Author Topic: Phane  (Read 9978 times)

Offline oslecamo

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« on: September 26, 2013, 06:36:01 PM »

Table: PhaneHD: d8





Time Body, Lost Fate, Incorporeal Touch, Chronal Blast, Lesser Time Magic
Timeless Skin, Momentary Stasis
Ancient Senses, Summon Past Time Duplicate
Advanced Time Magic, +1 Cha
Flying Time, +1 Con
Fast Healing, Null Time Field, +1 Cha
Eons Endurance, Time Leach, +1 Dex
Eternal Epoch, +1 Cha
Greater Time Magic, +1 Con
Time Regression, +1 Cha
Stasis Touch, +1 Cha, +1 Con
True Sight, +1 Cha, +1 Dex
Accelerated Time, Regeneration, +1 Cha, +1 Con
Ticking Time, +1 Cha, +1 Dex
Stolen Time, +1 Cha, +1 Con
Supreme Time Magic, +1 Cha, +1 Dex
Future Duplicate, +1 Cha, +1 Con
Chronal Barrage, +1 Cha, +1 Dex
Safer Time, +1 Cha, +1 Con
Fate Unraveled, Abomination , +1 Dex, +1 Con, +1 Cha
Time Power, , +1 Dex, +1 Con, +1 Cha
Chrono Trigger , +1 Dex, +1 Con, +1 Cha
Time Paradox, +1 Dex, +1 Con, +1 Cha
Chrono Cross, +1 Dex, +1 Con, +1 Cha
Time Lord, +1 Dex, +1 Con, +1 Cha

Skills:6+Int modifier/level (x4 at 1st level). Class skills:: Balance, Concentration, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Hide, Jump, Knowledge (any), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Swim, Tumble

Proficiencies: Incorporeal Touch

Time Body: The Phane loses all other racial traits and gains Outsider traits (basically darkvision 60’) plus the Incorporeal subtype. It's a medium sized creature with base speed of 40’.

In addition it gains a Deflection bonus to AC equal to its Cha mod, is under effect of a permanent NonDetection effect with a Caster Level equal to its HD, and gains resistance against Sonic damage equal to its HD.

Lost Fate: Phanes are abominations whose deific parents possessed portfolios relating to time or fate, and tried to “bury” them in some ancient, forgotten age. Thus altough a Phane seems shadowy and insubstantial, it starts captive to a certain epoch. But as it grows in power, it will become more lost in the past (or future) until time itself becomes whitout meaning.
At 1st HD the Phane can be harmed by all forms of attacks and can attack others as if it was corporeal. it can interact with unattended corporeal objects for one round three times per day. It cannot completely hide within objects and interacts with water as if it had a swim speed equal to its base speed. It cannot chose not to be heard by Listen checks though it receives a +5 circumstance bonus on move silently checks.

At 5th HD the Phane loses the ability to interact with corporal objects but can now  interact with water as per the incorporeal subtype and receive a +10 circumstance bonus on move silently checks.
Nonmagical attacks made by corporeal creatures at the Phane and melee attacks made by the Phane against corporeal targets are now ineffective.

Magical weapons and spells used by corporeal creatures against the Phane have a 10% chance miss chance, increasing by 10% at 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th HD (maximum of 50% miss chance, except for positive energy, negative energy, force effects such as magic missile, or attacks made with ghost touch weapons, as usual)

Magical weapons used by the Phane against corporeal targets have the same miss chance if they aren't ghost touch weapons.

At 10th HD, the Phane is fully affected by the incorporeal subtype as normal.

Incorporeal Touch: As a melee touch attack, the Phane can inflict 1d4 untyped damage on any creature it touches. This can be used with Aoos, charge, but not  iteratives or two-weapon fighting.

Chronal Blast: As a standard action, the Phane can make a ranged touch against any creature within 20 feet plus 5 feet per HD. If it succeeds, the subject is targeted by a spasm of space-time flux, dealing 1d6 points of untyped damage per HD. Chronal Blast can be used against enemies even when the Phane is under its own Time Stop effect. If someone else uses Time Stop while whitin  range of this ability, they take Chronal Blast damage automatically for each round of aparent time.

Time Magic: At the following levels, the Phane can use certain SLAs some times per day. Save DCs are 10+1/2 HD+Cha mod, if any.

Lesser- At first level Detect Good and Detect Magic and True Strike each 2/day per HD.

Advanced- At 4th level Haste, Invisibility and Slow each 1/day per 2 HD, plus a permanent Tongues effect on self. At 8 HD it can spend two uses of Invisibility to replicate an Improved Insibility instead.

Greater- At 9th level teleport 1/day per 4 HD, upgrades to Greater Teleport at 12 HD.

Supreme-At 16th level Unholy Aura and .Time stop 1/hour each. The Deflection bonus of this Unholy aura stacks with the Phane's own natural Deflection bonus to AC, and it improves its SR by 4 against good spells.

Ability Score Increase: The Phane gains an extra +1 to
Dex at levels 7, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25
Con at levels 5, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19
Cha at levels 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25

For a total of +6 Dex, +7 Con, +14 Cha at level 20, and +11 Dex, +12 Con and +19 Cha at level 25.

Timeless Skin: At 2nd level the Phane gains DR/ magic equal to 3+HD, and spell resistance equal to 11+HD. It may lower or raise its spell resistance as a free action, even if it isn't its turn. It also gains the [Chaotic] and [Evil] subtypes, and its attacks count as Chaotic and Evil for bypassing DR.

Momentary Stasis: At 2nd level, whenever the Phane hits an enemy with its Incorporeal Touch, it may replicate a Temporary Stasis effect as the spell with CL=HD as an immediate action, except it's a Supernatural ability that can still be dispelled, only lasts  1 round per 2 Phane levels and the save DC is 10+1/2 HD+Cha mod. The Phane may choose to not deal damage with the Incorporeal Touch just to deliver the stasis. The Phane may end the effect earlier as another immediate action.

Ancient Senses: At 3rd level, the Phane gains Blindsense with a range of 15’/HD and telepathy with twice that range.

Summon Past Time Duplicate:
At 3rd level, 1/day as a fullround action the Phane can summon a duplicate of any creature it can see, stolen from a parallel alternate past, as long as that foe's CR isn't higher than the Phane's own. The stolen time duplicate has the same stats and possessions as the original, but is treated as if having two negative levels that can't be removed by any means, representing a less experienced, younger version (even if it was immune to energy drain). Unique items acquired from others will also be missing.  The past time duplicate, despite having most of the knowledge of the original, serves the phane loyally like any summoned creature for the next 24 hours until it returns to its original timelime (whetever dead or alive). However it cannot use any limited-use items it has, and any sucessful attempt at taking off/stealing its gear causes them both to instantly return to their original timeline. If the past time duplicate is slain, the original is not harmed because the duplicate was pulled from a parallel past. However, the original does not necessarily realize this, and must make a Will save(DC10+1/2 HD+Cha mod) or be shaken for 1d4 rounds after witnessing the death of a duplicate for the first time.

Flying Time: at 5th level the Phane's base speed increases to 60 feet and it gains a Flight speed of 90 feet with good maneuverability.

Fast healing: At 6th level the Phane gains Fast Healing equal to half its HD.

Null Time Field: At 6th level as a swift action the Phane can generate a 30 feet radius spread null time field. All creatures and objects in the field, except the Phane, must make a Will saving throw (DC 10+1/2 HD+Cha mod) at the start of their turn to take any actions. On a failed save, subjects are stuck in a static time stream until their next turn of actions, at which time they must make another Saving throw if still inside the aura. While a subject is stuck in a static time stream unduced by a null field, the Phane can use its Incorporeal Touch (including Momentary Stasis or Stasis Touch) on the subject, though in all other ways, the subject is invulnerable to attacks and damage as if in a temporal stasis. This is an Extraordinary effect.

Eons Endurance: At 7th level the Phane becomes immune to Energy Drain, Ability Drain and Ability Damage.

Time Leach: At 7th level, for every round of apparent time experienced by the phane, it can absorbs the “future” from any creature it has successfully encapsulated in static time via its Momentary Stasis or Stasis Touch (but not just Null Time Field), no matter the distance separating vicim and Phane, and no matter the number of victims. Of course, to the victim, no time passes at all, but each apparent round experienced by the Phane ages the victim 1d4 years, at the same time healing the Phane of 1 HP per Phane HD. A victim who is not somehow released from static time evenentually ages to death. Victims killed in this matter automatically fall out of static time as desiccated husks that disintegrate to a fine dust with even the lightest touch. Victims who are released prior to death immediatily apply the physical effects of aging, but not the mental effects. The Phane can choose to stop aging them at any moment,altough this also stops the nourishing. Slaying the Phane will revert this. The Phane cannot gain nourishment from immortal (or near immortal) creatures until it has 10 HD, at which point it becomes able to drain even their aparently infinite life span eons each second. Count such creatures as having 1200 years to go before they die of old age.

In addition the Phane can combine its Chronal Blast with Momentary Stasis as an immediate action.

Eternal Epoch: At 8th level the Phane becomes immune to polymorphing, petrification and any other effects that would alter its form.

Time Regression: At 10th level if the Phane spends an action (standard, move or swift) per round for four rounds, at the end of the 4th round the Phane regresses back in time 4 rounds, to the very first round it originally began concentrating on time regression. On its second pass trough the time stream, it can take completely different actions, based on its knowledge of the future (though if it takes different actions from its first pass trough the time stream, the events of the original time stream are also changed). Other creatures whitin 30 feet of the Phane during any of those 4 rounds are allowed a Will save with DC 10+1/2 HD+Cha mod to notice time seems to be repeating themselves, unless they have 4 or more less HD than the Phane, in which case they don't notice anything amisss.

Stasis Touch: At 11th level when the Phane doesn't need to spend an immediate action anymore to use Momentary Stasis on the target, and it may increase the duration to Permanent. However it cannot keep more permanently trapped creatures at the same time than its Cha mod.

Wasted Time: At 11th level the Phane becomes immune to mind-affecting effects  grows a size category, and now adds it Cha mod as an Insight bonus to AC.

True Sight: At 12th level the Phane is under a permanent True Sight effect.

Accelerated Time: At 13th level the Phane  base speed increases to 80 feet and its flight speed increases to 120 feet. In addition it becomes fully immune to Sonic damage and gains resistance against Fire and Cold equal to its own HD. In addition  1/hour it can take an extra standard action as a free action.

Regeneration: At 13th level the Phane gains Regeneration equal to half its HD, which is bypassed by Good weapons, plus weapons forged in the future or an alternate time stream. This regeneration stacks with the fast healing.
Ticking Time: At 14th level the Phane's max HP increases by an amount equal to its HD times its Cha mod, changing acordingly when the Phane gains more/less HD. In addition once per 1d3 rounds it can use one of its SLAs as a free action. If it was a detect spell, it can then focus on it as a free action.

Stolen Time: At 15th level,  the Phane adds its Cha mod to iniative checks and to the number of Aoos it can make each round, plus whenever someone else uses a Time Stop effect inside its telepathy range, the Phane automatically benefits from it as well.

Future Duplicate: At 17th level 1/hour the Phane can snatch itself  from 1 round in the future, depositing this future self in an adjacent space as a swift action.The character's future self is free to act normally this round, having all of the resources at the moment he finishes using this ability. Because this future self was previously only a possibility, its resources aren't depleted as a result of whatever might occur this round, even if the “past” self dies. However it also means the future self doesn't have any special knowledge of what might occur during this round. Because the future self is still part of the time stream, the round it spends with the character is a round it misses on its own future. And the past self knows as well it will be called back. Due to this, during the next round both past and future versions are simply gone from reality (including their gear), and then only one (Phane's choice) materializes on the round after that on its previous location.

Due to mysterious paradox problems, while both versions are present, none of their activated/limited items can be used.

Chronal Barrage: At 18th level, as a fullround action the Phane can fire a chronal blast that automatically hits the target plus  everybody inside a 40 feet radius centered on the first target. This can be combined with Momentary Stasis as an immediate action. Once used, the Phane cannot use either chronal Barrage or chronal blast for 1d3 rounds.

Safer Time: At 19th level at any time as a free action 1/hour (even if it isn't it's turn), if the Phane would suffer any kind of damage or ill effect, it may instead be transported to a static time stream where time ceases to flow. The Phane’s condition becomes fixed—no force or effect can harm him or her until 1 round of real time has passed. Thus, the Phane avoids the damage he or she would otherwise receive, but the Phane also misses out on one round of activity. To the Phane, no time passes at all, but to onlookers who are part of real time, the Phane stands frozen and fixed in space for 1 full round.

Unraveled Fate: Eventually, a Phane is not so much captive as lost so far in the past (or future) that time itself is whitout meaning. However, stronger Phanes escape into the four dimensions of our multiverse. Here, Phanes particularly enjoy collecting victims by permanently locking them in temporal stasis. At 20th level the Phane gains a pool of one time token for each creature it has in permanent Temporal Stasis. Whenever it rolls a 1d20, it may choose to spend any amount of time tokens as a free action to gain  a +2 bonus per token spent  on that roll. Time tokens are only regained when the Phane sucessfully traps a new creature in permanent temporal stasis.

In addition the Phane can start or end its Null Time Field as a free action, up to 1/round.

Abomination: At 20th level the Phane no longer fails saves or attacks on a natural 1, and its DR now can only be bypassed by epic weapons forged on the future or a different time stream.

Time Power: At 21st level the Phane may use its SLAs except Time Stop any number of times/day. Any limits on Caster Level are removed.

Chrono Trigger: You can't really destroy a Phane. You can only make it become lost in time and hope it doesn't find its way back too quickly. At 22nd level if the Phane would be destroyed/sealed/similar it returns at full condition in (roll 1d12):
10-Roll twice, apply effects.
11-Roll again, but the Phane goes that amount  back in time. However it cannot interfere with its “previous” self in any manner until the moment of its “Destruction”.
12-Phane's choice

A limited wish, wish or miracle may instead be used to recall the displaced Phane to its  “normal” timeline.

In addition, 1/day when an opponent dies/is destroyed and  comes back whitin 1 round, the Phane can instantly age it into dust whitout need of any action. Such is the price of  messing around with fate! A quest of some sorts taking at least one day will be needed to bring them back.

Time Paradox: At 23rd level the Phane can use Safer Time and Future Duplicate each 2/ hour, and can use Ticking Time once every round.

Chrono Cross: Heroes think they can make the universe better by manipulating time. The Phane knows all too well that such ripples only help aproach the end of times. At 24th level the Phane's Past Time Duplicate have no duration limit, but it cannot control a higher combined CR than its own-2. However it can send “excess” time duplicates on any kind of general quest such as “guard this area” or “go take over that country”. They'll still hold no more allegiance to the Phane. In addition if the Phane has no time duplicates left, it can create a new one from an opponent as an immediate action if such opponent uses any kind of re-roll ability or another ability that gives extra rounds.

Time Lord: Phanes can feed off the ssence of creatures they temporally trap. Others are more amibitions, and seek to alter the fate of nations, worlds and planes-for the worse. At 25th level the Phane can retrain all of its skills and feats at the start of each day with one hour of meditation ploting wicked plans of world domination/destruction. It can also use this ability a second time per day. Finally another time per hour as a fullround action it can automatically become aware off and retrain all the skill points and feats of another one creature it can see. If they suceed on a Will save with DC 10+1/2 HD+Cha mod it only lasts 1 round before they recover their normal skills and feats, otherwise it becomes permanent until they manage to slay the Phane (even if it will just come back with Chrono Trigger). Finally it now uses its own HD instead of its Phane level to check whetever it can create a Time Duplicate from someone else.

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« Last Edit: May 27, 2014, 08:53:26 AM by oslecamo »

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Re: Phane
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2014, 08:40:05 PM »
Would a Thoon Soldier's Future Tech weapon bypass a Phane's regeneration, since it says the weapons are from a far away future?  And would the natural weapons of a Hound of Tindalos count as being from a seperate/alternate time stream?

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Re: Phane
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2014, 10:54:35 AM »
Yes to Thoon Soldier Future tech, no to fleshy natural weapons, since those aren't crafted.

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Re: Phane
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2014, 11:45:36 PM »
I think there's a problem here with Momentary Stasis and Stasis Touch. Stasis Touch refers to Momentary Stasis requiring an immediate action to use, but Momentary Stasis refers to it being an immediate action only for releasing affected targets from Stasis.

Momentary Stasis also has that line about the forgoing the damage to convey the effect. This basically means that you don't deal damage when delivering the effect right? I'm not exactly sure what else it could mean off the top of my head, but that sounds like something that could be misinterpreted or twisted around. I'd draft a touch up myself, but I'm not sure about what was up with the Stasis Touch thing.
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Re: Phane
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2014, 08:58:05 AM »
Had forgot to add the need for an immediate action to use Momentary Stasis, fixed.

The no-damage clause is an option. You can try to put someone in stasis without hurting them, if for whatever reason you don't want to damage them.

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Re: Phane
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2014, 10:25:39 PM »
Oh that makes more sense now. Thank you for the update.
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Re: Phane
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2016, 09:50:17 AM »
Another question about Past Time and Future Duplicates. Does duplicating the Phane itself (or another Phane for Past Time Duplicate, if you can't target yourself) allow you to then have the duplicate use those abilities? I would assume that the lack of any clause regarding that is an oversight.

Also incorporeal touch, maneuvers? Any maneuver that's a full attack wouldn't allow you to use it anyway cuz iteratives, so mainly asking for standard action/single attack type stuff.
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Re: Phane
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2016, 11:08:05 AM »
Future Duplicate can only be used 1/hour (at least before epic levels), and your duplicate doesn't recover ability uses, so the new one can't use it.

Past Time Duplicate could target yourself, but each new copy will progressively have 2 more negative levels, so they'll get weak pretty quickly, and eventually you'll get a virtually level 1-2 Phane copy that can't use it at all.

Also yes, incorporeal touch should work with single-attack maneuvers.

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Re: Phane
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2016, 10:59:47 PM »
Ah you are correct on both, though I guess I was thinking Negative Levels didn't necessarily affect CR like most Conditions so they could just target you each time. Though GMs might just adjust the CR based on circumstance anyway if there's a problem, or else beat you about the head with a book for trying to abuse it.

Any opinions on maneuvers like Wolf Fang Strike or Mithral Tornado? or something like Whirlwind attack? I had a bit of a weird Phane initiator build in another game that I made use of, but the GM ruled it liberally in my favor. I was curious what would be intended on something like that though.
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Re: Phane
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2016, 10:00:25 PM »
Since it specifically says melee attack, and that the class doesn't actually grant you maneuvers by itself, I would say yes.