Dread Pirate and Scarlet Corsair do it better... at level 5, both get an ability that lets you intimidate everyone within 30', and it lasts for Cha mod rounds. With the Fearsome armor (DotU, I believe) you can do it as a move action, and with Imperious Command they're cowering. Now throw in a level of Inspire Awe Bard (Dragon Magic variant) along with Haunting Melody and Requiem.
Total result? Everyone within 30' must make a will save (vs your Perform check, undead are not immune) or be Frightened... if this lands, they stay that way as long as they're in range. Next, you intimidate everyone within range with DP or SC, and now they just sit there cowering as long as you are close enough. And you can keep that song up all day long, so you can do this trick forever.