Author Topic: [PoC] condochimp's Base Class - Princely Detective  (Read 2103 times)

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[PoC] condochimp's Base Class - Princely Detective
« on: June 15, 2013, 05:46:35 AM »
Princely Detective base class
Princely Detectives are skilled activators, and if only two words could describe them in general, they would be “fast” and “overprepared”. With the use of cybertraps, alongside their ranged prowess and numerous active modules, these investigators are prepared for any situation. Furthermore, their energy pool is incredibly large, mainly due to the constant sink of their traps taking up much more energy than the typical Princely Detective would ever consider putting in her personal modules.
   Princely Detectives benefit from a high Wisdom score, but are fairly fine even with a mediocre rating. They do, however, need Intelligence for crafting their traps and Dexterity for their ranged combat. Like all activators, Constitution is a plus, given the save DCs for her modules and the extra hitpoints.

Table 3.cc1.1Hit Die: d6
2nd+1+0+3+3Socket Access (Assistance)
3rd+2+1+3+3Countershield (20 feet)
4th+3+1+4+4Good Eyes
5th+3+1+4+4Socket Access (Least)
7th+5+2+5+5Countershield (Triple Wisdom)
8th+6/+1+2+6+6Countershield (30 feet), Reactive Gambit
9th+6/+1+3+6+6Socket Access (Lesser)
10th+7/+2+3+7+7Further Assistance (2 Modules)
11th+8/+3+3+7+7Countershield (Quadruple Wisdom)
12th+9/+4+4+8+8Advanced Cybertraps, Assistance (Medium Range)
13th+9/+4+4+8+8Countershield (45 feet)
14th+10/+5+4+9+9Socket Access (Greater), Instinctual Initiative
15th+11/+6/+1+5+9+9Countershield (Quintuple Wisdom)
16th+12/+7/+2+5+10+10Assistance (+2 Capacity)
17th+12/+7/+2+5+10+10Glimpsed Truth
18th+13/+8/+3+6+11+11Socket Access (Core), Countershield (60 feet)
19th+14/+9/+4+6+11+11Countershield (Sextuple Wisdom)
20th+15/+10/+5+6+12+12Shielding Master
LevelActive ModulesEnergy PoolSocket Attachments
Class skills (6 + Int modifier per level): Balance, Climb, Computer Use, Concentration, Craft, Disable Device, Gather Information, Intimidate,  Jump, Knowledge (Each individually), Listen, Open Lock, Profession, Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Swim

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The Princely Detective is proficient with all simple weapons and martial ranged weapons, along with three light exotic ranged weapons of the Detective’s choosing, and light armor, but not with any shields.

Activating: A Princely Detective's primary ability is activating modules, which are drawn from the Princely Detective module list. You know and can activate any module from this list. Your activator level is equal to your Princely Detective level.
   A Princely Detective can activate only a certain number of modules at once. Your base concurrent allotment is given on table 2.3.1.
   At 1st level, you gain access to a pool of energy, which can be allocated to your active modules to increase their effects. If you already have a pool of energy, combine the two to determine the total amount of energy available. Your character level determines the maximum amount of energy that can be allocate to any given module at one time, as indicated on table 1.2.1.
   As a swift action, you may reallocate your energy allocations amongst your active modules once each round.

Cybertraps: From the very start, the Princely Detective is heavily focused on utilizing what are known as cybertraps. Cybertraps are created with a DC (10 + 5*Number of Sockets in the Trap) Craft (Trapmaking) check. You can maintain a number of Cybertraps in an area equal to your class level.
  At 2nd level, your cybertraps can only have an energy emitter and its corresponding socket, which functions identically to an energy warrior’s class feature and socket of the same name, except that the size damage die is equal to the difference between the result and DC of the Craft check, with numbers without corresponding dice being rounded down to those with dice and the difference between the number before and after being rounded being added as a bonus to the attack roll; additionally, the number of damage dice is equal to ⅓ your Princely Detective album, rounded down (minimum 1). Furthermore, the range of the energy emitter is melee, and always targets the creature that activated it. You can take feats that require an energy emitter socket as part of this ability.
  As you personally gain access to other sockets, you can put one socket of the highest level of Sockets you have access to, two of the second-highest, or all of the third-highest and lower on a single cybertrap. You can also put one of the second-highest level and two of the third-highest level or lower. This is in addition to the energy emitter socket.
  Modules attached to a cybertrap’s sockets do not count against your limit of activated modules.
  To place a cybertrap that is in your possession, you must make a DC (10 + number of creatures in the area + number of cybertraps already in the area) Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) check. The trap is then placed in an adjacent square as a full-round action, and can be seen with a DC (10 + activator level + difference between result and DC of Knowledge check) Perception check. Creatures that observed the cybertrap being placed automatically know where it is.
  As a one-round action, requiring a Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) check with the same DC as the one to place a cybertrap, you can reallocate energy and switch out the attached modules of any cybertraps in the area.
  Every cybertrap attacks with its energy emitter when a creature makes contact with the square it is in. Any modules attached to other sockets have their socketed effects take place at the same time, with the target always being the creature that activated the cybertrap. Socketed effects that modify the module’s base effects also use the base effects.

Socket Attachments: Beginning at 2nd level, you can attach active modules to the sockets that you have available. The number of socket attachments that you can have in effect at any one time depends on your level (see the Socket Attachments column in table 2.cc1.1). At 2nd level, you gain access to your Assistance socket (see below), allowing you to attach modules to it. Beginning at 5th level, you gain access to your Least sockets. At 9th level, you gain access to your Lesser sockets. At 14th level, you gain access to your Greater sockets. At 18th level, you gain access to your Core socket.

Assistance Socket: At 2nd level, you gain access to a unique socket: the Assistance socket. This socket is not directly associated with any location on your body, although it has a strong connection to your brain and nervous system.
   You gain a +1 enhancement bonus to the energy capacity of any module attached to your Assistance socket. At 15th level, this bonus increases to +2.
   Interestingly, any Module can be attached to the Assistance socket, with the effect of the unsocketed module being granted to every ally within Close range. This changes to Medium range at 12th level. Any allies affected by the Assistance socket gains the benefits of all energy you have allocated to it. If an affected ally has an energy pool of its own, it can allocate its own energy to the Modules of the socket, but energy they allocate only affects them, and uses their energy capacity, not factoring in your own.

Countershield (Su): Beginning at 3rd level, the Princely Detective can manifest a special force field around herself as a 1/encounter full round action. This force field has HP equal to class level + (Wisdom Modifier * 2), and takes half of all damage that would have affected you, no matter the type. It is still affected by Damage Reduction, despite being supernatural. When the force field runs out of HP, all foes within a 20 foot radius take Xd4 magic slashing damage from the force field shattering, where X = your Princely Detective level.

At 7th level, 11th level, and every four levels thereafter, you add your Wisdom modifier to the Countershield's HP once again, giving it class level + (Wisdom Modifier * 3) HP at 7th, class level + (Wisdom Modifier * 4) at 11th, and so on. At 8th level, the range for which foes are affected increases to 30 feet. At 13th level, this increases to 45 feet, and at 18th to 60 feet.

Good Eyes (Ex): From 4th level on, you have trained your eyes to instinctively notice things while you search. Whenever you make a Search check, you can add your Wisdom modifier to the result in addition to your Intelligence modifier.

Evasion (Ex): Beginning at 6th level, you learn to avoid crossfire with ease. If you make a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, you instead take no damage. Evasion can be used only if you are wearing light armor or no armor. You do not gain the benefit of evasion while helpless.

Further Assistance (Ex): Starting at 10th level, you can attach additional modules to your Assistance socket. All of these modules have their effects active at once. Regardless of how many modules are attached to your Assistance socket in this way, these attachments only count as a single attachment when determining effects based on your number of socket attachments, including your limit of concurrent attachments.
   At 10th level, you can have up to 2 modules attached to your Assistance socket this way. At 18th level, you can have up to 3 modules attached to your Assistance socket this way.

Advanced Cybertraps: Starting at 12th level, your cybertraps gain a greater power than before. Now, any of the sockets on any given cybertrap that you have made can have two different modules attached to it at a time.

Instinctual Initiative: Starting at 14th level, the Princely Detective adds her Wisdom Bonus (if any) to her Initiative modifier.

Shielding Master: At 20th level, the Princely Detective has developed a perfect synergy between her Countershield and her Assistance socket. You may now attach your Countershield to her Assistance socket as if it were a module, but it counts as two for the purposes of the maximum number of modules attached. In exchange, every ally within range of the Assistance socket’s effects gains a Countershield identical to your own.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2013, 09:49:17 PM by condochimp »

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Re: [PoC] condochimp's Base Class - Princely Detective
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2013, 05:55:18 AM »
Pre-Existing Modules
Advanced Targeting
Annihilator Beam
Chrono Beam
Dark Beam
Dark Visor
Disruption Beam
Dual Weapon
Echo Visor
Energy Restoration
Energy Tank
Essence Balancer
Exploration Kit
Flare Beam
Gravity Booster
Hammer Beam
Holographic Projector
Ice Beam
Ice Spreader
Impulse Soles
Kinetic Accelerator
Light Beam
Missile Launcher
Observer Relay
Order Enforcement
Plasma Beam
Power Beam
Power Suit
Quake Stompers
Scan Visor
Shadow Beam
Space Jump
Spazer Beam
Speed Booster
Thermal Visor
Universal Translator
Warp Beam
Wind Strider
X-Ray Scope

New Modules:
Blur Pack
Judgement Vanguards
Knight Clip

Offline condochimp

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Re: [PoC] condochimp's Base Class - Princely Detective
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2013, 05:55:36 AM »
Blur Pack
(click to show/hide)

Judgement Vanguards
(click to show/hide)

Knight Clip
(click to show/hide)