That's right, Him. The one so sinister, so evil, so scary, so horribly vile that his real name can never be said, thus striking fear into the hearts of men.
I've had Him stuck in my head all day and now I want to be terrible and gather opinions on what kind of build Him would have as a D&D character. I'm also fairly sleep deprived at the moment and thus never really got past thinking about what race Him might be and I kept coming back to Tiefling but I've no doubt there has to be something more appropriate. Any published book, Dragon Magazine, homebrew shtick or whatever. Please avoid Pathfinder like the plague that it is, that is my only caveat.
Him is quite prone to screwing with people's minds and seems to have a heavy focus in enchantments, but more often than not these merely play out as an appetizer far from the main course. He also seems to dabble in some decent summoning of giant monsters. When provoked he is easily capable of going heavy melee mode and vastly increasing his size and overall power. Also capable of altering his form and/or polymorphing at will into any many of creature. Pretty much a somewhat amazing enchanter/evocation(evoker?) with a casual interest in summoning, capable of flipping the switch to hard mode and jumping right into the midst of melee with little effort. Um, and clearly lesser diety at worst. And can we throw in some Gestalt rules in the off chance I want to use this in a super heavily themed demon infested apocalyptic world? Because that suddenly just became a serious idea for me with actual plausibility in late game which would probably be near epic if not low epic.
For those not caught on yet, I'm talking about Him.
It's a Powerpuff Girls thing.
Please & Thank you!
And again, I'm pretty sleep deprived so either I'm posting this in the wrong place or I'm lacking information, please tell me