Changeling Morphing Serren Elvencraft Bow
elvencraft allows your bow to become a quarterstaff in melee.
changeling changes the type of weapon.
morphing changes within the type.
thus you can have your bow become any light, one-handed, two-handed, or ranged weapon
Technically, morphing doesn't allow you to change the number of hands, so you could have any ranged weapon and two handed weapon. Changeling is a WSA that only works on spears. And technically, it's short spear, long spear, normal spear, so you'd be limited to one-handed and two-handed. Although I think that the halfspear, that was eliminated from 3.0 to 3.5, technically would become a light weapon under 3.5 rules. Still trying to work that one out. Regardless, it's not a form allowed by changeling.
What you are looking for is Morphing/Everchanging. If you take the everychanging blade from underdark, it does what you want. When I worked it out, Everchanging WSA property is the following:
Price: 13,000 gp
Property: Melee/Thrown
Caster Level: 15th
Aura: Strong (DC 25) transmutation
Activation: Free (mental)
Prerequisite: Morphing
This weapon can become any single weapon the wielder desires. The size remains the same. You cannot turn it into ammunition. If it turns into a weapon that cannot use the WSAs on it in its new form, the WSAs go dormant. Example, you have a +1 Chargebreaker Morphing Everchanging Longsword and turn it into a short bow, you cannot use chargebreaker. If you turn it into a strength bow, you can choose the strength to match yours.
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, polymorph any object.
Editor: Unlike morphing which allows you to change the weapon into any other weapon of the same type, this allows you to change the weapon type and number of hands. A longsword can become a longbow. A dagger can become a spiked chain. While you can do something similar with changeling, you can’t make a melee weapon into a projectile launcher with changeling/morphing. Everchanging is the only way to make it into truly any weapon.
And where's Changeling from?
Price: +2,000 gp
Property: Spear, Shortspear, Longspear
Caster Level: 5th
Aura: Faint; (DC 17) transmutation
Activation: Swift (command)
Description: This spear appears to be made entirely of a metal with a bright silver sheen, and the head is joined seamlessly to the haft.
A changeling weapon allows you to choose its length and appearance each time you attack with it. Once per round, by speaking the appropriate command word, you can change the weapon into a spear, a shortspear, or a longspear sized appropriately for you. As part of the same action, you can make its haft and head appear to be composed of any wood, stone, metal, or combination thereof that you want, and add any decorative flourishes desired, though the spear’s actual composition does not change.
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, shrink item.
Editor: So if you ever wanted a long pointy thing, a medium sized pointy thing, and a short pointy thing all in one, this is your WA. Add morphing for truly versatile options.
Seriously guys, I already did all this work on WSA 2.03 handbook. Give me a few more weeks and I'll finish the break down of all the Special weapons. Up to page 104 of 181 of very tiny 8 point font. SHould give you a gaggle of interesting finds.