Author Topic: [3.5]New Base Clase: Vital Blade ... the bloody swordsman! Need some help pls.  (Read 2298 times)

Offline Volfogg

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Hey All,
Recently, after watching some interesting anime, I came across a concept that I thought would be pretty darn cool to play. That of the warrior which could summon a weapon composed of their own blood. I couldn't really find any homebrew which suited my tastes so I put something together myself. Below you will find the new class. Please let me know what you think and don't hold back. Its still a work in progress and needs a good dose of fixing.:)

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The vital blade is unlike most other martial practitioners. His focus is not just on the physical but also includes an in depth knowledge of the bodies internal chemistry. Many speculate that hidden deep within each of us there exists fonts of power which can be harnessed. This can be accomplished in a plethora of ways, however, the vital blade concentrates on only one, which is the inherit power found in ones own blood. Through a combination of discipline, endurance and martial learning the character is able to call forth this power and use it to devastating effect. The most spectacular of which allows him to shape a weapon composed of his own blood. All vital blades are easily identifiable by a Gruesome Glyph - which is a crimson hued wound-like glyph, appearing somewhere on their body (usually the palm or back of the hand). It is through this self inflicted stigmata like mark that they are able to summon their weapons and command the very essence of their being.
Role: You're a warrior! Congratulations, you get to be a meatshield.
Alignment: Any.
Hit Die: 1d10.
Code: [Select]
Table: Vital Blade
Lvl  BaB  F   R   W   Special
1    +1  +2  +0  +2   Gruesome Glyph, Sanguineous Sword, Blood Pool
2    +2  +3  +0  +3   Weeping Weapon (1d4), Endurance
3    +3  +3  +1  +3   Blood Talent
4    +4  +4  +1  +4   Imbue Blood Blade
5    +5  +4  +1  +4   Blood Talent
6    +6  +5  +2  +5   Weeping Weapon (2d4)
7    +7  +5  +2  +5   Blood Talent
8    +8  +6  +2  +6   Sanguineous Sword (swift action)
9    +9  +6  +3  +6   Blood Talent
10   +10 +7  +3  +7   Weeping Weapon (3d4)
11   +11 +7  +3  +7   Blood Talent
12   +12 +8  +4  +8   Fluid Strike
13   +13 +8  +4  +8   Blood Talent
14   +14 +9  +4  +9   Weeping Weapon (4d4)
15   +15 +9  +5  +9   Blood Talent
16   +16 +10 +5  +10  Sanguineous Sword (free action)
17   +17 +10 +5  +10  Blood Talent
18   +18 +11 +6  +11  Weeping Weapon (5d4)
19   +19 +11 +6  +11  Blood Talent
20   +20 +12 +6  +12  Crimson Warrior

Class Skills
The vital blade’s class skills are Craft (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex) and Survival (Wis).
Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features
The following are the class features of the vital blade.
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Vital blades are proficient with all simple weapons and martial weapons, light armor, medium armor, heavy armor and shields (except tower shields).
Gruesome Glyph (Su): All vital blade's exhibit the same wound-like rune that signifies their adherence to this gruesome discipline. With it they are able to more easily manipulate the energies found within their own blood. As an added benefit the mark enhances the vital blades intuitive use of their own blood. This grants the character the benefits of the Weapon Focus feat when using their sanguineous sword ability.

Sanguineous Sword(Su): All vital blades are experts at shaping their own blood into weapons. By expending a blood pool point as a move action the character can form a melee weapon with which the character is proficient. The weapon can be sundered as per the normal rules although the vital blade can simply recreate a new one on his turn as a standard action. The weapon remains so long as the character wields it, if the weapon leaves his grasp, it dissipates at the end of the character's turn. Also note that a vital blade is capable of learning feats which are only applicable to one weapon as a fighter of equal level. This allows the character to learn such feats as Weapon Specialization.

At 8th lvl a sanguineous sword can be created as a swift action, at 16th level it becomes a free action.

Blood Pool (Su): The vital blade has learned how to harness and better manage the complex workings of his own body. This allows him to store a small pool of excess blood which he can use to power certain abilities. The character has a number of blood pool points equal to 1 + his Constitution modifier ( A vital blade can never have more than this amount at any given time). The pool refreshes once per day. Usually in the morning when preparing for another day of adventure. A vital blade spends blood points to activate blood talents, but can also regain points in the following ways.

Critical Hit with sanguineous weapon: Each time the vital blade confirms a critical hit with his weapon while in the heat of combat, it allows him to regain 1 blood point. Confirming a critical hit on a helpless or unaware creature or on a creature that has fewer Hit Dice than half the character's level does not restore blood points.

Killing Blow with sanguineous weapon: When the vital blade reduces a creature to 0 or fewer hit points with a weapon attack while in the heat of combat, it allows him to regain 1 blood pool point. Destroying an unattended object, reducing a helpless or unaware creature to 0 or fewer hit points, or reducing a creature that has fewer Hit Dice than half the character's level to 0 or fewer hit points does not restore any points.

Imbue Blood Blade (Su)As a vital blade gains experience, she can sacrifice an amount of experience points (XP) to awaken supernatural abilities within her sanguineous sword. This sacrifice cannot exceed the XP that she has gained since she last gained a level.

At any time, a vital blade can sacrifice their life force in order to awaken the abilities in her sanguineous sword. This requires a sacrifice of XP equal to the amount shown on table below. A vital blade must meet the required minimum character level and must perform a ritual, which lasts for 8 hours a day, for a number of days in a row equal to the weapon bonus.

A weapon can't have an enhancement bonus higher than +5. Use the weapon bonus on the table below to determine the XP sacrifice when special abilities are added. Special abilities can be added from either Table 7-5: Melee Weapon Special Abilities in the Melee Weapon Special Abilities in the Dungeon Master's Guide. Example: A vital blade who has a +4 sanguineous weapon can transform it into a +4 wounding weapon with a sacrifice of 2,000 XP since wounding is a special ability worth a +2 bonus.

Code: [Select]
Weapon      XP       Min Character
Bonus   Sacrificed       Lvl
+1        100 XP          2
+2        400 XP          4
+3        900 XP          6
+4       1,600 XP         8
+5       2,500 XP         10
+6       3,600 XP         12
+7       4,900 XP         14
+8       6,400 XP         16
+9       8,100 XP         18
+10     10,000 XP         20

Blood Talent (Su): Through intense training, experimentation and blood lose the character is able to manipulate their vital fluid in new, and often times, grotesque ways. At levels 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 and 19 the character can choose one ability from the following list. Please note that each ability can only be selected once.
  • Reactive Burst (Ex) - This ability allows a vital blade to instantly reform their weapon after a sunder attempt. However, the character does so in a burst of retributive gore and blood. This retributive burst inflicts upon the opponent (which sundered the weapon) damage equal to the weeping weapon ability. The character must be 16th lvl or higher to select this ability. This ability remains active so long as the character has points remaining in their blood pool.
  • Sanguineous Sculptor (Su) - When shaping a weapon with the sanguineous sword ability the character can also shape any ranged (not thrown) weapon with which they are proficient. Although the character must supply the required ammunition. This ability allows the the creation of mighty composite bows which will reflect the Strength the character currently has.
  • Canvas of Cuts (Ex) - Throughout the character's career they constantly experiment upon themselves to further their understanding and manipulation of their own bodies. This has left its mark as their skin is crisscrossed with self inflicted scars and old wounds. However, this results in the toughening of their flesh and skin which grants the character a bonus to Natural Armor equal to the number of damage dice rolled for their weeping weapon ability.
  • Accelerated Adrenaline - Through careful control of certain body related functions the character is able to greatly increase their reaction time. This ability grants the vital blade a bonus to his Initiative check equal to his Constitution modifier by spending a point from his blood pool. The decision to use this ability must be made before rolling for initiative.
  • Weeping Weapon (entangling) (Ex) - In addition to damage weeping weapon can now inflict the entangled condition upon a target. By expending 1 blood point in conjunction with weeping weapon the target must also make a reflex save to negate this secondary effect. The save DC for this ability is equal 10 + 1/2 class level + Constitution modifier. The entangled condition lasts for a number of rounds equal to the vital blade's Constitution modifier. This ability cannot be combined with sickening burst.
  • Weeping Weapon (sickening) (Ex) - In addition to damage weeping weapon can now inflict the sickened condition upon a target. By expending 1 blood point in conjunction with weeping weapon the target must also make a fortitude save to negate this secondary effect. The save DC for this ability is equal 10 + 1/2 class level + Constitution modifier. This ability cannot be combined with nauseating burst.
  • Gory Glare (Ex) - After a performing a ritual which involves scalpels and other sharp objects the character is able to create a glyph which mimics the spell glyph of warding. However, the character can only create a blast glyph and the damage must be either fire, cold, or acid. Each use of this ability expends a blood pool point. The character must be 8th level or higher to select this ability.
  • Blood Bolt (Su) - The vital blade gains the ability to fire a bolt of blood and bone shrapnel from his gruesome glyph. Using this ability requires an expenditure of the weeping weapon ability and has a range increment of 20'. Using this power is a standard action.
  • Rejuvenation (Ex) - The character gains fast healing 1. The character must be 4th level or higher to select this ability.
  • Gore Glyph (Su) - After a performing a ritual which involves scalpels and other sharp objects the character increases the potency of their Gruesome Glyph. From this point forward the vital blade is considered to have the Weapon Specialization feat when wielding his sanguineous sword. The character must be 4th level or higher to select this ability.
  • Visceral Vision (Sp) - Due to a vital blades inherent knowledge of the body they are able to gauge the vitality of those round them. This ability allows the character to cast, as a spell-like ability, the Status spell. This ability can be used once per day. Each use of this ability requires the expenditure of 1 blood pool point. The character must be 2nd level or higher to select this ability.
  • Bulging Blade (Ex) - As a swift action the character can increase the size of their sanguineous weapon one category by expending 1 point from their blood point pool. This size increase does not stack with other size increases. The increase in size lasts for a number of rounds equal to the character's Constitution modifier.
  • Self Harmer (Ex) - An individual that follows this path becomes inured, and very resistant, to damage inflicted upon them due to their constant self mutilation and bloodletting. This ability grants the character damage reduction equal the number of damage dice rolled for their weeping weapon ability.
  • Vital Vigilance (Ex) - The ability to control their vital fluids allows the character to minimize an otherwise life threatening attack. This ability grants the character a 25% chance to negate a critical attack, this includes sneak attacks. Note, this ability can be taken more than once. If taken a second time the chance to negate a critical attack increases to 50%, if taken a third time the chance increases to 75%. The character must be 8th level or higher to select this ability the first time. If selecting this ability a second time the character must be 12th level or higher and if selecting this ability a third time the character must be 16th level or higher.
  • Blood Sense (Ex): After damaging an opponent the vital blade is able to detect their presence by sampling their blood as a move action. This grants the character the scent special ability. Using this ability requires the expenditure of 1 blood pool point and lasts until the character chooses to use the ability on a different opponent or the opponent dies.
  • Caustic Cut (Ex): The vital blade is able to turn his blood into an acidic like fluid which harms those that dare to attack him. If an opponent damages the character in melee (those using reach weapons are immune to this damage) the opponent is splashed by the vital blade`s caustic blood which inflicts 1d4 points of acid damage. This ability is active so long as the character has a point remaining in his blood pool.
  • Plasma Puddle (Sp): By expending a blood pool point the character can vomit, expel or bleed out a pool like puddle of blood which is extremely slippery. This ability otherwise mimics the spell grease. However, this ability only has a range of 10`. Each use of this ability requires the expenditure of 1 blood pool point.
  • Sacrificial Empowerment (Ex) - By sacrificing a point from their blood pool the vital blade is able to empower the Weeping Weapon ability. When used this ability increases the damage dealt by one-half. This ability is activated as a free action when using the weeping weapon ability but before damage is rolled. This ability can be used no more than once per round.

Weeping Weapon (Su): The vital blade is able to alter his blood by carefully controlling and manipulating his humors. After doing so he can instantly focus these chaotic and destructive fluids through his sanguineous sword. When he does so the weapon weeps with corrosive energy which, upon impact, inflicts acid damage. A vital blade can use weeping weapon a number of times each day equal 3 + his Constitution modifier. Activating this ability is a swift action that must be declared before the character makes an attack (while using his sanguineous sword). Whether the attack is successful or not one use of weeping weapon is expended.

Endurance: A character which follows this path pays a heavy toll in blood, sweat and pain because of this the vital blade gains Endurance as a bonus feat.

Fluid Strike (Ex): The vital blade's sanguineous weapon is able to flow, contort, warp and otherwise snake through an opponents defenses. Almost as if the weapon were a living creature. This allows the character to make a touch attack a number of times per day equal to his Constitution modifier. The character can declare an attack to be a fluid strike as a free action before the attack roll is made but no more than once per round. Whether the attack is successful or not a use of this ability is expended.

Crimson Warrior (Ex): The character can now form his sanguineous weapon without expending a point from his blood pool. Some other stuff ... not sure what yet though. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. :)

Let me know what you think. Nothing is set in stone so if something needs to be changes it shall be done.

Edit 1: I have revised the class. Pleas see above.

Thanks! :)
« Last Edit: December 12, 2013, 08:05:23 AM by Volfogg »

Offline Volfogg

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Please see first post for a revised version. I did away with the rage-like power and have added/tweaked a few things to make it a more coherent idea.


Offline Maat Mons

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I wouldn't have weapon focus or weapon specialization as bonus feats.  I'd just include a line saying a vital blade can select "sanguineous sword" for any feat that applies to a specific weapon.  If you want to keep weapon specialization on the table, you can add a line saying that you're treated as a fighter of your vital blade level for purposes of meeting prerequisites for feats. 

It's inherently problematic to have equipment as a class feature.  There really should be a way to use gold to improve your sanguineous sword independently of class level.  Multiclassing should be a reasonably-supported option.  The class itself certainly can still give benefits to the weapon. 

I'm not generally a fan on per-day limits.  If there's going to be a blood pool, I think the points should be tied up in an ability only while it's used.  You should be able to reclaim the blood that makes up the weapon (or whatever) when you're done with it.  Maybe a few abilities should permanently use blood, but then you should be able to refill your pool with blood from an enemy or something. 

The class really needs a wider variety of options.  Maybe look into more stuff you can do with blood besides use it as a weapon.  A few ideas are sense the position of enemies by attuning yourself to their blood, gain immunity to special attacks based on blood loss, vomit up a puddle of blood that acts as the grease spell, cause your blood to spatter onto anyone who attacks you and burn them, or draw sigils with your blood that replicate various glyph/symbol spells. 

Throwing a few extra dice of damage onto attacks is my least favorite ability for a melee class. 

The nauseated condition is much better to inflict than the sickened condition.  There's really no reason anyone would select weeping weapon (sickening) when weeping weapon (nauseating) is an option.  Also, neither one lists a duration.  Blood bolt doesn't specify an amount of damage. 

Offline Volfogg

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Thanks for the feedback!! I've gone ahead and made several changes/revisions. Please see above post for revised class.

Red = Revision/New
