I believe higher order / recharge still requires Turn Undead
Even if you make a trek using Astral Caravan, it seems like you're still 10-1000 miles off the destination, unless I'm mistaken.
Multiple DC 20 know(planes) checks with probably a -10 modifier for only secondhand knowledge. Take 10 possible.
Assume: 9 ranks, 5 ability score mod, 5 competence ring, 2 circumstance mwk tool for + 21, ok check no problem
In terms of E6, once landing, an accurate/ powerful enough/reliable [divination] school spell for guidance might be out of reach.
Oracle Domain for Divination at 3rd, at best?
Maybe Find the Path on some random Dragonmark SLA, if accessible.
Teleport is still available, with danger, via Cerebrosis / Dimension Rift, if necessary
Ok, so, doable, with some specifics