This thread is for a convenient place to show off and discuss various PoC builds. Partly to have a list of sample NPCs for future use, partly to demo the subsystem, and partly to look at what the mechanics can actually do (and what may need fixing as a result). By no means is this supposed to be restricted only to PoC classes and mechanics. Since it's designed to interact with existing D&D classes and other homebrew, seeing how cybernetics works with other subsystems mixed in is important, too.
For convenience, here are a couple of blank sheets and stat blocks:
[b]Name[/b] [b]CR n[/b]
Alignment Size Type (Subtypes)
[b]Init[/b] +n; [b]Senses[/b] n, n; Listen +n, Spot +n
[b]Languages[/b] n, n; telepathy n ft.
[b]AC[/b] n, touch n, flat-footed n; AC relevant abilities
(+n Dex, +n armor, +n shield, etc.)
[b]hp[/b] n (n HD); Health and automatic healing relevant abilities] [b]DR[/b] n/m
[b]Immune[/b] Immunities
[b]Resist[/b] Resistances; [b]SR[/b] n
[b]Fort[/b] +n, [b]Ref[/b] +n, [b]Will[/b] +n; Saving throw relevant abilities
[b]Weakness[/b] Any vulnerabilities and stuff
[b]Speed[/b] n ft. (n squares)
[b]Melee[/b] attack routine 1, if more than one, use more lines. Weapon name +n/+m/+o/+p (xdy+z/19-20/x2)
[b]Ranged[/b] ranged attack routine 1, if more than one, use more lines. Weapon name +n/+m/+o/+p (xdy+z/19-20/x2)
[b]Space[/b] n ft.; [b]Reach[/b] n ft.
[b]Base Atk[/b] +n; [b]Grp[/b] +n
[b]Atk Options[/b] Attack relevant options, like Power Attack and Precise Shot
[b]Special Actions[/b] Stuff like breath weapons, turn undead, and cleric's spontaneous casting
[b]Combat Gear[/b] Non-passive items
[b]Spell-Like Abilities[/b] (CL nth):
At will -- n (+n touch attack; Spell DC; CL if nonstandard)
n/day -- n (+n touch attack; Spell DC; CL if nonstandard)
[b]Classname Spells Prepared/Known[/b] (CL nth):
nth (n/day) -- n (+n touch attack; Spell DC; CL if nonstandard)
[b]Maneuvers and Stances known[/b] (IL nth):
[i]Stances[/i] -- n (nth), n (nth)
[i]Strikes[/i] -- n (DC n) (nth)
[i]Boosts[/i] -- n (nth)
[i]Counters[/i] -- n (nth)
[i]Other[/i] -- n (nth)
[i]Disciplines[/i]: nnn
Each of a NAME's maneuvers can be initiated once per encounter, with no recharge//with recharge by BLANK.
[b]Standard Modules activated[/b] (AL nth):
[b]Energy pool[/b] n; [b]Energy capacity[/b] n; [b]Modules[/b] n; [b]Socket attachments[/b] n (Available: n, n, n)
Modules name - Attached to SOCKET. Default n energy allocated.
[b]Abilities[/b] Str n, Dex n, Con n, Int n, Wis n, Cha n
[b]SQ[/b] non-attack abilities that could get used, like Summon Tana'ri, or Water Breathing
[b]Feats[/b] feat name, B-bonus feat
[b]Skills[/b] name +n, name +n
[b]Possessions[/b] combat gear plus EVERYTHING ELSE
[b]Advancement[/b] if applicable; [b]Favored Class[/b] if applicable
[b]Bolded name of ability (Ex/Su/Sp)[/b] text of ability
[b]Al Race Class Levels[/b]
[spoiler=Ability Scores]
Racial adjustments:
X point buy, items included
Str 8 [0p]
Dex 8 [0p]
Con 8 [0p]
Int 8 [0p]
Wis 8 [0p]
Cha 8 [0p]
[b]HD:[/b] XdX+X (X hp)
[b]Saves:[/b] F +X, R +X, W +X
[b]AC:[/b] 10 (), touch 10, flat-footed 10
[spoiler=Racial Traits]
[spoiler=Class Features]
[spoiler=Feats, Flaws, Traits]
[spoiler=Equip & Wealth]
WBL: ??
[spoiler=Spells Known & Per Day]
[spoiler=Active Modules and Socket Attachments]
[spoiler=Equipment Wish List]