Triple post, baby. You guys can't keep up, whoa.
Some stuff from Dragon 311:
The Spellstrike feat allows you to add the Concussive template to any spell which deals hit point damage. What does Concussive do, you ask? Well, any creature damaged by the spell must make a Balance check (DC 10 + CL) or be knocked prone by the spell. That's pretty cool. Especially when you remember that any creature with <5 ranks is Balance is flat-footed while balancing.
The Arcane Disciple cleric variant trades away Turn Undead and domains, and in exchange gets to convert 20 bard or sorc/wiz spells to divine cleric spells for her spell list. The Aspirant cleric variant, with a 3-level dip, can counterspell divine spells for free, 3+cha/day.
The Battle Howler prc progress bardic music and casting, and (for a 3-level dip) gives +1 to Inspire Courage, for you IC optimizers out there. It also grants Rage, whoopeee.