You mean how your own Divine Fluff describes Reiuji Utsuho as the one who went after Yataragasu and then turned her into some kind of super-magiscientist, when the touhou fluff states that it was Kanako who did it, and Reiuji Utsuho kept being a hollow headed bird?
I wrote that she found and swallowed it. If the part that she was told by a voice that she could do that feels like a necessary addition to you, I'll put it in, no problem.
I don't see the part where I say she turned into a super magi-scientist.
She helped scientists, which corresponds to her contribution with Kanako's group and the kappa in getting the reactor going. If something doesn't work, I'll correct. I did tell you that.
And then Divine Flame also claims that Crystallized Silver is BFF with nuclear energy, nevermind Utshusho trying to kill Cirno every single time they meet.
That is a strange claim you put into my mouth. The presence of the feat does not lead to some kind of special, particular 'friendship'. I was also amused by the idea of Cold Fusion, since they are both dumb and cold fusion is seen as junk science. Every discipline could be joined with another by a similar feat. I thought I'd make more but never mustered the motivation. Perhaps if there is a discipline made that is well affiliated to it I could make another one for it. Venerable Battlefield could work, do you want a discipline synergy feat with the two?
First, I mention shinigami on the second discipline feat "Fallen and Ruined shinigami", that just happens to be one of Komachi's official titles.
Because you see, whatever they may've been in the past, touhou shinigamis have fallen into corruption. Komachi takes orders from Sikieiki Yamaxanadu, that in turn is an animated statue that lives in hell and basically only gets obeyed by personally beating the crap out of others herself (and even then the moment she turns her eyes away, her subordinates resume following their personal agendas).
You just made it and now wave it around like it was your intent all along.
Your Yugoloth group ain't working for a statue that became a god either. Nevermind serving an actual soul-judging deity.
Yugoloths work for other yugoloths but they are all mercenaries to a degree. Shikieiki judges and distributes the souls among the different afterlives. Which fits the profile of the judge administering the cycle or rebirth.
No Yugoloth would do that. Ever.
She judges between right and wrong and
tries to be fair.
That's because you're slacking off. Listen to me,
we are ones who judge the sins during one's lifetime.
Ones who judge sins must
always be impartial.
A fiend would only judge between wrong and wrong.
While she lectures people along the way when not judging souls in Higan, she tries to straighten people with bad habits - trying to help people be better before their judgement shows that she has the interests of others at heart to a point, not that she is fishing for excuses to send everyone to hell.
Putting Touhou in a distant future where shinigamis are corrupted is an interesting idea, I'll give you that, but besides laziness there is no real corruption going on. And that is only coming from one shinigami as far as we know. Shikieiki's comment implies that the others are apparently doing a good job.
So. If now your position is to clearly separate the Touhou shinigami and the yugoloth, get rid of them to replace them with fiends (which makes sense since they really aren't alike at all, glad you now realize that), then why even bother using a 'future of Touhou' version of things instead of the 'current Touhou lore'; the one in which Zun is involved. As is, Touhou lore here is just some footnote in a feat reduced to the state of 'legends'. Weird coming from the world where things go when they become mere legends.
Incidently, Fallen and Ruined shinigami is one of the title given her in the Wild and Horned Hermit (which is later changed in the same book a few chapters later to Guide of the Sanzu River, apparently her problems got fixed somewhere in between), in which we actually get to see her trying to get some work done and she explains her job a little. Like why she isn't personally trying to destroy certain immortal wannabes; they all have their job and that isn't hers, same as why she didn't take Tenshi. We even see Seiga getting attacked by a being sent by shinigami organization.
You claim that shinigamis should despise undeads, but Komachi is perfectly fine with Yuyuko and the netherworld, and she herself uses and abuses the spirits of the dead.
The netherworld is one of the final destination souls are sent to after being judged.
As stated a few times as well, if Yuyuko was an abomination to take care of, it wouldn't be Komachi's job to deal with her.
She does not create undead creatures, that is for sure. And as I've covered in the combat style, the spirits she abuses are not actual souls free to be judged. More like phantoms and evil spirits, which are a very different thing.
After death, humans pass through the Chuuu Road, cross over the Sanzu River, and receive Yama's judgment. Depending on severity of their crimes, they are sent to Hell, to the Netherworld, to Heaven, or to other places.
And no, TH 13 spirits are TH 13 spirits made out of desires and not actual human souls (as pointed out by Yuyuko), and Komachi herself repeats several times on PoFV that destroying non-TH13 spirits before they cross the river will stop them from reincarnating, even trying to use it as an excuse for her lazyness ("Souls were... that's right, shut-ins that were full of jealousy, so I extinguished them before they could cross the river.")
You are repeating what I am saying. Indeed these spirits are not souls.
Like them, phantoms and evil spirits can be used as danmaku without any lasting amoral consequences.
The problematic spirits in PoFV are ghosts. Ghosts by default cannot pass on to their judgement and access the cycle of reincarnation. The transition into Dnd is convenient because you must destroy such undead creatures to allow their souls to pass on.
Komachi also happens to offer her ferrying services to the living for money, again from her dialogues in PoFV.
Komachi like the psychopomps do not normally ferry living creatures through.
But Komachi, like most Touhou characters, is an eccentric of its kind and offered Reimu passage. It is very questionable offer, however, which makes difficult to guess exactly what was her intentions. She said to Marisa that the "For living humans, the width of the Sanzu no Kawa is infinite", so although she would have ferried Reimu, she would have never made it to the other side, which also makes sense now that I know more about Higan and its Perfect Memento block as it states that because of the Sanzu River the living cannot reach it. She warned/threatened to dump Marisa in the river if she tried to have her cross anyway, so perhaps that is what she had in mind for Reimu as well.
It wouldn't be surprising since she is trying to get rid of people getting in the way of her
slacking off work, and she believes that: "the only humans who come to Muenzuka are the ones that want to die."
As for the Ministry of What's Right and What's Wrong, since you completely neglected to both mention the mountain pantheon and Utsusho's master and colleagues, I don't see why I should mention an "organization" that consists of two members for all we know, and that gets along exceptionally bad by Touhou standards. At least Mei Ling keeps the Scarlet Devil mansions gardens pretty and doesn't let weeds grow all over the place.
More than two people. Shikieiki mentions that there are other yamas, whom got shinigamis of their own ferrying them souls to judge. Who apparently aren't slacking off. Komachi also mentions there being other shinigami, in the WaHH, at least.
I didn't mention Utsuho's master since, unlike the discipline based on Komachi's job, her ability to perform nuclear fusion has nothing to do with her.
If you want Kanako or her voice, or even Satori, added into the fluff, as I previously stated, I don't mind.
There are some points that you missed:
if someone has done too much evil during their lifetime, they may even not be able to cross the river.
That quote doesn't actually suggests that the shinigami doesn't allow them to cross the river. Perhaps because they get turned into evil spirits before a shinigami gets to guide them through the river or because they become ghosts instead of becoming a soul waiting for the ferryman. Perfect Memento also mentions that it is somehow possible for people to get a negative amount of money from what is generated off the assets of the amount of people mourning their loss, and that those people cannot cross the river and thus usually get thrown in the river. Either way, it suggests that particularly wicked people are simply unable to do it for some reason.
A yugoloth wouldn't care about evil people going through as long as they get paid. They still wouldn't ferry souls around though. Since they are trading material and would be seized to become part of their personal wealth.
As I also said regarding your idea of reverse fluffing, if you're trying to portray Touhou, perhaps you should use Touhou. If you're replacing it with your own fanfic version of Touhou where the shinigami, their entire organization and system are replaced by fiend pirates, then why even make it about Touhou at all? Seems a little ironic that someone who wants to DM a campaign happening in Gensokyo during the events of Touhou has to refluff your Touhou stuff to make it fit.
Not a big issue, I'd agree, but I'm a little surprised to see that coming from someone who appears to like Touhou so much.
Again, there is still the issue of Komachi's job being to ferry souls to lead them to their judgement. Yugoloth do not judge souls, and they have nothing similar to the Ministry of What's Right and What's Wrong.
They also wouldn't use money to fight, since they are greedy and would rather keep that money for themselves even if they go to some commune treasury. They want personal wealth. A shinigami that doesn't covet personal wealth would have no problem with using money for combat that doesn't return in their pockets.
@Raineh DazeSaying that 'resides in hell, therefore evil' is applicable Touhou logic also doesn't work. Hello, Rin. And Utsuho, who's too stupid to really be evil in any sense.
I totally agree with the statement but the example isn't really correct.
I wouldn't say that Rin isn't evil. Probably neutral at best. Can't really say about Utsuso either since she is all over the place.
I do recall that Suika has been sort of living in Heaven for a while, and Tenshi isn't super good either.
Also, thanks for mentioning the
Higan. I hadn't looked into it and its relationship with everything else is interesting.