Dragonspawn: +7 Natural AC, Fly (land*2)ft Average, 3 Natural Attacks, Breath Weapon(30ft cone of cold, 2d6), +2 Dex/Cha, +1 Sorcerer.
So let's see here, decent AC (18+) despite being unable to wear armor, three attacks per round when everyone else has one, Metabreath Feats and wipe entire Encounters, Cha boost because why not, and the Sorcerer Boost makes up the LA so this is one heck of a "Sorcerer" Level. Oh wait, he doesn't have LA...
Lore Drake: He can (and is noted to be allowed to) take Loredrake for +2 Sorcerer Spellcasting. Without the LA, at ECL 3 he'll take his first PrC level for PrCs that check for 5th level CL or 3rd level Spells (add flaws and we're talking spelldancer already). Also, the DM obviously considers a Kobold a True Dragon, a causality of such means he can also take the
Alternate Form Feat - possibly at the 3rd level - for 3/day
Alternate Form. This has no HD limitations and an infinite duration; so for example he could turn into a Legendary Wolf (14hd) or w/e a half-dozen levels sooner than a Druid. And Alternate Shape doesn't require Natural Spell to preserve Spellcasting.