Because a fact of the case is that Zimmerman shot him. That's 100% true. He killed someone. And now he's walking free because the prosecution couldn't prove his not defending himself. Not guilt, they could prove that, but they couldn't prove that he wasn't defending himself. The defense didn't even have to prove that he was, they just had to make sure it couldn't be proven that he wasn't. Essentially, Trayvon was guilty until proven innocent. And again, Zimmerman did indeed shoot and kill Trayvon. So he's still innocent until proven guilty, but he was proven guilty on that front.
I don't know what you're on about. Evidence clearly pointed to Trayvon attacking Zimmerman, not the other way around. Zimmerman had a bloodied nose, gashes on the back of the skull, and dirt and grass covering his back. Trayvon has a single gunshot wound, and nothing else. There is absolutely nothing about this which point to anything but Trayvon attacking Zimmerman, and Zimmerman firing on Martin afterwards. Unless you think Zimmerman shot Trayvon, and THEN Trayvon hit George, knocked him down, and bashed his head on the sidewalk before finally expiring.
As far as evidence goes, most of the evidence is either inconsequential (the marijuana stuff) or indicates no proof of Zimmerman being on defense at best, and proof that he was in the wrong at worst (call to 911 and ignores instructions to not follow, inconsistencies in his story about what happened, the phone call that was basically Trayvon being scared...not an aggressor, etc. etc.).
911 dispatchers do not have any legal authority. They are not police officers, lawyers, doctors, or any other profession that gives you the right to dictate what anyone should or should not do. He was not instructed not to follow, he was told that they don't need him to follow. There is a significant difference.
Basically, in Florida all you have to do to get away with murder (or in this case, probably manslaughter) is just not have it seen and claim self defense.
Don't simplify this. That's ludicrous. There was plenty of evidence that Zimmerman was attacked first. If you walk up to someone and shoot them and claim self defense, you'll be found guilty of murder
because you don't look like someone was beating the shit out of you.
Another major problem with this trial is that it was just full of character assassinations. "Trayvon did pot! That's gotta mean something right? Oh look at his friend calling Zimmerman a racial slur! That must mean he didn't like Zimmerman." Character assassinations get in the way of justice. Okay, so he did slur Zimmerman, so what? That means nothing in the face of hard evidence. Marijuana is notorious for making you chill, not making you attack like a monkey on PCP. PCP does that. And where as Zimmerman was around to defend assassinations on his character, where was Trayvon? Oh yeah, dead because Zimmerman SHOT HIM. Shot an unarmed boy when, if he followed instructions from actual police, there would not have been any confrontation, either started by him or by Trayvon. When a police officer does that, as in, breaks regulation and something goes wrong, he gets in trouble. IN Florida, when a civilian does that, apparently you get nothing.
I don't understand this. Unarmed =/= not-dangerous. You can kill people with your hands and the environment. Trayvon was on top of Zimmerman, and smashed his head against the sidewalk. That can kill you. That is reasonable fear for your life. That is grounds for self-defense.
And I'm sick of people calling Trayvon Martin "just a child" or "boy" or "kid". He was young, healthy, strong. If he was
one year older he'd be an adult. Legally, "child" and "adult" are binary conditions.
Physically they are not. Trayvon was as strong as, if not stronger than, George Zimmerman - whose martial arts trainer described as being incompetent at fighting.