Author Topic: Project Wild: The Ranger Reborn[UPDATED]  (Read 10897 times)

Offline Aragorn

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Project Wild: The Ranger Reborn[UPDATED]
« on: May 27, 2013, 04:05:20 PM »
Hello Minmaxers! This is my first publicly posted Homebrew Project. Please PEACH or leave a comment telling me if you liked it or not.
Without any further ado, I introduce you formally to Project Wild, my take on the Ranger. Before I go any further, I would like to explain my thoughts behind the revisions below. Firstly, I am firm believer that martial classes need a hug. Secondly, I dislike being railroaded into any one build, unless that’s the build I already wanted to play. For me, the more options, the better. Thirdly, I am tired of this stereotype for the Ranger.
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I would prefer something more like this.

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But that’s not quite right either.
Huh. Well what if I tried to combine ALL the stereotypes about the Ranger into one giant class? While this will make creating Prestige Classes for the Ranger more difficult, I am confidant that I can make a base class so good, they won’t need them anymore. So that’s what I have done. Please let me know what you think.
The Ranger
A Ranger with the Reach Weapon Art of War and a Wilderness focused set of Paths
"You can run for a long time, but you can't hide forever
Relyb-Arn, Elven Ranger

Rangers are a unique breed. Born stronger, faster, and smarter than all other predators, Rangers know how to survive. Be it city or forest, a Ranger can find his way and make his way anywhere. No matter how hard the fight he will walk away to fight another day, taking the better part of valor. Discretion. Rangers walk the world waiting for the one day they will receive their true calling, when they shrug off the mantle of the mundane and assume their true heritage, power over the world unmatched by anyone who has and will ever walk the earth. But until that day a Ranger is a deadly foe, willing to do whatever is necessary to continue waiting.

An excerpt from "The Life of King Telcontar"

Making A Ranger
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Class Skills
The ranger class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), and Use Rope (Dex).
Skill Points at 1st Level: (6 + Int modifier) x4.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + Int modifier.
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Hit Die: d8

The Ranger





1st +1+2+2+0 Tracker, 1st Path
2nd +2+3+3+0 Hunter Training
3rd +3+3+3+1 Art of War
4th +4+4+4+1 2nd Path
5th +5+4+4+1 Hunter Training
6th +6/+1+5+5+2 Naturally Skilled, Uncanny Dodge, Defense of the Wild
7th +7/+2+5+5+2 Natural Selection
8th +8/+3+6+6+2 Hunter Training, 3rd Path
9th +9/+4+6+6+3 Art of War
10th+10/+5+7+7+3 Naturally Skilled, Evasion
11th+11/+6/+1+7+7+3 Hunter Training, 4th Path, 3rd Tier Paths Unlocked
12th+12/+7/+2 +8+8+4 Improved Natural Selection, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Improved Defense of the Wild
13th+13/+8/+3 +8+8+4 Naturally Skilled
14th+14/+9/+4 +9+9+4 Hunter Training, 5th Path
15th+15/+10/+5 +9+9+5 Improved Evasion
16th+16/+11/+6/+1 +10+10+5Art of War
17th+17/+12/+7/+2 +10+10+5Hunter Training, 6th Path
18th+18/+13/+8/+3 +11+11+6Supreme Defense of the Wild
19th+19/+14/+9/+4 +11+11+6 Naturally Skilled
20th+20/+15/+10/+5+12+12+67th Path, Hunters Training, Peerless Predation

Weapons and Armor Proficiency: The Ranger gains proficiency with Simple and Martial weapons, as well as light and medium armor, and shields. He may also choose a number of Exotic Weapons equal to his Intelligence modifier with which to be proficient. This does not change if his Intelligence modifier decreases at a later time but does if his inherent Intelligence score increases for any reason.
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Every Ranger gains the Track and Urban Track feats as bonus feats.

The Paths
Though every Ranger makes his own way through life, many choose to follow in the paths of others who have come before them. At every level listed on the table above where a Ranger receives a new Path, he can choose to either continue in a path he has already begun, or tread down a new one. Each time he follows the same path more than once, he unlocks the next tier of abilities granted by that path. A Ranger can only take the last tier in a path once he has reached 11th level. A Ranger may only take three Paths total. After he has started three he must advance those already started.
DN (Design Notes)
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-Path of the King
(click to show/hide)
-Path of the Wild
(click to show/hide)
-Path of Blinding Anger
(click to show/hide)
-Path of Fleet Hunter
(click to show/hide)
-Path of the Xenophobic Predator
(click to show/hide)
-Path of the Divine Tracker
(click to show/hide)
-Path of the Street Fighter
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Path of the Clandestine Huntsman
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Hunter Training (Ex)
A Ranger learns how to combat specific creatures by learning as much about them as possible. At 2nd level and every three after he picks a subtype of creature, as the original PHB ranger. This helps him in many ways. He gains a perfection bonus equal to 1/2 his ranger level on any checks (skill or ability) made regarding or against that creature type, damage rolls, as extra damage for the purpose of overcoming all types of damage reduction. He gains a perfection bonus equal to 1/3 his ranger level on attack rolls, to his armor class for any attacks made against him by his chosen subtype, and to his caster level for the purpose of overcoming Spell Resistance against 1 subtype (Each race counts as a subtype) each time he receives this feature.
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Arts of War (Ex)
Through out a Rangers travels in both rural and urban areas he picks up quite a few impressive tricks with weapons. A Ranger gains an Art at the 3rd, 9th and 16th levels. He chooses one from the list below . If he so desires, he can instead chooses two feats he qualifies for from the fighter or general feat list to receive as bonus feats.
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Naturally Skilled (Ex)
A Ranger is graced by Nature and his own experiences. At 6th, 10th, 13th and 19th levels he can choose two skill tricks he qualifies for and gains a competence bonus equal to the number of times he has received this ability to one skill of his choosing each time he receives this ability. He may not select the same skill twice. The skill must be on his class skill list.
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Uncanny Dodge(Ex)
Starting at 6th level, a Ranger can react to danger before his senses would normally allow his to do so. He retains his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, he still loses his Dexterity bonus to
AC if immobilized. If a Ranger already has uncanny dodge from a different class (a
rogue with at least two levels of barbarian, for example), he automatically gains improved uncanny dodge (see below) instead.
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Defense of the Wild
Rangers focus on the strike, the final blow, the silent kill, and the moment of sanguine perfection. But in order to better achieve those goals they must guard themselves with vigilance. To this end each Ranger chooses a type of defense and sticks with it, content to hone his skills in other areas, only occasionally sparing a thought towards better protection.
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Natural Selection (Ex)
At 7th level a Ranger has survived long enough that he has passed the first of Natures tests and gains Immunity to natural poisons and diseases.
At 12th level a Ranger has passed all of Natures tests and gains Immunity to all poisons and diseases.
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A Ranger of 10th level or higher can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If he makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save (such as the Flame Strike spell), he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if a Ranger is wearing armor he is proficient with or no armor. A helpless Ranger (such as one who is paralyzed) does not gain the benefit of evasion.
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Improved Uncanny Dodge(Ex)
A Ranger of 12th level or higher can no longer be flanked; he can react to opponents on opposite sides of him as easily as he can react to a single attacker. This defense denies a rogue the ability to sneak attack the character by flanking him, unless the attacker has at least four more rogue levels than the target does Ranger levels.
If a character already has uncanny dodge (see above) from a second class, the character automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead, and the levels from the classes that grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum rogue level required to flank the character.
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Improved Evasion(Ex)
At 15th level, a Ranger’s evasion ability improves. He still takes no damage on a successful Reflex saving throw against attacks such as a Flame Strike spell, but henceforth he takes only half damage on a failed save. A helpless Ranger (such as one who is paralyzed) does not gain the benefit of improved evasion.
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Peerless Predation
At 20th level the Ranger has become the ultimate predator. He is the top of every food chain and a certified Bad Ass. He gains an final progression of a Path in addition to the 7th he is due to reflect his mastery of the ways he has tread before. This final progression can be taken in any of the Paths, regardless of if he has already started three or not. If it is taken in a Path he has already started but not finished he automatically gains the rest of the Tiers, regardless of his having met the 2nd tier or not. A Ranger who has reached such an epic level gains the Outsider (Native) subtype as he evolves to hunt anything in the multiverse.

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Credits and Thanks Yous: Thank you TravelLog, for all your help and ideas for class features. Thanks and credit to T.G. Oskar for allowing me to use his Marshal in my class, under the Path of Kings. And Thank you to all the other homebrews on this forum, you have all inspired me more than you know.

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« Last Edit: January 12, 2014, 06:58:59 PM by Aragorn »
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Offline Aragorn

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Re: Project Wild: The Ranger Reborn
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2013, 04:06:17 PM »
As clunky as it may be, I think I've done my best and I welcome any and all critiques, comments, suggestions, ect.
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Offline Raineh Daze

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Re: Project Wild: The Ranger Reborn
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2013, 04:18:19 PM »
That capstone looks very exploitable. A 20th level ranger would probably be immune to more things than undead. Intentionally failing a save against Phantasmal Killer? Immune to Mind-Affecting! Not sure that's the intended idea (and it seems ridiculous that murdering yourself with a club, sword, and spear will make you immune to melee weapons but dying by fireball equals immunity to... fireball) but...

And now the paths...

Path of the Wild is clearly stupidly powerful as normal for that sort of thing. Fighters: even more useless! Though it's hilarious that you get wildshape at level 1 as a Druid, who doesn't get it to fifth. But who cares? You've got an animal companion (as the ranger's supposed to have)!

The paths in general seem like a replacement for every core martial class, including rogues. Especially rogues, given that you get their main class features that aren't 'find traps' and generally better abilities. But hey, free skills and skill tricks. Poor rogues...

Cloaked in Isolation is worded to be always on. Magic can't detect him, therefore he's modified against perception, therefore permanent mindblank.

Offline Aragorn

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Re: Project Wild: The Ranger Reborn
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2013, 04:35:09 PM »
If you'll read carefully, you can see its Shapeshifting, which is an ACF gained at level 1.

Without spells to power up his animal companion, the Ranger isn't breaking anything.

Adaptive Evolution only grants him immunity to that effect, meaning he can no longer die from any casting of Phantasmal Killer. I suppose i should add a clause about not harming yourself or having your allies do it, but at twentieth level the game's already borked by chain Gating Solars so who cares?

I am operating under the principle that all the core(PHB) martial classes are underpowered. Im shooting for Tier 3 here. Possibly weak tier 2, but nothing broken.

Im not understanding the loophole in Cloaked Isolation. Could you explain it differently or in more depth?
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Offline Raineh Daze

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Re: Project Wild: The Ranger Reborn
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2013, 05:00:50 PM »
Without spells to power up his animal companion, the Ranger isn't breaking anything.

Equal to or stronger than a fighter, quite easily capable of eclipsing other martial classes through levelling up.

Adaptive Evolution only grants him immunity to that effect, meaning he can no longer die from any casting of Phantasmal Killer. I suppose i should add a clause about not harming yourself or having your allies do it, but at twentieth level the game's already borked by chain Gating Solars so who cares?

Well, I care, because adding a completely broken ability just because things are easily broken by that point messes up the entire concept of a fix.

And internal consistency has been lost. If I'm killed by fireball, I gain immunity to fireball. If I'm killed by a club, I gain immunity to blunt impacts. Poor martial. :(

I am operating under the principle that all the core(PHB) martial classes are underpowered. Im shooting for Tier 3 here. Possibly weak tier 2, but nothing broken.

Being all of the core PHB martial classes in one handy package is broken for a different reason.

Im not understanding the loophole in Cloaked Isolation. Could you explain it differently or in more depth?

Okay, then:

At 18th level, a Ranger learns that to be undetectable is to be absent, both in mind and body. Whenever Hiding, Moving Silently (as the skills), or otherwise evading perception, he is under the effect of a Mind Blank spell, which he can choose to lower or allow certain effects(such as a morale bonus from a bard) to pass unhindered.

Innate Blindsense, Tremorsense, Lifesense, and other forms of non magical (originating from spells or spell like abilities) perception may still detect him, only they must make a Spot or Listen check to do so.

With the way it's currently worded, the second part is going to be always active, and so too will the first.

Or he just puts a blanket over his head, I guess, and cuts out holes for eyes.

Offline Aragorn

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Re: Project Wild: The Ranger Reborn
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2013, 06:55:50 PM »
It's a series of options, not all at once. And that's exactly how I designed it. Feel free to ignore it for being broken if that's how you feel. The mind blank effect ends once he's detected or decideds to talk to anyone. Constant mind blank at 18th isnt terrible. I might  nerf it. I'll think on it.
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Re: Project Wild: The Ranger Reborn
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2013, 07:06:20 PM »
You're letting me change into animals (doubling stat boosts), with a permanent +6 bonus to strength, resisting everything on a successful save, and permanent mindblank effect. Ooh, AND Rage and better DR than the Barbarian. +10 bonus against any 6 subtypes of enemy I care to name, which will be really handy unless you have an amazingly varied cast of foes. +5 to 5 skills and 10 free skill tricks. Free feats to buff the natural attacks I'm getting this way with hugely buffed damage die, yay (since this is a full BAB class, that means that if I'm a Medium creature, I deal damage as a Colossal one instead), and it adds 1.5x my strength at minimum. Large resistance to sneak attack and retain my dexterity bonus at all times. 6 skill points a level, two good saves. Plus that delicious autoresurrect and immunities.

Huh, and my natural weapons are also +5. Get me a friendly spellcaster and I'm set. Or get UMD onto my class list and get that neat bonus to it, and buff myself (or just use any helpful spells that WOULD be on my list and do that)

Not to mention the animal companion.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2013, 07:09:19 PM by Raineh Daze »

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Re: Project Wild: The Ranger Reborn
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2013, 08:22:34 PM »
Compare this to some of Oslecamo's monster classes that focus on martial combat without maneuvers. The Tarrasque, Psuedonatural Creature or Black Rock Triskelion for instance (and keep in mind that all of those get silly ability boosts.) Any character without access to a scaling subsystem needs a passel of backbreaking abilities if they're going to come close to keeping up at high levels.

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Re: Project Wild: The Ranger Reborn
« Reply #8 on: May 27, 2013, 08:28:44 PM »
Compare this to some of Oslecamo's monster classes that focus on martial combat without maneuvers. The Tarrasque, Psuedonatural Creature or Black Rock Triskelion for instance (and keep in mind that all of those get silly ability boosts.) Any character without access to a scaling subsystem needs a passel of backbreaking abilities if they're going to come close to keeping up at high levels.

True, but they're meant to be used in mid-to-high op situations, aren't they? This has no such disclaimer. And you're getting a druid's Animal Companion with Shapeshift. Whilst Shapeshift is definitely a nerf, you probably shouldn't be getting both of them at once (or, at least, not from the same path). Not as if the tiers don't scale at all once you reach the third part.

And I am a little bit annoyed at a class that has the same abilities as half the PHB classes at once.

... need to check if that shapeshift scales, BRB.

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Re: Project Wild: The Ranger Reborn
« Reply #9 on: May 27, 2013, 08:30:00 PM »
Compare this to some of Oslecamo's monster classes that focus on martial combat without maneuvers. The Tarrasque, Psuedonatural Creature or Black Rock Triskelion for instance (and keep in mind that all of those get silly ability boosts.) Any character without access to a scaling subsystem needs a passel of backbreaking abilities if they're going to come close to keeping up at high levels.

Really? I was under the impression that uberchargers did just fine on the backbreaking front with just feats and WBL.

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Re: Project Wild: The Ranger Reborn
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2013, 08:38:17 PM »
... okay, this grants you a +22 bonus to strength at level 12. Oh, and you're dealing damage as a Huge creature (only goes up to Gargantuan, not colossal, misread something) despite being Medium. And at level 14, you get another +4 to strength, plus another 8 to all damage. Now, at level 16? Then that's +30 to strength, and due to the way everything is worded, you're dealing damage as Colossal++. Still have that plus 8 to all damage. Next level, that's +32 and +12 to all damage. Also, enhancement bonus, more bonuses to attack, and dealing 2x strength mod with those slam attacks (starting at 2d6 base damage).

Actually works out stronger than the Tarrasque.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2013, 08:40:09 PM by Raineh Daze »

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Re: Project Wild: The Ranger Reborn
« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2013, 10:14:20 PM »
It doesn't have all the silly immunity piercing abilities the tarrasque gets, however. By that level, pure stats stop meaning all that much.

I do agree that multiplying the shapeshift ability bonuses is a bit gratuitous, though. Changing the Wild path's third tier ability would be a plan.

Compare this to some of Oslecamo's monster classes that focus on martial combat without maneuvers. The Tarrasque, Psuedonatural Creature or Black Rock Triskelion for instance (and keep in mind that all of those get silly ability boosts.) Any character without access to a scaling subsystem needs a passel of backbreaking abilities if they're going to come close to keeping up at high levels.

Really? I was under the impression that uberchargers did just fine on the backbreaking front with just feats and WBL.

Where did you get the impression that uberchargers "keep up" with full casters in any respect besides straight damage (which is widely regarded as the worst thing a caster can be doing with their action)?

Also, most ubercharger builds use maneuvers, which is a scaling subsystem.

Offline Raineh Daze

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Re: Project Wild: The Ranger Reborn
« Reply #12 on: May 27, 2013, 10:28:19 PM »
I remain unconvinced that this is really a Ranger by this point. It's a barbarian, and a leader, and a fighter, and a ranger, and a shapeshifting specialist, and a rogue, and a caster oddly sandwiched between default Ranger and bard in casting, all at once. Plus you get two full sets of these abilities, and a bunch of other things on top. It's too many things on top of the stuff that actually fits a Ranger. Seems... bland.

... any metamagic, without needing the feat. Dear god.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2013, 10:42:18 PM by Raineh Daze »

Offline Garryl

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Re: Project Wild: The Ranger Reborn
« Reply #13 on: May 27, 2013, 10:38:13 PM »
Compare this to some of Oslecamo's monster classes that focus on martial combat without maneuvers. The Tarrasque, Psuedonatural Creature or Black Rock Triskelion for instance (and keep in mind that all of those get silly ability boosts.) Any character without access to a scaling subsystem needs a passel of backbreaking abilities if they're going to come close to keeping up at high levels.

Really? I was under the impression that uberchargers did just fine on the backbreaking front with just feats and WBL.

Where did you get the impression that uberchargers "keep up" with full casters in any respect besides straight damage (which is widely regarded as the worst thing a caster can be doing with their action)?

Also, most ubercharger builds use maneuvers, which is a scaling subsystem.

Who said anything about full casters? I thought we were talking about breaking backs (ie: dealing damage) and martial combat.

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Re: Project Wild: The Ranger Reborn
« Reply #14 on: May 27, 2013, 10:53:21 PM »
The power point of this class is supposed to be high tier 3/ low tier 2. That means keeping up with casters, at least to some extent.

I was using "backbreaking" to mean "really powerful" rather than anything more literal.

Offline Aragorn

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Re: Project Wild: The Ranger Reborn
« Reply #15 on: May 28, 2013, 05:45:07 PM »
... okay, this grants you a +22 bonus to strength at level 12. Oh, and you're dealing damage as a Huge creature (only goes up to Gargantuan, not colossal, misread something) despite being Medium. And at level 14, you get another +4 to strength, plus another 8 to all damage. Now, at level 16? Then that's +30 to strength, and due to the way everything is worded, you're dealing damage as Colossal++. Still have that plus 8 to all damage. Next level, that's +32 and +12 to all damage. Also, enhancement bonus, more bonuses to attack, and dealing 2x strength mod with those slam attacks (starting at 2d6 base damage).

Lets break this down. Assuming you are taking(which you never specified) Path of the Wild for your first and second paths, followed by Path of Blinding Anger and finally the third Path of the Wild at 11th level. At 12th level you will have access to Forest Avenger form, for +18 Enhancement to Strength(Doesn't stack with most spells and you have no items). You also gain a +2 size bonus as you increase one size. An additional +2 Class bonus to Strength from PoBA for a total of +22. While raging you get an additional +4 to Strength[Untyped] for a +26.

Assuming you take the Natural Art of War, you gain a dice increase of +2, starting at Medium, To Large from the Avenger form +2 steps = 2d8 Damage per slam for an average of 9 per hit. +26 from your strength bonus +3 enhancement from shapeshift for an average of 38 damage(+4 if you started with 18 Strength). 38-42 Damage per hit, for less than 8 round, which decreases after that but holds at 19-23 for as long as you are in combat. Without any items. Or spells. Now, if you have a cohort or someone else to buff you with the select spells that can actually help, you can deal more, but why would they bother? They could be casting spells to deal more damage than the buffs they would give to you would help with. And since this is a natural attack, this is the only attack you get in this round.

At 14th you get an additional +4 to strength for +2 to damage and no additional damage. Natural Weapons are not melee weapons, they are natural weapons. Blinding Anger only grants damage boosts to manufactured, melee weapons. If for some reason I've misread natural attacks, I'll change it to exclude natural weapons.

The tarrasque has touch AC 5. It would be ridiculously easy for a (properly equipped) mid level ubercharger fighter with a wrathstriked weapon to one shot it.

Im completely fine with you being terribly upset by everything this class is giving you. Each one of the paths was either directly inspired by a Ranger ACF, or my own personal interpretations of representations of the Ranger in pop culture(notably Aragorn leading to Path of the King). And
I am operating under the principle that all the core(PHB) martial classes are underpowered. Im shooting for Tier 3 here. Possibly weak tier 2, but nothing broken.
I thought this implied that I run with mid to high op campaigns and as such design for them.

The amount of restrictions placed one the free metamagic part of Path of the Divine Tracker's third path makes it nothing more than a nice diversion, nothing about that ability is game breaking. Ir provided a nice option for those Rangers who want to prepare ahead.

I'll consider changing the 3rd level Path of the Wild ability to apply only to strength bonuses to damage. I also made an error on the Hunted bonuses' they weren't meant to be all the same. I'll fix it soon.
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Re: Project Wild: The Ranger Reborn
« Reply #16 on: May 28, 2013, 05:57:15 PM »
You also gain a +2 size bonus as you increase one size.

Incorrect. That only applies when advancing monsters through the application of HD, if they have a listed size growth.

Natural weapons are melee weapons if they're used in melee. They aren't manufactured weapons, however.

This is not the same Tarrasque we're talking about, anyway (look in the Reworks section of the homebrew forum, Oslecamo's improved monster classes), this class just gets a bigger Strength bonus. I'm sure there's some sort of non-enhancement bonus strength boost from spells somewhere.

Why does this ranger have 6+ skillpoints and a competency bonus and an equivalent of 20 free skillpoints (or more, since you won't necessarily meet the skill trick requirements), though? >.>

Offline Aragorn

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Re: Project Wild: The Ranger Reborn
« Reply #17 on: May 28, 2013, 07:09:19 PM »
No, when monsters increase they get a larger boost. I went off enlarge person and every other growing magical effect, although I still could be wrong.

The base ranger has 6+int skills. The compotence bonus overlaps with most of the skill boosting items. The skill tricks are just for flavor, although I suppose there aren't enough good skill tricks to merit 10 of them.

Only for a limited period of time and certainly not in an AMF. That's also before the Tartarus got his magical buffs.
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Re: Project Wild: The Ranger Reborn
« Reply #18 on: May 28, 2013, 07:19:01 PM »
You are, I'm sure. Unless specified, get bigger does not grant extra strength. Monsters get the strength on top of getting bigger because of the monster advancement rules. Basically, unless it says it messes with your stats in such a way, it probably doesn't.

Huh, I could swear the Ranger only had 4+. Never mind, then.

Uh... I just noticed that the Unarmed Art of War allows you to force undead and constructs to make a SoL fort save... at level 3. With effects that do not make any sense for 'punch them'. Don't think there's anything that prevents you from using that feature regardless of armament, by the way. Notably, this means that combining it with that level 16 transformation nets you a save DC of about 40ish or above.

'Once per encounter' is badly defined, too. 1/hour per 3HD or something?

Offline Aragorn

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Re: Project Wild: The Ranger Reborn
« Reply #19 on: May 28, 2013, 07:31:51 PM »
Crap. Your right about that. I usually included requirements for Arts to be active. I'll add that to the to fix list. Good catch. I'll figure a good wording out.
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