Author Topic: pvp char help  (Read 8333 times)

Offline Hics

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pvp char help
« on: May 30, 2013, 03:59:58 AM »
hi all.
im here again to ask, again, some help in the creation of a game breaking over optimized char.
but limitations on mechanics make me sick.
first of all, manual limitation: just official, no dragon mag., no web (exept maybe for glaivelock invocation), no 9 swords, no psionics.
second, the scope: i need to be able to own a 4 man party by myself, or at least to show em "ive tha bigger weapon in here. do as i said" by charisma or better, pure violence.
third, the no god mode: my master askd me to build this char as a "panic button mode" to keep the story on, but he strongly dislike the god arcanist cause - "they need to beat up monsters with gore and blood and pain, not to tie em up and run away"-. yeah, quite disappointing. ofc this cam be done by spell selection but i'll be tempted to have always a black tentacle or similar in my arsenal.

another limitation, the party: it's a "not so newbie" party of powerplayers, using melee chars, so what i need is somethig that, in the right moment, can humiliate them and meke em taste dirt if they start to ruin the game.

now, after some reflection, the ideal thing could be a "pathfinder syntesist" or a something like that.
or a arcane/divine empowered bsf. (paladin? glaivelock/disciple?)

also, im keeping ad eye open for malkonvoker - but im feeleng the lack of immediate reaction and survival in an antimagic zone (yeah, gm love this thing).

we are starting at level one, the campaign will rise up to level 15 or so if i can make my work as intended.
ty all for suggestions.


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Re: pvp char help
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2013, 07:14:46 AM »
I appreciate the logical, cool-headed responses and the lack of profanity displayed by our community.

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Re: pvp char help
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2013, 08:53:45 AM »
Not sure if troll but...

i need to be able to own a 4 man party by myself, or at least to show em "ive tha bigger weapon in here. do as i said" by charisma or better, pure violence.

the no god mode

You're pretty much contradicting yourself. Any character capable of killing a same-level party is operating in god-mode. Unless the party is woefully under optimised.

the party: using melee chars

They're all melee and you need our help? Cast Fly + Entropic shield or wind wall.

also, im keeping ad eye open for malkonvoker - but im feeleng the lack of immediate reaction and survival in an antimagic zone (yeah, gm love this thing).

Wizard Malconvoker via Conjuration specialist nets you abrupt jaunt... an immediate action teleport that basically makes you god, combined with cloudy conjuration and giant twinned summonings... you'll beat most beatsticks at beating up beatsticks.

If I recall correctly summoned beasties can wander around in AMF, but they can't be summoned whilst you're in them. So if someone throws an AMF at you, you abrupt jaunt out of range and then summon something... or use a tin foil hat.

Offline Hics

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Re: pvp char help
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2013, 01:53:30 PM »
no, sadly not a troll.
also, i've reported just gm "orders".

and i don't knw how to do something like this.
or if it's even possible.

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Re: pvp char help
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2013, 02:16:28 PM »
I'm not arguing, I'm explaining why I'm right.

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Re: pvp char help
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2013, 03:02:11 PM »
or if it's even possible.

They're all melee, and there is no ToB:Bo9S?

You could own them all with a rogue with bags of marbles, or just a simple chain fighter.

Honestly, it sounds like you're being asked to be the party babysitter: and if that's the case, we'd need to know a bit more about the babies.
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Offline Hics

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Re: pvp char help
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2013, 03:39:17 PM »
yeah, sadly, babysitting will be half the work.
and till now i don't know what they are gone to play.
just some hint : melee/ archer oriented classes, maybe some flavour, but not so much.
so i need to be prepared to face them to keep the powerplay at low level and to enhance the rpg level.
sadly ill be just a mere gm tool, masked as a pg.

as alwais, any suggestion will be welcomed.

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Re: pvp char help
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2013, 04:00:32 PM »
As an idea, there's the old build based on crushing your enemies beneath you at level 1. A Raptorian (for the racial boost to Jump) with the Obese feat. I think there was more.

Jump over their head, then fall on them, causing them to take damage based on your weight.

That should cover level 1.

Then start going into something like Dungeoncrasher Fighter. Use some of the uber-charging tricks, but don't go all-out. The premise is that you can get it so that you bull-rush, then attack, and on the attack you trip them, then you hit them while they're down.
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Re: pvp char help
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2013, 04:25:46 PM »
As an idea, there's the old build based on crushing your enemies beneath you at level 1. A Raptorian (for the racial boost to Jump) with the Obese feat. I think there was more.

Jump over their head, then fall on them, causing them to take damage based on your weight.

That should cover level 1.

Then start going into something like Dungeoncrasher Fighter. Use some of the uber-charging tricks, but don't go all-out. The premise is that you can get it so that you bull-rush, then attack, and on the attack you trip them, then you hit them while they're down.

I recall a warforged with some body armor feats.

Offline Captnq

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Re: pvp char help
« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2013, 04:40:24 PM »

I'm confused. Does this character need to be... d20? Dungeons and Dragons?
If So, Level? WBL Limits? 3.5 only? Are you an NPC antagonist? Is it a free for all?

I mean, from what you have posted, I could just cast Hide Life and hide my little finger in a block of stone using stone shape. A ring of freedom of movement should stop anyone from grappling me. Load up on SR and Max out your saving throws. Carry around a Spellblade (Disintegrate) dagger (The only spell that as written can stop Hide Life.) Maybe a third eye thingy to get out of being stunned and crap.

You should be technically unstoppable.
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Re: pvp char help
« Reply #10 on: May 30, 2013, 04:49:38 PM »
@ Captnq
third, the no god mode: my master askd me to build this char as a "panic button mode" to keep the story on, but he strongly dislike the god arcanist cause - "they need to beat up monsters with gore and blood and pain, not to tie em up and run away"-. yeah, quite disappointing. ofc this cam be done by spell selection but i'll be tempted to have always a black tentacle or similar in my arsenal.

we are starting at level one, the campaign will rise up to level 15 or so if i can make my work as intended.
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Re: pvp char help
« Reply #11 on: May 30, 2013, 05:06:24 PM »
Would becoming immune to damage be sufficiently frustrating against the mundanes? :P

Offline JaronK

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Re: pvp char help
« Reply #12 on: May 30, 2013, 07:23:46 PM »
Play a DMM Cleric.  Use Persistent Boreal Wind.  Buy a Bead of Karma.

By level 11 you're doing 15d4 damage to everyone in front of you going 1500 feet out, and they can't advance against you (it's a 51mph or above wind, so see the DMG rules for full effects), plus they get hurled backwards.  And you can do it all day.  Congrats, party dead, no problems.

Also, this is a silly idea.


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Re: pvp char help
« Reply #13 on: May 30, 2013, 11:09:21 PM »
@ Captnq
third, the no god mode: my master askd me to build this char as a "panic button mode" to keep the story on, but he strongly dislike the god arcanist cause - "they need to beat up monsters with gore and blood and pain, not to tie em up and run away"-. yeah, quite disappointing. ofc this cam be done by spell selection but i'll be tempted to have always a black tentacle or similar in my arsenal.

we are starting at level one, the campaign will rise up to level 15 or so if i can make my work as intended.

It's the lack of sentence structure and punctuation. I look at posts like that and my eyes just glaze over because the spelling errors stand out more then what they are trying to say.

I'm still confused as to why. You are the "Panic Button" guy? Like, the players start having fun and you are supposed to stop them? In case the turn evil? In case they need to get railroaded into the plot?

Stick to simple:

Barbarian: Focus on every ounce you got into going first and doing as much damage as possible in one shot.

Oversized Whip Dagger (50 gp) Because it's got 15' reach and becomes one handed so you can power attack for only a -2 to hit and does 1d8 damage. Oh, and it's slashing.
+1 EB (2,650 gp) - 'Cause you gotta
+1 Whirling (8,650 gp) - Drink a potion of enlarge person. Whack everyone for 30 feet three times a day

Spiked Helmet (10 gp) - 'cause a barbarian needs horns
+1 EB (2,310 gp)
1 charge of doomwarding (7,810 gp) So you can get off an extra attack when you need it.

Knee Blade (20 gp) - 'Cause kneeing someone in the nuts with a short sword is funny.
+1 EB (2,320 gp) - 'Cause you gotta
+1 Corrosive (8,320) - Cause you have to.
+1 Earth Elemental Power, Large (18,320) Because 11 rounds of a critter with cleave/great cleave/power attack at 2d8+7 damage will ruin most people's day

Oversized Manyfang Dagger (32,604 gp) - Because X4 damage and power attack is disgusting with a one-handed weap0n at a mere -2 to hit.
+1 Morphing (55,604 gp) - Because KUSARI-GAMA is a light weapon with reach and does 1d6. Because a mace can get greater mighty wallop and does 1d6. Cause you can turn it into a halfspear and set it against a charge.

And the halberd of vaulting goes without saying

Or... go with a mailman ray specialist.
Sorcerer's Hand (18,335 gp) - Because adding Weapon special abilities to your ray spells is broken.
Deathwand (20,335 gp) - Because having two wands always at the ready is handy.
+2 Exit Wound (52,335 gp) - Because hitting multiple targets while doing an extra +1d6 is awesome.
+3 Splitting (130,335 gp) - Steep upgrade, but it doubles all your rays.

If you can, buy the sorcerer's hand with only a base +1 not +2. It'll make the over all weapon MUCH cheaper.

I suppose what I'm trying to point out is, what you need are force multipliers. Extra guys on your side, Double, Triple, Quadruple damage. Extra attacks. Hitting multiple targets. That's the way to ramp things up in a hurry. You need exponential growth, not linear progressions.
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Re: pvp char help
« Reply #14 on: May 31, 2013, 04:11:06 AM »
Play a DMM Cleric.  Use Persistent Boreal Wind.  Buy a Bead of Karma.
Boreal Wind has a variable range, thus can't be persisted.

Offline Hics

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Re: pvp char help
« Reply #15 on: May 31, 2013, 10:48:17 AM »
ty you all for help.
and ofc im really sorry for the under averge english and sentence formulation.

@ Captnq

im the master panic button, or sort of.
i need to keep em play rpg and control brokeness in 3.5 ed., not to keep em from having fun - just avoid the
"hey, let's test my new *insertweaponname* on this villager, his childrens and so on, cause theyr unamed npc's who i dont care of, and start whine if GM swich me to evil aligned". (or  keep em on the "right side" of evil, if thigns turn on that side, just to keep things going)
i need to let them face hard situations by bare hands (or whatever) reather than let them see me as a one spell solution. Or a one manuver solution.

anyway, quick recap-
3.5 ed,
starting at lev 1,
campaign will reach lv 15 or so,
no starting monek,
under averge whealt,
only official manuals -exept 9swords and psionics,
no dragon mag (maybe some web stuff, if wizard official),
no god or hard controller spellcaster ,
able to "control" by magic, charisma (wiii) or brutal violence other party members if needed, in a short time reaction - or, in other words, be the one with the bigger weapon -


I suppose what I'm trying to point out is, what you need are force multipliers. Extra guys on your side, Double, Triple, Quadruple damage. Extra attacks. Hitting multiple targets. That's the way to ramp things up in a hurry. You need exponential growth, not linear progressions.

i feel this concept quite right for the situation, ty a lot

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Re: pvp char help
« Reply #16 on: May 31, 2013, 02:42:52 PM »
Ohhhhhhh... Okay, correct me if I'm wrong...

You need:

1. Someone strong enough to whump the party and make them cry uncle.
2. Someone who won't overshadow the rest of the party so they feel they are accomplishing something.
3. A Non-Spellcaster so that you avoid rocket tag at high levels.
4. You are starting out dirt poor and got nothing.
5. You need an excuse to get superior gear so you can maintain your edge.
6. You need to maintain your edge 1st through 15th.
7. Expect a low magic campaign.
8. Must stick to Published Books, but no Psionics or Tome of Battle Cheese.
9. When you do fight, you have to be able to pull your punches.
10. You have to be able to survive a wide number of crap from the rest of the party.

The first two are the problem. Anything that I offer will be so powerful that it will easily overshadow the rest of the party and fail to meet #2. If it isn't powerful, then you can't meet #1. Hrmmm...

Your character needs to psychologically crippled. It's the only way to make a powerful PC without overwhelming the party. Can't be a cleric, spellcaster. Can't be a paladin, spellcaster. I got it.

Okay, you're a monk.

Monks work best in off-beat situations. In a low magic/wealth campaign they have an edge because they are built to be dropped naked in the middle of nowhere. Furthermore, you can be part of an order, with rules and regulations that require you to follow a certain code of conduct. This code of conduct is psychologically limiting against attacking enemies, but allows you to unleash against the party.

You are Cornelius Regalbuto Wordsmith, ward to the order of Monks of the God of books. Given to the order at a young age as payment for services rendered to your family, you are literally an offering to your god. Your parents chose you because out of all their many children, you were the ugliest. Your alignment is LN. Your charisma is your dump stat. In fact, it needs to be a 4. (This will keep you from being party leader.) This gives rise to your name, The Hood, since you wear a bag over your head with eye holes cut out all the time.

You get a free magic item, a Blessed Book, but you don't record spells in it. You just write in it, recording all the deeds that the rest of the party does. It is part of what your duties are, to record. If they ask, you get it as part of your background. It's a Blessed book usable only by LN Monks who worship the god of books, so nobody tries to steal it. And, after all, you don't USE it in combat, so hey, who cares, right? The other players should.

If your church can dump thousands of gp on some 1st level loser, they got cash to burn.

So you wander with the party, recording things and hanging out in the background. When it comes to treasure, you refuse it. "My God Will Provide." The rest of the party will snicker. You're a monk who took a vow of poverty. Loser. Except you never actually take the vow of poverty. You just know that your god will provide.

Or rather, your order will provide. They will provide cutting edge magic items with -30% cost because they all come Usable only by LN Monks who worship the God of books. We've established they can provide you with 8,750 gp magic items. (Blessed Book at -30% reduced cost) so why not...

Necklace of natural weapons
Bracers of Striking
Ward Cestus

Between the three of them you can stack up to a TO of +33 Enhancement bonuses and weapon special abilities on your fists. Since everything is supplied by your order and the order has established that it only hands out magic items that are Usable Only By LN Monks who Worship the God of Books. You get -30% cost AND get customized magic items on demand!

Now, how do you avoid crushing the enemy while being able to crust the party? Simple. You have to follow your rules. One of them is, Always fight "fair".

You explain it's part of your background. You have to spend time writing in the book, so the rest of the group has to deal with the problem. You have to pull your punches, so you don't always use the various magic items at your disposal. When you are ineffective, people will just chalk it up to being a monk. All monks suck, right?

Oh, your starting feats should be Cleave and great cleave. Maybe get Robliar's Gambit when you can. Remember, monks can do non-lethal, excellent way for taking down party members without killing them. And Stunning fist technically "Drops" your target, so you get another attack with cleave.

And don't forget the book. Point out you are recording everything. Pint out your order cannot lie. Point out you will be LAWFUL ALIGNMENT BOUND to turn them into the authorities the next time you go to civilization. That should give them pause. Especially if you mention that if anything happens to the book, a contingency spell has it 'port to the Monistary that issued the book to you. No chance of killing you and burning the book, eh?

There. If you need more details or can take it from here, let me know.
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Re: pvp char help
« Reply #17 on: May 31, 2013, 02:57:52 PM »
#9 ... hey you can always pull your punches. Always.

Endarire's Hood can take down a party.
And it'll still mostly work no matter how
many books aren't available.

Hood:  idk those monsters, I better not Charge.
Party: We got this.

Hood:  I think my HPs are running low, I better Kite right now.
Party:  We got this.

Party:  Let's go one shot Orcus
Hood:  Suh-Pri-ise !!
Your codpiece is a mimic.

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Re: pvp char help
« Reply #18 on: May 31, 2013, 04:00:37 PM »
Okay, thought about it a bit.

First, consider the use of Battle Gauntlets. True, it takes away your ability to wear magic gloves and bracers, but the damage is as per your unarmed strike. AND... they are one handed weapons, not light. That means you can technically make a two-handed strike with them. Hello, power attack!

But there's a reason for the ward cestus.
If you take a Total Defense action, you gain an additional +1 bonus to your Armor Class, representing blows you block with the back of your protected hand.

So, you get two ward cestus, each hand. Then you ask for a modified ward cestus for both elbows, both knees, both feet (I imagine the feet ones would look like steel toed boots). Remember the perk of being a monk is that you have eight different places you can equip a weapon. (9 if you want to include your head) You can enchant them all seperately. But then you fight total defense +8 to armor class. (Although I've always been fuzzy about if it should stack. I think they should. I have 8 ready weapons, after all.) Total +12 to AC

In one of them you can drop Avoidance (Extrapolated from the sword of avoidance) 20,000 gp, (14,000 gp for you) it gives you a +4 luck bonus to AC and Saving throws. If you want to Kite, what better way then a total AC +16 and +4 Saving Throws. Just the ward cestus is a +8 all by itself, and only 80 gp. Really cheap for a starting character.

Oh, and you DEFINATELY need to extrapolate out Spellshield for 20,400 gp (14,280 gp for you)

Quote from: spellshield
Any round in which the wielder takes the total defense action, spells targeting her reflect back at their caster. This ability works exactly as if spell turning protecting against seven spell levels. This protection applies only on rounds in which the wielder takes the total defense action and is renewed at the beginning of each such round.

TAH DAH! Reflect 7 levels of spells back at the caster on top of Higher AC against everything. Remember, monks might have lousy AC, but what they do have applies to ranged touch attacks. Those two extrapolated WSAs and 8 ward cestus should allow you to turtle-up quite nicely.

Oh, one other idea. Ask to have the Blessed Book enchanted so using it is a Free Action, then put all your weapon enhancements in your Ward Cestus Boots. That way you can keep writing as you kick the crap out of people.

Picture if you will...

A leather clad Monk who almost never speaks, a mask over his face, forever scribbling in his book of infinite pages while he kicks the ever living shit out of you. He runs into the middle of battle and stands there, scribbling as he total defense actions, drawing fire from the enemy while he sketches what they look like.

"You are hardly worth a footnote in the great book of (God's name)"
"A word is not the same with one writer as with another.  One pulls it forth from his minds eye. (Kicks someone in the groin) one rips it out of his gut."
[Stops writing while something boring is going on.] "I try to leave out the parts that my god will skip over."
[While breaking down a door.] "Don't tell me the moon is shining. *SMASH* show me the glint of light on broken glass."
[About death] "If I knew I had six minutes to live, I wouldn't brood.  I'd write a little faster."
[When asked, Why you do it.] "My God can only review the book he has read, not the one which I have wrote."
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Re: pvp char help
« Reply #19 on: May 31, 2013, 11:32:37 PM »
Frenzied Berserkers, imo, can be DEVASTATING! Just make sure you are aware of some of the weaknesses of that kind of char.

an intimater can also be crazy good too
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