Checked GitP's forums today. TWF that doesn't suck got my attention and I read it. One feat to double your attacks per round, oh and if you do invest three feats into TWF you can daze/kill your opponent multiple times per round. Someone pointed out it's a little strong and his rebuttal is and I quote
"Let's look at a 1st level Rogue Str 14, Dex 16, with TWF (let's say she gets weapon finesse as a bonus feat just to be fair) compared to a 1st level Barbarian Str 18 with Power Attack. When the Rogue sneak attacks with two Shortswords the action looks like this: +3/+3, 2d6+2/2d6+1. When the Barbarian rages with his Greatsword, power attacking for -1, the action looks like this +6, 2d6+11. Against an AC of 15, the Rogue deals an average adjusted damage of 7.65 per round while the Barbarian deals an average adjusted damage of 10.8. If the Rogue didn't have Weapon Finesse, which is almost a given, then this looks even worse."
Clicked close tab, I've gotten enough reminders why to avoid their forums for today.