Author Topic: Warmage Redux  (Read 7099 times)

Offline bhu

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Warmage Redux
« on: November 16, 2013, 05:40:29 PM »
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« Last Edit: April 19, 2015, 02:17:33 AM by bhu »

Offline bhu

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Re: Warmage Redux
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2013, 05:40:57 PM »

Quote of Some Kind by a member of the class!

 War has become an unfortunate necessity.  So long as there are people and nations, there will always be war.  Wizards are of course a necessary component of wars, as their magical powers place them in a position to easily turn the tide of battle (or eliminate it's need entirely).  But Wizards have goals of their own, and most do not feel any attachment to nations of political ideologies, and getting them to turn away from their studies to muddle in the affairs of mundanes is difficult (and sometimes dangerously unpredictable). 

Enter the Warmage.  Trained from birth in the military application of magics, and steeped in nationalism, they are a much sought after resource.  In some ways they are a double edged sword, as they are prone to political fanaticism, and swayed easily enough by demagogues.  Many a nation has used Warmages to destroy an evil foe, only to find that their savior is just as evil, but in a different way.

 Quick generalization of what you should focus on when making the class.
 Abilities: Charisma is your number one priority.  Dexterity and Constitution will also come in handy for keeping you alive until you learn Transformation to boost your Abilities.
 Races: The humans were the first to train Warmages, and the bulk of them are still found among humanity.  Part of this is due to the colleges that train Warmages are so steeped in political ideology that they do not find anyone who is not like them acceptable.  Non-humans are always under suspicion, and it is no better elsewhere.  Dwarven schools prefer only Dwarven candidates for example.  Not all schools are this rigid, but they prove difficult to find.
 Alignment: Any Alignment can be found, but True Neutral is very rare given the Warmages tendencies to be wedded to whatever nation, ideology or cause trained them from childhood.
 Starting Gold: Same as Cleric.
 Starting Age: Same as Sorcerer.

Class Skills
 The Warmage's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Intimdate (Cha), Knowledge (Arcana, History)(Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Skills Per Day at 1st Level : (4 + int)x4
Skills Per Day at Each Additional Level : 4 + int

Hit Dice: d6

Code: [Select]
[b]   BAB  Fort    Ref    Will  Abilities[/b]
1. +0    +0     +0     +2    Elicitations, Bonus Effect
2. +1    +0     +0     +3    Modifier
3. +2    +1     +1     +3    Bonus Effect
4. +3    +1     +1     +4    Modifier
5. +3    +1     +1     +4    Elicitations
6. +4    +2     +2     +5    Bonus Effect
7. +5    +2     +2     +5    Modifier
8. +6    +2     +2     +6    Bonus Effect
9. +6    +3     +3     +6    Modifier
10.+7    +3     +3     +7    Elicitations
11.+8    +3     +3     +7    Bonus Effect
12.+9    +4     +4     +8    Modifier
13.+9    +4     +4     +8    Bonus Effect
14.+10   +4     +4     +9    Modifier
15.+11   +5     +5     +9    Elicitations
16.+12   +5     +5     +10   Bonus Effect
17.+12   +5     +5     +10    Modifier
18.+13   +6     +6     +11    Bonus Effect
19.+14   +6     +6     +11    Modifier
20.+15   +6     +6     +12   Elicitations

Weapon Proficiencies: Warmages are proficient with Simple Weapons and Light and Medium Armor.  They are also proficient with Light Shields.

Elicitations (Sp): Elicitations are Spell-Like Abilities the Warmage has practiced daily, to the point he can cast them at will.  He begins with the Blast Elicitation, and gains another one at Levels 5, 10, 15, and 20.  The Effective Spell Level of an Elicitation depends on the characters Level.  From 1st-3rd Level Elicitations are the equivalent of a 1st Level spell.  From 4th-5th Level they are the equivalent of a 2nd Level Spell.  From 6th-7th Level they are the equivalent of a 3rd Level Spell.  From 8th-9th Level they are the equivalent of a 4th Level Spell.  From 10th-11th Level they are the equivalent of a 5th Level Spell.  From 12th-13th Level they are the equivalent of a 6th Level Spell.  From 14th-15th Level they are the equivalent of a 7th Level Spell.  From 16th-17th Level they are the equivalent of a 8th Level Spell.  From 18th-20th Level they are the equivalent of a 9th Level Spell.  The Save DC if required is 10 plus the equivalent spell Level plus your Charisma Modifier.  Note that though they are Spell-Like Abilities, Elicitations do not qualify for Feats that affect SLA's, such as Maximize Spell-Like Ability.

Bonus Effect (Su): At Levels 1, 3, 6, 8, 11, 13, 16, and 18 the Warmage may choose a new Bonus Effect whose prerequisites he meets.  Each time he uses an Elicitation he may choose to add a Bonus Effect.  If the opponent fails the Save (if any) against the Elicitation he suffers an additional effect specified in the Bonus effect.  Only one Bonus effect may be applied to an Elicitation per round.  If the Elicitation does not require a Save then the opponent must make a Saving Throw against the Bonus Effect if one is required.  The Save DC is 10 plus the equivalent spell Level of your Elicitation plus your Charisma Modifier.  The amount of time the Bonus Effect lasts depends on the Elicitations effective caster level: 1st-5th: 1 round, 6th-10th: 1d4 rounds, 11th-15th: 2d4 rounds, 16-20th: lasts the duration of the encounter.

Modifier (Su): At Levels 2, 4, 7, 9, 12, 14, 17, and 19 the Warmage  may choose a new Modifier whose prerequisites he meets.   Modifiers for Elicitations are similar to Metamagic Feats for Spells.  They modify the Elicitation in some way.  Only one Modifier may be applied to an Elicitation per round.
 Brief description on how to play the class you are designing.
 Religion: Religion among Warmages varies heavily, and they generally adhere to the Gods of whatever Nation or species they belong to.  If they belong to a political rebellion or other group that lacks power (but hopes to overthrow the current regime), they worship whatever the official deity is.
 Other Classes: Warmages gt along with people based less on what their class is, and more on whatever their ideals are.  They respect military classes and caster the most, but that depends much on whether or not that person shares the same religion, politics, and ideals.  Warmages are not inclusive or tolerant of people with opposing viewpoints.
 Combat: Here's a section where you will describe common combat methods for your class. Remember to include information on how your class will use his powers in combat.
 Advancement: This is a section on different options and paths that the class can go down when they advance in power.

A quote of somebody else talking about your class!
 A brief description of how your class is persevered in the world and how he interacts with the world.
 Daily Life: Some general information about the typical day in the life of your class.
 Organizations: All Warmages belong to an Organization.  The schools training them are paid for by countries, political factions, churches, or wealthy patrons, all of whom are an organization of some sort.  But they do not stray from these groups without threat of penalty, nor do they join multiple groups.

NPC Reaction
 You're a powerful spellcaster, trained specifically in the art of killing, and who possibly has a rabid addiction to some ideology or world view.  In short, at best you make people nervous.  The worst among you are known for explosive displays of temper, and it has become a bad stereotype of your kind that you are little more than brainwashed fanatics.

 This is a good place to provide a quick note on how your class will effect game play statistically.
 Adaptation: This is a place where you put in detail how people can adapt your class into their campaign setting.
 Encounters: This is a place to describe what sort of encounters PC's will have with NPC versions of your class.


Hit Die: d6
Skills Points at Each  Level : 4 + int
Elicitations At Level 25 and every 5 Levels thereafter the Warmage gains a new Elicitation.
Bonus Effects At Level 22 and every 2 Levels thereafter the Warmage gains a new Bonus Effect.
Modifiers At Level 23 and every 2 Levels thereafter the Warmage gains a new Modifier.
Bonus Feats: The Epic Warmage gains a Bonus Feat every 4 levels higher than 20th
« Last Edit: August 02, 2015, 03:59:36 AM by bhu »

Offline bhu

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Re: Warmage Redux
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2013, 06:27:51 PM »

Please note that all Elicitations are Spell-Like Abilities.  They do not have components

Evocation or Conjuration (see text)
Casting Time: 1 Standard Acton
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: 1 Creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Choose one Saving Throw (Fort, Ref, or Will) when you gain this Elicitation, opponents are allowed that Save for half damage
Spell Resistance: Yes

A Blast is a ranged attack doing 1d6 energy damage per Caster Level.  The Warmage may choose Acid, Bludgeoning, Cold, Fire, Electricity, Non-lethal, Piercing, Slashing or Sonic damage when using this Elicitation (he will gain more options later). Beginning at 4th Level the Blast Elicitations range extends to Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level).  Beginning at 6th Level the Blast Elicitations range extends to Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level).  If this does energy damage the elicitation gains the appropriate energy descriptor.

Evocation or Conjuration (see text)
Casting Time: 1 Standard Acton
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Area: Cloud spreads in 20-ft. radius, 20 ft. high
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: Choose one Saving Throw (Fort, Ref, or Will) when you gain this Elicitation, opponents are allowed that Save to negate
Spell Resistance: Yes

A bank of fog/smoke billows out from the point you designate. The fog obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature within 5 feet has concealment (attacks have a 20% miss chance). Creatures farther away have total concealment (50% miss chance, and the attacker can't use sight to locate the target).

A moderate wind (11+ mph) disperses the fog in 4 rounds; a strong wind (21+ mph) disperses the fog in 1 round.

The elicitation does not function underwater.  Beginning at 4th Level the Cloud Elicitations range extends to Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level).  Bonus Effects applied to a Cloud Elicitation last for as long as an opponent remains within the cloud.  At 4th Level it also lasts for 1 round after they exit the Cloud (this increases to 1d4 rounds at Level 8).

Casting Time: 1 Standard Acton
Range: Touch
Target: 1 Creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Choose one Saving Throw (Fort, Ref, or Will) when you gain this Elicitation, opponents are allowed that Save for partial effect
Spell Resistance: Yes

When you touch an opponent he takes 1d6 negative energy damage per caster level (Max d6 is equal to caster level), and select Bonus Effects are more powerful when used with this elicitation (See Bonus Effects below).

Illusion (Phantasm)(Mind-Affecting)
Casting Time: 1 Standard Acton (but see text)
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) (but see text)
Target: 1 Creature (but see text)
Duration: Instantaneous (but see text)
Saving Throw: Will Negates (but see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes (but see text)

At first Level the effects of this Elicitation are the same as the Phantom Threat spell.

At 4th Level you may instead duplicate the effects of a Phantom Foe spell.

At 6th Level you may instead duplicate the effects of a Phantasmal Strangler spell.

At 8th Level you may instead duplicate the effects of a Phantasmal Killer spell.

At 18th Level you may instead duplicate the effects of a Weird spell.

Shroud (Prerequisite: Must be 8th Level Warmage)
Evocation (see text)
Casting Time: 1 Standard Acton
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round/level (D)

A Shroud covers the Warmage in a field of energy or debris, and any opponent attacking him in melee takes 1d6 damage plus 1 per Caster Level (Maximum is +20).  If the attacker has Spell Resistance it applies to this effect.  The Warmage may choose Acid, Bludgeoning, Cold, Fire, Electricity, Non-lethal, Piercing, Slashing or Sonic damage initially.  Creatures wielding weapons with exceptional reach are not subject to this damage if they attack you.  In addition you only take half damage from attacks doing the same type of damage your Shroud does.

At 10th Level duration increases to 1 Minute per Level, and it now effects anyone adjacent to you. (Adjacent opponents now get a Save for half damage.  Choose which Save they will use when making this Elicitation). 

At 12th Level the area is a 20 foot emanation centered on you.  Damage increases to 1d6 per caster level (maximum of 15d6).  It also provides Cover for attacks made through it.

Transform Self
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round/level

Transform Self can be used to create a variety of effects, and you can have a maximum number of Transform Self elicitatios cast upon yourself at any one time equal to your Charisma Modifier (each must be used for a different effect, this Elicitation does not stack with itself).  At 1st Level you can choose one of the following:

Increase your Natural Armor Bonus by +2
Increase/Decrease your Size Category by 1
+4 Enhancement Bonus on any 1 Str or Dex based Skill
+1 Enhancement Bonus on Attack and Damage rolls

At 4th Level you can choose from the following: +4 Enhancement Bonus to either Str, Dex or Con

At 6th Level you can choose from the following: Increase your Natural Armor Bonus by +4
+8 Enhancement Bonus on any 1 Str or Dex based Skill
+4 Enhancement Bonus on any 2 Str or Dex based Skills
+2 Enhancement Bonus on Attack and Damage rolls
Energy Resistance 5 (any one type)
DR 2/Adamantine

At 8th Level you can choose from the following: Increase/Decrease your Size Category by 2
+8 Enhancement Bonus to either Str, Dex or Con
+4 Enhancement Bonus to either Str, Dex or Con (choose two)
Energy Resistance 5 (any two types)
DR 4/Adamantine

At 10th Level you can choose from the following: Increase your Natural Armor Bonus by +8
+12 Enhancement Bonus on any 1 Str or Dex based Skill
+6 Enhancement Bonus on any 2 Str or Dex based Skills
+4 Enhancement Bonus to Str, Dex and Con
DR 6/Adamantine
+4 Enhancement Bonus to Dex, +4 Dodge  Bonus to AC, +4 Enhancement Bonus to Reflex Saves
+4 Enhancement Bonus to Con, +4 Natural Bonus to AC, +4 Enhancement Bonus to Fortitude Saves

At 12th Level you can choose from the following: +3 Enhancement Bonus on Attack and Damage rolls
+12 Enhancement Bonus to either Str, Dex or Con
+6 Enhancement Bonus to either Str, Dex or Con (choose two)
Energy Resistance 10 (any one type)
DR 8/Adamantine

At 14th Level you can choose from the following: Increase your Natural Armor Bonus by +12
+16 Enhancement Bonus on any 1 Str or Dex based Skill
+8 Enhancement Bonus on any 2 Str or Dex based Skills
Increase/Decrease your Size Category by 3
+16 Enhancement Bonus to either Str, Dex or Con
+8 Enhancement Bonus to either Str, Dex or Con (choose two)
+6 Enhancement Bonus to Str, Dex and Con
Energy Resistance 10 (any two types)
DR 10/Adamantine
+6 Enhancement Bonus to Dex, +6 Dodge  Bonus to AC, +6 Enhancement Bonus to Reflex Saves
+6 Enhancement Bonus to Con, +6 Natural Bonus to AC, +6 Enhancement Bonus to Fortitude Saves

At 16th Level you can choose from the following: +4 Enhancement Bonus on Attack and Damage rolls
+8 Enhancement Bonus to Str, Dex and Con
DR 12/Adamantine
+4 Enhancement Bonus to Str, Dex, and Con, a +4 Natural Armor bonus to AC, a +4 Enhancement bonus on Fortitude saves

At 18th Level you can choose from the following: Increase your Natural Armor Bonus by +16
+20 Enhancement Bonus on any 1 Str or Dex based Skill
+10 Enhancement Bonus on any 2 Str or Dex based Skills
+4 Enhancement Bonus on Attack and Damage rolls
+20 Enhancement Bonus to either Str, Dex or Con
+10 Enhancement Bonus to either Str, Dex or Con (choose two)
Energy Resistance 20 (any one type)
DR 14/Adamantine

At 20th Level you can choose from the following: Increase/Decrease your Size Category by 4
+5 Enhancement Bonus on Attack and Damage rolls
+10 Enhancement Bonus to Str, Dex and Con
Energy Resistance 20 (any two types)
DR 16/Adamantine
+10 Enhancement Bonus to Dex, +10 Dodge  Bonus to AC, +10 Enhancement Bonus to Reflex Saves
+10 Enhancement Bonus to Con, +10 Natural Bonus to AC, +10 Enhancement Bonus to Fortitude Saves
+6 Enhancement Bonus to Str, Dex, and Con, a +6 Natural Armor bonus to AC, a +6 Enhancement bonus on Fortitude saves

At 20th Level duration lasts for 1 Minute/Level.

Transform Weapon
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Touch
Target: One weapon/level touched
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Choose one Saving Throw to negate (harmless, object)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless, object)

Transform Weapon temporarily imbues a weapon with magical power.  The options available to you depend on what equivalent spell level the elicitation is, and you may only choose 1 each time you use this elicitation.  When this elicitation is the equivalent of a 1st Level spell you may choose one of the following effects: It becomes a magic weapon with a Bonus Level equal to your (Warmage Level divided by 5, round up), it can become a specific material for purposes of overcoming damage reduction, or you can change it to any weapon of another type.

At 4th Level you gain the following options: it can become a specific Alignment for purposes of overcoming damage reduction, or you can temporarily give it any special ability equivalent to a market price of a +1 weapon or 10,000 GP.
At 8th Level you gain the following options: you can temporarily give it any special ability equivalent to a market price of a +3 weapon or 70,000 GP.

At 5th Level the duration of this elicitation increases to 1 Minute/Level.

At 12th Level you gain the following options: you can temporarily give it any special ability equivalent to a market price of a +5 weapon or 200,000 GP.

Transform Weapon does not stack with itself.

Trap   (Prerequisite: Must be 8th Level Warmage)
Casting Time: 10 Minutes
Range: Touch
Target: Object Touched
Duration: Permanent until discharged (D)
Saving Throw: Choose one Saving Throw (Fort, Ref, or Will) when you gain this Elicitation, opponents are allowed that Save for half damage
Spell Resistance: Yes

Trap creates an explosion when an intruder opens the item that the trap protects. A Trap can ward any object that can be opened and closed (book, box, bottle, chest, coffer, coffin, door, drawer, and so forth).

When eliciting Trap, you select a point on the object as the elicitation's center. When someone other than you opens the object, an explosion fills the area within a 5-foot radius around the spell's center. The explosion deals 1d4 points of damage +1 point per caster level (maximum +20). The item protected by the Trap is not harmed by this explosion.  Damage may be Acid, Bludgeoning, Cold, Fire, Electricity, Non-lethal, Piercing, Slashing or Sonic damage initially.

A Trapped item cannot have a second closure or warding spell or elicitation placed on it.

A knock spell does not bypass a Trap. An unsuccessful dispel magic spell does not detonate the elicitation.

You can use the Trapped object without discharging it, as can any individual to whom the object was specifically attuned when elicited. Attuning a Trapped object to an individual usually involves setting a password that you can share with friends.

Note: Magic traps such as Trap are hard to detect and disable. A rogue (only) can use the Search skill to find a Trap and Disable Device to thwart it. The DC in each case is 25 + effective spell level.  If the Trap does energy damage the elicitation gains the appropriate descriptor.

At 9th Level you may Trap ANY object, or one 5 ft. square per level.  Damage increases to 1d8 per Level (max 5d8).  You set the conditions of the Trap. Typically, any creature entering the Trapped area or opening the Trapped object without speaking a password (which you set when casting the spell) is subject to the magic it stores. Alternatively or in addition to a password trigger, Traps can be set according to physical characteristics (such as height or weight) or creature type, subtype, or kind (such as aberration, drow, or red dragon). Traps can also be set with respect to good, evil, law, or chaos, or to pass those of your religion. They cannot be set according to class, Hit Dice, or level. Traps respond to invisible creatures normally but are not triggered by those who travel past them ethereally. Multiple Traps cannot be cast on the same area. However, if a cabinet has three drawers, each can be separately Trapped.

At 11th Level damage cap increases to a maximum of 10d8, and the explosion is a 20 ft. burst.

At 18th Level damage cap increases to a maximum of 30d8.

Wall of Death (Prerequisite: Must be 8th Level Warmage)
Conjuration (Creation)
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect: Opaque wall up to 20 ft. long/level or a ring with a radius of up to 5 ft. per two levels; either form 20 ft. high
Duration: 1 Minute/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

This elicitation creates a wall doing 2d4 points of damage to creatures within 10 feet and 1d4 points of damage to those past 10 feet but within 20 feet.  The Warmage may choose Acid, Bludgeoning, Cold, Fire, Electricity, Non-lethal, Piercing, Slashing or Sonic damage initially.  The wall deals this damage when it appears and on your turn each round to all creatures in the area. In addition, the wall deals 2d6 points of damage +1 point of damage per caster level (maximum +20) to any creature passing through it.  If you evoke the wall so that it appears where creatures are, each creature takes damage as if passing through the wall.  It also provides Cover for attacks made through it.  If the Wall does energy damage the elicitation gains the appropriate descriptor.

At 12th Level the damage increases to 1d6 per caster level (maximum of 15d6).  Area is now 10 square feet per caster Level. 

Wall of Protection   (Prerequisite: Must be 8th Level Warmage)
Conjuration (Creation)
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level).
Effect: Opaque wall up to 5 ft. square/level
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

This elicitation creates a wall of rock that merges into adjoining rock surfaces. It is typically employed to close passages, portals, and breaches against opponents. The wall is 1 inch thick per four caster levels and composed of up to one 5-foot square per level. You can double the wall's area by halving its thickness. The wall cannot be conjured so that it occupies the same space as a creature or another object.

You can create a wall in almost any shape you desire. The wall created need not be vertical, nor rest upon any firm foundation; however, it must merge with and be solidly supported by existing stone. It can be used to bridge a chasm, for instance, or as a ramp. For this use, if the span is more than 20 feet, the wall must be arched and buttressed. This requirement reduces the spell's area by half. Thus, a 20th-level caster can create span with a surface area of ten 5-foot squares. The wall can be crudely shaped to allow crenellations, battlements, and so forth by likewise reducing the area.

Like any other stone wall, this one can be destroyed by a disintegrate spell or by normal means such as breaking and chipping. Each 5-foot square of the wall has 15 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 8. A section of wall whose hit points drop to 0 is breached. If a creature tries to break through the wall with a single attack, the DC for the Strength check is 20 + 2 per inch of thickness.

It is possible, but difficult, to trap mobile opponents within or under a wall of stone, provided the wall is shaped so it can hold the creatures. Creatures can avoid entrapment with successful Reflex saves.  The wall provides Total Concealment to those behind it.   

At 12th Level the wall now has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 10 and to break through the wall requires a Strength Check of DC 25 + 2 per inch of thickness, or it can produce an effect identical to a Wall of Force spell (in which case it gains the Force descriptor).
« Last Edit: April 05, 2017, 07:50:08 PM by bhu »

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Re: Warmage Redux
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2013, 08:15:45 PM »

Please note that the Save listed is only necessary if the Elicitation the Bonus Effect is applied to requires no Save.  If the Elicitation allows a Saving Throw for a partial effect (or negation), then the Bonus Effect uses that Saving Throw.

Blinded (Prerequisite: Must know Weakening) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Blinded.

Checked If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Checked.

Dazed (Prerequisite: Must know Immobilized) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Dazed.

Deafened (Prerequisite: Must know Weakening) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Deafened.

Disabled (Prerequisite: Must know Immobilized) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Disabled, regardless of his current hit point level.  Unlike normal, the victim doesn't risk further damage unless he subsequently drops to 0 hp or less while Disabled. 

Entangled If the victim fails a Reflex Save he is Entangled.

Flat-Footed (Prerequisite: Must know Immobilized) If the victim fails a Reflex Save he is Flat-footed. 

Immobilized (Prerequisite: Must know Entangled) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Immobilized.

Lingering If the victim is damaged this round, he takes an additional 1d6 damage of the same type next round.

Knockdown If the victim fails a Reflex Save he is Knocked Prone.
Nauseated (Prerequisite: Must know Sickened) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Nauseated. 

Paralyzed (Prerequisite: Must know Immobilized) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he is Paralyzed. 

Sickened (Prerequisite: Must know Weakening) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Sickened.

Stunned (Prerequisite: Must know Dazed) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Stunned.   

Weakening (Prerequisite: Must know the Curse Elicitation) If the victim fails a Reflex Save he takes a -2 Penalty to one of the following: Attack rolls, Damage rolls, or Armor Class.  This Bonus Effect can be chosen multiple times.

Wounding If damaged by a Wounding elicitation, on each subsequent round, the victim loses 1 hit point at the beginning of your turn. The continuing hit point loss can be stopped with a Heal check (DC equal to the elictation's save DC, or the save DC it would otherwise have in the case of an elicitation with no save), a cure spell, or a heal spell.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2015, 11:35:54 PM by bhu »

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Re: Warmage Redux
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2013, 08:30:37 PM »

Please note that the Save listed is only necessary if the Elicitation the Bonus Effect is applied to requires no Save.  If the Elicitation allows a Saving Throw for a partial effect (or negation), then the Bonus Effect uses that Saving Throw.

(Ability) Damage (Prerequisite: Must know the Curse elicitation) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he takes 2 points of temporary Ability damage from the stat chosen when you originally receive this Bonus Effect.   This Bonus Effect may be taken multiple times, once for each of the 6 Ability scores. 

(Ability) Drain (Prerequisite: Must know Ability Damage) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he takes 2 points of Ability Drain from the stat chosen when you originally receive this Bonus Effect.   This Bonus Effect may be taken multiple times, once for each of the 6 Ability scores. 

Blinded (Prerequisite: Must know Weakening) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Blinded.

Confused (Prerequisite: Must know the Phantasm Elicitation) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he is Confused.

Dazed (Prerequisite: Must know Immobilized) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Dazed.

Debilitating (Prerequisite: Must know the Curse Elicitation) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he takes a -2 Penalty to the Saving Throw chosen when you originally receive this Bonus Effect.   This Bonus Effect may be taken multiple times, once for each of the 3 Saving Throws. 

Disabled (Prerequisite: Must know Immobilized) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Disabled, regardless of his current hit point level.  Unlike normal, the victim doesn't risk further damage unless he subsequently drops to 0 hp or less while Disabled.  Prerequisites:

Disruption (Prerequisite: Must know the Curse Elicitation) If the victim fails a Willpower Save the Save DC of one of his Abilities is reduced by 2 (you may choose from Exceptional, Spell-Like or Supernatural Abilities).  This Bonus Effect may be chosen multiple times, once for each type of Ability. 

Energy Drained (Prerequisite: Must know Ability Drain) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he gains 1 Negative Level. 

Entangled If the victim fails a Reflex Save he is Entangled.

Exhausted (Prerequisite: Must know Fatigued) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Exhausted. 

Fatigued (Prerequisite: Must know Ability Damage) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Fatigued.

Flat-Footed (Prerequisite: Must know Immobilized) If the victim fails a Reflex Save he is Flat-footed. 
Frightened (Prerequisite: Must know Shaken) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he is Frightened.

Immobilized (Prerequisite: Must know Entangled) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Immobilized.
Nauseated (Prerequisite: Must know Sickened) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Nauseated. 

Panicked (Prerequisite: Must know Frightened) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he is Panicked. 

Paralyzed (Prerequisite: Must know Immobilized) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he is Paralyzed.  Prerequisites:

Shaken (Prerequisite: Must know the Curse or Phantasm Elicitation) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he is Shaken.

Sickened (Prerequisite: Must know Weakening) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Sickened.

Stunned (Prerequisite: Must know Dazed) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Stunned. 
Weakening (Prerequisite: Must know the Curse Elicitation) If the victim fails a Reflex Save he takes a -2 Penalty to one of the following: Attack rolls, Damage rolls, or Armor Class.  This Bonus Effect can be chosen multiple times.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2015, 10:25:06 PM by bhu »

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Re: Warmage Redux
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2015, 06:00:17 PM »

Please note that the Save listed is only necessary if the Elicitation the Bonus Effect is applied to requires no Save.  If the Elicitation allows a Saving Throw for a partial effect (or negation), then the Bonus Effect uses that Saving Throw.

(Ability) Damage If the victim fails a Willpower Save he takes 3 points of temporary Ability damage from the stat chosen when you originally receive this Bonus Effect.   This Bonus Effect may be taken multiple times, once for each of the 6 Ability scores.  This does 5 points of Ability damage at 10th Level and higher.

(Ability) Drain (Prerequisite: Must know Ability Damage) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he takes 33 points of Ability Drain from the stat chosen when you originally receive this Bonus Effect.   This Bonus Effect may be taken multiple times, once for each of the 6 Ability scores.  This does 5 points of Ability Drain at 10th Level and higher.

Animating Any living creature that could normally be raised as a zombie and that does not possess more than double your Hit Dice, when slain outright by an Animating elicitation, rises as a zombie under your control at the beginning of your next action. Even if you kill several creatures with a single elicitation, you can't create more Hit Dice of undead than twice your Warmage level. The standard rules for controlling undead (see animate dead, page 198 of the Player's Handbook) apply to newly created undead gained through this Bonus Effect.  Note that an Elicitation with the Animation effect qualifies as a Necromancy spell for purposes of Corpsecrafter and similar Feats.

Blinded (Prerequisite: Must know Weakening) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Blinded for 1 Minute.  At 10th Level this Bonus Effect lasts for 1 Hour.

Dazed (Prerequisite: Must know Immobilized) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Dazed.  At 10th Level this Bonus Effect lasts for 1 additional round.

Deafened (Prerequisite: Must know Weakening) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Deafened for 1 Minute.  At 10th Level this Bonus Effect lasts for 1 Hour.

Debilitating (Prerequisite: Must know the Curse Elicitation) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he takes a -3 Penalty to the Saving Throw chosen when you originally receive this Bonus Effect.   This Bonus Effect may be taken multiple times, once for each of the 3 Saving Throws.  At 10th Level this Bonus Effect lasts for 1 Minute.

Disabled (Prerequisite: Must know Immobilized) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Disabled, regardless of his current hit point level.  Unlike normal, the victim doesn't risk further damage unless he subsequently drops to 0 hp or less while Disabled.  At 10th Level this Bonus Effect lasts for 1 additional round.

Disruption  If the victim fails a Willpower Save the Save DC of one of his Abilities is reduced by 3 (you may choose from Exceptional, Spell-Like or Supernatural Abilities).  This Bonus Effect may be chosen multiple times, once for each type of Ability.  At 10th Level this Bonus Effect lasts for 1 Minute.

Energy Drained (Prerequisite: Must know Ability Drain) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he gains 1 Negative Level.  At 10th Level this Bonus Effect lasts for 1 Minute.

Exhausted (Prerequisite: Must know Fatigued) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Exhausted.  At 10th Level this Bonus Effect lasts for 1 Minute.

Fatigued (Prerequisite: Must know Ability Damage) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Fatigued.  At 10th Level this Bonus Effect lasts for 1 Minute.

Flat-Footed (Prerequisite: Must know Immobilized) If the victim fails a Reflex Save he is Flat-footed.  At 10th Level this Bonus Effect lasts for 1 additional round.
Frightened (Prerequisite: Must know Shaken) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he is Frightened.  At 10th Level this Bonus Effect lasts for 1 Minute.

Immobilized (Prerequisite: Must know Entangled) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Immobilized.  At 10th Level this Bonus Effect lasts for 1 Minute.
Lingering If the victim is damaged this round, he takes an additional 2d6 damage of the same type next round.

Nauseated (Prerequisite: Must know Sickened) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Nauseated.  At 10th Level this Bonus Effect lasts for 1 additional round.

Panicked (Prerequisite: Must know Frightened) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he is Panicked.  At 10th Level this Bonus Effect lasts for 1 Minute.

Paralyzed (Prerequisite: Must know Immobilized) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he is Paralyzed.  At 10th Level this Bonus Effect lasts for 1 Minute.

Shaken If the victim fails a Willpower Save he is Shaken.  At 10th Level this Bonus Effect lasts for 1 Minute.

Sickened (Prerequisite: Must know Weakening) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Sickened.  At 10th Level this Bonus Effect lasts for 1 Minute.

Stunned (Prerequisite: Must know Dazed) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Stunned.  At 10th Level this Bonus Effect lasts for 1 additional round.

Turned If the victim is undead and fails a Willpower Save he is Turned, as per Turn Undead.  Victims do not take damage or other effects like normal, but they still flee or cower.  At 10th Level this Bonus Effect lasts for 1 Minute.

Weakening If the victim fails a Reflex Save he takes a -3 Penalty to one of the following: Attack rolls, Damage rolls, or Armor Class.  This Bonus Effect can be chosen multiple times.  At 10th Level this Bonus Effect lasts for 1 Minute.

Wounding If damaged by a Wounding elicitation, on each subsequent round, the victim loses 2 hit points at the beginning of your turn. The continuing hit point loss can be stopped with a Heal check (DC equal to the elictation's save DC, or the save DC it would otherwise have in the case of an elicitation with no save), a cure spell, or a heal spell.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2016, 12:14:11 AM by bhu »

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Re: Warmage Redux
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2015, 06:02:04 PM »

Please note that the Save listed is only necessary if the Elicitation the Bonus Effect is applied to requires no Save.  If the Elicitation allows a Saving Throw for a partial effect (or negation), then the Bonus Effect uses that Saving Throw.. 

Blinded (Prerequisite: Must know Weakening) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Blinded.

Confused If the victim fails a Willpower Save he is Confused.

Deafened (Prerequisite: Must know Weakening) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Deafened.   

Fascinated If the victim fails a Willpower Save he is Fascinated.
Frightened (Prerequisite: Must know Shaken) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he is Frightened. 

Panicked (Prerequisite: Must know Frightened) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he is Panicked.   

Weakening (Prerequisite: Must know the Curse Elicitation) If the victim fails a Reflex Save he takes a -2 Penalty to one of the following: Attack rolls, Damage rolls, or Armor Class.  This Bonus Effect can be chosen multiple times.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2015, 10:33:03 PM by bhu »

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Re: Warmage Redux
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2015, 06:03:26 PM »

Please note that the Save listed is only necessary if the Elicitation the Bonus Effect is applied to requires no Save.  If the Elicitation allows a Saving Throw for a partial effect (or negation), then the Bonus Effect uses that Saving Throw.

(Ability) Damage (Prerequisite: Must know the Curse elicitation) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he takes 2 points of temporary Ability damage from the stat chosen when you originally receive this Bonus Effect.   This Bonus Effect may be taken multiple times, once for each of the 6 Ability scores. 

(Ability) Drain (Prerequisite: Must know Ability Damage) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he takes 2 points of Ability Drain from the stat chosen when you originally receive this Bonus Effect.   This Bonus Effect may be taken multiple times, once for each of the 6 Ability scores. 

Blinded (Prerequisite: Must know Weakening) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Blinded.

Checked If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Checked.

Dazed (Prerequisite: Must know Immobilized) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Dazed.

Deafened (Prerequisite: Must know Weakening) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Deafened.

Debilitating (Prerequisite: Must know the Curse Elicitation) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he takes a -2 Penalty to the Saving Throw chosen when you originally receive this Bonus Effect.   This Bonus Effect may be taken multiple times, once for each of the 3 Saving Throws. 

Disabled (Prerequisite: Must know Immobilized) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Disabled, regardless of his current hit point level.  Unlike normal, the victim doesn't risk further damage unless he subsequently drops to 0 hp or less while Disabled.  Prerequisites:

Disruption (Prerequisite: Must know the Curse Elicitation) If the victim fails a Willpower Save the Save DC of one of his Abilities is reduced by 2 (you may choose from Exceptional, Spell-Like or Supernatural Abilities).  This Bonus Effect may be chosen multiple times, once for each type of Ability. 

Energy Drained (Prerequisite: Must know Ability Drain) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he gains 1 Negative Level. 

Exhausted (Prerequisite: Must know Fatigued) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Exhausted. 

Fatigued (Prerequisite: Must know Ability Damage) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Fatigued.

Flat-Footed (Prerequisite: Must know Immobilized) If the victim fails a Reflex Save he is Flat-footed. 
Frightened (Prerequisite: Must know Shaken) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he is Frightened.

Immobilized (Prerequisite: Must know Entangled) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Immobilized.

Knockdown If the victim fails a Reflex Save he is Knocked Prone.

Lingering If the victim is damaged this round, he takes an additional 1d6 damage of the same type next round.
Nauseated (Prerequisite: Must know Sickened) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Nauseated. 

Panicked (Prerequisite: Must know Frightened) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he is Panicked. 

Paralyzed (Prerequisite: Must know Immobilized) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he is Paralyzed.  Prerequisites:

Shaken (Prerequisite: Must know the Curse or Phantasm Elicitation) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he is Shaken.

Shared A Shared Elicitation may be cast on yourself, or one willing creature (range is touch).

Sickened (Prerequisite: Must know Weakening) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Sickened.

Stunned (Prerequisite: Must know Dazed) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Stunned. 

Turned (Prerequisite: Must know the Curse Elicitation) If the victim is undead and fails a Willpower Save he is Turned, as per Turn Undead.  Victims do not take damage or other effects like normal, but they still flee or cower. 

Weakening (Prerequisite: Must know the Curse Elicitation) If the victim fails a Reflex Save he takes a -2 Penalty to one of the following: Attack rolls, Damage rolls, or Armor Class.  This Bonus Effect can be chosen multiple times.

Wounding If damaged by a Wounding elicitation, on each subsequent round, the victim loses 1 hit point at the beginning of your turn. The continuing hit point loss can be stopped with a Heal check (DC equal to the elictation's save DC, or the save DC it would otherwise have in the case of an elicitation with no save), a cure spell, or a heal spell.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 03:43:08 AM by bhu »

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Re: Warmage Redux
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2015, 06:04:37 PM »
BONUS EFFECTS (Transform Self)

Please note that the Save listed is only necessary if the Elicitation the Bonus Effect is applied to requires no Save.  If the Elicitation allows a Saving Throw for a partial effect (or negation), then the Bonus Effect uses that Saving Throw.

Armored The affected Creatures Damage Reduction increases by (Caster Level divided by 4).  If it has none, an Armored Elicitation gives it DR/Adamantine equal to this amount instead.

Shared A Shared Elicitation may be cast on yourself, or one willing creature (range is touch).

Strengthened The affected creature gains an additional temporary 2 hit points per Caster Level.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 03:42:35 AM by bhu »

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Re: Warmage Redux
« Reply #9 on: May 09, 2015, 06:04:44 PM »
BONUS EFFECTS (Transform Weapon)

Please note that the Save listed is only necessary if the Elicitation the Bonus Effect is applied to requires no Save.  If the Elicitation allows a Saving Throw for a partial effect (or negation), then the Bonus Effect uses that Saving Throw.

Armored The affected Weapons Hardness increases by (Caster Level divided by 4).

Shared A Shared Elicitation may be cast on your own weapon, or that of a willing Ally (range is touch).

Strengthened The affected Weapon gains an additional 2 hit points per Caster Level.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 03:43:50 AM by bhu »

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Re: Warmage Redux
« Reply #10 on: May 09, 2015, 06:04:51 PM »

Please note that the Save listed is only necessary if the Elicitation the Bonus Effect is applied to requires no Save.  If the Elicitation allows a Saving Throw for a partial effect (or negation), then the Bonus Effect uses that Saving Throw.

(Ability) Damage (Prerequisite: Must know the Curse elicitation) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he takes 2 points of temporary Ability damage from the stat chosen when you originally receive this Bonus Effect.   This Bonus Effect may be taken multiple times, once for each of the 6 Ability scores. 

(Ability) Drain (Prerequisite: Must know Ability Damage) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he takes 2 points of Ability Drain from the stat chosen when you originally receive this Bonus Effect.   This Bonus Effect may be taken multiple times, once for each of the 6 Ability scores. 

Blinded (Prerequisite: Must know Weakening) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Blinded.

Checked If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Checked.

Dazed (Prerequisite: Must know Immobilized) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Dazed.

Deafened (Prerequisite: Must know Weakening) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Deafened.

Debilitating (Prerequisite: Must know the Curse Elicitation) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he takes a -2 Penalty to the Saving Throw chosen when you originally receive this Bonus Effect.   This Bonus Effect may be taken multiple times, once for each of the 3 Saving Throws. 

Disabled (Prerequisite: Must know Immobilized) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Disabled, regardless of his current hit point level.  Unlike normal, the victim doesn't risk further damage unless he subsequently drops to 0 hp or less while Disabled.  Prerequisites:

Disruption (Prerequisite: Must know the Curse Elicitation) If the victim fails a Willpower Save the Save DC of one of his Abilities is reduced by 2 (you may choose from Exceptional, Spell-Like or Supernatural Abilities).  This Bonus Effect may be chosen multiple times, once for each type of Ability. 

Energy Drained (Prerequisite: Must know Ability Drain) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he gains 1 Negative Level. 

Exhausted (Prerequisite: Must know Fatigued) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Exhausted. 

Fatigued (Prerequisite: Must know Ability Damage) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Fatigued.

Flat-Footed (Prerequisite: Must know Immobilized) If the victim fails a Reflex Save he is Flat-footed. 
Frightened (Prerequisite: Must know Shaken) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he is Frightened.

Immobilized (Prerequisite: Must know Entangled) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Immobilized.

Knockdown If the victim fails a Reflex Save he is Knocked Prone.
Lingering If the victim is damaged this round, he takes an additional 1d6 damage of the same type next round.

Nauseated (Prerequisite: Must know Sickened) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Nauseated. 

Panicked (Prerequisite: Must know Frightened) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he is Panicked. 

Paralyzed (Prerequisite: Must know Immobilized) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he is Paralyzed.  Prerequisites:

Shaken (Prerequisite: Must know the Curse or Phantasm Elicitation) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he is Shaken.

Sickened (Prerequisite: Must know Weakening) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Sickened.

Stunned (Prerequisite: Must know Dazed) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Stunned. 

Turned (Prerequisite: Must know the Curse Elicitation) If the victim is undead and fails a Willpower Save he is Turned, as per Turn Undead.  Victims do not take damage or other effects like normal, but they still flee or cower. 

Weakening (Prerequisite: Must know the Curse Elicitation) If the victim fails a Reflex Save he takes a -2 Penalty to one of the following: Attack rolls, Damage rolls, or Armor Class.  This Bonus Effect can be chosen multiple times.

Wounding If damaged by a Wounding elicitation, on each subsequent round, the victim loses 1 hit point at the beginning of your turn. The continuing hit point loss can be stopped with a Heal check (DC equal to the elictation's save DC, or the save DC it would otherwise have in the case of an elicitation with no save), a cure spell, or a heal spell.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2015, 11:36:45 PM by bhu »

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Re: Warmage Redux
« Reply #11 on: May 09, 2015, 06:04:58 PM »
BONUS EFFECTS (Wall of Death)

Please note that the Save listed is only necessary if the Elicitation the Bonus Effect is applied to requires no Save.  If the Elicitation allows a Saving Throw for a partial effect (or negation), then the Bonus Effect uses that Saving Throw.

(Ability) Damage (Prerequisite: Must know the Curse elicitation) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he takes 2 points of temporary Ability damage from the stat chosen when you originally receive this Bonus Effect.   This Bonus Effect may be taken multiple times, once for each of the 6 Ability scores. 

(Ability) Drain (Prerequisite: Must know Ability Damage) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he takes 2 points of Ability Drain from the stat chosen when you originally receive this Bonus Effect.   This Bonus Effect may be taken multiple times, once for each of the 6 Ability scores. 

Blinded (Prerequisite: Must know Weakening) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Blinded.

Checked If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Checked.

Confused (Prerequisite: Must know the Phantasm Elicitation) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he is Confused.

Dazed (Prerequisite: Must know Immobilized) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Dazed.

Deafened (Prerequisite: Must know Weakening) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Deafened.

Debilitating (Prerequisite: Must know the Curse Elicitation) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he takes a -2 Penalty to the Saving Throw chosen when you originally receive this Bonus Effect.   This Bonus Effect may be taken multiple times, once for each of the 3 Saving Throws. 

Disabled (Prerequisite: Must know Immobilized) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Disabled, regardless of his current hit point level.  Unlike normal, the victim doesn't risk further damage unless he subsequently drops to 0 hp or less while Disabled.  Prerequisites:

Disruption (Prerequisite: Must know the Curse Elicitation) If the victim fails a Willpower Save the Save DC of one of his Abilities is reduced by 2 (you may choose from Exceptional, Spell-Like or Supernatural Abilities).  This Bonus Effect may be chosen multiple times, once for each type of Ability. 

Energy Drained (Prerequisite: Must know Ability Drain) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he gains 1 Negative Level. 

Entangled If the victim fails a Reflex Save he is Entangled.

Exhausted (Prerequisite: Must know Fatigued) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Exhausted. 

Fascinated (Prerequisite: Must know the Phantasm Elicitation) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he is Fascinated.

Fatigued (Prerequisite: Must know Ability Damage) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Fatigued.

Flat-Footed (Prerequisite: Must know Immobilized) If the victim fails a Reflex Save he is Flat-footed. 
Frightened (Prerequisite: Must know Shaken) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he is Frightened.

Immobilized (Prerequisite: Must know Entangled) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Immobilized.

Knockdown If the victim fails a Reflex Save he is Knocked Prone.

Lingering If the victim is damaged this round, he takes an additional 1d6 damage of the same type next round.
Nauseated (Prerequisite: Must know Sickened) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Nauseated. 

Panicked (Prerequisite: Must know Frightened) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he is Panicked. 

Paralyzed (Prerequisite: Must know Immobilized) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he is Paralyzed.  Prerequisites:

Shaken (Prerequisite: Must know the Curse or Phantasm Elicitation) If the victim fails a Willpower Save he is Shaken.

Sickened (Prerequisite: Must know Weakening) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Sickened.

Stunned (Prerequisite: Must know Dazed) If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Stunned. 

Turned (Prerequisite: Must know the Curse Elicitation) If the victim is undead and fails a Willpower Save he is Turned, as per Turn Undead.  Victims do not take damage or other effects like normal, but they still flee or cower. 

Weakening (Prerequisite: Must know the Curse Elicitation) If the victim fails a Reflex Save he takes a -2 Penalty to one of the following: Attack rolls, Damage rolls, or Armor Class.  This Bonus Effect can be chosen multiple times.

Wounding If damaged by a Wounding elicitation, on each subsequent round, the victim loses 1 hit point at the beginning of your turn. The continuing hit point loss can be stopped with a Heal check (DC equal to the elictation's save DC, or the save DC it would otherwise have in the case of an elicitation with no save), a cure spell, or a heal spell.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2015, 11:37:04 PM by bhu »

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Re: Warmage Redux
« Reply #12 on: May 09, 2015, 06:07:21 PM »
BONUS EFFECTS (Wall of Protection)

Please note that the Save listed is only necessary if the Elicitation the Bonus Effect is applied to requires no Save.  If the Elicitation allows a Saving Throw for a partial effect (or negation), then the Bonus Effect uses that Saving Throw.

Armored The Walls Hardness increases by (Caster Level divided by 4).

Checked If the victim fails a Fortitude Save he is Checked.

Entangled If the victim fails a Reflex Save he is Entangled.   

Strengthened The Wall gains an additional 2 hit points per Caster Level.

Turned (Prerequisite: Must know the Curse Elicitation) If the victim is undead and fails a Willpower Save he is Turned, as per Turn Undead.  Victims do not take damage or other effects like normal, but they still flee or cower.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 03:38:22 AM by bhu »

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Re: Warmage Redux
« Reply #13 on: July 31, 2015, 10:39:27 PM »

Align An elicitation you modify with this feat gains an Alignment descriptor of your choice (you are restricted to Alignment descriptors matching your own Alignment). Furthermore, if the elicitation deals damage, half of the damage (rounded down) results directly from divine power and is therefore not subject to be reduced by resistance or immunity to energy-based attacks. For example, an Aligned Blast elicitation cast by a 16th-level warmage deals 16d6 points of damage, half of which is fire damage and half of which is sheer divine power. Thus, creatures immune to fire still take damage.  Using the Align Modifier reduces the elicitations effective caster level by 1.  You may only use Alignment descriptors that match your Alignment.  For example to add a Good descriptor, you must be Good.

Bent You reduce all benefits from cover for creatures affected by one of your elicitationss. Target creatures gain no cover bonuses to Armor Class against a bent elicitation, and any saving throws made by creatures in its area of effect gain no cover bonuses. This feat does not allow your elicitation to affect any target that would not normally be affected (for example, a target with total cover still cannot be affected.)  Using the Bent Modifier reduces the elicitations effective caster level by 1.

Chain (Prerequisites: Must know at least 1 other Modifier) Any elicitation that specifies a single target and has a range greater than touch can be chained so as to affect that primary target normally, then arc to a number of secondary targets equal to your caster level (maximum 20). Each arc affects one secondary target chosen by you, all of which must be within 30 feet of the primary target, and none of which can be affected more than once. You can choose to affect fewer secondary targets than the maximum. If the chained elicitation deals damage, the secondary targets each take half as much damage as the primary target (rounded down) and can attempt Reflex saving throws for half damage (whether the elicitation allows the original target a save or not). For elicitations that don't deal damage, the save DCs against arcing effects are reduced by 4. For example, if a 10th-level Warmage normally casts Blast at DC 14, a chained Blast could target a goblin chieftain at DC 14 and up to ten of his nearby guards at DC 10. Using the Chain Modifier reduces the elicitations effective caster level by 3.

Cooperation (Prerequisites: Must know at least 1 other Modifier) While the two of you are adjacent, you and another warmage with the Cooperation Modifier can simultaneously cast the same elicitation at the same time in the round. Add +2 to the save DC of cooperatively cast elicitations and +1 to caster level checks to beat the target's spell resistance (if any), using the higher base DC and level check of either warmage. For each additional warmage with this feat casting the same cooperative elicitation simultaneously, the spell's save DC and the bonus on the caster level check both increase by 1. When more than two warmages cooperatively cast an elicitation, each must be adjacent to at least two other warmages involved in the casting. For example, four warmages standing in a circle all have the Cooperation Modifier. The first three in the initiative order ready an action to cast Blast, casting the elicitation when the fourth does. The base DC of the elicitation's save is equal to the highest save DC among the cooperative warmages (as determined by relevant ability scores, other feats, special abilities, or items) +4 (+2 for the first cooperative caster and +1 for each of the other two). As well, whoever has the highest caster level determines the base caster level check, which gains a +3 bonus (+1 for each cooperative caster).

Deceptive A Deceptive elicitation appears to come from any direction you choose. For Instance a Blast might shoot down from a nearby doorway, or emerge from the floor. You cannot use this Modifier to gain a bonus to hit, to circumvent cover, or in any other way to gain a numerical or mechanical advantage on any attack rolls. It's purpose is to disguise the source of the elicitation, preventing anyone who did not actively observe you casting from recognizing you as the caster. You cannot use Deceptive on any elicitation with a Range of touch or personal, or a Target of you.  Optionally you may choose to render the elcitiation completely invisible (though it's effects can still be seen).  Those using Detect Magic, See Invisibility or True Seeing (or similar effects) can still see the elicitation normally in this case.  Using the Deceptice Modifier reduces the elicitations effective caster level by 1.

Delay (Prerequisites: Must know at least 1 other Modifier) When casting an elicitation, you set a delay of 1 to 5 rounds before it takes effect. The delay time cannot be changed once set; the elicitation activates just before your turn on the round you designate. Only area, personal, and touch elicitations can be affected by this Modifier. Any decisions you would make about the elicitation (including attack rolls, designating targets, or determining or shaping an area) are decided when the elicitation is cast, with any of its effects (including damage and saving throws) decided when the elicitation triggers. If conditions change during the delay period in ways that would make the elicitation impossible to cast (the target you designate moves beyond the elicitation's range, for example), the elicitation fails. During the delay period, a delayed elicitation can be dispelled normally, and it can be detected in the area or on the target (as applicable).  Using the Delay Modifier reduces the elicitations effective caster level by 3.

Empower All variable, numeric effects of an empowered elicitation are increased by one-half. An empowered elicitation deals half again as much damage as normal, affects half again as many targets, and so forth, as appropriate. For example, an empowered Blast deals 1-1/2 times its normal damage (roll the appropriate amount of d6 and multiply the result by 1-1/2). Saving throws and opposed rolls (such as the one you make when you cast dispel magic) are not affected, nor are elicitations without random variables.  Using the Empower Modifier reduces the elicitations effective caster level by 2.

Enlarge You can alter an elicitation with a range of close, medium, or long to increase its range by 100%. An enlarged elicitation with a range of close now has a range of 50 ft. + 5 ft./level, while medium-range elicitations have a range of 200 ft. + 20 ft./level and long-range elicitations have a range of 800 ft. + 80 ft./level. Using the Enlarge Modifier reduces the elicitations effective caster level by 1. Elicitations whose ranges are not defined by distance, as well as elicitations whose ranges are not close, medium, or long, do not have increased ranges.

Exotic Damage Your Elicitations that do damage (usually Blast) now have more damage type options.  This may be taken multiple times.  The first time it is taken the Elicitation may now deal Dessication, Force, Positive, or Negative Energy damage.  The second time allows you to do Untyped damage (Prerequisite: You may not take this a second time until 18th Level.

Explosive (Prerequisites: Must know Widen) On a failed Reflex save (Save DC is same as Elicitation), an Explosive elicitation ejects any creature caught in its area, sending it to a location outside the nearest edge of that area, dealing additional damage and further knocking creatures prone. For example, all creatures in the area of an Explosive Widened Blast that fail their saving throws not only take full damage but are pushed to the closest square outside the perimeter of the spell's 20-foot-radius spread.  Any creature moved in this manner also takes an additional 1d6 points of damage per 10 feet moved (no additional damage if moved less than 10 feet by the effect) and is knocked prone. If some obstacle prevents a blasted creature from being moved to the edge of the effect, the creature is stopped and takes 1d6 points of damage from striking the barrier (in addition to any damage taken from the distance moved before then). In any event, this movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Explosive Spell can be applied only to Blast or Trap elicitations that affect an area (a cone, cylinder, line, or burst).  Using the Explosive Modifier reduces the elicitations effective caster level by 2, and unlike most Modifiers may be used with another Modifier (specifically Widen).  If used with the Widen Modifier it reduces the elicitations effective caster level by 3.

Extend An extended elicitation lasts twice as long as normal. An elicitation with a duration of concentration, instantaneous, or permanent is not affected by this feat. Using the Extend Modifier reduces the elicitations effective caster level by 1.

Ghost Touch Ghost Touch elicitations affect incorporeal creatures normally.  Using the Extend Modifier reduces the elicitations effective caster level by 1.

Guided (Prerequisite must know Touch) Only those elicitations delivered by a ranged touch attack can be guided. Choose a target within range before casting a Guided elicitation. A Guided elicitation ignores anything up to total cover and full concealment as it moves over, under, or around barriers, seeking that target. You do not check for miss chance due to concealment, and your foe does not gain an AC bonus due to cover. If a Guided elicitation misses on its initial attack, it persists for a number of rounds equal to 1/3 your level (rounded down), making another ranged touch attack on your turn each round against that target until it hits or the Guided duration ends. If the target or you move out of the range of the elicitation, if the target gains total cover or concealment from your position, or if the line of effect for the spell is blocked, the Guided elicitation immediately ends. You do not need to concentrate on a Guided elicitation while it is attacking.  Using the Extend Modifier reduces the elicitations effective caster level by 2, and unlike most Modifiers may be used with another Modifier (specifically Touch).  If used with the Touch Modifier it reduces the elicitations effective caster level by 3.

Heighten You can weaken your Elicitation in various ways to increase it's effective caster Level.  Adding Verbal, Somatic, or Material components add +1 each to the elicitation's effective caster Level.  You may also slow the casting time to increase caster Level by 1 (Swift to Standard, Standard to Full Round).  Reducing an area of effect elcitiation to targeting a single opponent increases it's caster level by 2.

Maximize All variable, numeric effects of an elicitation modified by this feat are maximized. A maximized elicitation deals maximum damage, affects the maximum number of targets, etc., as appropriate. An empowered, maximized elicitation gains the separate benefits of each feat.  Using the Maximize Modifier reduces the elicitations effective caster level by 3.

Mixture (Prerequisites: Must know at least 2 other Modifiers)Choose one type of energy (acid, cold, electricity, or fire). You can then modify any elicitation with an energy descriptor by adding an equal amount of the chosen type of energy to the elicitation's normal effects. The altered elicitation works normally in all respects except for the type and amount of damage dealt, with each type of energy counting separately toward the elicitation's damage cap. Thus, a fire Blast cast at 6th level deals 6d6 points of firedamage and 6d6 points of acid damage (rolled separately), while the same Blast cast at 10th level or higher deals 10d6 points of fire damage and 10d6 points of acid damage. Even opposed types of energy (such as fireand cold) can be combined using this Modifier.  As well, the elicitation's descriptor changes to include both energy types present in the spell—for example, the Blast described above is an [acid, fire] elicitation.  Using the Mixture Modifier reduces the elicitations effective caster level by 4.

Persistent (Prerequisites: Must know the Extend Modifier) Elicitations with a fixed or personal range can have their duration increased to 24 hours. Elicitations of instantaneous duration cannot be affected by this feat, nor can elicitations whose effects are discharged. Using the Persistent Modifier reduces the elicitations effective caster level by 6.

Quicken Casting a quickened elicitation is a free action. You can perform another action, even casting another elicitation, in the same round as you cast a quickened elicitation. You may cast only one quickened elicitation per round. An elicitation whose casting time is more than 1 full-round action cannot be quickened.  Casting a quickened elicitation doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity. Using the Quicken Modifier reduces the elicitations effective caster level by 4.

Reaper (Prerequisites: Must know the Curse elicitation and must be Evil) A Raise Dead, Reincarnate, or Resurrection spell cannot return to life a creature killed by a Reaper, and a True Resurrection spell has only a 50% chance of succeeding. A Reaper elicitation that fails to kill the target has no additional effect.  Using the Reaper Modifier reduces the elicitations effective caster level by 3.

Retribution When you cast an elicitation with this modifier, the elicitation has no immediate effect. Any time you are dealt damage by a melee attack during the next 24 hours, you can choose to cast the elicitation on that attacker (or yourself) as an immediate action. Once activated, a Retribution elicitation disappears (assuming it has an instantaneous duration). You can apply this Modifier only to an elicitation that targets a creature or yourself. A Retribution elicitation can target only the attacker that triggered it, even if the elicitation would normally allow you to target multiple creatures (the exception being Transform Self or Transform Weapon). You can have only one Retribution elicitation cast at a time. Casting a second Retribution elicitation cancels the first (eliminating it with no effect).  Using the Retribution Modifier reduces the elicitations effective caster level by 1.

Sculpt (Prerequisites: Must know at least 1 other Modifier) You can modify an area effect elicitation by changing the area's shape to either a cylinder (10-foot radius, 30 feet high), a 40-foot cone, four 10-foot cubes, a ball (20-foot-radius spread), or a 120-foot line. The sculpted elicitation works normally in all respects except for its shape. Optionally you can use this to change an elicitation that is a ranged attack to one of the areas of effect listed above.  Using the Sculpt Modifier reduces the elicitations effective caster level by 1.

Selective (Prerequisites: Must know at least 1 other Modifier) You can modify an area of effect elicitation so that it does not affect Allies within it's area. All other creatures in the elicitation's area are affected normally.  Using the Selective Modifier reduces the elicitations effective caster level by 1, and unlike most Modifiers may be used with another Modifier (specifically Sculpt or Widen).  If used with the Sculpt or Widen Modifiers it reduces the elicitations effective caster level by an additional 1.

Touch (Prerequisites: Must know at least 1 other Modifier) This may only be applied to elicitations that require an attack roll.  The attack roll becomes a touch attack for the round this Modifier is applied.  Using the Touch Modifier reduces the elicitations effective caster level by 1.

Transdimensional A transdimensional elicitation has its full normal effect on incorporeal creatures, creatures on the Ethereal Plane or the Plane of Shadow, and creatures within an extradimensional space in the elicitation's area. Such creatures include ethereal creatures, creatures that are blinking or shadow walking, manifested ghosts, and creatures within the extradimensional space of a rope trick, portable hole, or familiar pocket (see page 106). You must be able to perceive a creature to target it with a transdimensional elicitation, but you do not need to perceive a creature to catch it in the area of a burst, cone, emanation, or spread.  Using the Transdimensional Modifier reduces the elicitations effective caster level by 1.

Twin (Prerequisites: Must know at least 1 other Modifier) Casting a twinned elicitation causes the elicitation to take effect twice in the same area or on the same target simultaneously. Any variable characteristics (including attack rolls) or decisions you would make about the spell (including target and area), are applied to both elicitations, with affected creatures receiving all the effects of each elicitation individually (including getting two saving throws if applicable). An elicitation whose effects wouldn't stack if it was cast twice under normal circumstances will create redundant effects if successfully twinned (see Combining Magical Effects, page 171 of the Player's Handbook).  Using the Twin Modifier reduces the elicitations effective caster level by 4.

Unhealing Unhealing may only be applied to Elicitations that do damage.  Damage done by this Elicitation can only be healed by magic spells.  Using the Unhealing Modifier reduces the elicitations effective caster level by 2.

Widen You can alter a burst, emanation, line, or spread shaped elicitation to increase its area. Any numeric measurements of the elicitation's area increase by 100%. For example, an elicitation which normally produces a 20-foot-radius spread that is widened now fills a 40-foot radius spread.  Elicitations that do not have an area of one of these four sorts are not affected by this feat.  Using the Widen Modifier reduces the elicitations effective caster level by 3.


Enhanced (Prerequisite: Maximize) Enhanced Elicitations no longer have a damage cap, but their effective Caster Level is reduced by 4. 

Intense (Prerequisites: Empower, Maximize, Spellcraft 30 ranks, Must know 5 Elicitations) All variable, numeric effects of an intensified Elicitation are maximized, then doubled. An intensified Elicitation deals twice maximum damage, cures twice the maximum number of hit points, affects twice the maximum number of targets, and so forth, as appropriate. Saving throws and opposed rolls are not affected. An intensified Elicitation reduces the Elicitations effective caster level by seven. You can’t combine the effects of this feat with any other feat that affects the variable, numeric effects of an Elicitation.

Tenacious (Prerequisite: Spellcraft 15 ranks) Choose one Elicitation you know. Whenever the chosen Elicitation would otherwise end due to a dispel effect, the Elicitation is instead only suppressed for 1d4 rounds. The Elicitation still ends when its duration expires, but the suppressed rounds do not count against its duration. You can dismiss your own Elicitation (if dismissible) normally.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2017, 06:59:55 PM by bhu »

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Re: Warmage Redux
« Reply #14 on: July 31, 2015, 11:44:01 PM »

Greater Elicitation Focus
Prerequisites: Elicitation Focus
Benefits: Add +1 to the Save DC of a specific Elicitation you select.  This Bonus stacks with the Bonus from Elicitation Focus.  This may be taken multiple times, and is applied to a different Elicitation each time.

Elicitation Focus
Prerequisites: None
Benefits: Add +1 to the Save DC of a specific Elicitation you select.  This may be taken multiple times, and is applied to a different Elicitation each time.

New Technique
Prerequisites: Elicitation caster Level 6
Benefits:  You learn a new Elicitation, Modifier or Bonus Effect.  This Feat may be taken multiple times.

Improved Modifier
Prerequisites: Must know at least one Modifier that can be used with this Feat
Benefits: Choose one of the following Modifiers when taking this Feat: Empower, Extend, Maximize, Quicken, Silent, Still or Widen.  Once per day you  may cast an Elicitation with that Modifier without reducing it's Caster Level.  This may be taken multiple times, once for each Modifier.

Combo Effect
Prerequisites: Must know at least two Bonus Effects
Benefits: You may apply two Bonus Effects to one Elicitation, but the reduction in caster Level stacks.  For example if you cast an Eliciitation with Empower and Maximize, you reduce the caster level by 5.

Warmage Edge
Prerequisites: Warmage, 1st Level
Benefits: You add your Charisma Modifier to the damage of your Elicitation's, as well as weapons you enhance with the Transform Weapon Elicitation.


Epic Elicitation Focus
Prerequisites: Elicitation Focus, Greater Elicitation Focus
Benefits: Add +1 to the Save DC of a specific Elicitation you select.  This Bonus stacks with the Bonus from Elicitation Focus and Greater Elicitation Focus.  This may be taken multiple times, and is applied to a different Elicitation each time.

Permanent Shroud
Prerequisites: Shroud, Spellcraft 25 ranks
Benefits: Your Shroud Elicitation now permanently protects you.  You may dismiss or restart it as a Free Action (you may change the damage type when restarting it).  Effects that would normally dispel this ability instead suppress it for 2d4 rounds.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2017, 05:38:14 PM by bhu »

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Re: Warmage Redux
« Reply #15 on: December 10, 2016, 07:32:44 PM »

Blast should say that you choose the damage type when the Elicitation is chosen or when it is used, choosing it initially isn't really clear.  Also, why does the cap increase when there was never a cap to begin with?

Curse ends with a semicolon as if waiting for a list of what Bonus Effects are more powerful with Curse.

Transform Self has a couple of typos in the first sentence.  I'm not really sure how balanced this is.

Transform Weapon needs stacking restrictions.

Trap needs the same damage language adjustment as Blast.

Wall of Death needs the samage damage language adjustment as Blast

Bonus Effects

No comment.


No comment.

No feat to learn new stuff?

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Re: Warmage Redux
« Reply #16 on: December 10, 2016, 07:45:31 PM »

Blast should say that you choose the damage type when the Elicitation is chosen or when it is used, choosing it initially isn't really clear.  Also, why does the cap increase when there was never a cap to begin with?

Curse ends with a semicolon as if waiting for a list of what Bonus Effects are more powerful with Curse.

Transform Self has a couple of typos in the first sentence.  I'm not really sure how balanced this is.

Transform Weapon needs stacking restrictions.

Trap needs the same damage language adjustment as Blast.

Wall of Death needs the samage damage language adjustment as Blast

Bonus Effects

No comment.


No comment.

No feat to learn new stuff?

I reworded Blast, does it make more sense now?

Curse and the Feats still need finishing, they slipped my mind, edited in curse effects

fixed typos

put no stacking text in Transform self/weapon

The damage limits I added for a reason, I just can't rememeber what it is now.  I think it was to keep it on par with mages.

damn you're quick!
« Last Edit: December 11, 2016, 12:15:56 AM by bhu »

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Re: Warmage Redux
« Reply #17 on: December 11, 2016, 12:10:54 PM »
The Blast damage reword makes a lot more sense.

On damage limits: Damage is already capped at caster level.  There's no cap beyond that except when you increase the cap randomly in Blast.

This one is relatively short. :p

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Re: Warmage Redux
« Reply #18 on: March 29, 2017, 10:24:34 AM »
Blast still has two separate damage caps for no reason.  Just get rid of the cap increase and leave the cap at = caster level.

You said you added feats so I'll look at feats.

Greater Elicitation Focus says "BOnus".

Other than that all the feats look good.  I don't see anything missing either.

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Re: Warmage Redux
« Reply #19 on: March 29, 2017, 05:40:42 PM »
Dammit I thought I ha edited Blast...

I has fixed.