Author Topic: A few multithreats  (Read 3339 times)

Offline DavidWL

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A few multithreats
« on: June 18, 2013, 01:52:34 AM »
From other threads:


Cleric 1/Angel 19
F) Apprentice (Spellcaster)
F) Dynamic Priest
1) Exotic Caster (
3) Body of Belief
6) Battle Angel
9) Initiate of Mystra
12) Flyby Attack
15) Craft Continent Spell (?)
18) Reserves of Strength (?)

Cha for Cleric Casting, ton of SLA/s, Attack/Damage/HP
Quickened casting

Cool and quite powerful.  Like a cleric, but better (at low levels).  At high levels you trade out overpowered prestige classes for an overpowered monster class.  A fair trade.

Level < 9 =>
Angel + 1 level cleric dip + Exotic Casting feat >> Cleric

Afterwards it is probably comparable.

Also a great multi threat:
- Cleric casting
- Initiate of mystra (Anyspell / Greater Anyspell) + Miracle + Divine Messenger.  Spend a feat on Apprentice (Spellcaster) for UMD w/ Cha focus and you could pinch-hit for an Arcane caster as well.  Very feat-hungery, however.
- Pinch hit for a front liner as well, with DR, great HP, full BAB
- Very tough with SR, Spell Immunity vs. lower level spells, DR, Regeneration, resistances, etc. +cha to saves/ac vs evil

Sharn Paragon
Sharn 5/Paragon 15
* CL = 3 + 14 = Sorcerer/Favored Soul 17, with other awesomeness.
* Paragon Magic --> DC at 20th = 20 + highest mental stat +14 to highest stat --> +7 to DCs
--> Brutal Spell DCs
* Much better than mystic theurge.  Amusingly enough, balanced vs. a strong full caster, but very cool.
* 6 claw and 2 bite attacks, +17 BAB, great stats, hex portals,

1 Mercantile Background
3 Initiate of Mystra
6 Quicken Spell
9 Improved Multi-Weapon Fighting
12 Multi Voice (?)
15 Extra Excellence (Paragon Stealth)
18 Extra Excellence (You Owe Me)

-- Excellence --
Paragon Magic
Paragon Caster
Paragon Caster
+ You Owe me
+ Paragon Stealth
** buy a Collar of Umbral Metamorphosis for hide in plain sight

-- Greater Excellence --
Paragon Infiltration
Paragon Mage
Paragon Mage

-- Perfect Excellence --
Paragon Magia
Paragon Magia
Paragon Magia


« Last Edit: July 15, 2013, 01:32:55 AM by DavidWL »

Offline dmanus

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Re: A few multithreats
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2014, 11:09:43 PM »
These are great, DavidWL.  I don't know what I'd add.  I was working on ogremage 8/sorc 1/mind bender 1/monster of legend 2/abjurant champion 5/Shade 3.

Full caster
Load of SLAs
+7 CHA, +5 STR, +2 CON, +2 ANY
SR 19+HD
Flying, Teleporting, Hiding, Regeneration, Immunity acid and fire, Fast healing, Quick SLAs and abjuration, Cha to dmg, mindisght, Abj Champ AC, Shape changing
decent BAB +14 or 15 if you do partial progression

I see it as a fantastic trickster/flying hit and run/mage.  Open to suggestions...

You could trade 2 levels of casting from Monster of Legend for CHA to saves, initiative, AC. 

Offline DavidWL

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Re: A few multithreats
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2014, 02:07:19 AM »
These are great, DavidWL.  I don't know what I'd add.  I was working on ogremage 8/sorc 1/mind bender 1/monster of legend 2/abjurant champion 5/Shade 3.

Full caster
Load of SLAs
+7 CHA, +5 STR, +2 CON, +2 ANY
SR 19+HD
Flying, Teleporting, Hiding, Regeneration, Immunity acid and fire, Fast healing, Quick SLAs and abjuration, Cha to dmg, mindisght, Abj Champ AC, Shape changing
decent BAB +14 or 15 if you do partial progression

I see it as a fantastic trickster/flying hit and run/mage.  Open to suggestions...

You could trade 2 levels of casting from Monster of Legend for CHA to saves, initiative, AC.

Thanks dmanus.

Thoughts on your build:
1)  if you didn't want to lose CL, you'd have to start with ogremage, monster of legend and shade, meaning that at level 13 it'd be a strange build :p
2)  Ogre Mage's abilities through level 5 are quite nice, but I'm not convinced that levels 6-8 give that much that another class couldn't do better ...
3)  I wonder if you can do better than Abj Champion ... nice class, but monster classes are stronger yet.  Even Paragon would be a good trade - you'd lose a CL,

I'd lean towards something like Ogre Mage 5/Shade 3/Monster of Legend 2/Sorcerer 1/Mind Bender 1/Paragon 8


Offline VennDygrem

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Re: A few multithreats
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2014, 09:12:44 PM »
In regards to the Cleric 1/Angel 19 build, I believe Monster Classes need to be taken starting at level 1 unless you take Monster Blooded and Monster Hybrid, or are taking a monster template PrC. Does swapping Cleric to level 2 then resuming Angel levels noticeably affect the build?

Offline DavidWL

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Re: A few multithreats
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2014, 12:23:49 AM »
You're right - I forgot!  Not much effect to the build though ... Angel 1/ Cleric 1/Angel 2-20.

You lose some skill points, but other than that, not much change really.


Offline dmanus

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Re: A few multithreats
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2014, 11:00:18 PM »
Thanks for the insights, DavidWL,

I got the idea making an NPC for my players and started falling for the concept of an ogre mage shifty commando/contoller.  While I know nearly unfoilable regeneration isn't the best, its still pretty darn cool.

1. I'm still a little fuzzy on the pseudocasting.  I thought it was like the angel in that once you had a caster level it would continue to grant progression.  I read the FAQ but maybe I missed the discussion on this.

2. Yeah, after looking at some of the other monster classes I see what you mean.  Part of me still thinks its not an ogre mage without gasseous form and cone of cold SLAs and being large.  Plus you lose the shape change.  Old habits die hard.

3. Paragon basically kick butt.  I was just thinking +24 AC no armor, plus swift Abj...  Large wraithstrike power great flyby attacks with a thunder lance.  Then port, hide, and repeat.

Still learning to think like a class progressing monster...

also Dave