Our first session tonight, and our first combat encounter was vs. a BDF in full-plate .... apparently casting Grease and yelling "somebody bull-rush this sumbitch" ('cause this new batch of players aren't very strategically-minded) was enough to start the "DM-impotence dismay".
How do I put this nicely? I don't know if I can, but ... is your DM just like spectacularly lacking in foresight? Completely unaware of what a Wizard, let alone a Wizard/Archivist can do? Or, is he or she like schizophrenic? Because the brief Grease story related above sounds like this to me:
"Please have the keys to this souped-up Ferrari."
"Oh no! You drove more than 45 mph on the highway. What will I do!"
This would drive me nuts.
Well, it's not like he actually gets mad or anything; it's more like "alright J., it's your turn -- go ahead, show me something I forgot to account for". He then feels myopic, takes his licks, learns some shit, and moves on.
He's pretty new to this whole DMing thing. Hell, he's
fairly noob when it comes to TTRPGs. And he's a BDF-at-heart, to boot. But he's learning. We both chalk it up to him just earning his chops. He's only
briefly played 2 casters before: 1 duskblade, and 1 gestalt beguiler/warmage; and again, both of those were only briefly ..... point being, he doesn't exactly have a lot of experience with spell lists.
He's actually been explicitly appreciative of everything I've shown him about casters; and he does take notes. And he never misses the same thing twice.
I mean, sure, I'm not all that experienced playing casters; but I
have been DMing for the better part of 20 years, so I've a lot more chance to learn a thing or 2 about things. (note: I don't count throwing a few spells as an NPC as actually "playing a caster")