I hate how streaky my luck is...
First, I find out that my Nook doesn't know how to handle .zip files, and that it's Pandora browser can't read .pdf files. Handouts made through my school's website can either be viewed through a browser as a .pdf, or downloaded as a .zip file.
Second, I am a math tutor and one of my clients frantically wanted to move his weekly appointment to 8:30 last night instead of it's usual time earlier on a previous day. He no-shows, and I get a text after 9pm telling me that he's sorry, he hope he didn't inconvenience me, and that he overslept.
Third, I heard something on Fox News Radio and agreed with it.
Fourth, in my shitty math class, the professor just spent the 4th straight lecture talking about ODE's of the form of y'' + py' + qy = g.
Fifth, in my good math class, I was furiously writing out proofs on an exam for pretty much the entire class period. At the end of the class, I had answered about 2/3 of the questions.
Sixth, I have a job working next to a giant MRI scanner that's primarily used for research. Normally this means that people come in, get their brains scanned while doing stuff, and then leave. Today, this meant... parts... of some kind... being scanned, and the scans being displayed for us all to see on a giant monitor that was just installed last week. Right after I had eaten lunch.
Yeah, I'm done. This week is over if I have to bludgeon it to death with a dismembered leg.
Also, I need to stop thinking about dismembered legs.