first question :
do you have access to a good half way point between you and the source wifi?
second interjection:
for residential purposes 60 meters is a long way for wifi.
thrid observation:
repeaters add lag but speeds can stay high.
a cable would be the best solution, if physical obstructions were not a problem.
fourth how:
a repeater is a wifi router that blindly repeats signals to and fro.
when i had one setup, i used a router that was dd-wrt compatible.
i googled something like "repeater dd-wrt"
it provided a step by step instruction that i didnt memorize.
something like this
http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Repeater_Bridge is what i found before.
fifth afterwards:
to rig wifi at work we attempted a long distance connection, about 1/2 to 1/2 mile line of sight.
we bought 5w routers.
most routers are closer to 120mw.
competitive wifi groups use 1w and can get a connection over 237ish miles, point to point. but this is without obstruction using satellite antennas pointed at each other.
http://www.engadget.com/2007/06/19/venezuelans-set-new-wifi-distance-record-237-miles/sixth the hybrid.
how from from the source can a cable be ran? or how far from you can a cable be ran?
if you can cut the distance from one side w/ a hard cable then wifi the rest, you should get better results.