First, make sure to use the updated version. Stormwrack is the most current.
Exotic Ranged Weapon
Cost: 15 gp
Damage (s): 1d8
Damage (m): 1d10
Critical: x2
Range: 30 ft
Weight: 10 lb
Type: P
Ammo: Thrown
The harpoon is a broad-bladed spear forged with barbs. The shaft of the harpoon has a trailing rope attached to control harpooned opponents. Though designed for hunting whales and other large sea creatures, the harpoon can be used on dry land. If it deals damage, the harpoon lodges in an opponent who fails a Reflex saving throw (DC 10 + the damage dealt). A harpooned creature moves at only half speed and cannot charge or run. If you control the trailing rope by succeeding on an opposed Strength check while holding it, the harpooned creature can move only within the limits that the rope allows (the trailing rope is 30 feet long). If the harpooned creature attempts to cast a spell, it must succeed on a DC 15 Concentration check or lose the spell. The harpooned creature can pull the harpoon from its wound if it has two free hands and takes a full-round action to do so, but it deals damage to itself equal to the initial damage the harpoon dealt. A character who succeeds on a DC 15 Heal check can remove a harpoon without further damage.
Editor: Thrown, sticks in the enemy, deals double damage being pulled out. Can be attached to a rope to control movement. Interesting weapon. It can be lodged in an opponent if they fail a Reflex save, and deals the same damage when pulled out as it did going in. The returning enchantment could theoretically just cause it to do double damage, but that’s definitely a DM’s call. Raise the damage as much as possible, as the DC for the save is 10 + damage dealt. A harpooned creature moves at half speed, cannot charge or run, and if you attach a rope to it you can limit their movement away from you. It can be removed with a full round action, which deals damage again. Occasionally helpful for battlefield control.
Editor (WSAs): Only WSAs that directly modify the base damage will be included when you remove it. For example, collision will add 5 damage going in, and five coming out. However, acidic burst will only do damage when you crit. You will have to examine each one and confirm with your DM.
Editor (Exit Wound): This one is a tough one. By the rules, the harpoon hits. It does damage. The target fails a saving throw. It passes right through them doing double damage on the way through. However, since it passes through, the rope technically is no longer inside the target either. In fact, there is no point to using the rope, because it won’t stay in the target.
Editor (Returning/Teleporting): Teleporting won’t do any extra damage, but returning will.
Second, May I direct you to the
Weapon Handbook for your weapon questions.
Third, It's fairly straight forward. Full-round action to remove. Take as much base damage as you took going in. Note, most WSAs will not kick in when you remove it.
As for chain Nanshork's right. Reality has no place here at Min/Max. Note that Elven Courtblade Sword, Elven thinblade Sword, Chain, Chain lash, Drow scorpion chain, Dragonsplit, Kawanaga, lynxpaw, etc is the same way.
However, he is wrong in that there are a number of one-handed weapons that cannot be power attacked with. They are specifically listed as such. The rapier, ribbonweave, Spinning sword, and quickblade are the four.