That picture is fucking hilarious.
I saw a headline in the newspaper today about Republicans bashing the State of the Union address yesterday... you know, that speech about to be given tonight? I was curious about what they were talking about, so I decided to go online and read it (I only saw the headline on a newspaper, I didn't actually read it at that time). When I got to the comments section, there was a guy there that made a very well-informed point that "Saint Ronald" was the first president to start this out-of-control spending that has resulted, today, in a massive federal debt. Now, instead of some sort of intelligent discourse, the next three comments went about as follows:
1) I hope you believe in gay or abortion, because you need to not spread your seed.
2) How can you bash "Saint Ronald" when your Drunken Sailor of a president ran up the debt more than any President in history?
3) Nuh UH!
All paraphrased, but I attempted to confer as much of the inanity and bile as I could without making me want to kill myself.