Proficient with all simple weapons, the greatsword, and light armor.
The Monster Within (Su) You share body and soul with a being of elemental power, dark purpose, and terrible will, constantly fighting it for control of your body and mind. Though you can draw upon some of the beast’s power, in doing so you risk losing control; whenever the Harrowed uses one of your activated supernatural abilities from this class (as well as certain Harrowed feats – see feat descriptions for details), you must make a Will save (see the ability descriptions for save DCs) or lose control of your body to the monster for one round per character level (the ability is still activated as intended; that is, Tenebrous Touch still attacks its target, Tenebrous Mantles still activate, et cetera). You may not choose to fail this save. If you succeed at the saving throw, you do not need to save again for that particular ability (or feat) for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier.
The monster within you is highly intelligent and invariably Chaotic Evil, but it knows it only has a limited amount of time in which to enjoy its freedom. While acts of murder, rape, destruction and betrayal are not out of line with the monster’s behavior, it is equally likely to party hard, kiss a random barmaid, gorge itself on fine food, and other indulgent behaviors. Your beast howls its fury at its own imprisonment, sending its shrieks forth to destroy all it can touch. It is likely to be thoroughly insane, enraged, and spiteful. While you are possessed in this manner, you should treat your alignment as Chaotic Evil. Generally speaking, the monster does not form long-term plans, unable to think past the next point of escape and freedom. Your abilities and feats do not provoke Will saves against the Monster Within while the Harrowed is under its control.
It is worth noting that the monster prefers its body to be free and unencumbered, the better to cater to its whimsical nature. You may wear light armor without penalty, but medium armor imposes a -4 penalty to Will saves against the monster, while heavy armor imposes a -8 penalty. Yousuffers no such penalties for being encumbered, but it is highly likely that the monster will shed any offending items – such as backpacks – when it takes control.
Attempts to remove the monster from you inevitably fail – spells fizzle out, powerful artifacts come to naught, and even greater deities strive in vain as their powers fail again and again. This trait is universal amongst Harrowed, and is a source of extreme speculation among those sages familiar with the Harrowed’s condition.
In addition, the beast’s foul will bolsters your own, providing you with a +4 bonus to will saves vs. mind-affecting abilities, as well as soul-displacement effects such as Trap the Soul and Magic Jar.
Tenebrous Touch: Screaming Hatred (6d6) (Su) (Monster Within DC: 11/16/24)
Standard action Ranged Touch attack (max range: 60 feet). Damage is half sonic/half unholy energy not subject to resistance of any kind. If hit, the enemy must make Fortitude Save (DC 12 + ½ class level + Cha mod) or be deafened for 1d2+1 rounds. Tenebrous Touch provokes a Will save (see The Monster Within) against DC 11.
As a swift action that doesn't provoke AoOs, you may infuse a melee weapon dealing Tenebrous Touch damage in addition to weapon damage for a single attack as well as triggering the secondary effects. This extra damage is not multiplied in the event of a critical hit. If you miss, the attack is not wasted and remains imbued in the weapon until you strike a being or object, dismiss the effect as a free action, or fail to use it within a number of rounds equal to your Cha mod. Infusing a weapon provokes a Will save (see The Monster Within) against DC 16, though striking with the weapon thereafter does not.
At fourteenth level, once per day as a standard action you can lash out with a ray of pure unholy energy instead of a normal Tenebrous Touch. This attack deals normal Tenebrous Touch damage but it is pure unholy energy, not subject to any form of resistance. If hit, the enemy must make Fortitude Save (DC 12 + ½ class level + Cha mod) or die. Good-aligned beings suffer a -2 penalty to this save. Using this ability in place of a normal Tenebrous Touch does not trigger the Tenebrous Touch’s normal secondary effects. Using this ability provokes a will save (see The Monster Within) against DC 24.
Harrowings: At first level, and again every two levels thereafter, choose a Harrowing; once made this choice cannot be altered - any given Harrowed's Harrowings are theirs for life.
Two-World Eyes (Su) (Monster Within DC: n/a)
Gain darkvision out to a range of sixty feet (or existing darkvision improves by sixty feet).
At tenth level you benefit from a constant detect magic effect. Additionally, you automatically detect any creatures with the elemental type (or the air, cold, earth, fire, or water subtypes) within visual range as though benefiting from a true seeing spell. You automatically know if the creature you perceive possesses the elemental type as well as if it possesses any of the aforementioned subtypes.
Starting at sixteenth level, your darkvision functions even in magical darkness. In addition you automatically detect all beings with the elemental type, the outsider type, or the air, cold, earth, extraplanar, fire, or water subtypes as though possessing blindsight out to sixty feet, but only with regard to those beings (when those beings are within that range, you may perceive your surroundings in this manner, but not beings without the aforementioned types or subtypes). Nothing short of an antimagic field (or similar effects) may foil this perception.
Even if blind/visually impaired you still benefit from these abilities, but your sense of sight is limited only to the supernatural sense granted by this ability; that is, at second level, a blind Harrowed may still “see” magical auras, at tenth level the Harrowed may still “see” beings with the proper types and subtypes, and at tenth level the Harrowed benefits from blindsight with regards to those beings with the proper types and subtypes, but they are still blind with regard to those beings and effects that do not fit those criteria.
Death Sight (Su) (Monster Within DC: n/a, 12)
When seeing a corpse, no matter how old it is, you can instantly tell how long it has been dead and what in general killed it (examples might include poison, lacerations, magical fire, and divine punishment). Additionally, if the corpse has been dead less than a number of days equal to class level, you may converse with it as though using speak with dead as a cleric of your class level. You may only use this ability once on any given corpse.
You may also use this ability to determine if a being or corpse is or is not undead, and by what means (infection, spell, transformative process, et cetera) it joined the ranks of the unliving, if so.
Using Death Sight to speak with dead provokes a will save (see The Monster Within) at DC 12.
Tenebrous Mantle (Su) (Monster Within DC: 15)
Once per encounter as a swift action that doesn't provoke AoOs, become shrouded in Tenebrous energy. Any opponent striking you in melee with a natural/non-reach weapon takes Tenebrous Touch damage on their first successful attack plus suffering the Tenebrous Touch secondary effect. Additionally gain DR X/- against projectile attacks (X = class level). This damage reduction counts against conjured projectiles (such as acid arrows), but not against rays or force effects (such as magic missiles).
Using Tenebrous Mantle provokes a Will save (see The Monster Within) against DC 15, and lasts for a number of rounds equal to Cha mod.
After gaining this ability, your footprints flicker and gutter with weak Tenebrous energy, adding a +5 circumstance bonus to those attempting to track you (with obvious exceptions made for common sense, such as cold energy in the arctic tundra), even when the ability is not active.
Glimpse the Soul (Su) (Monster Within DC: 15)
As a full-round action you may observe any being with a soul (including elementals, outsiders, and intelligent constructs) and make a sense motive check (DC = the targets hit dice + its Wis mod). If successful, learn one of the following: one component of the creature’s alignment (good-evil, law-chaos), its current mood, its relative intelligence (in general terms; “animal intelligence” “stupid” “clever” and “brilliant” would all be appropriate readings), or if it is currently bearing any objects containing trapped souls. You may attempt this check more than once on any given creature in a day, but each time they do the DC increases by five.
Using Glimpse the Soul provokes a will save (see The Monster Within) against DC 15.
Evil Eye (Su) (Monster Within DC: 20)
Once per encounter as a swift action that doesn't provoke AoOs, glare at an opponent as a gaze attack. The victim must succeed at a will save (DC 10 + ½ class level + Cha mod) or suffer a -4 profane penalty to all ability scores, skill checks, saving throws, and attack rolls for a number of rounds equal to your charisma modifier.
Activating the Evil Eye provokes a will save (see The Monster Within) against DC 20.
Bestial Resilience (Su): At level nine gain Sonic Resistance 10. At level 18 this improves to Sonic Resistance 20.
Read the Soul (Su) (Monster Within DC: 20)
As a full-round action you can lock onto the aura of any intelligent being within your view. Activating this ability is a standard action, and while you concentrate on that being you may tell any of the following: if that being lies, if it activates a supernatural or spell-like ability, if it changes alignment (but not what alignment it changes to), or if it becomes possessed. You may only read one aura at a time this way, and concentrating on the task takes a standard action each round to maintain.
Activating Read the Soul provokes a Will save (see The Monster Within), and maintaining it provokes a will save (see The Monster Within) every other round; both of these saves are against DC 20.
Scent the Occult (Su) (Monster Within DC: n/a)
scent except that you may only detect magical beings (that is, beings with supernatural or spell-like abilities, or those beings capable of casting spells, or beings created by magic, such as certain undead and constructs) and effects this way. You may track the movement of these beings and effects by scent, as well as being able to distinguish the type of magic they are dealing with (arcane or divine) and its source (inherent, learned, or granted).
Note that you can only track where a spell or effect has been; you could, for example, follow the path of a programmed image, but could not trace it back to its caster unless the image happened to pass near there.
You can identify spells or magical items by scent, but doing so imposes a -8 penalty on the appropriate Knowledge (Arcana) or Spellcraft roll.