I'm a little confused. First, the OOC suggestions are the right ones. Dickery is not to be tolerated. It sounds like you're a player and not the DM, and though that distinction doesn't make much of a difference to me and the tables I'm in, it might at yours. You should mention it to your DM, and also point out that if he's going to mind whammy you then you using whatever powers at your disposal against him has got to be fair game.
Second, do you not know that he's mind whammying you? This is a grey area in D&D sometimes, but I'm pretty sure you do know if you make the save. And, it wouldn't take long for anyone with a Wisdom greater than a toadstool to notice the weird behaviors of the party.
You're a Swordsage, take a Diamond Mind maneuver to harden your mind against intrusions. Make the save with it. Refresh it, and then inform him that if you ever see him to the business end of your Way of the Gentle Boot to the Head. If he gives you some nonsense about how he's not "doing anything" launch into an appropriately Jedi-like speech about power, responsibility. Or, point out that if he can't control his powers then he should retire far from humans, lest he become just the sort of monster that you and the party destroy.
Odds are, b/c dickery is involved, this will not fix the problems. But, you will get some reasonably entertaining RP in and be putting the player, DM, and other players on notice that you will be taking your own d20 driven actions in response.
P.S.: Sense Motive, Spell/Psi-Craft, and a cheap magic item that detects auras/supernatural effects might all be worthwhile investments so you have an excuse to detect his mental intrusions.
P.P.S.: there's even an outside chance that the confrontation would be a worthwhile scene. He's saying that he's just crazy charismatic, and the wise Swordsage, who has honed his skills through diligent efforts, points out that even the handsomest and most persuasive people don't get others to [insert psychic effect]. And, what difference would it make if they did. Your fists are "natural," and query what isn't in a D&D world, that doesn't make it ok to subjugate people.