Have you checked Captnq's Weapon Handbook? Doesn't cover pathfinder, but it does cover 3.0 and should have the thing listed.
Speak of the devil and I appear.
Exotic Two-Handed Melee Weapon
[Droppable, Tripping, Nonlethal, Reach-NM]
Cost: 15 gp
Damage (s): 1d6
Damage (m): 2d4
Critical: x2
Weight: 15 lb
Type: B
The ankus is a hooked device used to steer elephants. It deals only subdual damage, but because of its
hook, you can also use it to make trip attacks. You can drop the ankus to avoid being tripped during your own trip attempt. The ankus has 10-foot reach.
Editor: This is a 3.0 weapon, so your DM may not allow it’s use. The weapon does not state it has a minimum distance for use, so despite it’s description, it threatens everything out to 10 feet. It’s reach is the only thing it has going for it.
Editor (General WSAs): A few jump out at me. Bane (animals) makes this ideal for handling animals, which is the point of the weapon. Who’s going to shell out that much money to whack an elephant in the back of the head is another story. If you got the money to burn, You should also look at chargebreaker/intercepting, just in case an elephant tried to trample you. If you want to discourage your animal handlers from beating your elephants, might I suggest vicious. It is only a +1 bonus, it adds +2d6 damage, and it only does 1d6 nonlethal to the wielder. Most Elephants couldn’t handle an Animal Bane/Vicious weapon for more then one or two shots, but most handlers will feel the sting of getting hit for 1d6.
Exotic Two-Handed Melee Weapon
[Double, Droppable, Finesse, Reach-NM, Tripping]
Cost: 5 gp
Damage (s): 1d4/1d4
Damage (m): 1d6/1d6
Critical: x2
Weight: 5 lb
Type: B
Disarm: +2
Also called the manriki-gusari, this is a simple chain with weighted ends. It can be whirled quickly, striking with hard blows from the weights. One end can also be swung out to entangle an opponent. The chain can be used either as a double weapon or as a reach weapon. You can fight with it as if fighting with two weapons, incurring all the normal attack penalties as if using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. In this case, you can only strike at an adjacent opponent. If you use the chain as a reach weapon, you can strike opponents 10 feet away with it. In addition, unlike other weapons with reach, you can use it against an adjacent foe. In this case, you can only use one end of the chain effectively; you cannot use it as a double weapon. Because the chain can wrap around an enemy’s leg or other limb, you can make trip attacks with it. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop the chain to avoid being tripped. When using a chain, you get a +2 bonus on your opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent (including the roll to avoid being disarmed if you fail to disarm your opponent). You can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier to attack rolls with a chain.
Editor: It’s a double weapon or a reach weapon. It has a bonus to disarm. You can trip with it and you can use weapon finesse with it. The damage sucks, but it does everything. In savage species, it is called the chain lash.
Exotic One-Handed Melee Weapon
[Double, Droppable, Finesse, Reach-NM, Tripping]
Cost: 10 gp
Damage (s): 1d2/1d2
Damage (m): 1d3/1d3
Critical: x2
Weight: 1 lb
Type: B or S
Disarm: +2
A kawanaga is a length of light chain with a weight at one end and a sharp-bladed grappling hook on the other. It can be whirled quickly, striking with hard blows from either end. One end can also be swung out to entangle an opponent. The kawanaga can be used either as a double weapon or as a reach weapon. You can fight with it as if fighting with two weapons, incurring all the normal attack penalties as if using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. In this case, you can only strike at an adjacent opponent. If you use the kawanaga as a reach weapon, you can strike opponents 10 feet away with it. In addition, unlike other weapons with reach, you can use it against an adjacent foe. In this case, you can only use one end of the kawanaga effectively; you cannot use it as a double weapon. Because the kawanaga can wrap around an enemy’s leg or other limb, you can make trip attacks with it. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop the chain to avoid being tripped. When using a kawanaga, you get a +2 bonus on your opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent (including the roll to avoid being disarmed if you fail to disarm your opponent). You can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier to attack rolls with a kawanaga. A kawanaga also serves as a climbing tool. It is the equivalent of 10 feet of rope with a grappling hook attached.
Editor: It’s a chain weapon that is double or reach or can be wielded with two hands, or trip, or use finesse, or do just about anything, except damage the target. But, if you want to get weird, there’s just about everything you can do with this puppy. This is the second double one-handed weapon. I still don’t know what that means.
Exotic Light Melee Weapon
[Droppable, Reach-NM, Tripping]
Cost: 10 gp
Damage (s): 1d4
Damage (m): 1d6
Critical: x2
Weight: 3 lb
Type: S
Disarm: +2
This small sickle is attached to a length of chain. A kusari-gama is an exotic weapon that has reach. It can strike opponents 10 feet away. In addition, unlike other weapons with reach, it can be used against an adjacent foe. It can be used in all respects like a spiked chain for trip attacks, disarming other foes, and using its wielder’s Dexterity modifier instead of her Strength modifier in attack rolls.
Editor: Spiked Chain, but Light instead of 2-handed. Not great but a lot of fun IMHO. Great for TWFers. A spiked chain that you can wield in one hand! Okay, okay, you can’t Power Attack with it, but still, this is a solid weapon. All the other goodies of the spiked chain wrapped in a cute little package called “light weapon”. Two-weapon Fighting with these can be barrels of fun. A one handed reach weapon, which is useful for certain builds. The Spinning Sword is superior, but comes from a more obscure source.
Exotic One-Handed Melee Weapon
[Finesse, NSM, Reach-NM]
Cost: 50 gp
Damage (s): 1d4
Damage (m): 1d6
Critical: 19-20/x2
Weight: 3 lb
Type: S
The spinning sword, or chattaval in Quori, is a whip-like weapon designed by the quori and made of multiple long strands of highly flexible steel. It is designed to aid a single skilled warrior against multiple foes. A spinning sword has reach, so you can strike opponents 10 feet away with it. In addition, unlike most other weapons that have reach, it can be used against an adjacent foe. The Weapon Finesse feat can be used with a properly sized spinning sword, even though it isn't a light weapon. A spinning sword can't be wielded in two hands to apply 1-1/2 times a character's Strength bonus on damage rolls. A spinning sword can be worn as a belt, its grip functioning as a buckle. A successful DC 15 Search check is required to discern that a spinning sword carried in this way is a weapon. If Sleight of Hand is used to conceal a spinning sword as a belt, the wearer gets a +6 circumstance bonus on the check.
Editor: One-handed. Has reach, but can also be used against adjacent opponents. Specifically can NOT be used two-handed. Can be worn as a belt, requiring a Search check at DC 15 to recognize it as a weapon. This is a damn cool weapon.
Exotic Two-Handed Melee Weapon
[Non-Standard Limb, Reach-NM, Tripping, Undroppable]
Cost: 5 gp
Damage (s): 1d4/1d4
Damage (m): 1d6/1d6
Critical: x2
Weight: 5 lb
Type: B
Disarm: +2
This chain is woven through a medusa’s snakes, allowing her to make melee attacks with a reach weapon in addition to using her gaze attack or shortbow. A snake chain is a reach weapon. A medusa can strike opponents 10 feet away with the chain. In addition, unlike most other weapons with reach, she can use it against an adjacent foe. Because the chain can wrap around an enemy’s leg or other limb, the medusa can make trip attacks with it. If the medusa is tripped during her trip attempt, she cannot drop the chain to avoid being tripped. When using a snake chain, a medusa gets a +2 bonus on her opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent (including the roll to avoid being disarmed if she fails to disarm her opponent). A snake chain does not transmit the poison of the medusa’s snakes. She may choose to attack with the snakes instead of with the snake chain; if so, normal rules and reach for the snakes apply.
Editor: I have no idea how anyone would use this thing except for a medusa. Oh wait, buy opposable WSA, then you can use it on your head. Actually, add in aptitude and this becomes a rather scary weapon. Now I want to make a Barbarian with snake chain on his head like dreadlocks. It’s a two handed weapon after all. Man, you’d have to have a STRONG neck to use this properly. (“I whip my hair back and forth! I whip my hair back and forth! I whip my hair back and forth!”) Note, it qualifies for any WSAs that work only on chains. One problem, when you trip someone and fail, this doesn’t protect you from counter-tripping. The image of getting dragged to the ground by your hair just sounds BAD.
If you check my guide, all weapons that are reach-NM are Reach-No Minumum. I have them flagged that way so you can just search for it. Have fun.
I left out the ones that PF errata'd.