Author Topic: Homebrew Project Feedback Needed  (Read 1727 times)

Offline captainemberwrath

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Homebrew Project Feedback Needed
« on: November 04, 2013, 01:49:16 AM »
I was referred to these forums by one of your own and he thought it would be a good idea to get some thoughts on a few things I'm homebrewing for a project I'm working on.  I've got a few races made for it, working on some classes but those aren't quite ready for prime time just yet. (Though I am going to need help with them. I'm horrible at coming up with mechanics for things and I'm really trying to learn how to do so. I started with races because I thought I could work my way up)

EDIT: If this isn't the right place for this I apologize. I'm still new to the forums and I'm learning my way around. The project in question is a campaign setting that I plan on self publishing just to answer any questions.

So if you guys wouldn't mind taking a look and giving me some feedback here's the first of the races I came up with. (These are all using the Pathfinder rules as that is the system I play and run)


Fetch (humanoid, partial construct, half plant fey): There are times when one of the Fey takes an interest in a human baby and they decide to steal away with it, the reasons for this depend on the Court and can range from benevolent to sadistic. Usually when one of the Fey steals a human infant they leave a Changeling in its place. However if the Fey is feeling particularly nasty (as can happen with the Unseelie Court) or if the Fey simply does not have a Fey infant with her she will leave a Fetch in it's place.  (Note: It should be noted that Herne the Hunter has strictly forbidden the practice of stealing children within his lands. Any member of the Hunt caught in violation of this is subject to immediate prey status and is hunted by Herne and, interestingly enough, the Right Hand of Hell himself, Hellequin)

A Fetch is a partial construct, made mostly of rags, hay and mud; with a bit of blood to form an outer layer of skin to create an illusion of true life to fool humans into thinking the baby is real. The Fey brings the Fetch to life with a specially prepared spell and swaps it with the infant secretly fully intending for the Fetch to die in a matter of days and for none to be the wiser.

Sometimes, however, the Fetch lives and grows into adulthood. Knowing innately what it is, and depending on how it was treated as it was raised, the Fetch may decide to live its life in solitude once is “parents” have died, or it may run off early into the deep wilds if severely mistreated . A few take a chance and become adventurers, determined to find a place in the world of mortals, having been forced to be a part of it by their Fey creators.

They are intrigued by the mortal faiths, and many seek out meaning in their existence or try to find a Divine connection to the gods, having been long abandoned by the Fey that created them. Those mortals that know about the Fetch often wonder if they even have souls as they cannot be raised from the dead by any known means. (Note: A Fetch technically has no gender but generally assumes the gender identity of how they are raised, though they really have no concept of sexuality)

Appearance: A Fetch tends to look almost human and can be easily mistaken for one at a glance, or by those who don't know what to look for. Their skin tends to be slightly duller than normal for a human and may sag ever so slightly from time to time, requiring adjustment. Their hair and eye color run the human range, though occasionally one will be created with violet eyes. (1-100) . Without their skin they appear as walking scarecrows, dressed in tattered rages and pieces of cloth with two brightly colored gems for eyes. General appearance can vary wildly but the materials are always the same: straw, plants, mud and rags.    

Note: True Fey recognize a Fetch on sight, through any disguise, due to their connection to Fey magic. (note there is no save on this. It's a weakness of the race, though how the Fey react to discovering their creation is alive is dependent on the Court. A Seelie Court Fey is more likely to take at least a passing interest in their creation's life, if only to see what beauty they have created, The Unseelie are much less likely to care and more likely to be angered that their creature didn't die. It is the especially unlucky Fetch whose Unseelie creator delights in her creation's life and takes active interest to see what chaos might be caused)

   Low Light Vision (residual fey magic)
   Eat, breathe; sleep to regain spells & beneficial effects (a Fetch CAN sleep but does not need to    for survival)
   Partial Construct Traits
   Half Plant Traits
   Cannot be raised or resurrected
   immune to poison and disease (unless it also affects plants)
   immune to sleep effects, stunning, paralysis
   A Fetch has the full range of human emotions
   A Fetch can be affected by mind affecting spells and enchantments, including phantasms and    illusions. (Note: a polymorphed Fetch cannot be raised or resurrected, they are vulnerable to    mind affecting effects because the Fey are not likely to create a creature that they cannot control    if something goes wrong)

   Med Size
   Normal Speed
   -2 Int, +2 Dex, +2 Wis (While quick on their feet and seeking their place with the divine     the Fetch is slightly less intelligent than the average human as much of their initial knowledge is    grafted in through magic.-essentially they are “born” knowing what they are, who they are    supposed to be pretending to be, and what they're parents are, for example: farmers,    craftsmen,etc)
   Languages: Common, (choose one of the two Fey Court languages:  Soel: Language of the Seelie    Court, Gesoelig: Language of the Unseelie Court, Note: the Wyld Hunt does not practice the abduction    of human children), Elven, Dwarven, Gnome, Halfling, Goblin
   Skill Bonus: Flexible :+2 Escape Artist (made of straw)
   Tree Speech (strange by product of being made mostly of plants and animated by Fey magic)
   Good Berry 1/day
   Elemental Vulnerability: Fire
   Special: Falling Damage Lessened: Due to being made of straw, plants , and lightweight materials the    Fetch is somewhat resistant to falling damage. When falling more than ten feet reduce the amount    of dice rolled    by 1D6.
Special: Fear of Fire: The Fetch all have an innate fear of fire. When a Fetch is dealt damage by fire    (magical  or nonmagical) they must make a Will save with a DC equal to the damage dealt. If the Fetch    fails it is shaken for 1d4 rounds. If the Fetch is damaged by fire again during this time it must make a     second Will save DC equal to the new damage dealt + 3 or become frightened for 2d6 rounds. If the    Fetch takes fire damage again during the frightened stage they must make a third Will save DC equal to    the damage dealt + 5 or become panicked for 2d8 rounds. (a roll of Natural 1 at this stage causes the    Fetch to pass out from fear)
Fetches try to avoid places of intense heat  or flame. As this can invoke their fear. If entering places    like a volcano, the Plane of Fire, or any place where there is rampant fire the Fetch must make a Will    save every hour starting at DC 15 with a cumulative +5 modifier or become shaken, frightened and then    panicked. (Note: “rampant fire” for this purpose means places like a burning building, the plane of fire,    certain layers of the Abyss or Hell, any place where fire is dominant. It does not mean a room full of     candles, a fireplace or a campfire, or any everyday occurance. Don't be a jerk)
   Skin: The outer skin that covers a Fetch is what hides its true form from other humans, but it is not    extremely durable. In combat situations if the Fetch takes more than half it's hit points in damage the    skin is     destroyed. The skin will regenerate over night (sundown to sunrise). It is theorized that this is    due to their connection to Fey magic and the waxing and waning of the    seasons rising and setting    of the sun and moon as representing birth, death and rebirth.   (Despite    not being dead a    Restore Corpse spell, when cast by a Druid, will regenerate the skin immediately. Conversely the    opposing spell will strip the skin from a Fetch with the proper    Fortitude save)

   Favored Class: Druid (Interestingly enough a Fetch has an innate connection with nature that    makes them    ideal candidates for becoming Druids. They don't see themselves as worshiping    nature so much  as asking of it to do things) They cannot be Clerics, Inquisitors or Paladins    (anything that requires a god or goddess as none have adopted the Fetch as a people as yet. It is    also due to the unknown status of whether or not they have souls; Oracles are an    exception as    they do not necessarily require a godly patron)

“gender”      Base Height:      Base Weight      Modifer   Weight Mulitplier
“male”         4'10”         100lbs         2d8         x3
“female”      4'5”         75lbs         2d8         x3

Maximum Age: 80 + 2d20 years (there are rumors of Fetches that have lived longer, but none have ever been found)

« Last Edit: November 04, 2013, 02:22:54 AM by captainemberwrath »

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Re: Homebrew Project Feedback Needed
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2013, 12:05:33 PM »
Adding some formatting will make it much more likely for people to comment. Luckily, there is a template you can use to save some time. In the right-hand-most drop-down menu, you can select "[DnD 3.5] Race" (I'm guessing that PF uses the same general layout as 3.5). Note that there are Base Class and PrC templates in there as well, when you get to that point.