Not in America here, but when you sell a place generally they'd just rip out most of those extras to put in the stuff they prefer. Renovation is more useful if you're seeking to rent a place out, since you actually might get some returns on that, but it peaks out because past a certain price range they'd rather just buy a place and renovate it later. If you're buying a place, rent it out, so that it's actually making money while the materials depreciate, and then when you finally sell it, you have the rental money + the sale amount.
What's important for selling is location, cleanliness, and state of repair. The new buyer likely won't have the same values about nice furniture, but they WOULD care about any stains, signs of bad plumbing, crumbling wood, rusting metal or infestations, as these would become recurring problems later on.
The same, but more so goes for any attached lawn/garden, you might have a gorgeous planting of flowers and trees, but all that means an ongoing effort to make it look pretty rather than overgrown. They might rather just chop down the tree and make it an open lawn. Water features and pools are even worse, as they become vermin and fungal breeding sites without sustained care.