HD (Large
Level Adjustment: -

Improved Grab: To use this ability the Brown Bear must hit with a Claw attack.  It can then start a grapple as a free action without provoking an AoO.

Blight Touch: Supernatural disease - any natural weapon, Fort save DC 20, incubation period 1d6 days; damage 1d4 Constitution and 1d4 Charisma.  This supernatural disease persists until the creature dies, becomes a blightspawned creature, or receives a remove disease spell or similar magic.

Create Spawn: An animal or plant infected by a blightspawned's blight touch becomes a blightspawned itself if its Charisma reaches 0 before its Constitution does.  When this transformation occurs, the blightspawned recovers all ability score points lost to the progress of the disease.

Red Ache: Due to the Feral Animal Companion feat, this bear inflicts Red Ache on any creature it bites, Fort save DC 15, incubation period 1d3 days; damage 1d6 Strength.

Feral Animal Companion: This feat (taken by the bear's druid master) imposes a -10 on Handle Animal checks made by anyone but this bear's master.  It also gave the bear +2 Str and +2 Con.

Plant Traits: This blightspawned bear is immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing.  It is not subject to critical hits or mind-affection effects.  It has low-light vision.

Undead Transformation:  Each month this blightspawned bear must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15+1 per previous saving throw) or die.  A blightspawned that dies in this fashion animates as a juju zombie.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2012, 07:06:54 AM by ksbsnowowl »

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Re: Help with spell selection for BBEG Spirit Shaman//Favored Soul
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2012, 10:39:14 AM »
Not what you've asked for but;

one thing to consider because this isn't supposed to be the only encounter with this NPC you could leave a few blanks on the sheet and fill them out with the "hey you know he could use that right now" during the initial encounter with him, that way at least the first few pivotal times this character is used he has "exactly" what is needed to reach your goals as a dm, then the later times they meet him, he has whatever he was developed into.

As such a list of Idea's rather than a complete list is what you should take with you to the table.

He's not an NPC they are supposed to overcome yet, he's an NPC they are supposed to get something or run from, there's no reason that "within reason" he can't have "just what he needs" for the time being.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2012, 10:40:59 AM by ClayQ »
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Re: Help with spell selection for BBEG Spirit Shaman//Favored Soul
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2012, 11:17:09 AM »
That's actually not a bad idea at all.  Thanks.

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Re: Help with spell selection for BBEG Spirit Shaman//Favored Soul
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2012, 11:18:31 PM »
Typical Blightlord Cultist of Hel
Cleric 7/Talontar Blightlord 3
Medium Humanoid [Human]
Hit Dice: 10d8+20 (69 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 20 ft.
Armor Class: 20 (+1 Dex, +7 armor, +2 shield) touch 11, flat-footed 19
Base Attack/Grapple: +7/+9
Attack +11/+6 melee (1d8+3 [19-20/x2] and disease, +1 diseased longsword) or
+9 ranged (1d8/19–20, masterwork light crossbow);
Special Attacks: Blight touch 1/day, rebuke undead 4/day
Special Qualities: Blightblood, illmaster
Saves: Fort +12, Ref +4, Will +11
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 12, Con14, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha12
Skills:  Concentration +12, Heal +9, Knowledge (nature) +2, Listen +5, Spot +6
Feats:  Brew Potion, Combat Casting, Great Fortitude, Martial Weapon Proficiency (longsword),
Weapon Focus (longsword)
Environment: Western Geat Dale
Organization: Solitary or warband
Challenge Rating: 10 [GCR 9]
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +0

Blight Touch (Su): Inflict Talona’s blight with successful melee touch attack (supernatural disease, Fort save DC 16, incubation 1d6 days, damage 1d4 Constitution and 1d4 Charisma, victim cannot recover without magical healing). Usable 1/day.
Blightblood (Ex): Immune to all disease, magical or otherwise. Blightspawned creatures do not attack the blightlord unless the blightlord attacks them.
Illmaster: Any animal companions the blightlord possesses gain the blightspawned template (this blightlord has no animal companions)
Rebuke Undead: 1d20+1 (2d6+8 turning damage)
Possessions: +1 diseased longsword, +2 breastplate, MW Large Wooden Shield, wand of unholy blight (5 charges), potion of invisibility, masterwork light crossbow, 20 bolts.

Spells Prepared (6/6/6/5/4/3; base DC = 13 + spell level):
0—cure minor wounds (2), detect magic (2), light, resistance;
1st—bane, command, cure light wounds (2), divine favor, inflict light wounds*;
2nd—bull’s strength, cure moderate wounds, death knell, hold person, death knell*,
summon monster II;
3rd—bestow curse, contagion*, cure serious wounds, dispel magic, protection from elements; 4th—air walk, death ward, fear*, summon monster IV;
5th—cone of cold*, mass cure light wounds, righteous might.
*Domain spell.
Domains: Blightbringer (rebuke or command blightspawned creatures and evil-aligned animals or plants as an evil cleric rebukes undead, 4/day); Death (death touch: 7d6, no save); Destruction (Smite 1/day, +4 attack, +7 damage)

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Re: Help with spell selection for BBEG Spirit Shaman//Favored Soul
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2012, 06:56:04 PM »
Things have really come together on the Rotting Man over the weekend.  However, I'm still short three feat choices.  Here's what I've got so far:

Feats: Great Fortitude, 1, Scribe Scroll, Craft Wondrous Item, 9, Craft Magic Arms & Armor, 15

(the crafting feats are at those levels due to altered rules concerning the requisite caster level for crafting feats in my game)

Any thoughts?  I've read that metamagic is pretty good with spirit shaman, but I'm unsure where to go with it, since it eats a whole spell retrieved per day.

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Re: Help with spell selection for BBEG Spirit Shaman//Favored Soul
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2012, 09:17:10 AM »
Just a notation I need for later:

Round S: Druid Dies
Round 1: Mooks Show up - Barkskin
Round 2: Bear Dies, Mooks call for help - Shield of Faith
Round 3: Mooks Die - Magic Vestment
Round 4: passes secret door - Night Shield
Round 5: closes secret door - Freedom of Movement
Round 6: Volodni arrive - Protection from Energy (Fire)
Round 7: Bless
Round 8: Dolghast Capt's arrive - Summon Greater Elemental
Round 9: Grt Elemental arrives - Summon Nat Ally 6
Round 10: Huge Elemental arrives - Divine Power
Round 11: 5-feet from top of stairs - Divine Favor
Round 12: Hallway (parallel to tree) - Lesser Vigor
Round 13: entry corner of room - Blasphemy

Make note of Diplomacy:
After one minute of explaining themselves, make a Diplomacy check:
Hostile: Less than 20 - kills the PC's
Unfriendly: 20 - demands they leave at once
Indifferent: 25 - gives a few more minutes to explain themselves (starts to see them as pawns)
Friendly: 35
« Last Edit: May 01, 2012, 09:27:15 AM by ksbsnowowl »

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Re: Help with spell selection for BBEG Spirit Shaman//Favored Soul
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2013, 11:31:40 PM »
So my PC's ended up killing the Druid 7/Talontar Blightlord 2 that I had statted up above.  The Rotting Man reincarnated him, and he came back as a "half-dwarf" (PHB Dwarf).  So, here he is, altered to a Dwarven body, leveled up to 15th (he's been on some missions), and gestalted (because why not?)

He's going to eventually start stalking the PC's as payback.  When wildshaped into an Owl, and with Forestfold and Camouflage running, he'll have "scout" modifiers of Hide +48, Move Silently +44, Listen +30, and Spot +22 (+30 in shadowy illumination).  So long as he is in "Natural Terrain" he can Hide without needing cover or concealment, and so long as he is within 10 feet of a shadow (pretty darn likely, given his night-time bonus to spot), he can Hide even while observed.  That's a pretty darn effective scout.

I need to make him a new animal companion yet, and stat up a few wildshape forms, but this is a good start.
I could have just gone straight Scout 14 for (Ex) Hide in Plain Sight in all natural environments, but I wanted him to have ranks in UMD, to make use of wands of Mage Armor and the like, thus the turn to Shadowdancer for HiPS.  I also wanted him to have Improved Uncanny Dodge, and four levels of Rogue was the best way to pull that off.

I still have one feat to give him.  Haven't made up my mind yet. Edit: what the hell?  Spring Attack.  It'll go well with some of the higher-speed wildshape forms.

Rotting Cultist of Hel
Druid 13/Talontar Blightlord 2//Scout 10/Rogue 4/Shadowdancer 1
Medium Humanoid [Reincarnated "Half-Dwarf," Augmented Human]
Hit Dice: 15d8+45 (112 hp) [120 hp rolled as PC's]
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 16 (+2 Dex, +2 Leather, +2 Hvy Shield), touch 12, flat-footed 14
Buffed AC: 25 (+2 Dex, +2 Leather, +2 Hvy Shield, +5 Barkskin, +4 Mage Armor), touch 12, flat-footed 18
Base Attack/Grapple: +10/+11
Attack: MW Longsword +12 (1d8+1 [19-20/x2]) or Sling +12 (1d4+1) or
Melee Touch Spell +11 or Ranged Touch Spell +12
Full Attack: MW Longsword +12/+7 (1d8+1 [19-20/x2]) or Sling +12 (1d4+1)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Spells, Skirmish +3d6/+2 AC [Imp Skirmish +5d6/+4 AC], Sneak Attack +2d6
Special Qualities: Animal Companion, Nature Sense, Wild Empathy, Woodland Stride, Trackless Step, Resist Nature’s Lure, Wildshape (4/day; Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Plant), Venom Immunity, A Thousand Faces, Blightbringer Prestige Domain, Blightblood, Illmaster; Trapfinding, Battle Fortitude +1, (Improved) Uncanny Dodge, Fast Movement +10 ft., Trackless Step, Evasion, Flawless Stride, Camouflage, Blindsense 30 ft.; Spell Reflection ACF, Penetrating Strike ACF, Antiquarian ACF; Hide in Plain Sight (shadows).
Saves: Fort +17, Ref +15, Will +16 (+4 vs SLA’s of fey)
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 19 (21), Cha 10
Skills: Balance +7 [5 ranks, -2 ACP], Concentration* +15 [12 ranks], Diplomacy +0 [0 ranks], Hide +17 [17 ranks, -2 ACP], Jump +6 [5 ranks, -2 ACP], Know (Nature) +9 [5 ranks], Listen* +22 [17 ranks], Move Silently +17 [17 ranks, -2 ACP], Perform (Dance) +5 [5 ranks], Sense Motive +5 [0 ranks], Spellcraft +5 (+7 deciphering scrolls) [5 ranks], Spot* +22 [17 ranks], Survival* +17 [10 ranks], Survival (above ground) +19; Tumble +15 [13 ranks, -2 ACP], Use Magic Device +18 (+20 scrolls) [18 ranks], Wild Empathy +13
Feats: Great Fortitude, Weap Prof (Longsword), Companion Spellbond, Dodge, Natural Spell, Mobility, Combat Reflexes, Improved Skirmish, Spring Attack
Environment: Western Geat Dale
Organization: Solitary or warband (3-12 Blightlords)
Challenge Rating: [GCR 15]
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +0

This Cultist speaks Common (Geat)

Typical Druid Spells Prepared [CL 15th]: (6/7/6/6/5/5/3/2/1)
Save DC's = 15+spell level
0 - Create Water, Cure Minor Wounds, Light, Mending, Detect Poison, Resistance
1 - Lesser Vigor, Entangle, Camouflage, Obscuring Mist, Produce Flame, Updraft, Lesser Vigor
2 - Barkskin, Briar Web, Resist Energy, Spider Climb, Tree Shape, ?
3 - Contagion, Poison, Protection from Energy, Call Lightning, Forestfold, Girallon's Blessing
4 - Air Walk, Flame Strike, Spike Stones, ?, ?
5 - Tree Stride, Wall of Thorns, ?, ?, ?
6 - ?, ?, ?
7 - ?, ?
8 - ?

Blightblood: The Talontar Blightlord is completely immune to all disease, magical or otherwise.  Blightspawned creatures do not attack him unless he attacks them, although they may attack other creatures in her company.
Illmaster: The Blightlord’s animal companion gains the blightspawned template.

Possessions of Note:
Pearl of Power (2nd)
Pearl of Power (1st)
Wilding Clasp
Periapt of Wisdom +2
Scroll of Cure Serious Wounds (CL 5)
« Last Edit: May 05, 2013, 11:53:53 PM by ksbsnowowl »