I'm not quite sure how to rate this. Going purely by ECL, the encounter is 2 * CR7 characters + 8 * CR1/4 (Negligible combat strength) = CR9. However, there are time pressures, environmental complications, and the two CR7 characters are casters. This encounter is also rather SoD heavy, especially given the time limit. Overall I'd call it CR 10.
The player begins in a tunnel. After 30', the tunnel curves around 180 degrees, and extends a further 70.' This second section is covered by a Dispelling Screen spell (All spells of CL 10 or lower are dispelled). At the end of this hallway is a doorway leading into both the main cavern and the main illusion. 15' before this doorway is an opening which has been altered by the illusion to look like the rest of the wall.
Provided the Player does not have some form of True Seeing or other defence against figments (or that such defence was dispelled by the Dispelling Screen), they see the illusionary chamber through the doorway (Major Image: DC 24 to disbelieve). It appears to be a 15' x 15' room, with a pillar in the middle and two barrels of explosive liquid next to the pillar. Note that these Barrels are real, and will explode if subjected to fire damage dealing 7d6 fire damage in a 10' radius). In the northeast corner there is an open (illusionary) door, leading to a tunnel heading south. After the Player first enters the room, the Illusionist alters the south end of this tunnel to look like an open secret door.
Once the player has disbelieved the illusion, they can see the first half of the rest of the cavern. The cavern is a 210' x 210' room. It contains four pillars, each 50' from the nearest walls, and 100' from the nearest pillars. Halfway between the front pair and back pair of pillars is a second illusionary wall (Silent Image: DC 21 to Disbelieve). Each pillar is being mined by two Kobolds on opposite sides of the pillar. If neither Kobold is incapacitated, each pillar will collapse after 10 rounds. If one of the two Kobolds is incapacitated, the remaining time until collapse doubles.
***NOTE: The entire main chamber is a 210' x 201' square. Illusion 2 cuts it in half, producing two 201' x 105' horizontal rectangles. The above image is as correct as I could make it, but is distorted such that vertical distance appears greater than horizontal distance.***
V= Wall
T = Door (Closed), Trapped with a Greater Dispel Magic Trap (Activated when someone walks through the door, Search / Disable Device DC 31, Casts as an 11th level wizard)
_ = Open Ground
A, B, C, D = Pillar
K = Kobold
1 = Wizard 1
2 = Wizard 2
X = Barrel of Explosives
S = Dispelling Screen
Y = Illusion 1 Wall
F = Illusion 1 Door (Open)
E = Illusion 1 Secret Door
a = Illusion 1 Pillar
u = Illusion 2 Wall
P = Player Start
Kobolds: As per MM1.
4HP (Assume one decent hit will kill them, and that any ECL 10 character should hit their AC).
Fort: +2, Ref: +1, Will: -1.
They will continue to mine unless forced to do otherwise. Under no circumstances (other than domination) will they attack the player.
Wizard 1: Gnome Illusionist 3/Master Specialist 4.
Str 6 Con 14 Dex 14 Int 18(22) Wis 10 Cha 8
23 HP, AC 13, BAB: +3, Ray Attacks +6, Init: +6 (+11 with Nerveskitter)
Fort: +6, Ref: +6, Will: +9
Greater / Spell Focus (Illusion), Spell Focus (Conjuration), Improved Initiative
1(6): [Silent Image], Grease x2, Nerveskitter
2(5): [Invisibility], Glitterdust, Web, [Blur], Summon Monster II,
3(4): [Major Image], [Sonorus Hum x 2], Bands of Steel
4(3): Shadow Well, Greater Mirror Image, Solid Fog
Spells in [square brackets] have already been cast prior to the Player arriving.
Items: Lesser Metamagic Rod: Widen, Wand of Fox's Cunning, Cloak of Resistance +2
Tactics: Begins buffed with Blur, Invisibility, and Fox's Cunning, and using Sonorus Hum (already cast x2) to maintain Illusions 1 and 2. If attacked, Wizard 1 casts Greater Mirror Image. If the Player appears to be a caster (or otherwise looks like they have a low Str score), Wizard 1 casts Bands of Steel (Ref DC 20 or be immobilised / entangled on a failed save, Strength or Escape Artist DC 18 to escape - DC 13 if entangled). Otherwise, Wizard 1 begins by casting Shadow Well, followed by Solid Fog (+15 Grapple check within 20'), then Web (Ref DC19). If the Player attempts to hide (or the Wizard has nothing better to cast) Wizard 1 casts Glitterdust (Will DC 19 or be blinded, no save -40 to hide). Wizard 1 can also cast Summon Monster 2 to summon 1d3 medium spiders, which then entangle with touch attack, or Grease (Ref DC 18).
{I'm open to suggestions for the last few slots.}
Wizard 2: Strongheart Halfling Abjurer 3/Master Specialist 4.
Str 6 Con 14 Dex 14 Int 18(22) Wis 10 Cha 8
23 HP, AC 13, BAB: +3, Ray Attacks +6, Init +6 (+11 with Nerveskitter)
Fort: +6, Ref: +6, Will: +9
Greater / Spell Focus (Abjuration), Arcane Mastery, Spell Focus (Necromancy), Improved Initiative
1(6): [Alarm], Nerveskitter
2(5): Arcane Turmoil x 2, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Ray of Weakness, [Mirror Image]
3(4): Dispel Magic, [Spellcaster's Bane], [Anticipate Teleportation], Ray of Exhaustion.
4(3): [Dispelling Screen], Fear, Enervation
Spells in [square brackets] have already been cast prior to the Player arriving.
Items: Cloak of Resistance +2
Tactics: Begins buffed by Fox's Cunning, Anticipate Teleportation, Mirror Image, and Spellcaster's Bane. Wizard 1 has shown Wizard 2 all of the encounter-long illusions, Wizard 2 is taken to disbelieve them. If the Player appears to be a caster, Wizard 2 readies an action to counterspell any spell cast with Dispel Magic (take 10 for a result of 21). If the Player uses an item or non-counterspelled spell to buff, Wizard 2 dispels with Arcane Turmoil (Take 10 for a result of 21, if the check is successful, Player loses a Spell Slot). If the Player returns from Wizard 1's Shadow Well, and Wizard 2 is within 50' of the Player (30' + 20' move) Wizard 2 moves to within 30' and casts Fear (Will DC 21 or become panicked, otherwise shaken; shaken escalates frightened from Shadow Well to panicked). If none of the above are satisfied, and the Player has escaped from Illusion 1, Wizard 2 casts the following (in order) Enervation, Ray of Exhaustion (Fort DC 20 or be exhausted, fatigued otherwise), Ray of Weakness (ranged touch, no save, reduces speed by 10' and imposes a -2 penalty on attacks), Tasha's Hideous Laughter (Will DC 18 incapacitates for 7 rounds)
Both Wizards hold off on casting until the Player has succeeded in disbelieving Illusion 1.
If Anticipate Teleportation indicates that a caster is teleporting in: Wizard 2 readies an action to cast Arcane Turmoil and Wizard 1 readies an action to cast Bands of Steel. Once the player has teleported in (and the relevant spells have been resolved), the wizards proceed as above.
Ultimately, both Wizards are playing for time. They are not trying to defeat the Player, merely to delay them for long enough that destruction of at least two pillars becomes inevitable.
I'm happy to take any constructive criticism of this scenario.