Darkstalkers negates the ability for monster to use Scent against you.
Telepathic Static doesn't negate telepathy within 20ft. It negates the Telepathy of creatures within 20ft. If you're within 20' of a creature with Mindsight, their telepathy (and probably thus Mindsight) is negated. If you're not, Mindsight can still detect you.
Once again, it is a fairly solid argument for it protecting against mindsight, but if if we're going to debate the issue I'll just take the (RAI) fluff that says Undead are immune to Mindsight and call it a day. Then there is the argument that Darkstalkers could also negate Mindsight.
Either way, it is up to DM digression regarding the ruling.
If any of the above are issue: Telepathy Block
Telepathy is not a mind effecting ability since undead can also possess it and use it on one another. So Mind Blank would probably not work on it.