I need someone to explain this to me.
Magic of Eberron:
I go out, I find a dragonshard.
Eberron: They range from 1 to 160 gp out if the ground.
Siberys: 100 to 8000 gp
Khyber: 300 to 8000 gp
Can there be exceptional ones bigger then this?
Now... how do I turn one into a magic item?
I mean, It seems like I can create a magic item with a dragonshard, or I can make it from a stick. Both require the same amount of gps and xps and time. In fact, I'm not sure if you even factor in the cost of a dragonshard into the magic item.
The books say, Dragonshards make it possible for so many magic items on the planet, but it seems to have the same sticking point as every other setting which is, there are plenty of raw materials, it's finding someone with the XPs to make the magic item.
It is just Gold Pieces usable towards enchanting magic items? Is that all it is? I can find 100 gp of rare herbs or I can use a dragonshard and it works out the same? No decrease in xp cost? No Reduced time to craft?
It's just money?