Author Topic: Kitty Magic  (Read 27978 times)

Offline bhu

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Kitty Magic
« on: November 12, 2011, 04:23:11 PM »
Kitty Magic
Epic Spells (Page 1)
The Feline Way (Page 1)
Kitty Domains (Page 1)
Magic  Items
Spells (Page 1)

Kitteh Gawds
The Alley Kat (Page 1)
The Bad Kitteh in da Night (Page 1)
Blue Eyes (Page 1)
Charmaine Pussyfoot (Page 1)
The Great Kitteh in da Sky (Page 1)
Housecat (Page 1)
Goober (Page 1)
Itty Bitty (Page 1)
Mawm (Page 1)
The Mean Kitteh (Page 1)
Mrrow (Page 1)
Outside Cat (Page 1)
« Last Edit: November 12, 2011, 06:53:08 PM by bhu »

Offline bhu

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Re: Kitty Magic
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2011, 04:23:31 PM »

+3 Cheeseburger
Conjuration (Creation)/Enchantment (Compulsion)
Level: Kitty 4, Sor/Wiz4
Components: V, F
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Medium (100 ft. +10 ft./Level)
Effect: creates 1 Cheese Burger
Duration: 1 round/level (but see below)
Saving Throw: Willpower negates
Spell Resistance: No

"Dude...I am sooooooo hungry..."

This spell summons a meaty, delicious cheeseburger anywhere within the spells range (usually in front of a lone guard while being cast from hiding) for the duration listed above (unless it is eaten earlier).  Anyone seeing the burger must make a Willpower Save (Save DC is +3) or eat the burger (eating the burger is a Full Round Action).  If he fails the Save and eats it, he is Dazed 1d3 rounds as it pummels his intestines (there is no Save against this secondary effect).  If two or more see it and fail their Save they will squabble over it within the confines of their alignment

Focus is a miniature carving of a cheeseburger.

A Cat's Revenge
Level: Kitty 3, Sor/Wiz 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range:Close (25 ft + 5 ft/2 levels)
Target: 1 Creature
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

You cause one opponent within range to begin attempting to cough up a hairball.  If he fails his Save, he is Nauseated for the duration of the spell plus 1d6 rounds, and Exhausted for 1d4 minutes afterwards.  Material component is cat fur.

Aggressive Cat Is Aggressive
Level: Kitty 5, Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 Round/level (D)


You gain a +4 Enhancement Bonus to Attack and Damage rolls(including Grapple/Bull Rush/Trip checks), a +5 Enhancement Bonus to Fortitude Saving throws, and a +10 Competence Bonus on Intimidate checks.  You also gain the Improved Grapple and Improved Unarmed Strike Feats, and +3d6 Skirmish (see Complete Adventurer page 12).  Your Base Land speed increases by 10 ft.  You lose your spellcasting ability for the duration of the spell. including your ability to use spell trigger or spell completion magic items.  Material component is a Potion of Invisibility which is consumed by the casting of the spell).  If your current form has no claws you gain a Claw Attack doing 1d3 plus Str Damage (2 claws on a Full Attack) if you are size class Medium.  If you already have Claws, their damage increases by 1 step.

Basement Cat
Level: Kitty 5, Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 Round/level (D)

"souls.  i eets them."

You gain a +4 Enhancement Bonus to Charisma, a +4 Profane Bonus to Armor Class, a +4 Profane Bonus to Willpower Saving throws, and a +5 Competence Bonus on Hide, Listen, Move Silently, and Spot checks.  You also gain the ability to Teleport at will as a Supernatural ability from any one basement to any other basement as a Swift Action, are surrounded by Darkness (as per the spell, except you can see through it) in a 10' Radius, and an evil minion (a Half Fiend Cheetah) for the duration of the spell.  You lose your spellcasting ability for the duration of the spell. including your ability to use spell trigger or spell completion magic items.  Material component is black cat fur.

Big Kitty
Level: Big Kitty 9, Kitty 9
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 Swift Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 Minute


You transform into a housecat that's as big as some huts. You are now Size Class Colossal (Long).  You are now Space/Reach 30 ft./20 ft.  You gain +32 Str, +4 Dex, +12 Con, +12 Natural Armor Bonus, Scent, and Low Light Vision.  Similarly to Kitty Form you have a Primary Claw attack doing 3d6 plus Str modifier, and a Secondary Bite attack doing 4d6 plus half Str modifier (you get 2 Claws and a Bite with a Full Attack).  You also have a -8 Size Penalty to Attack rolls, and AC.  You also get a +4 Circumstance Bonus on Climb, Hide, and Move Silently checks; and a +8 Circumstance Bonus on Balance and Jump checks. Base Land Speed becomes 60 ft, and you gain a Climb Speed of 60 ft.  You also gain Damage Reduction 10/-.

You also gain the following abilities:

Improved Grab (Ex): When you successfully hit with your claw attack you may immediately make a Grapple Check as a Free Action without provoking an Attack of Opportunity.  If successful you may establish a hold, and cn use your Rakes.

Rake (Ex): When you make a successful Grapple check or Pounce you gain two additional Rake attack (to hit and damage same as claw attacks).

Pounce (Ex): You may make a Full attack when Charging, including two Rake attacks.

Frightful Presence (Ex): When you attack or hiss all living creatures within 120' with less Hit Dice than yourself must make a Willpower Save (DC is 10 plus half Hit Dice plus Charisma Modifier) or be Shaken 4d6 rounds.  If the Save is successful they are immune to your Frightening Presence for 24 hours.

Material Component is a bit of Dire Tiger fur.

Cat Gravity
Level: Kitty 4, Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round/level

"Will someone PLEASE help me get this cat off me!"

Kitty mages cast this spell, and then find a persons lap to sit in or attempt to Pin someone in a Grapple).  If they successfully Pin an opponent in a Grapple (or one is foolish enough to allow them to sit on their lap, at which point the cat is effectively Pinning them for purposes of this spell as they have allowed it to), their weight suddenly increases a hundredfold (well maybe not that much, but they're darn heavy).  For the duration of the spell the caster gains an Enhancement Bonus equal to their Caster Level to all Grapple Checks for purposes of Pinning his opponent to the ground (which is a poetic way of saying he gains the Bonus to all offensive Grapple Checks).

Ceiling Cat
Level: Kitty 5, Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 Round/level (D)

"Ceiling Cat is watching know."

You gain a +4 Sacred Bonus to Wisdom, a +4 Sacred Bonus to Armor Class, a +4 Sacred Bonus to Willpower Saving throws, and a +5 Competence Bonus on Hide, Listen, Move Silently, and Spot checks.  You also gain the ability to Teleport at will as a Supernatural ability from any one ceiling/attic to any other ceiling/attic as a Swift Action, the benefits of the Clairvoyance spell, and an eye laser attack (this is a ranged touch attack doing 3d6 fire damage with a range of 60').  You lose your spellcasting ability for the duration of the spell. including your ability to use spell trigger or spell completion magic items.  Material component is white cat fur.

Dander Blast
Level: Dander 4, Kitty 4
Components: V, S. M
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: 60'
Area: Cone Shaped Burst
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Fortitude Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

"Eat hot, burning  allergy you bastids!"

You create a strong blast of air and fur that originates from your fingertips and moves in the direction you are facing.
As a stronger form of gust of wind, this spell automatically extinguishes candles, torches, and similar protected or unprotected flames, including lanterns.
Large fires (such as bonfires, a blacksmith's coals, or even a house fire) have a 50% chance to be extinguished by the wind.
Forest or grassland fires are too large to be extinguished by this spell.  All creatures caught in the area are Sickened as long as they remain in the Area of Effect and for 5d10 rounds after.  A successful Fortitude saving throw negates the gust's effects.
Those that fail the save are pushed away from the caster a distance of 3 feet per caster level.
Creatures that remain in the area past the first round must make an additional saving throw each round.
A Dander Blast can do anything a sudden blast of wind would be expected to do.
It can create a stinging spray of sand or dust, overturn tents
and blow down small huts, scuttle a small boat, and blow gases or vapors to the edge of the range.
The wind can change direction if you actively direct it (a move action for you); otherwise, it merely blows in the same direction.

Dander Explosion
Level: Dander 8, Kitty 8
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: 0'
Area: 80' Radius Spread
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude Partial, see text
Spell Resistance: Yes


There is an explosion of cat dander, centered on the hex you occupy.  Everything in the Radius is Nauseated and Fatigued for 5d10 rounds if it fails a Saving throw.  If the Save is successful they are Sickened for 1 round, and Fatigued for 5d10 rounds.  Vision is completely obscured (total concealment) in the area of the explosion of fur for the round of the spells casting, and the round afterwards.  Anything in the area of effect must also make a Reflex Saving throw or be knocked prone as well.  Material component is a hunk of cat fur from a large cat such as a lion or tiger.

Dander Tornado
Level: Dander 9, Kitty 9
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Effect: Cyclone 10' Wide at base, 30' wide at top, and 30' tall
Duration: 1 round/ level (D)
Saving Throw: Reflex Partial, see text
Spell Resistance: Yes

"Git in tha root seller maw!"

You summon a tornado that's inundated with cat dander.  This is identical to the spell Whirlwind with two exceptions.  First, the area of the whirlwind provides total concealment for the duration of the spell, and completely obscures vision inside it's area of effect.  Second, anything within the area of effect is Nauseated and Fatigued for as long as they remain within the Area of Effect plus 2d6 more rounds.  if it fails a Saving throw.  If the Save is successful they are Sickened for 1 round, and Fatigued for 5d10 rounds.  Material component is a hunk of Dire Tiger Fur.

Defensive Cat Is Defensive
Level: Kitty 5, Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 Round/level (D)

"You'll never catch me."

You gain a +4 Enhancement Bonus to Dexterity, a +3 Dodge Bonus to Armor Class, a +5 Enhancement Bonus to Reflex Saving throws, and a +5 Competence Bonus on Hide, Listen, Move Silently, and Spot checks.  You also gain the Mobility Feat, Evasion (see pHB page 50), Defensive Roll (PHB 51), and Improved Evasion (PHB 51).  Your Base Land speed increases by +30 ft.  You lose your spellcasting ability for the duration of the spell. including your ability to use spell trigger or spell completion magic items.  Material component is a Potion of Invisibility which is consumed by the casting of the spell).

Do Not Want
Enchantment (Mind-Affecting, Compulsion)
Level: Kitty 4, Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Area of Effect: 20' Radius centered on you
Duration: 1 Round/level
Saving Throw: Will partial
Spell Resistance: Yes

You become incredibly intimidating for the duration of this spell.  For anyone to approach closer than 20' to you they must make a Willpower Save.  Otherwise they feel compelled to get as far away from you as possible for the duration of the spell.  If they succeed in the Save, they are Shaken for the duration of the spell as long as they know you are nearby (i.e. can see or hear you).

Four LOLCats of the Apocalypse (aka BOOM!)
Level: Kitty 9, Sor/Wiz 9
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range:Long (400 ft + 40 ft/level)
Area: 80' Radius Spread
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: Yes

You create a massive explosion doing 3d6 untyped damage per 2 caster levels.

Focus: A small mushroom carving.

Gimme A Break Here
Level: Begging 7, Kitty 7
Components: V, S, XP
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: See text
Target, Effect, or Area: See text
Duration: See Text
Saving Throw: None, see text
Spell Resistance: Yes


You can occasionally beg a favor of the gods themselves when you're on hard times.  This is in most ways identical to the Limited Wish spell, but you can only use it as a favor for yourself.  For example you couldn't smite an enemy with a fireball, but you could escape with a Teleport.  You can also request food, wealth, or shelter; or revealing the truth to people who have believed a falsehood about you.  It's not offensive, it's a get out of trouble free card. When this duplicates a spell that has an XP cost, you must pay that cost or 200 XP, whichever is more.

Level: Kitty 5, Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 Round/level (D)

"I can has cheeseburger?!?."

You gain a +4 Enhancement Bonus to Charisma, a +4 Deflection Bonus to Armor Class, a +4 Resistance Bonus to Willpower Saving throws, and a +5 Competence Bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, and Sense Motive checks.  Anyone within 60' capable of seeing you must make a Willpower Save or be Fascinated for the duration of the spell.  Victims who become Fascinated who are under the influence of any power or effect that causes them to suffer negative emotions (i.e. sadness, hate, etc) get a new Willpower Save to negate that effect.  You lose your spellcasting ability for the duration of the spell. including your ability to use spell trigger or spell completion magic items.  Material component is grey cat fur.

Hover Cat
Level: Kitty 5, Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 Round/level (D)

"Insert spookity Theremin music here."

You gain a +4 Enhancement Bonus to Dexterity, a +3 Dodge Bonus to Armor Class, a +5 Enhancement Bonus to Reflex Saving throws, and a +5 Competence Bonus on Hide, Listen, Move Silently, and Spot checks.  You also gain the Flyby Attack, Hover, and Improved Flyby Attack Feats (see Savage Species for the last one).  For the duration of this spell you may Fly as per the spell of the same name, but with Perfect maneuverability.  You lose your spellcasting ability for the duration of the spell. including your ability to use spell trigger or spell completion magic items.  Material component is a catbird feather.

I Has A Flavor
Level: Kitty 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 10 Minutes/level
Saving Throw: Willpower negates; see text
Spell Resistance: No

"OMG you taste like ice cream."

Anything tasting your skin/fur (i.e. perhaps by biting you), or smelling you if it has Scent, finds you addictive if it fails a Willpower Save.  It will spend it's action each round licking you and doing nothing else until the spell ends.  If you attack it or cast another spell on it the spell ends.  If it is attacked by someone other than yourself it can defend itself.  If you flee it may pursue. Hopefully you will have thought of something for when the spell runs out.  Material component is a bit of food.

I See What You Did There
Divination [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Kitty 6, Sor/Wiz 6
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: 1 Living Creature
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round level
Saving Throw: Will negates, see text
Spell Resistance: Yes

"Perhaps you'd like your wife to know about the incident with that underage Medusa last Wednesday Mr. Paddington"

You can learn bad things your opponent has done by staring intently at him.  The first round you learn the nature of his most recent crime, or most embarrassing secret, i.e. something they wouldn't want their friends/family/the public to know.  The second round you know the time and place it was committed.  The third round you know who else was there, and what they were doing.  The fourth round you pretty much have all the details you didn't already know.  After that you can learn more embarrassing secrets if you wish.

It Was the Dog
Conjuration (Creation)/Enchantment
Level: Kitty 4, Mischief 4
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Medium (100 ft. +10 ft./level)
Effect: Cloud spreads in 20' Radius, 20' high
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial, Willpower partial
Spell Resistance: No

"A silent but deadly cloud envelopes your enemies."

Choose 1 enemy within the spells range.  A loud 'FRAAAAAAP' sound is heard emanating from him as a cloud of invisible gas is created centered on his hex.  The invisible cloud is otherwise identical to the Stinking Cloud spell.  Anyone in the cloud must also make a second Willpower Save, or believe that the being the spell is centered on is responsible for their problems for as long as they are Nauseated.  Material component is a piece of rotting vegetation.

Level: Kitty 3, Sor/Wiz 3
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 Round/level (D)

"How the hell does that cat keep reaching those cookies on the top shelf?"

For the duration of this spell your reach increases based on your caster level.  At 5th level your Reach increases +5 ft.  At 6th -10th level your Reach increases +10 ft.  At 11th - 15th level your Reach increases to +15 ft.  At Level 16+ your Reach is +20 ft.  Focus is a small Longcat figurine.

Nappy Times
Enchantment (Mind-Affecting)
Level: Kitty 9, Nap 9
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Long (400 ft. + 4o ft./level)
Area: one or more creatures within a 60' Radius burst
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

"Quiet down out there!"

You know the mother of all Sleep spells.  Every creature within the spells radius of effect must Save or become Unconscious for the  duration of the spell.  Creatures immune to sleep are not immune to this effect.  Victims who are immune to Sleep effects are Stunned for 1d6 rounds instead.  material component is a pinch of chamomile and kava kava herbs.

Nom Nom Nom
Level: Kitty 4, Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes


If this spell is cast on you all opponents who have a Bite attack as a Natural Weapon automatically threaten a critical every time they successfully hit with their bite.  It may be removed by the same means as a Bestow Curse spell.

Pew Pew Pew
Level: Kitty 5, Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target: Up to 3 creatures, all of which must be within 30'
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes


You unleash 3 Rays of Force against one or more foes.  The Rays are a Ranged Touch Attack, and do 5d6 damage, +1 damage per level (max of 5d6+15).

Serious Cat
Enchantment /Transmutation
Level: Kitty 5, Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 Round/level (D)

"I are serious cat."

You gain a +4 Enhancement Bonus to Charisma, a +4 Deflection Bonus to Armor Class, a +4 Resistance Bonus to Willpower Saving throws, and a +5 Competence Bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, and Sense Motive checks.  Anyone within 60' capable of seeing you must make a Willpower Save or lose any class abilities/spells/powers they currently have in use that rely on emotion (including morale bonuses).  Examples would be Frenzy, Rage, or Wild Surge.  They cannot use these abilities again until after the encounter is over.  Anyone under the influence of any power or effect that causes them to suffer emotions forcibly (i.e. Rage, Crushing Despair, Fear, etc.) get a new Willpower Save to negate that effect.  You lose your spellcasting ability for the duration of the spell. including your ability to use spell trigger or spell completion magic items.  Material component is white cat fur.

Summon Feline I
Conjuration (Summoning, see text)
Level: Drd 1, Help! 1, Kitty 1, Rgr 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S, F/DF
Casting Time: 1 round
Range:Close (25 ft + 5 ft/2 levels)
Effect: 1 Summoned Creature
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spell summons a Feline creature.  It appears where you designate and acts immediately on your turn.  It attacks your opponents to the best of it's ability.  If you can communicate with the creature, you can direct it to attack a specific enemy, not attack, or perform some other action.

A summoned creature cannot summon or otherwise conjure another creature, nor can it use any teleportation or planar travel abilities.  Creatures cannot be summoned into an environment that cannot support them.  For instance the Sea Cat can only be summoned in an Aquatic environment.

This spell summons 1 creature form the 1st level list on the Summon Felines table.  You choose which kind of creature to summon, and can change it each time you cast the spell.

When you use the spell to summon spell to summon any creature with any alignment or elemental descriptors the spell is also of that type (for example summoning an Anarchic Lion the spell gains the Chaos descriptor.

Unlike Summon Monster which only summons extraplanar beings, and Summon Nature's Ally which only summons natural beings, this spell can do both (assuming they are feline).

Focus is a dingle ball.

Summon Feline II
Conjuration (Summoning, see text)
Level: Drd 2, Help! 2, Kitty 2, Rgr 2, Sor/Wiz 2
Effect: 1 or more Summoned Creatures, no two of which can be more than 30' apart

This spell works the same as Summon Feline I, except you may summon one feline from the 2nd level list, or 1d3 felines of the same kind from the 1st level list.

Summon Feline III
Conjuration (Summoning, see text)
Level: Drd 3, Help! 3, Kitty 3, Rgr 3, Sor/Wiz 3
Effect: 1 or more Summoned Creatures, no two of which can be more than 30' apart

This spell works the same as Summon Feline I, except you may summon one feline from the 3rd level list, 1d3 felines of the same kind from the 2nd level list, or 1d4+1 felines of the same kind from a lower level list.

Summon Feline IV
Conjuration (Summoning, see text)
Level: Drd 4, Help! 4, Kitty 4, Rgr 4, Sor/Wiz 4
Effect: 1 or more Summoned Creatures, no two of which can be more than 30' apart

This spell works the same as Summon Feline I, except you may summon one feline from the 4th level list, 1d3 felines of the same kind from the 3rd level list, or 1d4+1 felines of the same kind from a lower level list.

Summon Feline V
Conjuration (Summoning, see text)
Level: Drd 5, Help! 5, Kitty 5, Sor/Wiz 5
Effect: 1 or more Summoned Creatures, no two of which can be more than 30' apart

This spell works the same as Summon Feline I, except you may summon one feline from the 5th level list, 1d3 felines of the same kind from the 4th level list, or 1d4+1 felines of the same kind from a lower level list.

Summon Feline VI
Conjuration (Summoning, see text)
Level: Drd 6, Help! 6, Kitty 6, Sor/Wiz 6
Effect: 1 or more Summoned Creatures, no two of which can be more than 30' apart

This spell works the same as Summon Feline I, except you may summon one feline from the 6th level list, 1d3 felines of the same kind from the 5th level list, or 1d4+1 felines of the same kind from a lower level list.

Summon Feline VII
Conjuration (Summoning, see text)
Level: Drd 7, Help! 7, Kitty 7, Sor/Wiz 7
Effect: 1 or more Summoned Creatures, no two of which can be more than 30' apart

This spell works the same as Summon Feline I, except you may summon one feline from the 7th level list, 1d3 felines of the same kind from the 6th level list, or 1d4+1 felines of the same kind from a lower level list.

Summon Feline VIII
Conjuration (Summoning, see text)
Level: Drd 8, Help! 8, Kitty 8, Sor/Wiz 8
Effect: 1 or more Summoned Creatures, no two of which can be more than 30' apart

This spell works the same as Summon Feline I, except you may summon one feline from the 8th level list, 1d3 felines of the same kind from the 7th level list, or 1d4+1 felines of the same kind from a lower level list.

Summon Feline IX
Conjuration (Summoning, see text)
Level: Drd 9, Help! 9, Kitty 9, Sor/Wiz 9
Effect: 1 or more Summoned Creatures, no two of which can be more than 30' apart

This spell works the same as Summon Feline I, except you may summon one feline from the 9th level list, 1d3 felines of the same kind from the 8th level list, or 1d4+1 felines of the same kind from a lower level list.

Summon Feline I (Anarchic/Celestial/Fiendish Cat, Anarchic/Celestial/Fiendish Catfolk, Anarchic/Celestial/Fiendish Lynx), Crypt Cat, Jana-Qitat, Marine Cat, Sand Cat, Anarchic/Celestial/Fiendish Tressym
Summon Feline II (Vivacious Cat, Change Cat, Elven Cat, Grimalkin, Anarchic/Celestial/Fiendish Little Spookity Kitty, Anarchic/Celestial/Fiendish Serval)
Summon Feline III (Cath Shee, Anarchic/Celestial/Fiendish Cheetah, Anarchic/Celestial/Fiendish Dire Kitty, Anarchic/Celestial/Fiendish Leopard), Luck Eater, Midnight Cat, Plains Cat
Summon Feline IV (Anarchic/Celestial/Fiendish Big Spookity Kitty, FF Caterwaul, Jana-Nimr, Kamadan, Anarchic/Celestial/Fiendish Lion, Sea Cat, Anarchic/Celestial/Fiendish Spectral Panther, Tagster)
Summon Feline V (Cantobele, Caterwaul, Hieracosphinx, Anarchic/Celestial/Fiendish Dire Puma, Kamatlan, Anarchic/Celestial/Fiendish Sea Cat, Snow Tiger, Axiomatic/Celestial/Fiendish Tiger, Tigone, Anarchic/Celestial/Fiendish Wemic)
Summon Feline VI (Anarchic/Celestial/Fiendish Caterwaul, Criosphinx, Ebon Tiger, Anarchic/Celestial/Fiendish Hieracosphinx, Kirre, Anarchic/Celestial/Fiendish Dire Lion, Anarchic/Celestial/Fiendish Smilodon)
Summon Feline VII (Ghirrash, Gynosphinx, Sabu Lord, Anarchic/Celestial/Fiendish Sea Tiger, Swamplight Lynx)
Summon Feline VIII (Androsphinx, Anarchic/Celestial/Fiendish Criosphinx, Hellcat, Anarchic/Celestial/Fiendish Dire Tiger)
Summon Feline IX (Anarchic/Celestial/Fiendish Androsphinx, Leonal, Anarchic Good Kitty, Anarchic/Celestial/Fiendish Gynosphinx, Anarchic/Celestial/Legendary Tiger)

Monsters may be found in the following books:

Cat, Celestial/Fiendish Templates, Cheetah, Dire Lion, Dire Tiger, Hellcat, Leonal, Leopard, Lion, Sea Cat, Tiger: Monster Manual
Catfolk, Ghirrash: The Miniature's Handbook
Dire Puma, Serval: Sandstorm
Grimalkin, Legendary Tiger, Swamplight Lynx: Monster Manual 2
Spectral Panther, Wemic: Monsters of Faerun
Smilodon: Frostburn
Lynx: Races of Faerun
Sea Tiger: Monster Manual 3
Crypt Cat, Midnight Cat, Plains Cat: Denizens of Dread
Tressym: Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting or Lost Empires of Faerun
All others are made by me or a contributor

The following are critters made by me:

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« Last Edit: November 11, 2016, 10:56:13 PM by bhu »

Offline bhu

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Re: Kitty Magic
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2011, 04:23:54 PM »
The following are critters made by Debby!:

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Summon Cat Swarm I
Conjuration (Summoning, see text)
Level: Drd 3, Kitty 3, Sor/Wiz 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Range:Close (25 ft + 5 ft/2 levels)
Effect: 1 Swarm of Cats
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This is identical to the Summon Feline spell, but instead of summoning one of the creatures from the list, you instead summon a Cat Swarm (see below for the swarms stats).  Material component is a fish or other piece of food that cats would find tasty.

(click to show/hide)

Summon Cat Swarm II
Conjuration (Summoning, see text)
Level: Drd 5, Kitty 5, Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Range:Close (25 ft + 5 ft/2 levels)
Effect: 1 Swarm of Cats
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This is identical to the Summon Feline spell, but instead of summoning one of the creatures from the list, you instead summon a Greater Cat Swarm (see below for the swarms stats).  Material component is a fish or other piece of food that cats would find tasty.

(click to show/hide)

Summon Cat Swarm III
Conjuration (Summoning, see text)
Level: Drd 7, Kitty 7, Sor/Wiz 7
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Range:Close (25 ft + 5 ft/2 levels)
Effect: 1 Swarm of Cats
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This is identical to the Summon Feline spell, but instead of summoning one of the creatures from the list, you instead summon a Planar Cat Swarm (see below for the swarms stats).  Material component is a fish or other piece of food that cats would find tasty.

(click to show/hide)

The Death Purr
Evocation (Sonic)
Level: Kitty 7, Purr 7
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range:Long (400 ft + 40 ft/level)
Area: 80' Radius Spread
Duration: Concentration (maximum 1 round/2 levels)
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes


This spell begins with you purring.  This deep purr eventually begins to expand outwards and vibrate apart everything in it's area of effect.  Everything within  80' must make a Fortitude Save each round the spell is maintained, with the Save DC increasing by +1 cumulatively each round.  When the first Save is failed living beings are knocked prone (or begin to fall from the sky if flying) and Dazed for 1 round.  When the second Save is failed opponents are Stunned 1 round and take Sonic damage equal to your Caster Level.  When the third Save is failed the opponents take 10d6 Sonic Damage and are Stunned 1 round.  If a fourth Save is failed they are dead.  Inanimate objects and nonliving beings within the area take 5d6 Sonic damage each round the spell is maintained.  You may move the Area of Effect up to 30' per round.

This is Unacceptable
Evocation (Force)
Level: Kitty 9, Sor/Wiz 9
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range:Long (400 ft + 40 ft/level)
Effect: Ray
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell creates a pencil thin Ray of Force (hence why the Humans refer to this spell as "Force beam").  If the caster succeeds in making a ranged Touch Attack, his opponent takes 2d6 Force damage per caster level (maximum 50d6).

Focus: A small metal wand.

Velcro Cat
Level: Kitty 5, Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 Round/level (D)

"I stix."

You gain a +12 Enhancement Bonus to Grapple Checks, and a +8 Circumstance Bonus on Balance, Climb, and Sleight of Hand checks.  You also gain the Improved Grapple and Improved Trip Feats, no longer take Size Penalties to Trip or Grapple Checks, and may use your Strength or Dexterity Modifier for Grapple Checks, whichever is greater.  You lose your spellcasting ability for the duration of the spell. including your ability to use spell trigger or spell completion magic items.  Material component is a bottle of glue which is consumed by the casting of the spell).

War Kitteh
Level: Kitty 9, Sor/Wiz 9
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round/level

Upon casting this spell you assume the form of a War Kitteh!  I.E. a really big housecat of firm and meanish demeanor.  You gain the following changes:

+22 Str, +8 Dex, +14 Con

A Primary Claw Attack doing 2d6 +Str Modifier, and Secondary Bite Attack doing 2d8 + half Str Modifier.  A Full Attack gets you 2 Claws and 1 Bite.

Base Land and Climb Speed of 50'

Natural Armor Bonus increases by +10, and you gain a +10 Luck Bonus to AC.

Low Light Vision, Dark Vision 120', Scent

Large Size Class

Improved Grab (Ex): When you succeed in making a Claw attack you may immediately make a Grapple Check as a Free Action without provoking an Attack of Opportunity.  If successful you may Rake.

Pounce (Ex): When you charge you may still perform a Full Attack.

Rake (Ex): When you perform a Grapple or Charge you gain 2 Rake Attacks.  Your attack rolls and Damage are the same as your claw attacks.

Spell Resistance equal to your Hit Dice plus your twice your Charisma Modifier.

+8 Enhancement Bonus to Balance, Climb, Hide, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, and Spot checks.

You Has A Flavor Too
Level: Kitty 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature or Object touched
Duration: 10 Minutes/level
Saving Throw: Fortitude Negates (plus see text)
Spell Resistance: No

"OMG I taste like BBQ."

Your victim becomes particularly tasty for the duration of the spell.  Should anything bite him they must make a Willpower Save, or decide to concentrate exclusively on him in combat as they simply must eat him.  They will ignore other targets (but can still flee if doing so would put them in danger of death or capture).  They also gain a +1 Morale Bonus on attack and damage rolls against him.  Material component is a bit of tasty food.

You Make Kitty Scared
Enchantment [Mind-Affecting, Compulsion]
Level: Kitty 6, Sor/Wiz 6
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Close (25 ft. +5 ft./2 levels)
Area: 60' Spread
Duration: 1 Minute/level
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Spell Resistance: No

"Hep meeeeeeeeeee!"

This spell must be cast while in Kitty Form, or while you are being attacked/threatened/being targeted by a spell from an opponent at least 2 Size classes bigger than yourself.  All beings in the area of effect must make a Willpower Save or be enraged at your opponent for scaring the poor defenseless Kitty. They will do whatever is necessary to protect you from him, including attacking, even if the opponent is obviously out of their league.  They will continue to attack even if you flee the area to "buy you time".  Once they are at half or hit points or less they get another save to break out of the spell.

Detect Munchies
Shamelessly copied from Draco Dei with his permission
Level: Kitty 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: 60'
Area: Quarter circle emanating from you to the extreme of the range
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes/level
You detect substances you can eat or drink. This will detect living creatures but only if you have eaten such a creature before and could reasonably expect to defeat it if you faced in a battle to the death with yourself naked, weaponless and without magic or psionics, fleshed undead are detected as spoiled meat if you have ever eaten a member of that species. Thus you could theoretically detect ghouls made from humans if you have ever eaten human flesh, but skeletons or ghosts could not be detected. The amount of information revealed depends on how long you study a particular area, subject or place:
1st round: Presences or absence of food.
2nd round: Number clumps of food and tastiness of the one you like best.
3rd round: The volume and tastiness of each piece of food in area. Also gives indication if any of them are poisoned with ingested or contact poison. This is an indication for the area as a whole and not for any individual piece of food in it.
Tastiness levels:
Tastiness|    Aura Strength
Spoiled|    Dim
Unpalatable|    Faint
Average|    Moderate
Tasty    |Strong
Gourmet|    Extreme
4th round: The type of each piece of food. Which pieces of food, if any, are poisoned.
5th and later rounds: May make one attempt per poisoned food item to identify the poison used (See Detect Poison). You may only make one attempt per round and only one attempt for each poisoned item. Note that if you have the Alchemy skill then each attempt actually might consist of two rolls.
Note: Like all the other detect spells this one can penetrate barrier but has its limits. If the caster has been unable to obtain food for at least 2 days then double the thicknesses, or if they are within 5 days of starving to death then instead triple them

Spell originally by Norr
Death From Overcuteness!
Enchantment (Mind affecting, Death)
Level: Kitty 9, Sor/Wiz9
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 Full Round
Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft/2 caster levels)
Target: One creature / 3 caster levels
Duration: Instantaneous (D)
Saving Throw: Will and Fortitude partial, see text
Spell Resistance: Yes

You are the cutest thing alive. All will fall before you.

You tap into the power of Kitty and briefly become an avatar of cuteness. Woe be to all on who you focus your fuzzy attention.
As you finish casting this spell all targets must make a Willpower save. Upon a failed save, a target’s skull asplodes from cuteness overload, releasing a spray of rainbows and butterflies. Upon a successful save, a target fails to grasp the universal force you represent, proving they don’t appreciate you or cats in general. Such targets must make a Fortitude save or suffer 2 points of damage to its Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma scores and be dazed for two rounds. A successful Fortitude save negates the ability damage and reduces the dazed duration to one round.

Focus: a small bell and a colored ribbon, which must be worn at the time of casting.
Spell originally by Norr

You will have noticed some of the spells under level list Kitty #.  Some PrC's allow access to the Kitty Magic spell list which is as follows:

0: Arcane Mark, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Ghost Sound, Know Direction, Purify Food and Drink, Mage Hand, Message, Naturewatch, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Resistance, Silent Portal, Touch of Fatigue
1: Accelerated Movement, Alarm, Bloodhound, Calm Animals, Camouflage, Catnap*, Cat Scratch Fevah*, Cause Fear, Charm Animals, Charm Person, Critical Strike, Dead End, Detect Animals and Plants, Detect Munchies*, Detect Secret Doors, Detect Snares and Pits, Detect Munchies, Distract, Distract Assailant, Ebon Eyes, Embrace the Wild, Expeditious Retreat, Feather Fall, Furment*, Furn*, I Has a Flavor*, Insightful Feint, Instant Search, Hawkeye, Hide from Animals, Hypnotism, Jump, Lay of the Land, Lightfoot, Living Prints, Magic Fang, Marked Object, Nerveskitter, Net of Shadows, Pass Without Trace, Remove Scent, Serene Visage, Silent Portal, Sleep, Snowshoes, Speak With Animals, Spontaneous Search, Stalking Brand, Summon Feline 1*, Surefoot, Swift Expeditious Retreat, True Strike, Ventriloquism, You Has a Flavor Too*
2: Align Fang, Baleful Transposition, Balancing Lorecall, Bear's Endurance, Blur, Cat's Grace, Catsuit*, Catwalk*, Curse a La Chemus*, Dark Vision, Daze Monster, Detect Thought's, Eagle's Splendor, Easy Climb, Entice Gift, Fell the Greatest Foe, Furbish*, Furby*, Hold Animal, Invisibility, Jagged Tooth, Knock, Lion's Charge, Listening Lorecall, Locate Object, Misdirection, Mountain Stance, Nature's Favor, Norr's Nifty Rebuke*, Portal Alarm, Power Nap*, Protection from Arrows, Purrfume*, Rebuke, See Invisibility, Scare, Speak to Allies, Spider Climb, Summon Feline II*, Surefooted Stride, Swift Haste, Touch of Idiocy, Veil of Shadow, Walk With Purpose Kitty*, Whispering Wind
3: A Cat's Revenge*, Arcane Sight, Blink, Cataplexy*, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Claws of Darkness, Dander Blast, Deeper Dark Vision, Deep Slumber, Displacement, Do Not Want, Draco's Night Time Shenanigans*, Find the Gap, Forestfold, Furnace*, Greater Magic Fang, Longcat, Mesmerizing Glare, Haste, Heroism, Hold Person, Lesser Telepathic Bond, Longcat*, Non-Detection, Purrger*, Purrport*, Purrvey*, Safe Clearing, Shadow Cache, Sir Shadow's Sneaky Serf of Sneakinesses*, Suggestion, Summon Cat Swarm I*, Summon Feline III*, Tremor Sense, Unca Maat's Fond Embrace*, Unluck
4: +3 Cheeseburger*, Bug Bomb*, Catapult*, Cataract*, Cat Gravity*, Charm Monster, Commune with Nature, Dander Blast*, Debi's Doofus Maker*, Detect Scrying, Displacer Form, Do Not Want*, Ejo's Extemporaneous Enhancement*, Fear, Flea and Tick Spray*, Freedom of Movement, Furlough*, Further*, Furvor*, Greater Invisibility, Implacable Pursuer, It Was the Dog*, Know Vulnerabilities, Lix Lorn's Patented Cat Scan*, Locate Creature, Nom Nom Nom*, Purrgative*, Repurrpose*, Scrying, Shout, Summon Feline IV*, Superior Magic Fang, Supurrrfluous*
5: Aggressive Cat is Aggressive*, A Herd of Wildebeests Thunders Across the Plains of the Serengeti*, Basement Cat*, Cat Burglaring*, Catcall*, Catfight*, Ceiling Cat*, Defensive Cat is Defensive*, Dominate Person, Feeblemind, Find the Path, Furcate*, Furtive*, Greater Jagged Tooth*, Happy Cat*, Hold Monster, Hover Cat*, Mass Eagle's Splendor, Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum, Nightstalkers Transformation, Veekie's Sage Advice, Passwall, Pew Pew Pew*, Purrblind*, Purrfidy*, Purrgatory, Purrse*, Pussywillow*, Rary's Telepathic Bond, Sending, Serious Cat*, Shadow Form, Slice and Dice*, Summon Cat Swarm II*, Summon Feline V*, Symbol of Sleep, Teleport, Veekie's Sage Advice*, Velcro Cat*
6: Analyze Dweomer, Aura of Terror, Bite of the Were Tiger, Catalepsy*, Delay In-fur-mities*, Doctor Kethrian's All Purpose Solution*, Foof Ninja*, Furnish*, Hide the Path, Imperious Glare, Interplanar Telepathic Bond, I See What You Did There*, Legend Lore, Mass Cat's Grace, Mass Suggestion, Mislead, Phantasmal Disorientation, Probe Thoughts, Purrsuivant*, Schrodingers Mislead*, Schrodingers Paradox*, Shadow Walk, Summon Feline VI*, True Seeing, You Make Kitty Scared!*, You're Not Fat, You're Fluffy*
7: Catamount*, Cloudwalkers, Evil Glare, Furbearer*, Gimme A Break Here!*, Greater Arcane Sight, Greater Scrying, Greater Teleport, Hide from Dragons, Hiss of Sleep, Phase Door, Plane Shift, Purrceive*, Purrcussion*, Shifting Paths, Summon Cat Swarm III*, Summon Feline VII*, The Death Purr*, Vision
8: Dander Explosion*, Demand, Discern Location, Fierce Pride of the Beastlands, Greater Shout, Lion's Roar, Mind Blank, Moment of Prescience, Otto's Irresistible Dance, Purrformance*, Purrky*, Purrsecute*, Purrser*, Purrveyance*, Purrview*, Summon Feline VIII*
9: Astral Projection, Big Kitty*, BOOM!*, Cataclysm*, Catsplosion*, Dander Tornado*, Death by Overcuteness*, Etherealness, Force Beam*, Foresight, Four LOLCats of the Apocalypse*, Nappy Times*, Nature's Avatar, Programmed Amnesia, Purrforate*, Purrge*, Purrsevere*, Purrsue*, Schrodingers Box*, SCHRODINGER SMASH*, Summon Feline IX*, This is Unacceptable*, War Kitteh*
Epic: Beehold Da Ninjaz!*, Carpet Is My Secret Weapon*, Catnarok*, Caturday*, Ceiling Cat Makes His Glorious Appearance in Da Sky!*, Epic Cheezeburger*, Invisible Something*, Iz it can be vengence tiem?*, Mawm?*, Mr. Schrodinger You Are Now My _____* , Nuclear Catsplosion*, OMG! They Killkenny!*, Pwnd*, The Ultimate Cat-Fu Technique*


Spells from the Epic Handbook included among Kitty Magic are: Enlsave, Eternal Freedom, and Let Go of Me.

Beehold Da Ninjaz!
Spellcraft DC: 79
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 Minute
Range: 0 ft.
Area: 160'
Duration: 20 hours
Saving Throw: Will Negates (Harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes
To Develop: 711,000 GP; 14 days; 28,440 xp.  Seed: Fortify.  Factors: Change Touch to 160' Area (+28 DC), Raise Bonus to +4 (+6 DC), Gives Bonus to multiple categories (+16 DC), +3d6 Sneak Attack (+6 DC), grants extra Feat (+2 DC), gives Evasion ability (+4 DC).

All feline (or partly feline) Allies within the spells Area of Effect gain a +4 Enhancement Bonus to Dexterity, Armor Class, Reflex Saving Throws, and the following Skill Checks: Spot, Listen, Hide, and Move Silently.  They also gain +3d6 Sneak Attack, the Weapon Finesse Feat, and the Evasion ability (see PHB page 50). 

Carpet Is My Secret Weapon
Evocation (Electricity)
Spellcraft DC: 89
Components: S
Casting Time: 1 Free Action
Range: Touch
Area: 5' Radius
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex Half
Spell Resistance: Yes
To Develop: 801,000 GP; 16 days; 32,040 xp.  Seed: Energy.  Factors: +20d6 (+40 DC), No Verbal Component (+2 DC), Quickened (+28 DC)

Scuffing your feet builds up a hell of a static charge, doing 30d6 electrical damage.

Spellcraft DC: 81
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: 12,000 ft.
Area: 160' Radius
Duration: 16 rounds
Saving Throw: Fortitude Half
Spell Resistance: Yes
To Develop: 729,000 GP; 15 days; 29,160 xp. Seed: Destroy. Factors:  +10d6 damage (+20 DC), increased duration (+8 DC), change target to 160' Radius Area (+24 DC).

When you cast this spell tow gigantic, indistinct catlike figures (one white, one black) appear above the battleground and begin fighting one another.  Anything in the 160' Radius area they appear over takes 30d6 untyped damage.  If any targets are reduced to -10 hp (or 0 hp in the case of Constructs, Undead, objects, etc.) they are disintegrated.

Conjuration (Healing)
Spellcraft DC: 76
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 Minute
Range: 300 ft.
Area: 2560' Area
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
To Develop: 594,000 GP; 12 days; 23,760 xp.  Seed: Life.  Factors: Type Change (+5 DC), Change Target to 2,560' Area with 300' Range (+44DC).

When this spell is cast all feline Animals or feline/partly feline beings of any other creature Type with an intelligence of 3 or less become Awakened as per the Awaken spell.

Ceiling Cat Makes His Glorious Appearance in Da Sky!
Illusion (Figment)
Spellcraft DC: 51
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 Minute
Range: 12,000 ft.
Area:  Up to twenty 30 ft. cubes
Duration: 20 Minutes
Saving Throw: Willpower negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
To Develop: 459,000 GP; 9 days; 18,360 xp.  Seeds: Afflict, Delude.  Factors: Affects all sense (+10 DC), Scripted (+9 DC), Increase Penalty to -10 (+16 DC)

A great catlike being appears in the clouds staring down at the poor mortals, causing all in the Area of Effect to take a -10 Morale penalty to all attack rolls, checks, and Saving throws.

Epic Cheezeburger
Enchantment (Compulsion, Mind-Affecting)
Spellcraft DC: 57
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 Minute
Range: 300'
Area: 160'
Duration: 20 hours or until completed
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
To Develop: 513,000 GP; 10 days; 20,520 xp.  Seed: Compel.  Factors: Can ask the unreasonable (+10 DC), x4 Range (+4 DC), Change Target to 160' Area Radius (+24 DC)

You summon what appears to be an extra special nifty Cheezeburger that all opponents within the Area of Effect will kill to possess, even fighting their own friends and family.  Once someone grabs the Cheezeburger, the spell ends, and it disappears.

Invisible Something
Illusion (Glamer)
Spellcraft DC: 55
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 Free Action
Range: Personal or Touch
Target: Yourself or any creature/object up to 2000 pounds
Duration: 200 minutes or until expended (D)
Saving Throw: None, or Will negates (Harmless, Object)
Spell Resistance: No or Yes (Harmless, Object)
To Develop: 495,000 GP; 10 days; 19,800 xp.  Seed: Conceal.  Factors: Isn't ended if you attack (+4 DC), Blocks Divination spells (+6 DC), Quickened (+28 DC),

You may turn yourself or another creature/object invisible.  Perfect for Invisible Bikes, Sandwiches, and assorted weaponry.

Iz it can be vengence tiem?
Necromancy (Death)
Spellcraft DC: 99
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 Minute
Range: 300 ft.
Area: 160'
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude Partial
Spell Resistance: Yes
To Develop: 891,000 GP; 18 days; 35,640 xp.  Seed: Slay.  Factors: Change Target to 160' Area (+24 DC), Affects up to 160 HD (+8 DC), +10 to DC of Subject's Save (+20 DC), +10 on caster level check to overcome Target's Spell Resistance (+20)

You call forth the paw of the Great Kitteh in da Sky, which crushes all your Enemies in the Area of Effect if they fail their Saving Throw (or does 3d6+20 damage if they succeed). 

Conjuration (Healing)
Spellcraft DC: 33
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 Minute
Range: Touch
Target: Creature Touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Yes (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless
To Develop: 297,000 GP; 6 days; 11,880 xp.  Seed: Heal.  Factors: Heals Permanent Ability Damage (+6 DC), restores negative levels (+2 DC),

The Mother of All Kitties appears and gives you a brief supporting hug, removing all disease, blindness, deafness, hit point damage, ability damage, negative levels gained within the last 20 weeks, and leaving bings healed by negative energy (i.e. Undead) with only 1d4 hp if they fail a Save.

« Last Edit: August 15, 2017, 10:22:21 PM by bhu »

Offline bhu

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Re: Kitty Magic
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2011, 04:24:17 PM »
OMG! They Killkenny!
Conjuration (Summoning)
Spellcraft DC: 86
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 Minute
Range: 75 ft.
Effect: 2 Summoned Creatures
Duration: 20 Rounds (D)
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
To Develop: 774,000 GP; 15 days; 30,960 xp.  Seed: Summon.  Factors: Summon 2 CR 20 creatures (+72 DC)

With a clap of Thunder you summon two horrifying Kilkenny Cats (see below for stats).  They appear where you designate, and attack immediately on your turn.  If you can communicate with them you can direct them not to attack, to attack particular enemies, or perform other action.  They act normally on the last round of the spell (which in their case means they're still probably attacking), and disappear at the end of their turn.

Kilkenny Cats
                      Medium Outsider
Hit Dice:             45d8+450 (653 hp)
Initiative:           +13
Speed:                100 ft. (20 squares)
Armor Class:          38 (+13 Dexterity, +15 Natural), touch 23, flat-footed 25
Base Attack/Grapple:  +45/+52
Attack:               Claw +58 melee (1d6+7/18-20)
Full Attack:          2 Claws +58 melee (1d6+7/18-20) and 1 Bite +58 melee (1d6+3/18-20)
Space/Reach:          5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks:      Improved Grab, Pounce, Rake, Augmented Criticals, Terrible Wounds
Special Qualities:    Dark Vision 60', Low Light Vision, Scent, SR 30, Fast Healing 20, DR 20/Epic, Ferocity, Evasion, Improved Evasion, Uncanny Dodge, Improved Uncanny Dodge
Saves:                Fort +34, Ref +37, Will +29
Abilities:            Str 24, Dex 36, Con 30, Int 12, Wis 20, Cha 20
Skills:               Balance +61, Hide +61, Jump +61, Listen +53, Move Silently +61, Search +49, Spot +53, Survival +26, Tumble +61
Feats:                Cleave, Devastating Critical (Bite, Claw), Great Cleave, Improved Critical (Bite, Claw), Improved Multiattack, Multiattack, Overwhelming Critical (Bite, Claw), Power Attack, Power Critical (Bite, Claw), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Bite, Claw)
Environment:          Any
Organization:         Solitary, or Pair
Challenge Rating:     20
Treasure:             None
Alignment:            Always Chaotic Neutral
Advancement:          46+ HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment:     ---

"Look Bert, it's two cats fighting it out.  My money is on the black one."

"Abner...cats don't get that big...I think we'd best leave..."

Kilkenny Cats appear to be exceptionally large and unhealthily tough housecats.  They love to fight, and it's probably best to give them a wide berth.  After all they may put aside fighting each other to fight you...
Killkenny Cats understand Common and Cat, but will only respond in Cat.

Improved Grab (Ex): If the Kilkenny Cat hits successfully with it's Claw attack it may immediately make a Grapple Check as a Free Action without provoking an Attack of Opportunity.  If successful it may Rake the next round.

Pounce (Ex): The Kilkenny Cat can make a Full Attack at the endof a charge, including Rake Attacks.

Rake (Ex): The Kilkenny Cats have 2 extra Rake attacks during a Grapple or Pounce.  To hit rolls and damage are the same as their Claw attacks.

Augmented Criticals (Ex):  The Killkenny Cats Natural Attacks threaten a critical on a roll of 18-20 (this includes the Bonus they get for the Improved Critical Feat).  Killkenny Cats may critically hit creatures that are normally immune to critical hits due to Type, such as Undead.

Terrible Wounds (Ex): Wounds inflicted by Kilkenny Cats are terrible, ripping out chunks of the enemy and causing spectacular blood loss.  Any round a Kilkenny Cat successfully hits an enemy with it's claws or bite, the opponent suffers a cumulative -1 penalty to attack and damage rolls.  In other words if he gets hit he's at -1, if he gets hit again the next round he's at -2, etc.  This penalty lasts until the wound is fully healed.

Ferocity (Ex): Kilkenny Cats may fight without penalty, even when disabled or dying.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Identical to the ability listed on page 50 of the PHB.

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Identical to the ability listed on page 50 of the PHB.

Evasion (Ex): Identical to the ability listed on page 50 of the PHB.

Improved Evasion (Ex): Identical to the ability listed on page 51 of the PHB.

Skills: Kilkenny Cats may use their Strength or Dexterity Modifier for Jump Checks.

Combat: The Killkenny Cats normally spar with one another incessantly.  They'll bicker over anything.  Against most opponents they usually charge and rake or grapple and rake.  That seems to work pretty well for them so they haven't realy thought of tactics much more complicated (though it's assumed they can if the need arises).

Enchantment (Compulsion, Fear, Mind-Affecting)
Spellcraft DC: 70
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 300 ft.
Target: One living creature
Duration: 5120 minutes
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
To Develop: 630,000 GP; 13 days; 25,200 xp.  Seed: Afflict.  Factors: Increase Duration to 5120 minutes (+32 DC), -12 Penalty (+20 DC), Target loses sight and hearing (+4 DC)

A giant litterbox falls from the sky smashing one opponent and covering him in unmentionables, and granting him a -12 Morale Penalty to attack rolls, checks, and saving throws if he fails his Will save (as well as making him deaf and blind) for the duration of the spell.

Mr. Schrodinger You Are Now My _____
Transmutation (Teleportation)
Spellcraft DC: 53
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 Free Action
Range: Touch
Target: Yourself and other touched creatures/objects weighing up to 1000 lbs.
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None or Will Negates (see text)
Spell Resistance: No or Yes (Will negates)
To Develop: 477,000 GP; 10 days; 19,080 xp.  Seed: Transport.  Factors:Allows Interplanar Travel (+4 DC), teleports unwilling creatures (+4 DC), Quickened (+28 DC)

With a touch you may teleport yourself and other creatures/objects of the appropriate weight (if they fail a save) anywhere in the world, or even to the Astral Plane.

Kitty Domains

Purr Domain
Granted Power: Spells you cast that have a Radius area of effect (and have the Sonic descriptor or are Domain spells) are increased +5 ft.  For example if the spell normally affects a 20' radius it now effects a 25' radius.
1:Insidious Rhythm
2:Dissonant Chant
4:Battle Hymn?
5:Resonating Agony
6:Sympathetic Vibration
7:The Death Purr*

Dander Domain
Granted Power: The Difficulty Class for Saving Throws against your Dander Domain spells is +2.
1:Wall of Dander (Smoke)
2:Cloud of Bewilderment
3:Prickling Torment
4:Whelm, Mass
5:Dander Blast*
7:Choking Dander (Cobwebs)
8:Dander Explosion*
9:Dander Tornado*

Mischief Domain
Granted Power: Add Bluff, Hide, and Move Silently to your Class Skill list.
1:You Has A Flavor Too*
2:Baleful Transposition
3:A Cat's Revenge*
4:It Was the Dog
5:Phantasmal Thief
7:Gimme A Break Here
8:Otto's Irresistible Dance
9:Time Stop

Big Kitty Domain
Granted Power: You gain the Powerful Build ability described on page 12 of the Expanded Psionics Handbook.
1:Divine Favor
2:Bulls Strength
4:Divine Power
5:Bite of the Weretiger
6:Tenser's Transformation
7:Giant Size
8:Leonal's Roar
9:Big Kitty*

Help! Domain
Granted Power: You cast Conjuration (Summoning) spells at +2 Caster Level.
1:Summon Feline I*
2:Summon Feline II*
3:Summon Feline III*
4:Summon Feline IV*
5:Summon Feline V*
6:Summon Feline VI*
7:Summon Feline VII*
8: Summon Feline VIII*
9:Summon Feline !X*

Sneaky Sneakies Domain
Granted Power: Once per day you can automatically succeed on a Hide or Move Silently roll.  You must choose before rolling your skill check to use this ability. 
1:Disguise Self
3:Invisibility Sphere
4:Invisibility, Greater
5:False Vision
7:Invisibility, Mass
9:Invisibility, Superior

Curiosity Domain
Granted Power: You may cast Divination Spells at +1 Caster Level.
1:Detect Secret Doors
2:Detect Thoughts
5:Ceiling Cat*
6:True Seeing
7:Scrying, Greater
8:Prying Eyes, Greater

Begging Domain
Granted Power: You may add Bluff, Diplomacy, and Knowledge (Local) to your Class Skills.
1:Friendly Face
2:Entice Gift
4:Minor Creation
5:Major Creation
6:Heroes Feast
7:Gimme A Break Here*
8:True Creation

Hissing Fury Domain
Granted Power:You are immune to Fear Effects.
1:Cause Fear
3:Evil Eye
5:Wail of Doom
6:Aura of Terror
7:Evil Glare
8:Shout, Greater
9:Power Meow Kill

Nap Domain
Granted Power:You are immune to Sleep effects.
2:Daze Monster
3:Deep Slumber
4:Remove Fatigue
5:Symbol of Sleep
6:Endless SLumber
7:Hiss of Sleep
8:Power Meow Stun
9:Nappy Times*

Scamper Domain
Granted Power: You add Balance, Climb, Jump, and Tumble to your Class Skill List.
1:Expeditious Retreat
2:Spider Climb
4:Air Walk
5:Dimension Jumper
6:Primal Speed
7:Unicorn Heart
8:Celerity, Greater
9:Dimension Jumper, Greater

Catnip Domain
Granted Power:You gain a +2 Sacred (or Profane) Bonus against Illusion and Enchantment spells.
2:Delusions of Grandeur
3:Reality Blind
4:Nightmare Terrain
5:Mind Fog
6:Illusory Pit
7:Dream Sight
8:Maddening Whispers
9:Sublime Revelry

Cat Domain
Granted Power: Once per day you can automatically succeed at one Reflex Save.
1: Lightfoot
2: See Invisibility
3: Lion's Charge
4: Greater Invisibility
5: Shadow Form
6: Mass Suggestion
7: Greater Teleport
8: Sympathy
9: Death by Overcuteness

All Domain spells not in the PHB may be found here or in the Spell Compendium.  Spells marked with * are new spells listed under Kitty Magic.


The Great Kitteh in Da Sky|Chaotic Good|Celestial, Glory, Good, Nobility, Sky|
The Bad Kitteh in Da Night|Chaotic Evil|Darkness, Domination, Evil, Kitty (Dragon) Below, Shadow, Wrath|
Outside Cat|Chaotic Good|Begging, City, Good, Sneaky Sneakies|
Mawm|Chaotic Good|Community, Family, Good, Healing, Truth|
The Mean Kitteh|Chaotic Evil|Dander, Destruction, Evil, Hissing Fury, Purr|
Itty Bitty|Chaotic Neutral|Curiosity, Help!, Mischief, Scamper|
Goober|Chaotic Neutral|Chaos, Luck, Mischief, Trickery|
The Alley Kat|Chaotic Neutral|Big Kitty, Courage, Retribution, Strength, War|
Housecat|Chaotic Neutral|Catnip, Charm, Nap, Protection|
Blue Eyes|Chaotic Evil|Death, Evil, Hissing Fury, Sneakie Sneakies|
Charmaine Pussyfoot|Chaotic Good|Celerity, Liberation, Trickery|
Mrrow|Neutral|Cat, Celerity, Charm, Trickery|
« Last Edit: November 11, 2016, 10:58:02 PM by bhu »

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Re: Kitty Magic
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2011, 04:24:37 PM »
Greater God
Symbol: A kindly cats face
Home Plane: The Godrealm (will differ in your campaign)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Motherhood, protection, wisdom. family, community, healing
Worshipers: Cats, Cat Burglars, some Catfolk, the Mows
Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, NG
Domains: Community, Family, Good, Healing, Truth
Favored Weapon: Her nonhumanoid worshipers use their Claws, Humanoids get the Sap (Mawm tries not to be too hurty).

Mawm appears as an elderly female cat of various kinds with a kind and motherly expression on her face.  Many a doomed soul on his last thread has met Mawm in the form of a cat that just coincidentally happens to show him the means of his salvation by 'accidentally' revealing food or shelter or some other necessity.  She is the mother of Goober, Housecat, Outside Cat, The Bad Kitteh in Da Night, and The Great Kitteh in Da Sky.  She spends much time looking after Goober and Itty Bitty.

Mawm encourages her worshipers to get along, not fight, be good, etc.  Basically the things your mother would normally do except she has more leeway in dealing with your foolishness if you back talk or get out of hand.  Harming other (especially cats) is a no-no, and she expects her clergy to put a stop to it if they can, or find someone else capable of doing so.  Priests are told only to fight in defense of themselves or another.

Clergy and Temples
Temples to Mawm are always found in homes, as each individual worshiper has their own shrine to her (usually a small place hidden from the foolish humanoids who think they own the house, bigger in the case of official clergy).  Among the Catfolk and Cat Burglars this does not change, except being as she's the Goddess of healing boo boo's they often have shrines at the Guild headquarters as well. 

Cleric 20, Specialist Wizard (Abjuration) 20
Tiny Outsider (Chaotic, Good)
Divine Rank: 20
Hit Dice:             20d8+140 plus 20d8+140 plus 20d4+140 (820 hp)
Initiative:           +7
Speed:                80 ft. (16 squares)
Armor Class:          86 (+2 Size, +7 Dex, +33 Natural, +20 Divine, +14 Deflection), touch 53, flat-footed 79
Base Attack/Grapple:  +45/+64
Attack:               Claw +73 melee (1d3+27) or spell +73 ranged/melee touch
Full Attack:          2 Claws +73 melee (1d3+27) and 1 Bite +68 melee (1d2+23) or spell +73 ranged/melee touch
Space/Reach:          2 1/2 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks:      Domain Powers, Salient Divine Abilities, Spell-Like Abilities, Turn Undead 17/day
Special Qualities:   Divine Immunities, DR 30/Epic, Fire Resistance 25, Spell Resistance 52, Spontaneous Casting of Divine Spells, Understands/Speaks/Reads all Languages, Speak directly to all beings within 10 miles, Remote Communication, Godly Realm, Teleport w/out Error at Will, Plane Shift at Will, Divine Aura (20 miles, DC 44),
Saves:                Fort +57, Ref +51, Will +70
Abilities:            Str 24, Dex 24, Con 24, Int 37, Wis 38, Cha 38
Skills:          Concentration +95, Craft (Cooking, Sewing, Soapmaking) +94, Diplomacy +107, Gather Information +59, Heal +103, Hide +43, Intimidate +57, Knowledge (Arcana, History, Religion, The Planes) +102, Knowledge (Local, Nature) +79, Listen +57, Move Silently +43, Profession (Baker, Cook, Seamstress) +95, Search +56, Sense Motive +77, Spellcraft +107, Spot +57
Feats:                21, Extend Spell (B), Quicken Spell (B), Scribe Scroll (B), Silent Spell(B), Still Spell (B)
Divine Immunities: Ability Damage, Ability Drain, Acid, Cold, Death Effects, Disease, Disintegration, Electricity, Energy Drain, Mind-Affecting Effects, Paralysis, Poison, Sleep, Stunning,Transmutation, Imprisonment, and Banishment.
Salient Divine Abilities: Alter Reality, Alter Size, Arcane Mastery, Area Divine Shield, Avatar, Clearsight, Divine Inspiration, Divine Shield, Extra Domains (Healing, Truth), Extra Sense Enhancement (Hearing, Scent), Gift of Life, Increased Spell Resistance, Know Secrets, Lay Quest, Life and Death, Mass Life and Death, Power of Truth, Spontaneous Wizard Spells
Domain Powers: Calm Emotions 1/day, Dodge Bonus 1/day, Divination and Good and Healing spells are cast at +1 Caster level,
Spell-Like Abilities: Mawm can cast the following spells at will as Spell-Like abilities:  Aid, Blade Barrier, Bless, Cure Critical/Light/Mass Critical/Mass Light/Moderate/Serious Wounds, Detect Thoughts, Discern Lies, Discern Location, Dispel Evil, Force Shapechange, Heal, Helping Hand, Heroes' Feast, Holy Aura, Holy Smite, Holy Aura, Illusion Purge, Imbue with Spell Ability, Magic Circle Against Evil, Mass Heal, Mass True Seeing, Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion, Prayer, Prismatic Sphere, Protection from Evil, Protection from Spells, Rary's Telepathic Bond, Refuge, Regenerate, Shield Other, Status, Summon Monster IX (Good only), Tongues, True Seeing, Zone of Truth.  Caster Level is 30.  Save DC is 44 plus the spell level.
Cleric Spells Per Day: 6/9/9/8/8/8/7/6/6/6; Base Save is 24 plus Spell Level
Wizard Spells Per Day: 4/8/7/7/7/7/6/6/6/6; Base Save is 23 plus Spell Level
Create Magic Items: Mawm can create any magic item dealing with healing, protection, or revealing the truth.

Other Divine Powers
As a Greater deity, Mawm automatically receives the best possible result on any die roll she makes (including attack rolls, damage, checks, and Saves).  She is immortal.
Senses: Mawm can see, hear, touch, and smell at a distance of 20 miles.  As a Standard Action she can perceive anything within 20 miles of her worshipers, holy sites, objects, or any location where one of her titles or name was spoken in the last hour.  She can extend her senses to up to 20 locations at once.  She can block the sensing power of deities of her rank or lower at up to two remote locations at once for 20 hours.
Portfolio Powers: Mawm sense any act involving motherhood, family, community, or healing up to 20 weeks before it occurs, and will retain the knowledge up to 20 weeks after it happens. 
Automatic Actions: Mawm can use any Charisma based Skill as a Free Action if the DC for the task is 30 or lower.  She can perform up to 20 Free Actions each round.

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Re: Kitty Magic
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2011, 04:24:58 PM »
The Great Kitteh in Da Sky aka Ceiling Cat
Greater God
Symbol: A stylized Cat's Face staring down from the sky
Home Plane: The Godrealm (will differ in your campaign)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Good, the sky, watchfulness.
Worshipers: Good aligned Cats, Cat Burglars, some Catfolk, the Mows
Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, NG
Domains: Celestial, Glory, Good, Nobility, Oracle, Sky
Favored Weapon: His nonhumanoid worshipers use their Claws, Humanoids get the Spear.

The Great Kitteh in Da Sky (also known as Ceiling Cat) appears to be a male, domestic short haired tabby with an inquisitive nature.  He is the representative of all that is good in Catkind, and Mawm's favored son.  He also had the unfortunate job of throwing out his brother The Bad Kitteh in Da Night (and his brothers kids) when they started becoming mean kitties.  He didn't think Mawm should be made to do it. 

The Great Kitteh in Da Sky demands his clergy be inquisitive and keep tabs on whats going on around them all the time, preferably from a nice high spot if they can.  Lurking about in hiding is how his brothers clan operates.  They are also to help the troubled, and reveal the secrets of corrupt and evil beings everywhere.

Clergy and Temples
Temples to The Great Kitteh in Da Sky are found at the highest point of houses among his furry worshipers.  Humanoids build theirs on mountains or hills overlooking towns and such. 

The Great Kitteh in Da Sky
Cleric 20, Wizard (Diviner) 20
Tiny Outsider (Chaotic, Good)
Divine Rank: 20
Hit Dice:             20d8+180 plus 20d8+180 plus 20d4+180 (940 hp)
Initiative:           +18
Speed:                80 ft. (16 squares)
Armor Class:          88 (+2 Size, +10 Dex, +33 Natural, +20 Divine, +13 Deflection), touch 55, flat-footed 78
Base Attack/Grapple:  +45/+76
Attack:               Claw +66 melee (1d3+29) or spell +67 ranged/melee touch
Full Attack:         2 Claws +66 melee (1d3+29) and 1 Bite +61 melee (1d2+24) or spell +67 ranged/melee touch
Space/Reach:          2 1/2 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks:      Domain Powers, Salient Divine Abilities, Spell-Like Abilities, Turn Undead 16/day
Special Qualities:   Divine Immunities, DR 30/Epic, Fire Resistance 25, Spell Resistance 52, Spontaneous Casting of Divine Spells, Understands/Speaks/Reads all Languages, Speak directly to all beings within 10 miles, Remote Communication, Godly Realm, Teleport w/out Error at Will, Plane Shift at Will, Divine Aura (20 miles, DC 43),
Saves:                Fort +59, Ref +54, Will +69
Abilities:            Str 28, Dex 30, Con 28, Int 36, Wis 37, Cha 36
Skills:          Concentration +78, Craft (Carpentry, any 2) +82, Diplomacy +86, Gather Information +58, Heal +46, Hide +53, Intimidate +56, Knowledge (Arcana, History, Religion, The Planes) +82, Knowledge (Geography, Local, Nobility) +69, Listen +56, Move Silently +53, Profession (Voyeur) +82, Search +56, Sense Motive +56, Spellcraft +63, Spot +69
Feats:              Combat Reflexes, Consecrate Spell, Danger Sense, Empower Spell, Greater Spell Penetration, Heighten Spell, Improved Initiative, Improved Precise Shot, Maximize Spell, Persistent Spell, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Silent Spell, Spell Focus (Good), Spell Mastery, Spell Penetration, Still Spell, Superior Initiative, Transdimensional Spell, Vatic Gaze, Enlarge Spell (B), Extend Spell (B), Quicken Spell (B), Scribe Scroll (B), Widen Spell (B)
Divine Immunities: Ability Damage, Ability Drain, Acid, Cold, Death Effects, Disease, Disintegration, Electricity, Energy Drain, Mind-Affecting Effects, Paralysis, Poison, Sleep, Stunning,Transmutation, Imprisonment, and Banishment.
Salient Divine Abilities:  Alter Reality, Alter Size, Annihilating Strike, Arcane Mastery, Automatic Metamagic, Battlesense, Clearsight, Divine Blast, Divine Dodge, Divine Inspiration, Divine Spellcasting, Divine Storm, Extra Domains (Good, Nobility, Sky), Extra Sense Enhancement (Can see in Magical Darkness, Can see through 200' of any physical substance or 2000' of gaseous substances), Know Secrets, Power of Truth, Spontaneous Wizard Spells
Domain Powers: Smite Evil 1/day, Turn Undead is +2 on check and +1d6 damage, Good spells cast at +1 caster level, +2 Morale Bonus 1/day, Divination spell are at +2 Caster Level
Spell-Like Abilities: The Great Kitteh in Da Sky can cast the following spells at will as Spell-Like abilities:   Aerial Alacrity, Aid, Augury, Blade Barrier, Blessed Sight, Bless Weapon, Bolt of Glory, Call Faithful Servants, Commune, Consecrate, Control Winds, Crown of Glory, Demand, Discern Lies, Discern Location, Dispel Evil, Disrupt Undead, Divination, Divine Favor, Enduring Flight, Enthrall, Foresight, Gate, Geas/Quest, Greater Command, Greater Scrying, Heavenly Lightning, Heavenly Lightning Storm, Holy Aura, Holy Smite, Holy Sword, Holy Word, Identify, Legend Lore, Lesser Planar Ally, Magic Circle Against Evil, Magic Vestment, Master of the Sky, Protection from Evil, Raptor's Sight, Repulsion, Reverse Gravity, Scrying, Searing Light, Storm of Vengeance, Summon Devoted Roc, Summon Dire Hawk, Summon Monster IX (Good Only), Sunbeam, Vision of Heaven, Wind Wall.  Save DC is 43 plus the spell level.  Caster Level is 30
Cleric Spells Per Day: 6/9/8/8/8/8/6/6/6/6; Base Save is 23 plus Spell Level
Wizard Spells Per Day: 4/8/7/7/7/7/6/6/6/6; Base Save is 23 plus Spell Level
Create Magic Items: The Great Kitteh in Da Sky can create any magic item dealing with his portfolio.

Other Divine Powers
As a Greater deity, The Great Kitteh in Da Sky automatically receives the best possible result on any die roll she makes (including attack rolls, damage, checks, and Saves).  He is immortal.
Senses: The Great Kitteh in Da Sky can see, hear, touch, and smell at a distance of 20 miles.  As a Standard Action he can perceive anything within 20 miles of his worshipers, holy sites, objects, or any location where one of his titles or name was spoken in the last hour.  He can extend her senses to up to 20 locations at once.  He can block the sensing power of deities of his rank or lower at up to two remote locations at once for 20 hours.
Portfolio Powers: The Great Kitteh in Da Sky sense any act involving Good, the sky, or watchfulness up to 20 weeks before it occurs, and will retain the knowledge up to 20 weeks after it happens. 
Automatic Actions: The Great Kitteh in Da Sky can use any Wisdom based Skill as a Free Action if the DC for the task is 30 or lower.  He can perform up to 20 Free Actions each round.

Offline bhu

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Re: Kitty Magic
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2011, 04:25:27 PM »
The Bad Kitteh in Da Night aka Basement Cat
Greater God
Symbol: White cat's eyes straing from the darkness
Home Plane: The Bad Godrealm (will differ in your campaign)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Darkness, Evil, basements
Worshipers: Evil aligned Cats, Cat Burglars, some Catfolk, the Mows
Cleric Alignments: CE, CN, NE
Domains: Darkness, Domination, Evil, Kitty (Dragon) Below, Shadow, Wrath
Favored Weapon: His nonhumanoid worshipers use their Claws, Humanoids get the Scourge.

The Bad Kitteh in Da Night (also known as Basement Cat) is a pitch black fuzzy cat with glowing unholy white eyes.  He is the brother of The Great Kitteh in Da Sky, and the father of Blue Eyes and the Mean Kitteh.  He lives to cause problems for his brother and embarrasses his family on a regular basis.

The Bad Kitteh in Da Night requires his clergy to do bad things, just for the sake of being Evil.  He also prefers to use them as spies, insisting they lurk in the dark places of the world where his brothers minions won't go.

Clergy and Temples
Temples to The Bad Kitteh in Da Night are found at the lowest point of houses among his furry worshipers (usually the basement).  Humanoids build theirs in basements and cellars (or caves if nothing else is available).

The Bad Kitteh in Da Night
Rogue 20, Assassin 10, Shadowdancer 10
Tiny Outsider (Chaotic, Evil)
Divine Rank: 20
Hit Dice:             20d8+160 plus 20d6+160 plus 10d6+80 plus 10d8+80 (900 hp)
Initiative:           +18
Speed:                80 ft. (16 squares)
Armor Class:          89 (+2 Size, +10 Dex, +33 Natural, +20 Divine, +14 Deflection), touch 56, flat-footed 7
Base Attack/Grapple:  +49/+78
Attack:               Claw +71 melee (1d3+27) or spell +71 melee/ranged touch
Full Attack:         2 Claws +71 melee (1d3+27) and 1 Bite +65 melee (1d2+23) or spell +71 melee/ranged touch
Space/Reach:          2 1/2 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks:      Domain Powers, Salient Divine Abilities, Spell-Like Abilities, +15d6 Sneak Attack, Crippling Strike, Opportunist, Death Attack (DC 34), Poison Use, Shadow Illusion, Summon Shadow
Special Qualities:   Divine Immunities, DR 30/Epic, Fire Resistance 25, Spell Resistance 52, Spontaneous Casting of Divine Spells, Understands/Speaks/Reads all Languages, Speak directly to all beings within 10 miles, Remote Communication, Godly Realm, Teleport w/out Error at Will, Plane Shift at Will, Divine Aura (20 miles, DC 44), Evasion, Uncanny Dodge, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Trap Sense +6, Trapfinding, Defensive Roll, Improved Evasion, Hide in Plain Sight, Shadow Jump 160', Darkvision, Slippery Mind
Saves:                Fort +52, Ref +68, Will +58
Abilities:            Str 24, Dex 30, Con 27, Int 38, Wis 38, Cha 38
Skills:         Balance +77, Bluff +126, Climb +66, Diplomacy +131, Disable Device +103, Disguise +88, Escape Artist +99, Gather Information +84, Hide +136, Intimidate +107, Knowledge (Local) +80, Knowledge (Arcana, Dungeoneering) +57, Listen +103, Move Silently +136, Open Lock +90, Perform (Dance) +57, Search +80, Sense Motive +80, Sleight of Hand +121, Spot +103, Tumble +136, Use Magic Device +80
Feats:              Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Cunning Evasion, Deft Opportunist, Deft Strike, Dodge, Elusive Target, Fade into Violence, Improved Combat Reflexes, Improved Death Attack, Improved Diversion, Improved Feint, Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Mobility, Savvy Rogue, Superior Initiative, Telling Blow, Tumbling Feint, Weapon Finesse, Augment Summoning (B), Blind-Fight (B), Spell Focus Enchantment (B)
Divine Immunities: Ability Damage, Ability Drain, Acid, Cold, Death Effects, Disease, Disintegration, Electricity, Energy Drain, Mind-Affecting Effects, Paralysis, Poison, Sleep, Stunning,Transmutation, Imprisonment, and Banishment.
Salient Divine Abilities:  Alter Reality, Alter Size, Call Creatures (evil feline outsiders), Control Creatures (evil feline outsiders), Divine Rogue, Divine Sneak Attack, Extra Domains (Kitty (Dragon) Below, Shadow, Wrath), Frightful Presence, Hand of Death, Instant Move, Know Death, Know Secrets, Lay Curse, Life and Death, Mass Life and Death, Possess Mortal, Undead Mastery, Wave of Chaos
Domain Powers: Evil spells are cast at +1 Caster Level, Free attack of opportunity 1/day
Spell-Like Abilities: The Bad Kitteh in Da Night can cast the following spells at will as Spell-Like abilities:  Affliction, Armor of Darkness, Bestow Curse, Blacklight, Blasphemy, Blindness/Deafness, Cause Fear, Command, Create Undead, Darkbolt, Darkness, Death Knell, Deeper Darkness, Desecrate, Dispel Good, Dominate Person, Doom, Energize Potion, Enthrall, Gate, Geas/Quest, Greater Command, Greater Planar Ally, Greater Shadow Conjuration, Greater Shadow Evocation, Last Judgement, Lesser Planar Ally, Magic Circle Against Good, Mass Suggestion, Monstrous Thrall, Nightmare, Obscuring Mist, Planar Ally, Power Word Blind, Power Word Kill, Protection from Good, Prying Eyes, Radiant Shield, Righteous Might, Righteous Smite, Shades, Shadow Conjuration, Shadow Evocation, Shadow Walk, Slay Living, Storm of Vengeance, Suggestion, Summon Monster IX (evil only), True Dominate, Unholy Aura, Unholy Blight, Vengeance Halo.  Save DC is 44 plus the spell level.  Caster Level is 30
Assassin Spells Per Day: 8/8/7/7; Base Save is 24 plus Spell Level
Assassin Spells Known: 0:
1st: Disguise Self, Insightful Feint, Obscuring Mist, Sleep
2nd: Fell the Greatest Foe, Invisibility, Pass Without Trace, Veil of Shadow
3rd: Deeper Darkness, Fangs of the Vampire King, Misdirection, Nondetection
4th: Heart Ripper, Greater Invisibility, Shadow Form, Shadow Phase
Create Magic Items: The Bad Kitteh in Da Night can create any magic item dealing with his portfolio.

Other Divine Powers
As a Greater deity, The Bad Kitteh in Da Night automatically receives the best possible result on any die roll he makes (including attack rolls, damage, checks, and Saves).  He is immortal.
Senses: The Bad Kitteh in Da Night can see, hear, touch, and smell at a distance of 20 miles.  As a Standard Action he can perceive anything within 20 miles of his worshipers, holy sites, objects, or any location where one of his titles or name was spoken in the last hour.  He can extend her senses to up to 20 locations at once.  He can block the sensing power of deities of his rank or lower at up to two remote locations at once for 20 hours.
Portfolio Powers: The Bad Kitteh in Da Night sense any act involving his portfolio up to 20 weeks before it occurs, and will retain the knowledge up to 20 weeks after it happens. 
Automatic Actions: The Bad Kitteh in Da Night can use Intimidate as a Free Action if the DC for the task is 30 or lower.  He can perform up to 20 Free Actions each round.

Offline bhu

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Re: Kitty Magic
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2011, 04:25:47 PM »
Outside Cat
Intermediate God
Symbol: Tortoise shell cat walking down a city road
Home Plane: The Godrealm (will differ in your campaign)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: The poor and homeless, cities, beggars
Worshipers: Cats, Cat Burglars, some Catfolk, the Mows (worshipers are usually urban and poor)
Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, NG
Domains: Begging, City, Good, Sneaky Sneakies
Favored Weapon: Her nonhumanoid worshipers use their Claws, Humanoids get the Dagger.

Outside Cat is the sister of The Bad Kitteh in Da Night and The Great Kitteh in Da Sky.  Unlike Housecat she didn't like the idea of living a pampered home life and struck out on her own.  While she remains somewhat neutral in inter-god politics, she is devoted to helping the poor and unfortunate.  Outside Cat appears as a female tortoise-shell alley cat.

Outside Cat demands her clergy help the poor and needy, and use stealth and guile to undermine the efforts of the evil (particularly the rich evil).  They aren't expected to use violence unless they have no choice, focusing their efforts on food, clothing, shelter, and hiding those who need it.

Clergy and Temples
Temples to Outside Cat are always temporary shrines built outside of buildings and in rural areas.  They're made to be erected and packed back up quickly in order to avoid detection.

Outside Cat
Rogue 20, Vigilante 10, Bard 10
Tiny Outsider (Chaotic)
Divine Rank: 15
Hit Dice:             20d8+200 plus 20d6+200 plus 10d8+100 plus 10d8+ 100 (1040 hp)
Initiative:           +17 (always goes first)
Speed:                80 ft. (16 squares)
Armor Class:          78 (+2 Size, +13 Dex, +28 Natural, +15 Divine, +10 Deflection), touch 50, flat-footed 65
Base Attack/Grapple:  +49/+63
Attack:               Claw +79 melee (1d3+22) or spell +79 melee/ranged touch
Full Attack:         2 Claws +79 melee (1d3+22) and 1 Bite +74 melee (1d2+18) or spell +79 melee/ranged touch
Space/Reach:          2 1/2 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks:      Domain Powers, Salient Divine Abilities, Spell-Like Abilities, Smite the Guilty 3/day, Dimensional Anchor 1/day, Sneak Attack +13d6, Bardic Music 10/day
Special Qualities:   Divine Immunities, DR 25/Epic, Fire Resistance 20, Spell Resistance 47, Spontaneous Casting of Divine Spells, Understands/Speaks/Reads all Languages, Speak directly to all beings within 10 miles, Remote Communication, Godly Realm, Teleport w/out Error at Will, Plane Shift at Will, Divine Aura (1500', DC 35), Detect Evil at will, Quick Search, Speak w/Dead 1/day, Quick Hide, Mettle, Trap Sense +6, Evasion, Uncanny Dodge, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Trapfinding, Improved Evasion, Defensive Roll, Crippling Strike, Slippery Mind, Bardic Knowledge,
Saves:                Fort +49, Ref +66, Will +57
Abilities:            Str 24, Dex 36, Con 30, Int 34, Wis 36, Cha 30
Skills:         Balance +74, Bluff +71, Climb +62, Concentration +51, Diplomacy +91, Disable Device +87, Escape Artist +94, Forgery +70, Gather Information +108, Hide +107, Intimidate +72, Knowledge (Local) +77, Knowledge (Arcane, Religion, Nobility) +60, Listen +71, Move Silently +107, Open Lock +98, Perform (Sing) +61, Search +70, Sense Motive +84, Sleight of Hand +98, Spellcraft +69, Spot +71, Survival +48, Tumble +94, Use Magic Device +68.
Feats:              Advantageous Avoidance, Alertness, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Cunning Evasion, Deft Opportunist, Deft Strike,  Disguise Spell, Dodge, Fade into Violence, Improved Feint, Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Master Manipulator, Melee Evasion, Sly Fortune, Still Spell, Survivor's Luck, Tumbling Feint, Unbelievable Luck, Weapon Finesse
Divine Immunities: Ability Damage, Ability Drain, Acid, Cold, Death Effects, Disease, Disintegration, Electricity, Energy Drain, Mind-Affecting Effects, Paralysis, Poison, Sleep, Stunning,Transmutation, Imprisonment, and Banishment.
Salient Divine Abilities:  Alter Size, Alter Form, Anonymity (See Below), Battle Sense, Divine Celerity, Divine Inspiration, Divine Rogue, Divine Sneak Attack, Extra Domain (Sneaky Sneakies), Instant Move, Know Secrets, Shapechange, Shift Form, Supreme Initiative, True Shapechange
Domain Powers: Automatic Success w/Hide or Move Silently 1/day, Good spells are cast at +1 caster level
Spell-Like Abilities: Outside Cat can cast the following spells at will as Spell-Like abilities:   Aid, Animate City, Blade Barrier, City Lights, City's Might, City Strider, Commune with City, Disguise Self, Dispel Evil, Entice Gift, False Vision, Friendly Face, Gimme a Break Here, Greater Invisibility, Heroes Feast, Holy Aura, Holy Smite, Holy Word, Invisibility, Invisibility Sphere, Magic Circle Against Evil, Major Creation, Mass Invisibility, Minor Creation, Mislead, Prayer, Protection from Evil, Rooftop Strider, Screen, Skyline Runner, Summon Monster IX (good only), Superior Invisibility, True Creation, Unbinding, Urban Shield, Winding Alley.   Save DC is 35 plus the spell level.  Caster Level is 25.
Bard Spells Per Day: 3/6/6/4/2; Base Save is 20 plus Spell Level
Bard Spells Known: 0: Message, Minor Disguise,Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Read Magic, Stick
1: Alarm, Dead End, Remove Scent, Sticky Fingers4
2: Blindness/Deafness, Hold Person, Suggestion, Whispering Wind
3: Charm Monster, Dispel Magic, Displacement, Slow
4: Legend Lore, Modify Memory
Vigilante Spells Per Day: 6/6/5/5; Base Save is 20 plus Spell Level
Vigilante Spells Known: 1st: Detect Magic, Detect Secret Doors, Expeditious Retreat, Undetectable Alignment
2nd: Alter Self, Detect Thoughts, Misdirection, Silence
3rd: Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Haste, Scrying,  See Invisibility
4th: Detect Scrying, Freedom of Movement, Greater Invisibility, Locate Creature
Create Magic Items: Outside Cat can create any magic item dealing with scouting or survival.

Other Divine Powers
As an Intermediate deity, Outside Cat automatically receives a result of 20 on any check. She treats a roll of 1 on a Saving Throw or Attack roll normally and not as an automatic failure.  She is immortal.
Senses: Outside Cat can see, hear, touch, and smell at a distance of 15 miles.  As a Standard Action she can perceive anything within 15 miles of her worshipers, holy sites, objects, or any location where one of her titles or name was spoken in the last hour.  She can extend her senses to up to 10 locations at once.  She can block the sensing power of deities of her rank or lower at up to two remote locations at once for 15 hours.
Portfolio Powers: Outside Cat sense any act involving her portfolio up to 15 weeks before it occurs, and will retain the knowledge up to 15 weeks after it happens. 
Automatic Actions: Outside Cat can use Intimidate or Survival as a Free Action if the DC for the task is 25 or lower.  He can perform up to 10 Free Actions each round.

I is an ordinary kitteh.
 Prerequisites: Divine Rank 6, Bluff 40 ranks
 Benefits: You permanently have the spell Mind Blank in effect on your person.  It may not be dispelled, even by an Antimagic Field.

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Re: Kitty Magic
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2011, 04:26:32 PM »
Intermediate God
Symbol: Cat peering from a house window
Home Plane: The Godrealm (will differ in your campaign)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: The home, catnip, beguilement, protecting ones best interests
Worshipers: Cats, Cat Burglars, some Catfolk, the Mows (worshipers are usually housecats or family oriented)
Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, CE
Domains: Catnip, Charm, Nap, Protection
Favored Weapon: Her nonhumanoid worshipers use their Claws, Humanoids get the Dagger.

Housecat is the twin sister of Outside Cat, and lives with Mawm.  She seems indifferent to finding a place of her own or enjoying the company of boy kitties, and prefers to be pampered.  She often visits humans just to soak up affection (and to occasionally reward the better ones).  House cat appears to be a fluffy Norwegian Forest Cat.

Clergy are charged with defending the home from Outsiders, which extends to their community in a sense as well.  They also try to find homes for those who have none, and make excellent spies.

Clergy and Temples
Temples to Housecat are always built inside homes, usually in the kitchen, near the hearth, or a comfortable napping spot. 

Beguiler 20, Rogue 20
Tiny Outsider (Chaotic)
Divine Rank: 15
Hit Dice:             20d8+200 plus 20d6+200 plus 20d6+200 (1000 hp)
Initiative:           +21
Speed:                80 ft. (16 squares)
Armor Class:          78 (+2 Size, +13 Dex, +28 Natural, +15 Divine, +10 Deflection), touch 50, flat-footed 65
Base Attack/Grapple:  +45/+61
Attack:               Claw +69 melee (1d3+22) or spell +69 melee/ranged touch
Full Attack:         2 Claws +69 melee (1d3+22) and 1 Bite +64 melee (1d2+18) or spell +69 melee/ranged touch
Space/Reach:          2 1/2 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks:      Domain Powers, Salient Divine Abilities, Spell-Like Abilities, Cloaked Casting, Surprise Casting, Crippling Strike, Sneak Attack +13d6
Special Qualities:   Divine Immunities, DR 25/Epic, Fire Resistance 20, Spell Resistance 47, Spontaneous Casting of Divine Spells, Understands/Speaks/Reads all Languages, Speak directly to all beings within 10 miles, Remote Communication, Godly Realm, Teleport w/out Error at Will, Plane Shift at Will, Divine Aura (1500', DC 35), Armored Mage, Trapfinding, Advanced Learning (Serene Visage, Mesmerizing Glare, False Vision, Project Image, Programmed Amnesia), Improved Evasion, Defensive Roll, Slippery Mind, Evasion, Uncanny Dodge, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Trap Sense +6
Saves:                Fort +49, Ref +58, Will +57
Abilities:            Str 24, Dex 36, Con 30, Int 36, Wis 34, Cha 30
Skills:         Balance +92, Bluff +94, Climb +80, Concentration +48, Diplomacy +106, Disable Device +91, Escape Artist +96, Gather Information +97, Hide +104, Intimidate +54, Jump +86, Knowledge (Arcana, Local) +71, Knowledge (Religion) +51, Listen +72, Move Silently +73, Open Lock +91, Search +96, Sense Motive +95, Sleight of Hand +97, Spellcraft +71, Spot +95, Tumble +100, Use Magic Device +70
Feats:              Anklebiter, Battlecaster Defense, Blind-Fight, Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Delay Spell, Dodge, Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Greater Spell Focus (Enchantment, Illusion), Greater Spell Penetration, Improved Initiative, Maximize Spell, Quicken Spell, Spell Focus (Enchantment, Illusion), Spell Penetration, Superior Initiative, Unsettling Enchantment, Weapon Finesse, Silent Spell (B), Still Spell (B)
Salient Divine Abilities:  Automatic Metamagic, Clearsight, Control Creatures (Humans), Divine Celerity, Divine Dodge, Divine Fibber (See Below), Divine Innocence (See below), Divine Rogue, Divine Sneak Attack, Divine Spellcasting, Extra Domain (Nap), Free Move, Instant Counterspell, Instant Move, Supreme Initiative
Domain Powers: +2 Sacred Bonus vs Illusion/Enchantment spells, Protective Ward 1/day, +4 Cha for 1 minute once per day
Spell-Like Abilities: Housecat can cast the following spells at will as Spell-Like abilities:  Antimagic Field, Calm Emotions, Charm Monster, Charm Person, Daze Monster, Deep Slumber, Delusions of Grandeur, Demand, Distract, Dominate Monster, Dream Sight, Endless Slumber, Geas/Quest, Good Hope, Hiss of Sleep, Illusory Pit, Insanity, Maddening Whispers, Mind Blank, Mind Fog, Nappy Times, Nightmare Terrain, Power Meow Stun, Prismatic Sphere, Protection from Energy, Reality Bind, Remove Fatigue, Repulsion, Sanctuary, Shield Other, Sleep, Spell Immunity, Spell Resistance, Sublime Revelry, Suggestion, Symbol of Sleep.   Save DC is 35 plus the spell level.  Caster Level is 25.
Beguiler Spells Per Day: 6/10/9/9/9/9/8/8/8/7; Base Save is 23 plus Spell Level
Create Magic Items: Housecat can create any magic item resembling items commonly found in the home, or clothing.

Other Divine Powers
As an Intermediate deity, Housecat automatically receives a result of 20 on any check. She treats a roll of 1 on a Saving Throw or Attack roll normally and not as an automatic failure.  She is immortal.
Senses: Housecat can see, hear, touch, and smell at a distance of 15 miles.  As a Standard Action she can perceive anything within 15 miles of her worshipers, holy sites, objects, or any location where one of her titles or name was spoken in the last hour.  She can extend her senses to up to 10 locations at once.  She can block the sensing power of deities of her rank or lower at up to two remote locations at once for 15 hours.
Portfolio Powers: Housecat sense any act involving her portfolio up to 15 weeks before it occurs, and will retain the knowledge up to 15 weeks after it happens. 
Automatic Actions: Housecat can use Bluff or Diplomacy as a Free Action if the DC for the task is 25 or lower.  She can perform up to 10 Free Actions each round.

Divine Fibber
You can tell a lie to almost anything.
 Prerequisites: The Trickery or Charm Domain, Divine Rank 11
 Benefits: Beings whose Divine Rank is less than your own take a penalty equal to your Divine Rank on Sense Motive Checks they make against you.

Divine Innocence
No one would ever accuse you of wrong doing.
 Prerequisites: The Trickery or Charm Domain, Divine Rank 11
 Benefits: You are immune to Divination spells cast by beings whose Divine Rank is lower than your own.

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Re: Kitty Magic
« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2011, 04:26:51 PM »
Intermediate God
Symbol: Stylized goofy cat face
Home Plane: The Godrealm (will differ in your campaign)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: Fools, mischief, trickery, Chaos, mental disfigurement
Worshipers: Cats, Cat Burglars, some Catfolk, the Mows (worshipers are usually disturbed or mentally deficient, or believe in divine luck)
Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, CE
Domains: Chaos, Luck, Mischief, Trickery
Favored Weapon: His nonhumanoid worshipers use their Claws, Humanoids get the Sap.

Goober appears as a somewhat confused domestic shorthair cat with fur in differently colored patches.  As a small infant he was attacked by The Bad Kitteh in Da Night while Blue Eyes and the Mean Kitteh looked on.  It was this action that resulted in Goobers significant mental impairment (for a Gawd anyway), and the evil Kitteh Gawds subsequent banishment (The Great Kitteh in Da Sky is mighty protective of Goober as he is his youngest child). 

Always look dumber than you are, and trust in luck to see you through.  The universe looks after fools.  Make sure you're on their side.

Clergy and Temples
Goober has no official preference in temples.

Bard 20, Swordsage 20
Tiny Outsider (Chaotic)
Divine Rank: 15
Hit Dice:             20d8+200 plus 20d6+200 plus 20d8+200 (1040 hp)
Initiative:           +22
Speed:                80 ft. (16 squares)
Armor Class:          103 (+2 Size, +18 Dex, +28 Natural, +15 Divine, +15 Deflection, +15 Wis), touch 75, flat-footed 85
Base Attack/Grapple:  +50/+56
Attack:               Claw +70 melee (1d3+22) or spell +70 melee/ranged touch
Full Attack:         2 Claws +70 melee (1d3+22) and 1 Bite +65 melee (1d2+18) or spell +70 melee/ranged touch
Space/Reach:          2 1/2 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks:      Domain Powers, Salient Divine Abilities, Spell-Like Abilities, Bardic Music 20/day, Discipline Focus,
Special Qualities:   Divine Immunities, DR 25/Epic, Fire Resistance 20, Spell Resistance 47, Spontaneous Casting of Divine Spells, Understands/Speaks/Reads all Languages, Speak directly to all beings within 10 miles, Remote Communication, Godly Realm, Teleport w/out Error at Will, Plane Shift at Will, Divine Aura (1500', DC 40), Bardic Knowledge, Quick to Act +4, AC Bonus, Sense Magic, Evasion, Improved Evasion, Dual Boost
Saves:                Fort +49, Ref +69, Will +66
Abilities:            Str 24, Dex 46, Con 30, Int 10, Wis 40, Cha 40
Skills:         Bluff +99, Concentration +54, Hide +79, Knowledge (Local) +23, Listen +76, Move Silently +79, Perform (Antics) +76, Sense Motive +60, Spot +53, Tumble +79, Use Magic Device +76
Feats:              Advantageous Avoidance, Battlecaster Defense, Combat Casting, Cunning Evasion, Dodge, Dumb Luck, Elusive Target, Good Karma, Improved Diversion, Improved Initiative, Lucky Catch, Lucky Start, Make Your Own Luck, Mobile Spellcasting, Mobility, Sly Fortune, Survivor's Luck, Third Times the Charm, Tumbling Feint, Unbelievable Luck, Weapon Finesse
Salient Divine Abilities:  Alter Reality, Clearsight, Dain Bramage (See Below), Divine Bard, Divine Celerity, Divine Glibness, Divine Luck (See Below), Divine Skill Focus (Bluff and Perform: Antics), Free Move, Instant Move, Irresistible Performance, Power of Luck, Supreme Initiative, Wave of Chaos
Domain Powers: Chaos Spells are cast at +1 caster level, Good Fortune 1/day,
Spell-Like Abilities: Goober can cast the following spells at will as Spell-Like abilities:  A Cats Revenge, Aid, Animate Object, Baleful Transposition, Break Enchantment, Chaos Hammer, Cloak of Chaos, Confusion, Disguise Self, Dispel Law, Entropic Shield, False Vision, Freedom of Movement, Gimme A Break Here, Invisibility, It Was the Dog, Magical Circle Against Law, Miracle, Mislead, Moment of Prescience, Nondetection, Otto's Irresistible Dance, Phantasmal Thief, Polymorph Any Object, Protection from Energy, Protection from Law, Screen, Shatter, Spell Turning, Summon Monster IX (Chaos only), Time Stop, Word of Chaos, You Has A Flavor Too.   Save DC is 40 plus the spell level.  Caster Level is 25.
Bard Spells Per Day: 4/8/8/8/7/7/7; Base Save is 25 plus Spell Level
Bard Spells Known: 0: Daze, Lullaby, Message, Prestidigitation
1st: Charm Person, Distract, Serene Visage, Ventriloquism
2nd: Daze, Distracting Ray, Glitterdust, Misdirection
3rd: G'Elsewhere Chant, Puppeteer, Shadow Cache, Unluck
4th: Celebration, Freedom of Movement, Greater Invisibility, Ruin Delver's Fortune
5th: Cacophonic Burst, Greater Blink, Mislead, Wail of Doom
6th: Greater Scrying, Mass Charm Monster, Otto's Irresistible Dance, Superior Resistance
Stances Known: 1st: Stance of the Loony, Step of the Wind
3rd: Pearl of Black Doubt
5th: Be Wary Wary Quiet
7th: Shifting Defense
9th: Ghostly Defense
Maneuvers Known: 1st: Banana Peel Drop, Brick Drop, Counter Charge, Pie to the Face, Zany Mind
2nd: Action Before Thought, Claw at the Moon, Eye Poke, Zany Dodge
3rd: Feigned Opening, Soaring Raptor Strike, Unwelcome Kiss
4th: Comet Throw, Give Bomb
5th: Piano Drop, Pouncing Charge, Soaring Throw
6th: Bouncing Escape, Misfire, Scorpion Parry
7th: Give Bundle of Dynamite, Rubber Chicken Whack
8th: Fool's Strike, Worthless Weapon
9th: Tornado Throw, Unnecessary Burial
Create Magic Items: Goober can create any magic item dealing with luck or chaos.

Other Divine Powers
As an Intermediate deity, Goober automatically receives a result of 20 on any check. He treats a roll of 1 on a Saving Throw or Attack roll normally and not as an automatic failure.  He is immortal.
Senses: Goober can see, hear, touch, and smell at a distance of 15 miles.  As a Standard Action he can perceive anything within 15 miles of his worshipers, holy sites, objects, or any location where one of his titles or name was spoken in the last hour.  He can extend his senses to up to 10 locations at once.  He can block the sensing power of deities of his rank or lower at up to two remote locations at once for 15 hours.
Portfolio Powers: Goober sense any act involving his portfolio up to 15 weeks before it occurs, and will retain the knowledge up to 15 weeks after it happens. 
Automatic Actions: Goober can use Tumble as a Free Action if the DC for the task is 25 or lower.  He can perform up to 10 Free Actions each round.

Dain Bramage
You were hurt really bad as a young godling...
 Prerequisites: Must have received a serious head injury while an infant.
 Benefits: Your Int falls to 10, and the extra points may be transferred to any other ability of your choice.  You also gain a Bonus on Willpower Saves equal to your Divine Rank.

Divine Luck
Causing you permanent problems is virtually an impossibility.
 Prerequisites: The Luck Domain, Divine Rank 11 or higher, 1 or more Luck Feats (see Complete Scoundrel)
 Benefits: You can now use one of your Luck rerolls to re roll any failed roll.  You gain a number of additional rerolls equal to your Divine Rank.

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Re: Kitty Magic
« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2011, 04:27:12 PM »
The Alley Kat
Intermediate God
Symbol: Intimidating Cats Face
Home Plane: The Godrealm (will differ in your campaign)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: Street people, fighting, courage, divine revenge, strength
Worshipers: Cats, Cat Burglars, some Catfolk, the Mows (worshipers are usually the poor, the disenfranchised, or the criminal)
Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, CE
Domains: Big Kitty, Courage, Retribution, Strength, War
Favored Weapon: His nonhumanoid worshipers use their Claws, Humanoids get the Dagger.

Alley Kat is Goobers older brother, and the enforcer of the Kitteh Gawds.  When butts need kicked, he does the kicking.  He and the Bad Kitteh have quarreled many times, and somehow the Alley Kat has always survived.  The Alley Kat also watches over the street people, and despises the rich and softly affluent.  He appears as a large, fluffy grey tomcat.

Trust no one.  Always verify what people are telling you.  Crush your enemies.  Get revenge for those who are to weak to get it for themselves, protect the feeble and the homeless.  Kill the rich.

Clergy and Temples
Temples to Alley Kat are usually makeshift affairs that are propped up in dark alleys to perform rights before being taken down.  Not having a temple stuck in one place all the time lessens the vulnerability of his clergy.

The Alley Kat
Barbarian 20, Warblade 20
Tiny Outsider (Chaotic)
Divine Rank: 15
Hit Dice:             20d8+260 plus 20d12+260 plus 20d12+260 (1420 hp, 1720 Raging)
Initiative:           +16
Speed:                90 ft. (18 squares)
Armor Class:          77 (+2 Size, +12 Dex, +28 Natural, +15 Divine, +10 Deflection), touch 49, flat-footed 65
Armor Class(Rage):          72 (-5 Rage, +2 Size, +12 Dex, +28 Natural, +15 Divine, +10 Deflection), touch 44, flat-footed 60
Base Attack/Grapple:  +60/+80 (+85 Raging)
Attack: Claw +90 melee (1d3+28) or spell +90/+89 melee/ranged touch
Attack (Rage): Claw +95 melee (1d3+33) or spell +95/+94 melee/ranged touch
Full Attack:         2 Claws +90 melee (1d3+28) and 1 Bite +85 melee (1d2+21) or spell +90/+89 melee/ranged touch
Full Attack Raging):         2 Claws +95 melee (1d3+33) and 1 Bite +90 melee (1d2+24) or spell +95/+94 melee/ranged touch
Space/Reach:          2 1/2 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks:      Domain Powers, Salient Divine Abilities, Spell-Like Abilities, Divine Rage 15/day, Weapon Aptitude, Battle Ardor +10, Battle Cunning +10, Battle Skill +10, Battle Mastery +10
Special Qualities:   Divine Immunities, DR 30/Epic and Lawful, Fire Resistance 20 (30 when Raging), Spell Resistance 47 (57 when Raging), Spontaneous Casting of Divine Spells, Understands/Speaks/Reads all Languages, Speak directly to all beings within 10 miles, Remote Communication, Godly Realm, Teleport w/out Error at Will, Plane Shift at Will, Divine Aura (1500', DC 35), Fast Movement, Uncanny Dodge, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Trap Sense +6, DR 5/-, Battle Clarity +10, Stance Mastery
Saves:                Fort +64 (+69 Raging), Ref +51, Will +46 (+51 Raging)
Abilities:            Str 36 (46 Raging), Dex 34, Con 36 (46 Raging), Int 30, Wis 24, Cha 30
Skills:         Balance +65, Climb +84 (+89 Raging), Concentration +61 (+66 Raging), Craft (any 2) +61, Craft (any 2) +45, Diplomacy +67, Handle Animal +61, Hide +38, Intimidate +88, Jump +65 (+70 Raging), Knowledge (History, Local) +61, Listen +61, Martial Lore +61, Move Silently +38, Ride +65, Search +38, Sense Motive +38, Spot +38, Survival +61, Swim +61 (+66 Raging), Tumble +65
Feats:            Dodge, Mad Foam Rager, Rapid Assault, Sudden Recovery, Vital Recovery, 16  Blade Meditation (The Feline Way)(B), Combat Reflexes (B), Improved Initiative (B), Tiger Blooded (B), Weapon Focus (Claws)(B)
Salient Divine Abilities:  Alter Size, Annihilating Strike, Battlesense, Divine Celerity, Divine Dodge, Divine Rage, Divine Warblade (See below), Extra Domains (Strength, War), Free Move, Increased Damage Reduction, Sunder and Disjoin, Supreme Initiative, Wound Enemy (Claws and Bite)
Domain Powers: Aura of Courage, Strike of Vengeance 1/day, Feat of Strength 1/day, Powerful Build
Spell-Like Abilities: The Alley Kat can cast the following spells at will as Spell-Like abilities: Aid, Banishment, Bear's Endurance, Bigby's Clenched Fist, Bigby's Crushing Hand, Bigby's Grasping Hand, Big Kitty, Bite of the Were Tiger, Blade Barrier, Bull's Strength, Cloak of Bravery, Discern Location, Divine Favor, Divine Power, Enlarge Person, Fire Shield, Flame Strike, Giant Size, Greater Cloak of Bravery, Greater Heroism, Heroes' Feast, Heroism, Leonal's Roar, Lion's Roar, Longcat, Magic Vestment, Magic Weapon, Mark of Justice, Power Meow Blind/Kill/Stun, Remove Fear, Righteous Might, Shield of Faith, Speak with the Dead, Spell Immunity, Spell Turning, Spiritual Weapon, Stoneskin, Storm of Vengeance, Tenser's Transformation, Valiant Fury.    Save DC is 35 plus the spell level.  Caster Level is 25.
Stances Known: 1st: Pounce!, Raised Fur
3rd: Huggin' Stance
7th: Takin' Advantage
Maneuvers Known: 1st: Rowr!
2nd: Noms!,
3rd: Flesh Ripper, Flying Tackle
4th: Ambush
5th: Flurry, Pouncing Charge
6th: Attach
7th: From the Skies, Swooping Dragon Strike
8th: Rakin' Fool, You Have Unleashed the Fury!
9th: Neck Bite
Create Magic Items: The Alley Kat can create any magic item dealing with combat, strength, courage or the street life.

Other Divine Powers
As an Intermediate deity, The Alley Kat automatically receives a result of 20 on any check. He treats a roll of 1 on a Saving Throw or Attack roll normally and not as an automatic failure.  He is immortal.
Senses: The Alley Kat can see, hear, touch, and smell at a distance of 15 miles.  As a Standard Action he can perceive anything within 15 miles of his worshipers, holy sites, objects, or any location where one of his titles or name was spoken in the last hour.  He can extend his senses to up to 10 locations at once.  He can block the sensing power of deities of his rank or lower at up to two remote locations at once for 15 hours.
Portfolio Powers: The Alley Kat sense any act involving his portfolio up to 15 weeks before it occurs, and will retain the knowledge up to 15 weeks after it happens. 
Automatic Actions: The Alley Kat can use Intimidate as a Free Action if the DC for the task is 25 or lower.  He can perform up to 10 Free Actions each round.

Divine Warblade
Truly you are a Master of the Sublime Way.
 Prerequisites: Warblade 20
 Benefits: The Bonus you gain from Battle Clarity, Battle Ardor, Battle Cunning, Battle Skill, or Battle Mastery is equal to your Intelligence Bonus or Divine Rank, whichever is higher. 

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Re: Kitty Magic
« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2011, 04:27:38 PM »
The Feline Way

The Feline Way is a new Sublime Way that can be taken by either Warblades or Swordsages.  Replace one discipline they could normally take with The Feline Way (usually not Tiger Claw).  The Key Skill for the Feline Way is Tumble, and the associated weapons are the Kukri, Clawed Gauntlet, Natural Weapons, Unarmed Strike, and Dagger.

1st Level
Pounce! (Stance): You gain a Bonus to Attack and Damage rolls as long as you keep moving.
Raised Fur (Stance): You gain a +2 Bonus on Intimidate Rolls, Enemies gain a -2 Penalty on Initiative Checks.
Rowr! (Strike): If this Strike succeeds you get a Free Grapple Check against your opponent.
Testing the Waters (Strike): When fighting Defensively this Strike can be made without penalty.

2nd Level
Noms! (Boost): If you are Grappling an opponent, gain a +2 Bonus to Grapple Checks and Damage Rolls until he escapes the Grapple.
Underfoot (Strike): if this Strike is successful you get a Free Trip Attack against your opponent.

3rd Level
Anklebite (Strike): If this Strike is successful some of your opponents Movement is lowered by 10' per round.
Flying Tackle (Strike): Charge Attack does +4d6 damage and knocks opponent prone.
Flurry Stance (Stance): Make multiple attacks at penalties.
Huggin' Stance (Stance): You gain +10 on Grapple Checks, and Dr 2/-.

4th Level
Ambush (Strike): If you use this Strike on a Flat-footed opponent, or one who is Denied his Dex Bonus to AC you do +6d6 Damage and Daze Opponent.
Threat Display (Boost): Opponent must make Willpower Save or be Frghtened.

5th Level
Flurry (Counter): Do +8d6 damage on Attack of Opportunity.
Flying Cuisinart (Strike): Charge Attack does damage against multiple foes.

6th Level
Attach (Counter): Make Free Grapple Check against opponent attacking you in melee.
Bitin' the Berries (Strike): Larger opponent struck must make a Fort Save or be Paralyzed and knocked prone.

7th Level
Bite the Hand (Strike): Strike Disarms opponent and he takes -4 Penalty to Attack and Damage rolls when using that limb.
From the Skies (Strike): Jump onto foe doing +10d6 damage and knocking him Prone.
Takin' Advantage (Stance): Gain Bonus to Attack and Damage Rolls against Prone opponents equal to your Initiator Level.

8th Level
Charming Stance (Stance): Opponents take -6 Penalty to Initiative rolls, and are considered Flat-footed if they Fail a Save.
Rakin' Fool (Boost): Grapples do +10d6 damage.
You Have Unleashed the Fury! (Strike): Strike all opponents within 10' for +6d6 damage.

9th Level
Neck Bite (Strike): Kill opponent outright if he fails Save.

Kitty Dodge
Larger foes have extreme difficulty hitting you.
 Prerequisites: Any Feline Way Maneuver, Dodge
 Benefits: The Bonus you gain from your Dodge Feat increases an additional +1 for each Size Class larger than you your opponent is.

Strike from Below
You can get underneath the defenses of larger foes.
 Prerequisites: Any Feline Way Strike, Dex 15, Size Class Small or smaller (or the ability to gain it via class ability or spell)
 Benefits: When making melee attacks against an opponent who is larger than you from within a square he threatens, the critical threat range of your attack increases by +1 for each Size Class larger than you your opponent is (i.e. if you normally threaten a critical on a 20, are Small, and your opponent is Large, you threaten a critical against him on an 18-20).  This does not stack with Keen or Improved Critical or similar effects.

Eye of the Housecat (Tactical Feat)
You have perfected the Art of the Feline Way.
 Prerequisites: Kitty Dodge, +6 BAB, any two Feline Way maneuvers
 Benefits: This Feat grants you three tactical options:
Lurking Below: You gain a +2 Bonus per Size Class larger than you your opponent is to all Trip Attacks, and if your opponent is larger than you he does not get to make a Trip attempt in return if yours fails.  You may Trip any Size Class opponent.
A Cornered Kitty is a Dangerous Kitty: When fighting using the Total Defense option, you gain your BAB as a Dodge Bonus to AC.
Surprise! If you attack an opponent who is unaware of you successfully, add +2 damage for each Size Class larger than you he is.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2013, 05:47:02 PM by bhu »

Offline bhu

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Re: Kitty Magic
« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2011, 04:27:59 PM »
The Feline Way (Strike)
Level: Swordsage 4, Warblade 4
Prerequisite: 1 Feline Way Maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 Standard Action
Range: Melee Attack
Target: One creature
As a Standard Action you can attack any opponent who is Flat-Footed, or Denied his Dexterity Bonus to AC.  If the attack is successful it does +6d6 damage and the opponent is Dazed for 1 round.

The Feline Way (Strike)
Level: Swordsage 3, Warblade 3
Prerequisite: 1 Feline Way Maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 Standard Action
Range: Melee Attack
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 Minute
Saving Throw: Fortitude Negates
As part of this maneuver you make a melee attack against a single opponent.  If you hit he must make a Fortitude Save (DC 13 plus Strength or Dexterity Modifier, whichever is higher), or his Climb and Land speed movements are -10 ft for 1 Minute (minimum land speed is 5 ft).  If the Save is successful the opponent still takes damage.  This attack doesn't work on creatures immune to critical hits.

The Feline Way (Counter)
Level: Swordsage 6, Warblade 6
Prerequisite: 2 Feline Way Maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 Immediate Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
When you initiate this Maneuver you must be in the square of an opponent who is attacking you (or adjacent if you have the Reach) and make an Opposed Tumble Check vs your opponents Attack Roll.  If you succeed his attack fails and you are considered to be grappling him.  If he is more than one Size Class bigger than you, you may be attacked via a one handed weapon.  Your opponent must Pin you in a Grapple to remove you, and you get a Bonus to Grapple Checks equal to your Initiator level divided by 2 until your opponent escapes the Grapple or you let it go.  If the Opposed Tumble Check fails you must exit your opponents square in any direction available to you.

Bite the Hand
The Feline Way (Strike)
Level: Swordsage 7, Warblade 7
Prerequisite: 2 Feline Way Maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 Standard Action
Range: Melee Attack
Target: One creature
Saving Throw: Reflex Negates
Duration: 1 Minute
As part of this maneuver you substitute a Tumble Check in place of an Attack Roll.  If you succeed in hitting your opponent drops whatever is holding in the hand you bite with this attack (which you must declare when making the attack roll), and he is -4 on all Attack and Damage rolls with that limb for 1 minute.  He can negate the penalty with a successful Reflex Save (Save DC is equal to your Tumble Check), but he takes damage regardless of whether he makes the Save or not.  Opponents immune to critical hits are immune to the Attack penalty, but still drop what they are holding if they fail the save.

Bitin' the Berries
The Feline Way (Strike)
Level: Swordsage 6, Warblade 6
Prerequisite: 2 Feline Way Maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 Standard Action
Range: Melee Attack
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 Minute
Saving Throw: Fortitude Partial
As part of this Maneuver you enter the space of an opponent at least 1 Size Class larger than yourself (who must be in a square you threaten, or you must be adjacent if you have no Reach), and do not suffer an Attack of Opportunity for doing so.  If your attack is successful your opponent takes damage, falls prone and is Paralyzed for 1 round, and takes a -4 Penalty on all d20 rolls for 1 minute if he fails a Fortitude Save (DC is 16 plus Strength or Dexterity modifier whichever is higher).  If the Save is successful he does not suffer the -4 Penalty and is Stunned instead of Paralyzed.  If the attack fails you must exit your opponents space in any direction available to you.

Charming Stance
The Feline Way (Stance)
Level: Swordsage 8, Warblade 8
Prerequisite: 3 Feline Way Maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 Swift Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance
Saving Throw: Willpower Negates
While you are in this Stance choose 1 opponent within 60' to target as an Immediate Action.  He must make a Willpower Save (DC is 18 plus Charisma Modifier) or be considered Flat Footed until you target another opponent or switch Stance.  Cause you're just soooooo kyooot...If he succeeds he is immune to your cuteness for 24 hours.

The Feline Way (Counter)
Level: Swordsage 5, Warblade 5
Prerequisite: 2 Feline Way Maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 Immediate Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
You may initiate this Maneuver whenever an opponent provokes an Attack of Opportunity from you.  Your AoO does +8d6 damage as you swarm him with blows.

Flurry Stance
The Feline Way (Strike)
Level: Swordsage 3, Warblade 3
Prerequisite: 1 Feline Way Maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 Swift Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance
While in this stance you can make two attacks as a Standard Action.  Each attack is -1 to Attack rolls.

Flying Cuisinart
The Feline Way (Strike)
Level: Swordsage 5, Warblade 5
Prerequisite: 2 Feline Way Maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 Full Round Action
Range: Melee Attack
Target: One or more creatures
To initiate this Maneuver you make a Charge attack in a straight line, and get one attack against each opponent adjacent to you as you pass.  Each attack gets the bonuses for the charge, but you gain a cumulative -2 to Attack rolls for each opponent past the first.  You do +9d6 damage to each foe you successfully hit.  Your movement does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity.

Flying Tackle
The Feline Way (Strike)
Level: Swordsage 3, Warblade 3
Prerequisite: 1 Feline Way Maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 Full Round Action
Range: Melee Attack
Target: One creature
You initiate this Maneuver as part of a Charge Attack.  If you successfully hit your opponent you do +5d6 damage and you both end up Prone.

From the Skies
The Feline Way (Strike)
Level: Swordsage 7, Warblade 7
Prerequisite: 3 Feline Way Maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 Standard Action
Range: Melee Attack
Target: One creature
To initiate this Maneuver you must leap from a vantage point above your opponents head.  If your attack is successful, you do +13d6 damage and you both end Prone.   If you make a successful Tumble Check (DC is equal to half the damage you do ) you land on your feet instead.

Huggin' Stance
The Feline Way (Stance)
Level: Swordsage 3, Warblade 3
Prerequisite: 1 Feline Way Maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 Swift Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance

While in this Stance you gain a +10 Circumstance Bonus to Grapple Checks, and DR 2/-.

Neck Bite
The Feline Way (Strike)
Level: Swordsage 9, Warblade 9
Prerequisite: 4 Feline Way Maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 Full Round Action
Range: Melee Attack
Target: One creature
Saving Throw: Fortitude Partial
To initiate this Maneuver you must make a Tumble Check (DC is equal to opponents AC) while adjacent to your opponent.  If you succeed he is considered Flat-Footed against your Attack and must make a Fortitude Save (DC 19 plus Strength Modifier) if it does damage to him.  If he fails he dies immediately.  If not he takes +20d6 damage.  Creatures immune to Critical hits are immune to this abilities death effect, but not the bonus damage.  If the Tumble Check fails the Maneuver is still considered expended, and you only make a normal attack.

The Feline Way (Boost)
Level: Swordsage 2, Warblade 2
Prerequisite: 1 Feline Way Maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 Swift Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Until Grapple ends
To initiate this Maneuver you must have successfully Grappled an opponent.  You gain a +2 Bonus to Grapple Checks and Damage Rolls until your opponent escapes the Grapple or you let him go.

The Feline Way (Stance)
Level: Swordsage 1, Warblade 1
Prerequisite: 1 Feline Way Maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 Swift Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance
As long as you move at least 10' on your Turn while in this Stance, you gain a Bonus to Attack and Damage Rolls equal to your Initiator Level divided by 5 (minimum +1).

Raised Fur
The Feline Way (Stance)
Level: Swordsage 1, Warblade 1
Prerequisite: 1 Feline Way Maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 Swift Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance
As long as you are in this Stance you gain a +2 Bonus on Intimidate Checks, and your Enemies within 60' gain a -2 Penalty on Initiative Checks.

Rakin' Fool
The Feline Way (Boost)
Level: Swordsage 8, Warblade 8
Prerequisite: 3 Feline Way Maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 Swift Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Until end of Grapple
To initiate this Maneuver you must have Successfully Grappled an Opponent.  Until your opponent escapes or you let him go, your successful Grapple Checks do +10d6 damage.

The Feline Way (Strike)
Level: Swordsage 1, Warblade 1
Initiation Action: 1 Standard Action
Range: Melee Attack
Target: One creature
If you successfully hit your opponent with a Natural Weapon Attack you may immediately make a Grapple Check as a Free Action without provoking an Attack of Opportunity.

Takin' Advantage
The Feline Way (Stance)
Level: Swordsage 7, Warblade 7
Prerequisite: 3 Feline Way Maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 Swift Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance
While in this Stance you gain a Bonus to Attack and Damage rolls equal to your Initiator Level against Prone opponents.

Testing the Waters
The Feline Way (Strike)
Level: Swordsage 1, Warblade 1
Initiation Action: 1 Standard Action
Range: Melee Attack
Target: One creature
To Initiate this Maneuver you must be Fighting Defensively.  This Maneuver is a single attack that does not take the normal Attack Penalties for Fighting Defensively.

Threat Display
The Feline Way (Boost)
Level: Swordsage 4, Warblade 4
Prerequisite: 1 Feline Way Maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 Swift Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 Minute
Saving Throw: Willpower partial

When you Initiate this Maneuver choose one opponent adjacent to you.  He must make a Willpower Save (DC is 14 plus Charisma Modifier) or be Frightened for 1 minute.  If he succeeds he is Shaken instead.

The Feline Way (Strike)
Level: Swordsage 2, Warblade 2
Initiation Action: 1 Standard Action
Range: Melee Attack
Target: One creature
To initiate this Maneuver you make a regular melee attack.  If the attack is successful you get an immediate Trip Attack as a Free Action.  If the Trip fails your opponent does not get to try to Trip you back.

You Have Unleashed the Fury!
The Feline Way (Strike)
Level: Swordsage 8, Warblade 8
Prerequisite: 3 Feline Way Maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 Full Round Action
Range: Melee Attack
Area of Effect: 10'
As a Full Round Action you get to make one melee attack against all opponents within 10'.  Successful hits do +8d6 damage.  Your position on the map does not change.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2016, 10:59:42 PM by bhu »

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Re: Kitty Magic
« Reply #13 on: November 12, 2011, 04:28:19 PM »
Epic Feline Way

Epic Maneuvers [Epic]
You are legendary.  Legendary.
Prerequisites: Martial Lore 24 ranks, Key Discipline skill 24 ranks
Benefit:This Feat allows the use of Epic Maneuvers once their prerequisites have been met (generally XP and Training Time).  Epic maneuvers are readied and initiated differently than normal maneuvers. Whenever a martial adept readies his maneuvers, he readies all epic maneuvers of that discipline that he has learned. They do not count towards his normal maneuvers readied. Each readied epic maneuver can be initiated once per encounter–they cannot be recovered by any means. The martial adept may enter epic stances of his readied discipline as if they were normal martial stances, save that no ability or effect can ever allow him to gain the benefits of any other or second stance at the same time as he gains the benefits of an epic stance. Epic maneuvers do not have a level, but are treated as being of 10th level for all purposes. The saving throw against an epic maneuver has a DC of 20 + the listed ability modifier, although some epic maneuvers list ways in which their DC can be increased.


Pounce of Legend
The Feline Way (Strike)
Initiation Action: Full Round Action
Range: Melee
Target: 1 creature
XP Cost: 20,000 XP
Training Time: 10 days

You make a charge attack as part of Initiating this Maneuver.  You get a Full Attack at the end of your charge, though all attacks must be directed towards one opponent.  Each successful hit does +10d6 damage, and if the target takes any damage you are considered to be Grappling him at the end of the turn.

Epic Takedown
The Feline Way (Strike)
Prerequisite: 1 Epic Feline Way Maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 Standard Action
Range: Melee
Target: 1 Creature
Duration: see text
XP Cost: 30,000 XP
Training Time: 15 days

As part of your Maneuver you perform a Charge attack against an opponent.  There is no attack roll, the attack automatically succeeds, and the target takes +8d6 damage and is Knocked Prone and Stunned 1 round.  For an additional 1d6 rounds after that he cannot move from the square he is occupying.

Premeditated Noms
The Feline Way (Strike)
Prerequisite: 1 Epic Feline Way Maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 Standard Action
Range: Melee
Target: 1 Creature
Duration: 1 Round
XP Cost: 30,000 XP
Training Time: 15 days

As a Standard Action you can bite any opponent who is Flat-Footed, or Denied his Dexterity Bonus to AC.  If the attack is successful it does 250 damage and the opponent is Dazed for 1 round.

Behold Your Doom!
The Feline Way (Stance)
Prerequisite: 1 Epic Feline Way Maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 Swift Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance, see text
XP Cost: 30,000 XP
Training Time: 15 days

Whenever you successfully attack an opponent while in this Stance, he must make a Willpower Save or be Panicked 1d6 Rounds.

Rollin' Fury
The Feline Way (Boost)
Prerequisite: 1 Epic Feline Way Maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 Swift Action
Range: Close
Target: 1 Creature
Duration: See text
XP Cost: 30,000 XP
Training Time: 15 days

You Initiate this Maneuver upon making a successful Grapple Check.  Your opponent is Stunned one round.  Until he successfully escapes the Grapple, each failed escape attempt Stuns him one more round.

Infinite Paw Strike
The Feline Way (Strike)
Prerequisite: 2 Epic Feline Way Maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 Immediate  Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
XP Cost: 45,000 XP
Training Time: 20 days

You may initiate this Maneuver whenever an opponent provokes an Attack of Opportunity from you.  Your AoO does +1d6/Initiator Level damage as you swarm him with blows.  If you successfully damage him, he ends his turn immediately and gains no further Actions.

A Claw in Passing
The Feline Way (Strike)
Prerequisite: 2 Epic Feline Way Maneuvers
Initiation Action: Full Round Action
Range: Melee
Target: 1 or More Creatures
XP Cost: 45,000 XP
Training Time: 20 days

To initiate this Maneuver you make a Charge attack in a straight line, and get one attack against each opponent adjacent to you as you pass.  Each attack gets the bonuses for the charge, and uses your highest BAB.  You do +100 damage to each foe you successfully hit.  Your movement does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity.

Targeted Noms
The Feline Way (Counter)
Prerequisite: 2 Epic Feline Way Maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 Immediate Action
Range: Melee
Target: 1 Creature
Duration: 1 Hour
XP Cost: 45,000 XP
Training Time: 20 days

You Initiate this Maneuver when an opponent attempts a melee attack or a Grapple.  He takes 100 damage, is knocked Prone, and is considered to be Pinned by you in a Grapple.  For purposes of this Maneuver you can Grapple a creature of any Size Category.

The Feline Way (Strike)[Force]
Prerequisite: 8 Epic Feline Way Maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 Standard Action
Range: Melee
Target: 1 Creature
Duration: see test
XP Cost: 100,000 XP
Training Time: 50 days

You deliver a powerful uppercut to an opponent with your paw swathed in energy.  Make a Tumble Check as part of this Maneuver, Check DC is your opponents AC.  If you succeed, he takes 250 Force damage and is knocked Prone.  If you succeed by 5 or more he takes an additional 50 damage and is also knocked back 20 feet.  If you succeed by 10 or more he takes another 50 damage, and is Unconscious for 1 Round.  If you succeed by 20 or more, he must make a Fortitude Save or Die.  If he succeeds he still takes normal effects, plus an additional 50 damage.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2016, 01:49:54 AM by bhu »

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Re: Kitty Magic
« Reply #14 on: November 12, 2011, 04:28:44 PM »
The Mean Kitteh aka Endcat
Intermediate God
Symbol: Evil fluffy cat face
Home Plane: The Bad Godrealm (will differ in your campaign)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Destruction, combat, murder, end times, allergies
Worshipers: Cats, Cat Burglars, some Catfolk, the Mows (worshipers are usually evil and destructive)
Cleric Alignments: CN, CE, NE
Domains: Dander, Destruction, Evil, Hissing Fury, Purr
Favored Weapon: His nonhumanoid worshipers use their Claws, Humanoids get the Short Sword.

The Mean Kitteh appears as a large brownish short hair Persian, and is the son of The Bad Kitteh in Da Night.  He has little self control, and even less patience or regard for others spending most of his existence destroying things in fits of pique.  Fortunately like many bullies he intimidates easily, and The Great kitten in Da Sky keeps him in line with the occasional stern look if he gets obviously out of line.

Followers of the Mean Kitteh are expected to use intimidation to get what they want and to prove their ability to dominate others.  They are also expected to have a temper and indulge it.

Clergy and Temples
Temples to the Mean Kitteh are usually built in bars, training centers for fighters, gang houses, etc.

The Mean Kitteh
Barbarian 20, Hexblade 20
Tiny Outsider (Chaotic, Evil)
Divine Rank: 15
Hit Dice:             20d8+260 plus 20d12+260 plus 20d10+260 (1380 hp, 1680 Raging)
Initiative:           +14
Speed:                90 ft. (18 squares)
Armor Class:          78 (+2 Size, +10 Dex, +28 Natural, +15 Divine, +13 Deflection), touch 50, flat-footed 68
Armor Class(Rage):          73 (-5 Rage, +2 Size, +10 Dex, +33 Natural, +20 Divine, +13 Deflection), touch 45, flat-footed 63
Base Attack/Grapple:  +60/+80
Attack: Claw +90 melee (1d3+28) or spell +90/+87 melee/ranged touch
Attack (Raging): Claw +95 melee (1d3+33) or spell +95/+92 melee/ranged touch
Full Attack:         2 Claws +90 melee (1d3+28) and 1 Bite +85 melee (1d2+21) or spell +90/+87 melee/ranged touch
Full Attack (Raging):         2 Claws +95 melee (1d3+33) and 1 Bite +90 melee (1d2+24) or spell +95/+92 melee/ranged touch
Space/Reach:          2 1/2 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks:      Domain Powers, Salient Divine Abilities, Spell-Like Abilities, Divine Rage 15/day, Divine Hexblade's Curse 15/day, Spells
Special Qualities:   Divine Immunities, DR 30/Epic and Good, Fire Resistance 20 (30 when Raging), Spell Resistance 47 (57 when Raging), Spontaneous Casting of Divine Spells, Understands/Speaks/Reads all Languages, Speak directly to all beings within 10 miles, Remote Communication, Godly Realm, Teleport w/out Error at Will, Plane Shift at Will, Divine Aura (1500', DC 38), Fast Movement, Uncanny Dodge, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Trap Sense +6, DR 5/-, Arcane Resistance +13, Mettle, Aura of Unluck 3/day
Saves:                Fort +58 (+63 Raging), Ref +49, Will +54 (+60 Raging)
Abilities:            Str 36 (46 Raging), Dex 30, Con 36 (46 Raging), Int 24, Wis 28, Cha 36
Skills:         Bluff +46, Climb +23, Concentration +46, Hide +46, Intimidate +94, Jump +46, Knowledge (Arcana) +46, Knowledge (Local) +23, Listen +46, Move Silently +46, Profession (Thug) +46, Spellcraft +46, Spot +32, Survival +46, Swim +46, Tumble +41
Feats:            Corrupt Spell, Delay Spell, Dodge, Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Eyes in the Back of Your Head, Greater Powerful Charge, Heighten Spell, Improved Initiative, Instantaneous Rage, Intimidating Rage, Mad Foam Rager, Maximize Spell, Mobility, Quicken Spell, Powerful Charge, Retributive Spell, Silent Spell, Spell Focus (Evil), Still Spell, Combat Casting (B), Greater Spell Focus (Necromancy)(B), Greater Spell Penetration (B), Spell Focus (Necromancy (B), Spell Penetration (B)
Salient Divine Abilities:  Alter Size, Annihilating Strike, Battlesense, Divine Aura of Unluck (See below), Divine Blast, Divine Hexblade's Curse (See below), Divine Rage, Divine Skill Focus (Intimidate), Divine Spellcasting, Extra Domains (Hissing Fury, Purr), Frightful Presence, Improved Counterspell, Increased Damage Reduction, Sunder and Disjoin
Domain Powers: Increased Spell Radius, +2 Save DC on spells from Dander Domain, Smite 1/day, Evil Spells Cast at +1 Caster Level
Spell-Like Abilities: The Mean Kitteh can cast the following spells at will as Spell-Like abilities:  Aura of Terror, Battle Hymn, Blasphemy, Cause Fear, Choking Dander, Cloud of Bewilderment, Contagion, Create Undead, Dander Blast, Dander Explosion, Dander Tornado, Desecrate, Disintegrate, Dispel Good, Dissonant Chant, Earthquake, Evil Eye, Evil Glare, Fear, Greater Shout, Harm, Implosion, Inflict Critical/Light/Mass Light Wounds, Insidious Rhythm, Magic Circle Against Good, Mass Whelm, Overwhelm, Power Meow Kill, Prickling Torment, Protection from Good, Resonating Agony, Scare, Shatter, Summon Monster IX (Evil only), Sympathetic Vibration, The Death Purr, Tremor, unholy Aura, Unholy Blight, Wail of Doom, Wall of Dander.   Save DC is 38 plus the spell level.  Caster Level is 25.
Spells Per Day: 1st: 7 (DC 24)
2nd: 6 (DC 25)
3rd: 6 (DC 26)
4th: 6 (DC 27)
Spells Known: 1st: Bloodletting, Death's Call, Karmic Aura, Phantom Threat, Reaving Aura
2nd: Blindness/Deafness, Bull's Strength, Invisibility, Karmic Backlash, Rage
3rd: Nightmare Terrain, Nondetection, Poison, Slow, Vampiric Touch
4th: Cursed Blade, Finger of Agony, Greater Invisibility, Karmic Retribution, Unseen Strike
Create Magic Items: The Mean Kitteh can create any magic item dealing with anger or fighting.

Other Divine Powers
As an Intermediate deity, The Mean Kitteh automatically receives a result of 20 on any check. He treats a roll of 1 on a Saving Throw or Attack roll normally and not as an automatic failure.  He is immortal.
Senses: The Mean Kitteh can see, hear, touch, and smell at a distance of 15 miles.  As a Standard Action he can perceive anything within 15 miles of his worshipers, holy sites, objects, or any location where one of his titles or name was spoken in the last hour.  He can extend his senses to up to 10 locations at once.  He can block the sensing power of deities of his rank or lower at up to two remote locations at once for 15 hours.
Portfolio Powers: The mean Kitteh sense any act involving his portfolio up to 15 weeks before it occurs, and will retain the knowledge up to 15 weeks after it happens. 
Automatic Actions: The Mean Kitteh can use Intimidate as a Free Action if the DC for the task is 25 or lower.  He can perform up to 10 Free Actions each round.

Divine Aura of Unluck
Your hard to shoot.
 Prerequisites: Hexblade 20
 Benefits: You permanently gain the benefits of the Hexblades Aura of Unluck.

Divine Hexblades Curse
Your gaze can be an icky thing...
 Prerequisites: Hexblade 20
 Benefits: You may now use your Hexblade's Curse a number of times per day equal to your Divine Rank (or 5/day if Rank is 5 or less), and the range increases to 240'.  The penalty increases to -10, and mortal creatures with no Divine Rank receive no save.  Other deities get a Willpower Save (Save DC is 10 plus Divine Rank plus Charisma Modifier).

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Re: Kitty Magic
« Reply #15 on: November 12, 2011, 04:29:05 PM »
Blue Eyes
Intermediate God
Symbol: Pair of Blue Eyes
Home Plane: The Bad Godrealm (will differ in your campaign)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Death, assassination, evil, stealth
Worshipers: Cats, Cat Burglars, some Catfolk, the Mows (worshipers are usually assassins or killers or necromancers)
Cleric Alignments: CE, CN, NE
Domains: Death, Evil, Hissing Fury, Sneakie Sneakies
Favored Weapon: Her nonhumanoid worshipers use their Claws, Humanoids get the Kukri.

Blue Eyes appears as a slinky female blue-eyed Siamese cat.  She is the Bad Kitteh in Da Nights only daughter, and his personal assassin.  He uses the threat of her to keep the fragile truce between himself and the Good Kitteh Gawds.   They aren't willing to risk permanent death coming after her, and he isn't willing to risk losing her as a deterrent.


Clergy and Temples
Temples to Blue Eyes are rare, and usually disguised to avoid the notice of common people.  Potential worshipers must be invited and know where they are (and not be killed after the initial invitation/initiation).

Blue Eyes
Rogue 20, Assassin 10, Nightsong Enforcer 10
Tiny Outsider (Chaotic, Evil)
Divine Rank: 15
Hit Dice:             20d8+160 plus 20d6+160 plus 10d6+80 plus 10d8+80 (900 hp)
Initiative:           +23
Speed:                80 ft. (16 squares)
Armor Class:          91 (+2 Size, +15 Dex, +28 Natural, +15 Divine, +11 Deflection), touch 63, flat-footed 76
Base Attack/Grapple:  +52/+67
Attack:               Claw +84 melee (1d3+23) or spell +84 melee/ranged touch
Full Attack:         2 Claws +84 melee (1d3+23) and 1 Bite +79 melee (1d2+19) or spell +84 melee/ranged touch
Space/Reach:          2 1/2 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks:      Domain Powers, Salient Divine Abilities, Spell-Like Abilities, Sneak Attack +22d6, Poison Use, Spells, Flanking Teamwork, Opportunist, Crippling Strike, Death Attack (DC 38)
Special Qualities:   Divine Immunities, DR 25/Epic, Fire Resistance 20, Spell Resistance 47, Spontaneous Casting of Divine Spells, Understands/Speaks/Reads all Languages, Speak directly to all beings within 10 miles, Remote Communication, Godly Realm, Teleport w/out Error at Will, Plane Shift at Will, Divine Aura (1500', DC 36), Evasion, Uncanny Dodge, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Trap Sense +6, +5 Saves Vs Poison, Hide in Plain Sight, Trapfinding, Teamwork, Skill Teamwork, Agility Training, Improved Evasion, Defensive Roll, Slippery Mind, Skill Mastery (marked with *)
Saves:                Fort +47, Ref +68, Will +52
Abilities:            Str 26, Dex 40, Con 26, Int 36, Wis 36, Cha 32
Skills:         Appraise +51, Balance +84, *Bluff +95, Climb +69, Craft (Bowmaking, Trapmaking, Weaponsmithing) +59, Craft (Armorsmithing)+34, Decipher Script +51, Diplomacy +82, *Disable Device +74, Disguise +78, Forgery +74, *Gather Information +76, *Hide +122, *Intimidate +124, Jump +54, *Knowledge (Local) +74, *Listen +107, *Move Silently +122, *Open Lock +76, Search +120, *Sense Motive +61, Sleight of Hand +82, *Spot +100, Swim +46, *Tumble +124, *Use Magic Device +72
Feats:              Battlecaster Defense, Combat Casting, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Confound the Big Folk, Deft Opportunist, Deft Strike, Dodge, Elusive target, Giantbane, Improved Feint, Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Melee Evasion, Mobility, Silent Spell, Still Spell, Superior Initiative, Telling Blow, Underfoot Combat, Weapon Finesse
Salient Divine Abilities:  Alter Size, Annihilating Strike, Battlesense, Clearsight, Divine Assassin (See Below), Divine Celerity, Divine Dodge, Divine Rogue, Divine Sneak Attack, Extra Domain (Sneakie Sneakies), Free Move, Hand of Death, Instant Move, Know Death, Supreme Initiative
Domain Powers: Auto Success on one Hide or Move Silently roll per day, Death Touch 1/day, Evil Spells cast at +1 caster level
Spell-Like Abilities: Blue Eyes can cast the following spells at will as Spell-Like abilities:  Animate Dead, Aura of Terror, Blasphemy, Cause Fear, Create Greater Undead, Create Undead, Death Knell, Death Ward, Desecrate, Destruction, Disguise Self, Dispel Good, Evil Eye, Evil Glare, False Vision, Fear, Greater Invisibility, Greater Shout, Invisibility, Invisibility Sphere, Magic Circle Against Good, Mass Invisibility, Mislead, Power Meow Kill, Protection From Good, Scare, Screen, Slay Living, Summon Monster IX (evil only), Superior Invisibility, Unholy Aura, Unholy Blight, Wail of Doom, Wail of The Banshee.    Save DC is 36 plus the spell level.  Caster Level is 25.
Assassin Spells Per Day 1st: 6 (DC 24)
2nd: 6 (DC 25)
3rd: 6 (DC 26)
4th: 6 (DC 27)
Assassin Spells Known 1st: Bloodletting, Critical Strike, Obscuring Mist, Reaving Aura
2nd: Animate Weapon, Fell the Greatest Foe, Pass Without Trace, Undetectable Alignment
3rd: Find the Gap, Misdirection, Nondetection, Vital Strike
4th: Freedom of Movement, Greater Invisibility, Modify Memory, Shadow Form
Create Magic Items: Blue Eyes can create any magic item involved in stealth, assassination, or death.

Other Divine Powers
As an Intermediate deity, Blue Eyes automatically receives a result of 20 on any check. She treats a roll of 1 on a Saving Throw or Attack roll normally and not as an automatic failure.  She is immortal.
Senses: Blue Eyes can see, hear, touch, and smell at a distance of 15 miles.  As a Standard Action she can perceive anything within 15 miles of her worshipers, holy sites, objects, or any location where one of her titles or name was spoken in the last hour.  She can extend her senses to up to 10 locations at once.  She can block the sensing power of deities of her rank or lower at up to two remote locations at once for 15 hours.
Portfolio Powers: Blue Eyes sense any act involving her portfolio up to 15 weeks before it occurs, and will retain the knowledge up to 15 weeks after it happens. 
Automatic Actions: Blue Eyes can use Hide or Move Silently as a Free Action if the DC for the task is 25 or lower.  She can perform up to 10 Free Actions each round.

Divine Assassin
It's not wise to be in your vicinity.
 Prerequisites: Assassin 10, Sneak Attack +15d6
 Benefits: Mortal opponents do not get a Save DC versus your Death Attack (which can be done once per round without having to observe them).  Deities must be observed one round per point of Divine Rank they possess, and they get a Fortitude Save (10 plus your Divine Rank plus your Intelligence Modifier).

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Re: Kitty Magic
« Reply #16 on: November 12, 2011, 04:29:27 PM »
Itty Bitty
Lesser God
Symbol: Small Kitten
Home Plane: The Godrealm (will differ in your campaign)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: Curiosity, aid, children and the elderly, mischief
Worshipers: Cats, Cat Burglars, some Catfolk, the Mows (mostly kids)
Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, CE
Domains: Curiosity, Help!, Mischief, Scamper
Favored Weapon: His nonhumanoid worshipers use their Claws, Humanoids get the Orc Shotput (he loves to play with balls)

Itty Bitty is the youngest son of Da Great Kitteh in Da Sky.  he spends most of his time with Goober, Housecat, or Mawm after the incident that permanently injured Goober.  If he goes outside Mawm ensures Alley Kat is with him.  She probably needn't bother as she has decreed that the seas will boil and the skies will fall if Itty Bitty is ever hurt.  He appears as a playful young kitten whose fur is patterned much like his fathers.

Follow your impulses and curiosity.  Make sure you have a big guy to hide behind when these impulses lead you astray.  or at least a really mean and dedicated woman if a psychotic combat brute isn't available.

Clergy and Temples
Temples are usually in places where kittens are safe and welcome.  The homes of little old ladies, cat sanctuaries, etc.

Itty Bitty
Rogue 10
Diminutive Outsider (Chaotic)
Divine Rank: 6
Hit Dice:             20d8+140 plus 10d6+70  (430 hp)
Initiative:           +21
Speed:                70 ft. (14 squares)
Armor Class:          65 (+4 Size, +13 Dex, +19 Natural, +6 Divine, +13 Deflection), touch 46, flat-footed 52
Base Attack/Grapple:  +27/+32
Attack:               Claw +50 melee (1d2+13) or spell +50 ranged/melee touch
Full Attack:         2 Claws +50 melee (1d2+13) and 1 Bite +45 melee (9 points) or spell +50 ranged/melee touch
Space/Reach:          1 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks:      Domain Powers, Salient Divine Abilities, Spell-Like Abilities, +5d6 Sneak Attack
Special Qualities:   Divine Immunities, DR 20/Epic, Fire Resistance 11, Spell Resistance 38, Spontaneous Casting of Divine Spells, Understands/Speaks/Reads all Languages, Speak directly to all beings within 10 miles, Remote Communication, Godly Realm, Teleport w/out Error at Will, Plane Shift at Will, Divine Aura (20 miles, DC 29), Trapfinding, Trap Sense +3, Uncanny Dodge, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Evasion, Improved Evasion
Saves:                Fort +28, Ref +38, Will +30
Abilities:            Str 24, Dex 37, Con 24, Int 24, Wis 28, Cha 36
Skills:          Balance +54, Bluff +52, Climb +46, Diplomacy +54, Escape Artist +42, Gather Information +44, Hide +67, Jump +46, Knowledge (Local) +46, Listen +48, Move Silently +55, Search +46, Spot +48, Tumble +57, Use Magic Device +53
Feats:              Anklebite, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Elusive Target, Eyes in the Back of Your Head, Improved Initiative, Melee Evasion, Mobility, Run, Superior Initiative, Weapon Finesse
Divine Immunities: Ability Damage, Ability Drain, Acid, Cold, Death Effects, Disease, Disintegration, Electricity, Energy Drain, Mind-Affecting Effects, Paralysis, Poison, Sleep, Stunning,Transmutation, Imprisonment, and Banishment.
Salient Divine Abilities:  Cast Divination Spells at +1 Caster Level, Cast Conjuration (Summon) Spells at +2 Caster Level
Domain Powers: Divine Celerity, Divine Skill Focus (Hide, Move Silently), Extra Domains (Scamper), Instant Move, Supreme Initiative
Spell-Like Abilities: Itty Bitty can cast the following spells at will as Spell-Like abilities:  A Cats Revenge, Air Walk, Baleful Transposition, Ceiling Cat, Clairvoyance/Clairaudience, Detect Secret Doors, Detect Thoughts, Expeditious Retreat, Foresight, Gimme A Break here, Greater Celerity, Greater Dimension Jumper, Greater Prying Eyes, Greater Scrying, Haste, It Was the Dog, Otto's Irresistible Dance, Phantasmal Thief, Primal Speed, Scrying, Spider Climb, Summon Feline I to IX, Time Stop, True Seeing, Unicorn Heart, You Has a Flavor Too.  Save DC is 29 plus the spell level.  Caster Level is 6.
Create Magic Items: Itty Bitty can create any magic item dealing with his portfolio.

Other Divine Powers
As a Lesser deity, Itty Bitty can take 10 on any Check.  He is immortal.
Senses: Itty Bitty can see, hear, touch, and smell at a distance of 6 miles.  As a Standard Action he can perceive anything within 6 miles of his worshipers, holy sites, objects, or any location where one of his titles or name was spoken in the last hour.  He can extend his senses to up to 5 locations at once.  He can block the sensing power of deities of his rank or lower at up to 2 remote locations at once for 6 hours.
Portfolio Powers: Itty Bitty can sense any act involving his portfolio and 500 or more people up to 6 weeks before it occurs, and will retain the knowledge up to 6 weeks after it happens. 
Automatic Actions: Itty Bitty can use any Dexterity based Skill as a Free Action if the DC for the task is 20 or lower.  He can perform up to 5 Free Actions each round.

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Re: Kitty Magic
« Reply #17 on: November 12, 2011, 04:29:50 PM »
Charmaine Pussyfoot
Lesser God
Symbol: Her face, smiling
Home Plane: The Godrealm (will differ in your campaign)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Cat Burglars, thieves
Worshipers: Cats, Cat Burglars, some Catfolk, the Mows (mostly Cat Burglars)
Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, NG
Domains: Celerity, Liberation, Trickery
Favored Weapon: Her nonhumanoid worshipers use their Claws, Humanoids get the Dagger.

Formerly known by her title "Worlds Sexayest Halfling", Charmaine was a rising star in the Cat Burglar world.  Kidnapped by the Jester and brought to his realm she fought her way to Godhood in an effort to escape and return home.  Offering her a chance at remaining and becoming the God of the Cat Burglars, she accepted once she realized she had more fame and friends in her new place than she did among the old home (where they had likely robbed her of all her stuff in the years she'd been missing).  Eventually she met the Kitteh Gawds, and was adopted by Mawm who figured the extra worshipers she brought would be good for the pantheon, and it would help the Good Kitteh Gawds get a jump start ahead of the Bad Kitteh in Da Night from making offers to them.

Charmaine prefers her worshipers steal from the evil people of the world, and give to the poor and unfortunate.  She also demands they watch over Cat Burglars and protect them (and to an extent all felines).

Clergy and Temples
Temples to Charmaine are usually found in Cat Burglar Guilds.

Charmaine Pussyfoot
Cat Burglar 20
Small Outsider (Chaotic)
Divine Rank: 6
Hit Dice:             20d8+140 plus 20d6+140  (560 hp)
Initiative:           +17
Speed:                60 ft. (12 squares)
Armor Class:          72 (+1 Size, +13 Dex, +19 Natural, +6 Divine, +13 Deflection, +10 Armor), touch 46, flat-footed 59
Base Attack/Grapple:  +35/+44
Attack:               +5 Dagger +53 (1d3+18)
Full Attack:         +5 Dagger +53/+48/+43/+38 (1d3+18)
Space/Reach:          5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks:      Domain Powers, Salient Divine Abilities, Spell-Like Abilities,
Special Qualities:   Divine Immunities, DR 20/Epic, Fire Resistance 11, Spell Resistance 38, Spontaneous Casting of Divine Spells, Understands/Speaks/Reads all Languages, Speak directly to all beings within 10 miles, Remote Communication, Godly Realm, Teleport w/out Error at Will, Plane Shift at Will, Divine Aura (20 miles, DC 29), Purr, Feline Empathy, Cat Powah (+13), Scamper Bonus, Sneaky Kitty, True Kitty, Kitty Magic (Hey! Hey Over Here!!, I Wuv U, Kitty Wuvs Dwagon, Pwease, Pwetty Pwease wif Sugar on Top, YOU MUST PET TEH KITTEH!), Burglaring (Uncanny Dodge, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Evasion, Improved Evasion, Defensive Roll, Trapfinding), Kitty Form (Big Cat Form, Bigger Cat Form, Catfolk Form, Dire Kitty Form, Katgrrl Form, Kitten Form), Enhanced Kitty Form (Cute Kitty Form, Exotic Bigger Cat Form, Foofy Kitty Form, Pink Panther Form, Spidercat, Watchcat Form)
Saves:                Fort +31, Ref +43, Will +33
Abilities:            Str 24, Dex 36, Con 24, Int 28, Wis 28, Cha 36
Skills:          Appraise +54, Balance +58, Bluff +64, Diplomacy +60, Disable Device +54, Escape Artist +60, Gather Information +63, Hide +65, Jump +52, Knowledge (Local) +54, Listen +55, Move Silently +60, Open Lock +58, Search +54, Sense Motive +54, Spot +54, Tumble +60, Use Magic Device +58
Feats:              Acrobatic Strike, Bad Cattitude, Cattitude, Combat Panache, Combat Reflexes, Cunning Evasion, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Master Manipulator, Melee Evasion, Mobility, Oh I Dare U, Wanderer's Diplomacy, Weapon Finesse
Divine Immunities: Ability Damage, Ability Drain, Acid, Cold, Death Effects, Disease, Disintegration, Electricity, Energy Drain, Mind-Affecting Effects, Paralysis, Poison, Sleep, Stunning,Transmutation, Imprisonment, and Banishment.
Salient Divine Abilities:  Divine Cat Burglar (See Below), Divine Celerity, Free Move, Instant Move, Know Secrets, Supreme Initiative
Domain Powers: Get second save against Charm/Compulsion/Fear affects, +10' Land Movement if in Light Armor with no more than Light Load,
Spell-Like Abilities: Charmaine Pussyfoot can cast the following spells at will as Spell-Like abilities:  Blur, Break Enchantment, Cat's Grace, Confusion, Disguise Self, Expeditious Retreat, False Vision, Freedom of Movement, Greater Dispel Magic, Haste, Improved Blink, Invisibility, Mass Cat's Grace, Mind Blank, Mislead, Nondetection, Omen of Peril, Polymorph Any Object, Rage, Refuge, Screen, Time Stop, Tree Stride, Unbinding, Undetectable Alignment, Wind Walk.  Save DC is 29 plus the spell level.  Caster Level is 6.
Possessions: Charmaine's Kitty Booties: Charmaines shoes give her the benefits of a Freedom of Movement spell as long as they are worn.
Charmaine's Pokity Dagger: This is a +5 Defending Defensive Surge Dagger.
Charmaine's Corset of Protectifying: This is effectively +8 Leather Armor with no chance of spell failure.
Create Magic Items: Charmaine Pussyfoot can create any magic item dealing with her portfolio.

Other Divine Powers
As a Lesser deity, Charmaine Pussyfoot can take 10 on any Check.  She is immortal.
Senses: Charmaine Pussyfoot can see, hear, touch, and smell at a distance of 6 miles.  As a Standard Action she can perceive anything within 6 miles of her worshipers, holy sites, objects, or any location where one of her titles or name was spoken in the last hour.  She can extend his senses to up to 5 locations at once.  She can block the sensing power of deities of her rank or lower at up to 2 remote locations at once for 6 hours.
Portfolio Powers: Charmaine Pussyfoot can sense any act involving her portfolio and 500 or more people up to 6 weeks before it occurs, and will retain the knowledge up to 6 weeks after it happens. 
Automatic Actions: Charmaine Pussyfoot can use any Charisma based Skill as a Free Action if the DC for the task is 20 or lower.  She can perform up to 5 Free Actions each round.

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Re: Kitty Magic
« Reply #18 on: November 12, 2011, 04:30:12 PM »
Greater God
Symbol: A stylized cats face
Home Plane: The Godrealm (will differ in your campaign)
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Cats and feline being whether partial or whole
Worshipers: Cats, Cat Burglars, some Catfolk, the Mows, virtually anything feline
Cleric Alignments: CN, LN, N, NE, NG
Domains: Cat, Celerity, Charm, Trickery
Favored Weapon: Claw Bracers

Mrrow was a Cat-Elf who ascended to Goddesshood when the appropriate position was opening.  The only thing available was Cat Goddess, so she took it.  Originally this made her quite unhappy, but she found her attitude fit in tolerably well with cats (and most Felines), and over the years she softened considerably (she was originally Neutral Evil).

Then came the Kitteh Gawds.  Of course she immediately saw them as intruders.  After all they actually were cats, and would more likely appeal to many of her worshipers.  She was considering simply assassinating them all when Mawm made a truce, and she now shares power with them.  She appears as a tall dark skinned Cat Elf, or a coal black siamese cat.

Trust no one, particularly the non kitty races.  Always verify, always get what you want.  Use your cuteness to your advantage.  Destroy those who would harm cats.

Clergy and Temples
Mrrow prefers grandiose temples with lots of bling.  She also staffs them heavily with predatory feline guardians, and her temples wealth serves as a rainy day fund for her chosen people.

Rogue 20, Assassin 10, Tempest 5, Thief Acrobat 5
Medium Outsider
Divine Rank: 20
Hit Dice:             20d8+140 plus 20d6+140 plus 10d6+70 plus 5d10+35 plus 5d6+35 (840 hp)
Initiative:           +23 (+28 w/swords)
Speed:                70 ft. (14 squares)
Armor Class:          106 (+2 Size, +15 Dex, +33 Natural, +20 Divine, +13 Deflection, +10 Armor, +3 Tempest), touch 63, flat-footed 91
Base Attack/Grapple:  +51/+78
Attack:               +5 Short Swords +83/+81/+78/+73 melee (1d6+27/17-20)
Full Attack:          +5 Short Swords +83/+81/+78/+78/+73/+73/+68 melee (1d6+27/17-20)
Space/Reach:          5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks:      Domain Powers, Salient Divine Abilities, Spell-Like Abilities, Crippling Strike, +18d6 Sneak Attack, Death Attack (DC 45), Poison Use, Ambidexterity, Two Weapon Versatility, Two Weapon Spring Attack, Acrobatic Charge
Special Qualities:   Divine Immunities, DR 30/Epic, Fire Resistance 25, Spell Resistance 52, Spontaneous Casting of Divine Spells, Understands/Speaks/Reads all Languages, Speak directly to all beings within 10 miles, Remote Communication, Godly Realm, Teleport w/out Error at Will, Plane Shift at Will, Divine Aura (20 miles, DC 53), Evasion, Improved Evasion, Defensive Roll, Trapfinding, Uncanny Dodge, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Trap Sense +6, Opportunist, Hide in Plain Sight, Tempest Defense +3, Fast Acrobatics, Kip Up, Steady Stance, Agile Fighting, Skill Mastery (Balance, Climb, Jump, Tumble
Saves:                Fort +41, Ref +59, Will +41
Abilities:            Str 25, Dex 40, Con 24, Int 40, Wis 30, Cha 36
Skills:          Balance +98, Bluff +96, Climb +90, Concentration +50, Craft (Weaponsmithing) +98, Disable Device +98, Escape Artist +103, Gather Information +96, Hide +98, Intimidate +96, Jump +90, Knowledge (Local) +88, Knowledge (Arcana, Geography, Religion, The Planes) +56, Listen +93, Move Silently +98, Open Lock +98, Search +98, Sense Motive +93, Sleight of Hand +98, Spot +108, Tumble +98, Use Magic Device +96
Feats:                Combat Acrobat, Combat Expertise, Cunning Evasion, Deft Strike, Dodge, Greater Two Weapon Defense, Greater Two Weapon Fighting, Improved Disarm, Improved Feint, Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Improved Two Weapon Defense, Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Leap Attack, Mobility, Oversized Two Weapon Fighting, Savvy Rogue, Shadow Striker, Spring Attack, Superior Initiative, Two Weapon Defense, Two Weapon Fighting, Two Weapon Pounce, Two Weapon Rend, Tumbling Feint
Divine Immunities: Ability Damage, Ability Drain, Acid, Cold, Death Effects, Disease, Disintegration, Electricity, Energy Drain, Mind-Affecting Effects, Paralysis, Poison, Sleep, Stunning,Transmutation, Imprisonment, and Banishment.
Salient Divine Abilities:  Alter Size, Alter Form, Annihilating Strike, Anonymity, Avatar, Battlesense, Clear Sight, Control Creatures, Divine Assassin, Divine Celerity, Divine Dodge, Divine Rogue, Divine Sneak Attack, Instant Move, Shapechange, Shift Form, Speak with Creatures, Supreme Initiative, True Shapechange, Wound Enemy
Domain Powers: Fast Movement, +4 Charisma for 1 minute 1/day,
Spell-Like Abilities: Mrrow can cast the following spells at will as Spell-Like abilities: Blur, Calm Emotions, Cat's Grace, Charm Monster, Charm Person, Confusion, Demand, Disguise Self, Dominate Monster, Expeditious Retreat, False Vision, Geas/Quest, Good Hope, Greater Blink, Haste, Insanity, Invisibility, Mass Cat's Grave, Mislead, Non-detection, Polymorph Any Object, Screen, Suggestion, Time Stop, Tree Stride, Wind Walk  Caster Level is xx.  Save DC is 53 plus the spell level.  Caster Level is 30.
Assassin Spells Known: 1st: Critical Strike, Distract Assailant, Lightfoot, True Strike,
2nd: Absorb Weapon, Iron Silence, Pass Without Trace, Undetectable Alignment,
3rd: Fangs of the Vampire King, Find the Gap, Misdirection, Nondetection,
4th: Dimension Door, Freedom of Movement, Greater Invisibility, Modify Memory
Assassin Spells Per Day: 1st: 7 (DC 26)
2nd: 7 (DC 27)
3rd: 7 (DC 28)
4th: 6 (DC 29)
Possessions: Whisper and Shadow (two +5 Deadly Precision Eager Keen Maiming Warning Short Swords
Corset of Armor +10 (works like Bracers of Armor but also provides the sexay).
Create Magic Items: Mroww can create any magic item dealing with cats (and to a lesser extent thievery and assassination).

Other Divine Powers
As a Greater deity, Mroww automatically receives the best possible result on any die roll she makes (including attack rolls, damage, checks, and Saves).  She is immortal.
Senses: Mroww can see, hear, touch, and smell at a distance of 20 miles.  As a Standard Action she can perceive anything within 20 miles of her worshipers, holy sites, objects, or any location where one of her titles or name was spoken in the last hour.  She can extend her senses to up to 20 locations at once.  She can block the sensing power of deities of her rank or lower at up to two remote locations at once for 20 hours.
Portfolio Powers: Mroww sense any act involving motherhood, family, community, or healing up to 20 weeks before it occurs, and will retain the knowledge up to 20 weeks after it happens. 
Automatic Actions: Mrrow can use any Dexterity based Skill as a Free Action if the DC for the task is 30 or lower.  She can perform up to 20 Free Actions each round.

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Re: Kitty Magic
« Reply #19 on: November 12, 2011, 04:32:37 PM »
Temple Guardians of Mrrow
                      Medium Magical Beast
Hit Dice:             6d10+24 (40 hp)
Initiative:           +11
Speed:                50 ft. (10 squares), Climb 40 ft.
Armor Class:          20 (+7 Dex, 3 Natural), touch 17, flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple:  +6/+11
Attack:               Claw +11 melee (1d6+5/18-20)1
Full Attack:          2 Claws +11 melee (1d6+5/18-20) and 1 Bite +6 melee (1d6+3/18-20)
Space/Reach:          5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks:      Improved Grab, Pounce, Rake (1d6+5), Claws of Sharpness, Hissing Fit
Special Qualities:    Dark Vision 60 ft., Scamperer
Saves:                Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +5
Abilities:            Str 20, Dex 24, Con 18, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 16
Skills:               Balance +15, Bluff +9, Climb +15, Hide +14, Intimidate +6, Jump +15, Knowledge (Local, Religion) +4, Listen +10, Move Silently +14, Spot +10, Tumble +13, Survival +6
Feats:                Danger Sense, Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse
Environment:          Any (usually live in Temples)
Organization:         Group (10-30)
Challenge Rating:    6
Treasure:             Standard
Alignment:            Usually Chaotic Neutral
Advancement:          7-12 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment:     ---

"Abner! Lookit the size a' these cats!"

"Man our cousin would love this place."

"There a reason you two buttheads are sneaking in after hours?"

"Drunken bet."


"Y'know we're required to leave you in pieces if you try to take stuff or get out of line?"

"We just made a bet we could get into this room without being caught."

"Well then.  Proceed.  To the door out.  That way."

The Temple Guardians of Mrrow are enormous man sized Siamese Cats.  They may look cute and fluffy, but would be thieves who have survived their attentions will assure you this is an act.  They can be pure evil in a jar according to most robbers.  Granted this is coming from thieves....

Temple Guardian speak Common and one other local language.

Improved Grab (Ex): If the Temple Guardian successfully hits with a Claw Attack it can make an immediate Grapple Check as a Free Action without provoking an Attack of Opportunity.

Pounce (Ex): Temple Guardians may perform a Full Attack at the end of a Charge, including Rake attacks.

Rake (Ex): The Temple Guardian gains two Rake Attacks during Grapples (attack rolls and damage are same as Claw attacks).

Claws of Sharpness(Ex): The Temple Guardians Natural Attacks threaten a critical on an 18-20.

Hissing Fit (Ex): When making a Full attack you get two additional claw attacks at your Full BAB, yes this can be combined with Pounce.

Scamperer (Ex): You permanently have the effects of a Spider Climb spell in effect on your person.  You may pass through Difficult Terrain at full speed.  Once per hour you can move 10 times your normal speed when making a charge.

Skills: Temple Guardians get a +8 Racial Bonus to Balance, Climb, and Jump Checks, and may always take 10 on any of these Checks.  They may use their Dex Modifier instead of their Str modifier for Climb and Jump Checks.  They also gain a +4 Racial Bonus to Hide,Listen, Move Silently, and Spot Checks.

Combat: Charge, hissing fit, grapple, maul with rakes.  These are the things a Temple Guardians assault is made of.

« Last Edit: August 14, 2022, 06:45:55 PM by bhu »