@ Captnq
third, the no god mode: my master askd me to build this char as a "panic button mode" to keep the story on, but he strongly dislike the god arcanist cause - "they need to beat up monsters with gore and blood and pain, not to tie em up and run away"-. yeah, quite disappointing. ofc this cam be done by spell selection but i'll be tempted to have always a black tentacle or similar in my arsenal.
we are starting at level one, the campaign will rise up to level 15 or so if i can make my work as intended.
It's the lack of sentence structure and punctuation. I look at posts like that and my eyes just glaze over because the spelling errors stand out more then what they are trying to say.
I'm still confused as to why. You are the "Panic Button" guy? Like, the players start having fun and you are supposed to stop them? In case the turn evil? In case they need to get railroaded into the plot?
Stick to simple:
Barbarian: Focus on every ounce you got into going first and doing as much damage as possible in one shot.
Oversized Whip Dagger (50 gp) Because it's got 15' reach and becomes one handed so you can power attack for only a -2 to hit and does 1d8 damage. Oh, and it's slashing.
+1 EB (2,650 gp) - 'Cause you gotta
+1 Whirling (8,650 gp) - Drink a potion of enlarge person. Whack everyone for 30 feet three times a day
Spiked Helmet (10 gp) - 'cause a barbarian needs horns
+1 EB (2,310 gp)
1 charge of doomwarding (7,810 gp) So you can get off an extra attack when you need it.
Knee Blade (20 gp) - 'Cause kneeing someone in the nuts with a short sword is funny.
+1 EB (2,320 gp) - 'Cause you gotta
+1 Corrosive (8,320) - Cause you have to.
+1 Earth Elemental Power, Large (18,320) Because 11 rounds of a critter with cleave/great cleave/power attack at 2d8+7 damage will ruin most people's day
Oversized Manyfang Dagger (32,604 gp) - Because X4 damage and power attack is disgusting with a one-handed weap0n at a mere -2 to hit.
+1 Morphing (55,604 gp) - Because KUSARI-GAMA is a light weapon with reach and does 1d6. Because a mace can get greater mighty wallop and does 1d6. Cause you can turn it into a halfspear and set it against a charge.
And the halberd of vaulting goes without saying
Or... go with a mailman ray specialist.
Sorcerer's Hand (18,335 gp) - Because adding Weapon special abilities to your ray spells is broken.
Deathwand (20,335 gp) - Because having two wands always at the ready is handy.
+2 Exit Wound (52,335 gp) - Because hitting multiple targets while doing an extra +1d6 is awesome.
+3 Splitting (130,335 gp) - Steep upgrade, but it doubles all your rays.
If you can, buy the sorcerer's hand with only a base +1 not +2. It'll make the over all weapon MUCH cheaper.
I suppose what I'm trying to point out is, what you need are force multipliers. Extra guys on your side, Double, Triple, Quadruple damage. Extra attacks. Hitting multiple targets. That's the way to ramp things up in a hurry. You need exponential growth, not linear progressions.