Allihanna: NG goddess of nature, representing the kindness of the natural world, the purity of animals and plants. Can grant the animal, Good, Heal or Plant powers, is usually followed by elves, halflings, barbarians, druids and rangers. Her symbol is either animal or small tree. Her favored weapon is the staff.
High heels are now divine fashion for druids in Tormenta.Azgher: LG Sun-god. He's watching you from above. He's kind, but also demanding and prideful, seeing the world below as a child that needs to be cared, but also needs to show respect to the father. Powers are Good, Fire, Sun, Travel, followers are barbarians, fighters, monks, rangers, paladins. Symbolis a
golden sun, his favored weapon a scimitar.
Don't dare to look him directly in the eyes.Hyninn: CN god of trickery, worshiped by both thieves and rulers for his cunning. All the other gods but Valkaria don't trust him. Powers are Chaos, Trickery, Luck, Travel, followers are halflings, goblins, bards, rogues, swashbucklers. Symbol is either a dagger and mask, or a fox. Favored weapon is a dagger.
Probably also the god of backstabbingKallyadranoch: LE god of dragons
, currently weakened
enjoying trapped in a mortal body of a female elf on the material world, that doesn't stop him from being able to grant magic to his worshipers. Powers are Knowledge, Destruction, Magic, Evil, followers are elves, barbarians, fighters, sorcerors, symbol is a scale of different colors (Tiamat reference?), favored weapon is the spear.
Keenn: Violent CE god of war, he's a dick that loves to manipulate events and intrigues that eventually lead to bloody battles. Many people will still pray to him when they want to destroy somebody else. Many kings have Keenn clerics as counselors, that are always trying to put their nations in the path of war.
Powers are Destruction, Strength, War, Evil, followers are barbarians, minotaurs, fighters, sacred symbol is a longsword, warhammer and waraxe over a shield, favored weapon is the waraxe.
Yup, dual-wielding is king now.Khalmyr: LG god of Justice, previous leader of the pantheon, until he was beaten up by Tauron, or he willingly gave up his place, recognizing the other god as stronger-and thus more righteous. Yeah, might makes right pretty much. Has a couple knight orders dedicated to him, the Order of Light, and the Order of Khalmyr (every fantasy RPG should have an Order/Warriors of Light if you ask me). Powers are Good, War, Order, Protection, Earth, followers are dwarves, minotaurs, fighters, paladins, monks, sacred symbol is a sword over scales, favored weapon is the longsword.
The true reason for still being popular after failing at his job is because he's a bishounen.Lena: NG goddess of fertility and healing, basically goddess of Life itself. Very popular among farmers and pregnant mothers. Her clerics are always women, taking the role of kind mothers for the child-goddess. Powers are Good, Healing, Plants, Protection, followers are elves, halflings, monks, symbol is a crescent silver moon,
doesn't have a favored weapon at all. Her clerics thus can't use spiritual weapon and similar.
She probably made a contract with a mysterious cat-like alien in return for her godlike power.Lin-Wu: LN was the main god of Tamu-Ra until its destruction. He doesn't have any listed reportoire besides that, but it's probably the god of "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger", because his surviving worshipers have refused to
go emo fall into despair like the elves and are instead fighting to rebuild their nation and maintain their culture, believing in getting back up after falling. Powers are War, Order, Protection, Sun, followers are monks, fighters, paladins, samurais, symbol is a metal sheet with an engraved dragon, favored weapon is the
masterwork bastard sword katana.
Also known as the dragon god. Do not confuse with Kallyadranoch.Marah: NG Goddess of peace, love and joy. Even bloodthirsty warriors give her some attention, because what's the sense of waging war if you don't get a moment of peace to celebrate later? Powers are Good, Healing, Protection, Luck, followers are elves, halflings, qareen, bards, monks, sacred symbol is a red heart, and just like Lena, no favored weapon.
Basically, the goddess of MILF.Megalokk: The CE god of monsters-that-want-to-kill-you-horribly, counterpart to Allihanna. An insane bloodthirsty beast, father to giants, chimeras, medusas and many others. When they feel like being spiritual, they
pray shout for Megalokk. He used to be a pretty chill guy back when thunder-lizards ruled the land, but now is pretty pissed that the world is filled with puny humanoids, and is always nagging Allihanna as if he was an older brother. Powers are Animals, Destruction, Evil, Plants, followers are goblins, minotaurs, barbarians, druids, rangers, symbol is a monster figurine, favored weapon is the mace.
Class levels are for weaklings!
Nimb: CN god of chaos, considered crazy and dangerous, altough he may also make you win the loterry if he's in a good mood. Some say he should be the ruler of the Pantheon, claiming that "Khalmyr owns the table, but who moves the pieces is Nimb". Powers are Chaos, Luck, and three randomly determined by the
DM Master. A single cleric cannot have oppposed powers. Or can then...? Followers are goblins, halflings, qareen, barbarians, sorceros, rogues, swashbucklers. Symbol is a six-faced die, Favored weapon is none and all-when you use spiritual weapon, something random appears, perhaps even objects (now I want a campaign where a cleric of Nimb BBEG summons the Deathstar as his spiritual weapon).
Divine leprechaun!Oceano: TN god of the seas, used to sink continents to increase his domains. He's since grown bored of it, because his reign is already bigger than every piece of dry land combined, yet the other gods keep squabling for those miserable pieces of dirt, unable to notice the big picture only Oceano can see. Powers are Water, Air, Animals, Plants, followers are minotaurs, druids, rangers, sacred symbol is a shell, favored weapon is the trident.
That doesn't seem very pratical for swimming.
Ragnar: Previously a minor CE god of bubears, currently a CE god of Death as he has united the goblinoid tribes in the Black Alliance to decimate the humans, elves and dwarves that humiliated him for thousands of years. Pretty satisfied now as his avatar Thwor Ironfist keeps leading his legions to victory. Powers are Destruction, War, Evil and Death, followers are goblins, barbarians, fighters, rangers, sacred symbol is a white circle eclipsed by a black circle, favored weapon is the mace.
He keeps his feet nails pretty well kept.
Sszzaas:NE god of Betrayal, smartest and more cunning god of all. After all, he managed to return from banishment. His servants are infiltrated everywhere. Perhaps even in the party itself. Powers are Knowledge, Trickery, Evil, Death, followers are bards, sorcerors, rogues, swashbucklers. Symbol is a 7-sided polygon with a naja dripping poison from its teeth, favored weapon is the dagger.
Looks like a trustworthy guy to me.Tanna-Toh: LN goddess of knowledge, science, culture, arts and languages. Taught the people how to write, her temples double as schools and libraries, his clerics act as teachers. Usually wise and pacific, but intolerant towards those that willingly choose ignorance and brutality. Powers are Knowledge, Order, Protection, Travel, followers are bards, monks, paladins, symbol is a scroll and feather, favored weapon is the staff.
Didn't age nearly as well as the other gods.Tauron: LN god of Strength, and the actual pantheon leader. Brave and prideful, he stands for both the strong ruling the weak, but also for the strong protecting the weak, which may sound contradictory. He's neither good or evil, standing for bravery, determination, and both inner and outer strength. Feared by the docile and pure, worshiped by the strong and brave. He also made the elven goddess, Glórienn, a part of his harem. Powers are Fire, Strength, War, Order, Protection, followers are dwarves, elves, minotaurs, fighters, monks. Sacred symbol is a bull head on flames, favored weapon is the greataxe. Personally, he sounds very dickish and arrogant, however, back in the day of the ancient greeks, "heroes" were mostly glorified slavers that mostly considered women as possession, so meh.
Poor Glorienn is stuck being Tauron's b**** until some green-clothed hero appears to rescue her.
Tenebra: The beautiful TN goddess of Darkness is mother to all who walk or crawl away from the light. Altough this includes a lot of evil creatures, she also protects good creatures that shun the daylight for whatever reason. Just as Azgher is watching you during the day, Tenebra is watching you during the night. She hates Azgher, because aparently she wanted for there to be night all the time, nevermind that resulting in all plants dying and people whitout darkvision being royally screwed. Powers are Evil (lolwhut?), Death, Protection, Earth. Followers include dwarves, qareen, bards, rogues, wizards. Symbol is a black star with five points, favored weapon is the shuriken.
"I'm not evil, I would just like for most of the population to slowly starve or freeze to death while blinded."
Thyatis: LG god of ressurection and prophecy, representing second chances. He both hands out predictions so people won't make grave mistakes, or he brings them back to life when they don't listen to him. If it was up to him, nobody should be punished for their mistakes, but rather use them as learning opportunities to correct their flaws, instead of dying for them. His clerics are supposed to be really good at predicting the future, and his paladins are said to never die! Powers are Knowledge, Healing, Fire, Travel, followers are fighters, wizards, monks, paladins, his symbol is a phoenix, his favored weapon a longsword.
Aka god of plot power.
Wynna: CN Goddess of Magic, worshiped by all those who use arcane power. She's pretty generous and liberal, handing magic to any who ask for it, whitout caring whetever they'll use it for good or evil. Magic is more important than life after all, right? Helps to explain why there's so many magic users and random magic effects around Arton. Powers are Water, Air, Fire, Earth,
Heart, Magic, Luck. Followers are elves, qareen, bards, sorcerors, wizards. Symbol is a metal ring, favored weapon is a dagger.
Not even the goddess of magic can escape from arcane spell failure for wearing armor.Valkaria: The CG Goddess of
PIERCE THE HEAVENS Ambition and humans. She was trapped in a giant statue for helping to to create the Tormenta, only to be free when anyone could defeat the planar labyrinth hidden inside said giant statue. Which was acomplished recently by a group of heroes, so her worship has begun to spread far and wide. Powers are Good, Luck, War, Travel. Her followers are adventurers of any class or race. Her symbol can be either her statue, or six enveloped bands. Her favored weapon is the flail.
I'm pretty sure that's not a flail, but she still looks pretty awesome