All right, back to the Arcane Mime (or whatever).
The concept being chosen and looked from different angles at, I'm starting to assemble an actual build to play. Thus I'm asking for your help again. Or advice at least.
First of all: what is allowed. Mostly everything; exceptions are: Unearthed Arcana and Dragon Mags: they are not outright banned, but treated cautiously, so everything from there is to be discussed and judged. The same thing is, I believe, with stuff published in setting-specific books. Generally, it is allowed if it is not too setting-specific itself. Also we don't usually use psionics and incarnum but it is by no means banned.
Now to what we have already.
We start at 5th lvl. I think I'm going to be
Bard 4/Unarmed Swordsage 1 (unarmed being -armor proficiency, +monk's unarmed damage progression and Improved Unarmed Strike).
Stats are either 32pb (could anyone suggest/link to a guide on point buying?) or "we'll try to roll in case it's better" (DM). We haven't rolled yet.
Obviously, Perform (Mime) is maxed out. I'm planning to be a party-face, so social skills are maxed as well. I'm not planning to be stealthy, so Hide, Move Silently and the like are dismissed. Any advice what to invest into?
Moving on. I'm a NG Human, so I have 3 feats right now. Later on (next level) I'm planning to take one more level of Swordsage and Ascetic MAge feat, to get CHA bonus to AC. But what should I take now? The role I'd like to play is party-face/controller/debuffer (w/ Inspire Awe ACF for starters).
Finally, on equipment. I have usual 9k of which 6 I'd like to spend on an item of Constant Undersong.
DM allowed Blood Wind to be also enchanted on an item as a constant effect, but for now I don't have enough gold. Note: DM homeruled that it is possible to use strike maneuver as ranged via Blood Wind (as a full-round action, obviously).
So, the questions:
- feats
- notable skills
- development (I have no idea how long the campaign will last so I'd prefer the build to be playable at every lvl; anyway, specific-level builds are also welcome)
Sorry if the post is a bit messy, feel free to ask any questions so that I can clarify the matters and learn to state more structured requests. Thanks!